
Fire Emblem: Warlord of Elibe (Oneshot)

Not so distant future game have evolved along with everything else. The main character had to give them up to his mental health. He started having dreams of a game that he played back on the Gameboy Advance. Fire Emblem. Countless visions of himself growing up as a nobleman. Getting mistreated and plotted against as a child he has had enough. He took the advice of his doctor. Doctor recommend he quit cold turkey anything fantasy based. She encouraged him to become active in sports again. With her help, he was able to relax once again. This all changed when a nightmare started to happen of a Dark voice calling in his dreams. "Brother I have found you. I will help you soon." What if it isn't a dream? What if he is being experimented on?

FrozenTide · Others
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9 Chs

Friends reconnect. My class is what?

Opening his notifications Jules saw an actual friend request that popped up.

"Snugglysquid.. isn't that Sean? It's been a few years. Accept."

Snugglysquid: welcome back from the dead!!👻 You gaming again or what? Don't tell me this is just you checking out the hardware again.

"Same old Sean." Jules paused as he tried to figure out what to say. "It's always better to go with the truth."

Frozentidez: I am back gaming. The Doctor cleared me. So I am just using my vacation time to enjoy myself. How's the Northwest treating yah?

Snugglysquid: It's good. No one to rp with, but it's whatever. So what game are you on? I am doing Mortal Kombat: Exodus.

Frozentidez: Playing Fire Emblem: Warlords. Has a lot of patches I think. The prologue was a little rough. I couldn't even open my inventory even after I finished the quest. 😵

Snugglysquid: Ouch. Hey sorry to stop have to let the dog in. But did you check your gear and see if it was even compatible with the game. Not if it could handle but if it worked properly.

(Snugglysquid is away from Dashboard.)

'Shit can't believe I made such a mistake. Let's see right quick.' Jules thought before going away from the system.

After going through his parts he checks the date for everything. Even though the diagnostics said it could work together. There was still some issue with the outdated tech. No updates to the drivers and small code missing. Nothing to stop one from playing, but issues would pile up.

'Maybe I should order some new parts? Wait, I did get the gifts from my old guild and a Walmart card from the doc for my birthday. But she said I couldn't spend it till I was completely cured. Well, she did say I was good so… Shit, I don't even know the balance on it. Let's check it now.'

Jules returned to the dashboard. Moving over he went to the financial application. Snugglywolf still wasn't back yet so he started going through the account cards. After totaling everything up he was sitting on 870,345.22 credits.

'They did a great job selling my gear and accounts not bad. I wonder how much I would have gotten for everything if I would have release the character Id as well.'

Due to law 3.25 individuals could sell the gear and items they had acquired for 30% of the value. Npc and Contracted players would act as if it was there's rightfully. The 70% that was losses went towards game developers having to re write the story if need be. The integrity of a unique item going to another race by mistake had disastrous effects. A few games were completely shut down do to it.

Gone were the days of thieves and account stealing. Unless you were able to get a players full bio make up as well as their psych settings. Id sell was the only way to get by that. Selling your Id banned you from the game permantly in most countries. For some that was too much.

"Screw it. I will release the Ids to the company to work in tandem with the guilds. For them to do as they wish. I can't even remember most of what I did."

Jules went about finishing the documents on that and remembered he needed to check the Walmart card. He was completely shocked when accessing it. An additional file downloaded as well.

(Good Job on making a full recovery. To commemorate this event here are some applications to help you ease back into your previous lifestyle.)

Below there was a list of discounted parts and some new hardware she recommended. A lot of this stuff would be damn near free considering the date. Spending an additional 30 minutes on that he had compiled a list of what was needed.

'Well, I wonder what Silent Echo will think of this? I will send him an email to look over the specs. I am a way to out of touch with what works anymore.'

SnugglySquid: Yo! I am back. How did everything go? Oh, wait I have an email. Did you release your Id to the company? Not going back to the old accounts?

FrozenTidez: Nah I can't really remember them that much. Hopefully, the company will do righty based on my logs and decisions.

SnugglySquid: Yeah they did great by you actually. Every now and then I went to pal around with your Character in WoW and I could barely tell a difference. Silent Echo sent me a message. Hold on right quick.

Jules didn't waste any time. He sent a message to his Doctor explaining his current concerns. Less than a minute later he had a chat request.

(Doctor Lita: Has sent a chat request.

"Accept. The doc uses chair technology, no way?"

Doctor Lita: Greetings. I will make this quick. Upgrade your sleep inhibitor. It will help with the complications. As far as your memory is concerned it will come back naturally. I am going over your medical report. Everything seems fine on the prelim results. I will have long term results later. I have a proposal. Allow me to upgrade your medical software part for your chair. This, in turn, will give me great results for my thesis as well as a more accurate diagnosis.

FrozenTidez: No problem Doc. Oh, thanks for the card. I went ahead and made a list of parts I would need from it and sent it to my friend. He should have it compiled soon and will let me know if it's a go or not. I will definitely add the medical parts as well.

Doctor Lita: Very well send him this contact info. It should help with the cost. I will be in touch later. Goodbye.

FrozenTidez: Goodbye doc.

Snuggly Squid: your doctor is really hot. She isn't on your friend list why?

FrozenTidez: Eh I don't know? Never thought about it. Never realized it either. I think she is single you want me to ask her for you.

Jules sent the information forward and responded to some other messages in his inbox that popped up.

SnugglySquid: No, I will pass. But you should. She has been inside your head for how long? Ten years or so. You won't find anyone else who knows you as well as she does. Anyway, check this out.

He then sent over a file with some video attached. Inside the video showed what he was assuming was Snugglys character kicking butt. The game looked way more graphic than its predecessor. After the five-minute video played, Snuggly looked at him with a goofy smile.

SnugglySquid: Good right? Come join when you have time.

Afterward, the two chitchatted for a few hours before the night grew late. They said there farewells and logged off.

"Knock, knock." A light tap was heard at the main door. It was a good thing Jules had his chair in the den. Otherwise, he would not have heard it at all.

"At least they have the decency to knock lightly and not like there the police at this time of night," Jules said as he walked to the door. Another tap greeted him as he placed his eyes at the peephole.

He was surprised to see the Doc at the door. She had a trench coat on and dark black boots on. In her hand was a small package no bigger than a forearm. Sweat dripped down her brow to the side of her face.

Opening the door Jules couldn't understand for the life of him why she would be here so late. He stared at her for a moment before gesturing her inside.

"Sorry for the late house call. I didn't want to risk your condition relapsing. I am glad you didn't stay online to long." Doctor Lita said. "Here this is a top of the line medical neuro scanner. This will work better than anything you can purchase currently."

Grabbing the box Jules was still surprised. "Umm Doc you know its late right? Couldn't this wait till morning?"

"It could not. I wanted this installed in your main network box tonight before you go to bed. With it you won't have to come to the office as much. I can give you evals at the dashboard setup. How are you feeling while I am here?"

Seeing the dazed look, she took the box back.

"I am doing fine actually. Better than earlier that's for sure. Would you like something to drink or eat?" Jules said as he headed to the kitchen. "I forgot my manners for a moment."

"No need. Let me set this up, then I will be out of your hair. I am sure you get enough of seeing me at the office most of the week." Doc Lita walked around to Jules den and started to open the package.

"Actually I never had a problem with that. Well, the reason for the visits yes. But the actual interaction between us wasn't so bad." Seeing her determine to install it, he walked away.

"You were very sympathetic to what was going on with me. Couldn't ask for a better medical doctor or life coach. If it wasn't for you, I have no idea where I would be after my nervous breakdown." Jules said from the kitchen.

Despite the fact, she said no, he had to grab some fruit and a bottle of water for her. Stepping into the den he watched as she moved about setting everything up really fast. He set the fruit near her as well as the water.

"Excuse me I have to take my medicine. Be back shortly." Jules said as he walked away.

Doctor Lita had already finished setting everything up. She was now checking the security on his chair. Everything was up to date for what it could handle but some more security will keep him safe.

'There that ot to do it.' Thinking to herself she didn't want to install spyware but Jules preliminary results were too scary. 'His synchro rate has grown even more so. With this neuro scanner hopefully, it will keep him calm enough that he doesn't decide to go to another Doctor. Or worse to keep him from bleeding out of this reality into that one. The hypnosis will only last so long.' Sitting down on her legs she thought what else she could do. "Huh. Did he set this here for me?"

Doc Lita reached over and grabbed the apples and sipped the water. 'You are too nice for your own good. In another life, this could have been better…. but then again, you would have been dead a few years ago along with the others if we didn't step in.' Stepping up Doc Lita walked out the room barely bumping into Jules.

"Sorry, Doc. Is everything okay? Oh here." Jules handed her a towel. "I notice you were most likely gonna work up a sweat. Here to clean up with."

"Um, thank you. Everything is set up. Your friend and I talked about your delivery it should be here mid-day tomorrow. If you have any trouble call me, as for the rest of the week don't worry about going to the office."

"Alright. Is everything ok?"

"Everything is fine. Just a little remodeling is all. When you come back it will look a little better. Oh before I forget, make sure you stay in shape. Just because you are returning back to games I don't want you coming into the office looking flabby and unkempt. It took us a long time to get you like this understand?" Doc Lita said sternly. She started walking to the door.

"Yeah, yeah I know. I wouldn't be able to stop working out if I tried. Besides considering how I make an income developing aerobic exercise. I don't think it would be smart too." Jules smiled warily as he watched her step out.

"Uh huh sure. Mr. Gai be careful you understand." Doc Lita said more serious than before.

"Of course. Promise." Jules said. 'Every time she makes that face with that tone it feels like I am talking to a monster. Shaking his goosebumps off Jules closed the door and went to his room.

"Here's to a goodnights sleep."

The moment Jules drifted to a deep sleep something he would never find out for a long time happened. Downstairs the neuro device did a scan of the room. The green light passed over every object of the room before retracting.

An influx of magic started to seep into the room. It focused on a small section of the room in a few seconds.

A magic circle appeared out of the case of the game. A person then stepped out. Even in the darkness, one could tell the person had a slim figure like that of a thief.. or a runner maybe.

'Ok, so the target should be upstairs. Need to make this fast! Can't believe the security they installed for this guy!' Moving over to the chair the thief took out a small laptop with a hex cord.

Moving over to start her work, she paused when she felt somewhat of a chill run up her spine.

Turning around she was greeted by Jules with his head down in a dazed state.

'What the hell is a newbie doing up? The magic field should stop him from awakening. For that matter how can he move in this zone?' The thief couldn't afford to wait any longer as she had to dodge a strike.

"Swoosh" the air from Jules' hand swiped out fiercely. This pushed the thief back a bit.

'If it wasn't for me dodging along with that force from that blow…' Looking to the side quickly she saw the distortion that followed his fingertips. 'I am at a disadvantage this way. No choice.' The thief then placed her hands in a diamond formation. "Gate open!"

Both she and Jules were transported. From the outside surroundings, they were near a set of ruins.

The thief had a standard catsuit. It was now made of thin leather with a cape, and three daggers attached to the hip. In her hands, she had a crossbow ready to fire.

It was not fired yet because she couldn't believe the sight in front of her. Jules had dark black robes on with a longsword attached to his hip. On his other hip was a tome chained to his side. His robes were opened in the front with bloody bandages but he looked to be fine.

"Ughh. What the hell?!" Jules had opened his eyes and looked around quickly. "Did I log back into the game again? Or am I dreaming?" He then looked and saw a woman pointing a crossbow at him.

"Say.. what's going on? You better not be one of those thieves."

"Fucking hell! I am gonna kick that bastards ass when I get back. There is nothing simple about this job." The thief took aim and fired the bolt.

"Fwoosh" the bolt sailed through the air and passed right by Jules' head.

"Oh what the?!" Jules exclaimed. A quick throb in his head alerted him that he had a weapon he could use. "Don't know who sword this is but whatever."

Stepping forward he slashed out in a quick arc to the outside with his right arm. From the sheathing of the sword, a small gale of energy traveled outward. The thief stepped to the side and made to discard her crossbow to use a dagger.

"Dammit." Grabbing her dagger she moved it just in time to meet with Jules sword.

"Ding" the two metals clanged off. She took a step back for better footing. Jules reached down to grab her crossbow.

"Gotcha idiot." The thief took a hard step forward to stab him as he reached down. Traveling down she didn't pay attention to the angle of his sword earlier.

Instead of pulling back for better form Jules had kept the blade extended. He feigned grabbing the crossbow to get her to take the bait. When she was in range he grabbed her hand and pulled her towards himself.

With the added momentum she felt the cold steel lodge deep in her side. Weird magical energy traveled up her side. She felt blood assail her throat or stomach acid. "Puff" she spat blood towards Jules' face. This resulted in him turning the blade and himself on instinct. Her side armor did not hold.

"Schlk," the sword passed right through her side and slashed her stomach open.

"Cough, this.. job … should not.. have ..be..n ..th…is h..ard." The thief said slowly. She fell backward onto her back.

Jules just watched as she tried to get her breath together. The alerts in his head, were driving him bonkers. She looked at him fiercely. Noticing his confusion she laughed.

"Heh hehe, you don't know what's going on do you?" She musters all her strength to speak. She wanted the last laugh if she was to die here. "You're the other prince of Bern fool!"

Black orbs poured out of her and traveled to Jules. Feeling another throb in his head, he reached his left hand out. A whitish-blue flame poured out engulfing the thief. She no longer bled out and her wounds had sealed up.

"What did you do to me?!" Why am I weaker?" The thief asked as she felt the pain go away.

With another throb, Jules started to wobble on his feet. The information came pouring in.

(Class Unlocked. Special addition content approved, combining classes.)

(Class: Dark Sword Lord)

(Sword ranked up to C)

(Tome ranked up to D)

(Level up)

'That solves it then guess I did log back in.' Jules looked at the thief in front of him. He then noticed a small window above her head.

(Thief Level 1)


'What the heck is spellbound? Ok, let's see what was that flame earlier? Got to think to figure this out. Focus on skills maybe that will help.'

(Asuryan Flame: Can be used with any tome. Does half damage when tome is not wielded. Special effect Spellbound- Places target under control. A strong opponent can rebel. Best used on low levels. Second effect: Sacrifice- Destroys the flesh of the target leaving only additional experience orbs.)

'Well, that's just neat. Definitely handy.' Jules looked back at the thief. "So you said I am a prince of Bern explain."

The info from the experience he received only gave surface thoughts from the fight earlier. Not much of anything else. The same as the bandits.

Happy reading. After every mission or day, I will try to write post-mission results like how the game was but.. I don't know still tweaking some things.

FrozenTidecreators' thoughts