
Final Fantasy: Crisis and Tranquility

In a world called Gaia. A different timeline has emerged, a foreigner from another world has arrived. With the strength of will and a faulty memory. Will he change the world? Or lead it to ruin far faster with the villain?

Khay_Cee_Padua · Video Games
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153 Chs

Chapter 137: Pokemon Battle

In Sinnoh, everyone was currently preparing for the championship league. And everyone was quite curious about them, especially because Cynthia was with them.

"You're really famous here eh?" Ramiel chuckled as the civilians that went to the arena were cheering for her.

"Too bad that they're gonna see you lose today." Ramiel had a smug smirk on his face and Cynthia huffed. "It won't be easy for any of you, that's for sure. Tatsumaki and Fubuki might just eliminate you because of your hubris." Cynthia quipped back.

"You just don't want me to kick your ass, my pachirisu is gonna be a world champion you know?" He smacked her ass and she blushed heavily.

"Oi! We're in public!" She glared at him and everyone around them started whispering, embarrassing her to no end.

"What? They can gossip all they want, you ashamed to say that you're mine?" He put his arm on her shoulder and she was speechless. "Y-yours? Who decided that?"

"Your body." He stimulated her nerves on her back and she let out a moan. "R-Ramiel... You bastard! I have a reputation to uphold!" She kicked him on his leg, but she winced. Feeling like she just hit a pillar of steel with her shin.

"Ahhh, you should know already that you shouldn't hit him with all your strength by now." Tifa looked at her in worry, because she could seriously break her shin in two by kicking him.

"So it's okay to kick me?" Ramiel raised a brow towards her and Tifa chuckled. "Only for those who want to, you're quite the tease after all." Tifa snorted and he sighed.

"That's right Ramiel, you're making fun of us too much. You should be a bit more romantic you know?" Tatsumaki fidgeted and she blushed like a tomato, imagining a little date.

"Hmmm, but won't you just get embarrassed Tatsumaki?" Ramiel poked her cheek while she was daydreaming and she slapped his hand away. "N-no I won't!"

"Well, he's right Tatsumaki... Ramiel's affection is really heavy you know?" Tifa smiled wryly and Ramiel went up to her, putting his arm around her waist and gave her a deep kiss. Smack dab right at the middle of a crowd.

"Awawawa, t-that's a bit too much." Tatsumaki was almost steaming from embarrassment. "Nee-san, I don't think it's a good idea to provoke him for some pda." Fubuki blushed as they saw them swap spit in the middle of the road.

"See? He does everything he wants no matter the circumstances after all." Tifa smiled and playfully hit him on the chest.

"E-enough of this, we should go to the arena now." Cynthia backed off a bit from them so she won't be identified with them, having lewd kisses in the middle of the street.

"Awww, don't be shy Cynthia. Come here to daddy, who cares if people talk shit about you? The ones who will complain are probably some 30 year old virgins who think you like them for buying your merch or something." Ramiel pulled everyone in beside him.

With his long arms, they all fitted around him and the men started cursing him for being a philandering bastard. "See? They're all jealous, if they're so envious. They should just make their own harem." He nodded sagely.

"Ramiel, it's not that easy to have one you know..." Tifa smiled wryly at his thought process. "It isn't, but if you can't. Why even covet one?" He shrugged and they thought that was true.

Everyone then got their badges checked at the arena except Tifa who was going to cheer them on. "Good luck everyone, I wish I can battle you all at the finals, but there can only be one." Cynthia waved goodbye and watched the matches with Tifa.

"Okay, let's see who our competitors are?" Ramiel checked the board for who were going to be fighting for the championship. "Ohhh, isn't that the squirt that Tatsumaki bullied?" Ramiel saw Paul who was supposed to be Ash's rival if he came to Sinnoh.

"Ahhh, that kid huh? The edgy one?" Fubuki remembered him and Tatsumaki squinted her eyes. "Who's he up against? He'd better pray that we don't meet. I'll give him an ass whooping that the entirety of Sinnoh will see." Tatsumaki's animosity was really bad.

"Why so angry though? It's just a kid like Gary, they're pretty much self absorbed cunts. Especially at that age, it's even worse because they're self emancipated." Ramiel chuckled and patted her head to calm her down.

"I don't know, just makes me want to kick his teeth in." Tatsumaki shrugged and she just couldn't forget diamond and pearl, her ego was quite large too.

"So you girls ready?" Ramiel smiled at them and they nodded, excited about the tournament. "I think it's a waste of time to fight these kids. But I guess it will be part of the experience." Fubuki chuckled.

"Yeah, why didn't you just order Jessie and James to like eliminate the others or something? They'll just be in the way." Tatsumaki thought it would be more convenient that way.

"Come on, we came here for the pokemon experience. It's already a disaster that we almost destroyed Sinnoh and Hoenn." Ramiel sighed and they nodded with a wry smile.

"Let's go, it seems I'm the first one to fight eh?" Ramiel smirked and he felt quite sorry about the kid he was going to show a hopeless battle.

"Good afternoon everyone! It is time for the pokemon championships! With the first battle, Ramiel from Sandgem town!" The announcer called for him.

"I guess I can smile and wave." Ramiel used his charm for publicity and the women were screaming like fangirls. Dividing the audience immediately, with men being hostile.

He then saw the kid that he was up against and smiled wryly. "Damn, he has such a determined face on. Well, I'm gonna teach you a harsh lesson in life at least. The world isn't fair kid." Ramiel shrugged.

"Torterra! Let's go!" The kid took out a torterra and it looked quite strong, he wasn't a punk that thought of joining the championship with a pikachu like Ash.

"Hmm, I guess you'll do chimecho." Ramiel released his flying chime and the people thought he was definitely kidding or something.

"Battle! Begin!" The announcer shouted and the audience were overwhelmed by cries of cheers for the kid to beat Ramiel up.

"Yare, it's hard being popular. Chimecho, use cosmic power and intimidate." Ramiel's flying chime started glowing brightly and its stats got buffed. It then sent a savage intent that was the opposite of its cute appearance, making the kid's torterra flinch.

"I-impossible, chimecho can't learn intimidate!" The kid was shocked to his core. "Torterra, use sunny day then solar beam!" The kid then compensated for the decreased attack with sunny day.

"Chimecho, growl, curse, confusion, disable, astonish, and finish it up with future sight." Ramiel laid down a list of orders that surprised the whole stadium.

The enemy torterra was only able to use sunny day, a wave of psychic energy then hit it and got confused, terrified as well, rampaging around while hurting itself.

"Torterra!" The kid wasn't able to do anything and suddenly, a thick bolt of lightning hit it right on the tree on its back. Finishing it off with a thunderclap.

"I-it seems torterra has fallen unconscious..." The announcer was shocked and the whole stadium went quiet. "Isn't that chimecho a bit too powerful?" She got confused because chimecho's weren't supposed to be that strong.

"Come on kid, show me the next one." Ramiel urged the kid who took back his torterra to a pokeball. Gritting his teeth, he threw the next one and it was an infernape.

"Hmm, then I'll switch with azurill." Ramiel patted Tifa's azurill and it pogoed around to the arena with its spherical tail.

"Infernape! Use close combat!" The kid gave his orders, thinking that Ramiel's azurill wasn't good at fighting in CQC.

"Azurill, combine dragon and iron tail." Ramiel quickly ordered and the cute little azurill charged right at the infernape. Smacking it right on the face with its tail.

"T-that's a dragon type move! That's impossible!" Everyone thought the same as the announcer and the kid's infernape flew right towards the wall of the arena, smashing through it.

"Sorry kid, but you're quite unlucky today. You're young, you could still participate on the next league after three years." Ramiel sighed and the kid glared at him.

"Don't underestimate me! Milotic, go!" Being a kid, he got impulsive and just continued on. Not really thinking about things rationally.

"Hah, I guess I'll just have to teach you the hard way. Pachirisu, go and show them why it's a good idea to give up." Ramiel ordered his pachirisu to enter the arena.

"Pachirisu!" It gave a spirited reply and started shadow boxing. "Mister... You're underestimating me too much! I'll show you that I'll be the champion!" The kid barked orders.

It used surf and a large amount of water appeared on the arena, showing off how strong his milotic was. "Pachirisu, use blue judge." Ramiel sighed and his pachirisu jumped to the skies.

It crackled and arced electricity on its body, the whole arena can smell the ozone coming from the high voltages it was emitting.

The skies turned dark and a storm cloud of lightning started to rain down over the whole city. Deafening thunderclaps making the kids cry.

"Pachirisu!" With a loud cry, lightning crawled all over the skies of Jubilife city and electricity in Sinnoh got cut off. The little squirrel's fur glowed a bright blue. Looking like a god of lightning and storms.

Lightning then fell down on the arena, a royal blue flash blinding everyone. Shaking the whole city, accompanied by thunder that shattered all the glass for miles.

When everybody opened their eyes, they saw that there was a massive crater of molten glass in the arena, with the only safe area was around Ramiel and the trainer with his milotic.

"H-hiiii!" The boy shrieked in terror and Ramiel's pachirisu was standing atop a pool of plasma, arcing electricity around its body. The intense heat around it continuing to melt the ground. Turning it into lava.

"I haven't got all day kid, just give up." Ramiel looked at him and the boy ran away from the stadium.

"T-this year's tournament is cancelled!" The announcer shouted in panic and a stampede almost happened from the mass panic.

Cynthia face palmed at their viewing area. "Is he an idiot? That would surely cancel the tournament..." Cynthia rolled her eyes and Tifa laughed dryly.

"I think he was going to fix the arena right after, but the announcer cancelled it too quickly." Tifa chuckled and they saw him pouting.

"Fuck, the announcer got ahead of me." Ramiel sighed and he fixed up the arena, though everyone was already getting evacuated.

Cynthia then came out of her viewing area with Tifa and pointed at him. "Are you an idiot!? Why the hell did you destroy the arena? Of course it will make everyone panic!" Cynthia shouted with righteous fury.

"Well, I thought a spectacle was going to be fun." Ramiel scratched his head in annoyance. "Yeah, that's right! How are we going to battle then?" Tatsumaki appeared with Fubuki as well and they chided him.

"Come on, like this crusty arena can handle our pokemon battle." Ramiel snorted and they squinted their eyes.

"I mean, that's true... But the tournament is cancelled now because of you." Fubuki pouted at him and Ramiel nodded.

"Fine, we'll settle this at a better place." Ramiel snapped his fingers and they got transported into the middle of nowhere. "Here, we'll battle for the championship here. The title doesn't matter anyways." He nodded sagely and the others sighed.

"You know, that doesn't work like that... Hah, he's a lost cause. Might as well have the battle here." Cynthia scratched her head and they prepared to have a battle.

After a quick rock paper scissors battle, their makeshift tournament was decided. Tatsumaki vs Fubuki and Ramiel vs Cynthia as the semi finals.

"Geh, him already?" Cynthia had a sour expression, she wasn't sure if she would be able to beat him even though they already trained. His pachirisu was just in another level, it was even stronger than lightning type legendaries.

"What? Gonna chicken out now?" Ramiel looked at her smugly and Cynthia squinted her eyes. "As if, I'm gonna beat you up!" She took out some lipstick and put some on, wanting to fight in style.

"Then let's start!" Ramiel took out his ralts and Cynthia took out her lucario, betting on the little blue pokemon's speed.

The two went into a stand off and Cynthia's lucario immediately powered up with aura, giving its from a light blue glow.

Ramiel's ralts emitted a green glow like the esper sisters and the ground around it started shaking from its immense psionic power.

"Ralts, go all out. Cynthia's prepared quite well for this battle." Ramiel smiled and Cynthia furrowed her brows.

Widening her eyes, she felt danger coming. "Lucario, dodge everything!" Cynthia cried out in urgency.

Her lucario immediately ran, around. And at its previous position, lightning fell down from the heavens like divine tribulation. "Tch, future sight!?" Cynthia gritted her teeth and hoped that her lucario could dodge.

Though her worries were not needed, with its control of aura that she painstakingly taught all of her pokemon. It was able to feel the dangerous attacks with its speed.

Every lightning strike was most likely an instant KO, striking the ground violently. The battlefield was electrified and electricity crackled around the entire arena. After nine strikes of lightning, the assault was finished just like tribulations and Cynthia's lucario stared at Ramiel's ralts, breathing in to calm itself.

"Ohhh, your lucario is quite amazing." Ramiel nodded in satisfaction at her pokemon's strength and Cynthia smiled. "Thank you very much, lucario. Use everything you've got!"

Her lucario nodded, but Ramiel's ralts wouldn't let that happen just like that. An earthquake suddenly shook the area and the ground was torn asunder. Massive rocks then started to levitate in the area, orbiting around the ralts.

"Tch, what a troublesome thing that is. Isn't that cheating?" Cynthia looked at the battlefield and Ramiel's ralts immediately took away her lucario's chances for mobility.

The lucario didn't lose hope though and started throwing aura spheres at the ralts. But it gave a smirk and the aura spheres stopped right in front of it.

Cynthia's lucario was shocked, the ralts lifting its arms and the aura spheres suddenly targeted it instead.

Thinking that it was a bad idea to dig underground, the lucario immediately backed off and its aura spheres exploded on the ground. Violent explosions of aura raised clouds of dust and lucario found itself on its weak side immediately.

"Lucario, dodge and weave! That much energy can't be used infinitely!" Cynthia trusted in her pokemon and it concentrated in dodging the violent onslaught.

"Ralts, increase the heat." The rubble that was orbiting around it crumbled into smaller stones and Cynthia paled. "Lucario! Hang in there!" She trusted that it was going to tire the ralts after the attack.

With its hands legs glowing a bright blue, Cynthia's lucario stood its ground. Ralts then raised its arms and the thousands of stones around it accelerated like bullets.

With a barrage of projectiles that broke the sound barrier, lucario's eyes glowed brightly. Enhancing its dynamic vision to the maximum.

Going in slow motion, the lucario began to parry and block the stones that came at it with all its might. Showcasing its martial prowess.

Running around, it dodged the hail of stones and used its arms and legs to redirect ones that were a bit too accurate.

Using extreme speed with a mix of force palms, the lucario survived the barrage and breathed in deeply. Calming its mind, focusing to the maximum for the battle.

Ralts nodded at the lucario and spread its arms sideways, the land shook and everything in sight started to lift into the air. "Lucario, prepare yourself. It's more energetic than I thought." Cynthia clicked her tongue.

Throwing a lucarionite at it and mega evolved. Her lucario did a tai chi movement and focused its energy for a hard battle.

The two pokemon went into a stand off once again, one side with overwhelming destructive power that follows its will. While the other, a master of aura and martial prowess.

Ralts suddenly disappeared from its position with a teleport, appearing behind lucario. With the latter's mastery of aura, it predicted the ralts and released a force palm.

The ralts clapped and an irresistible force escaped from its body. Annihilating everything around it in an omnidirectional pulse.

Their two attacks clashed and a shockwave exploded, shattering the ground between them. An earthquake following as the ground cracked.

Quickly teleporting away, ralts appeared back at the sky and released a heat pulse. Resulting in a massive temperature change around the area immediately.

Lucario coated itself with aura and punched the ground, pieces of rubble floating right around it. With quick blows, it sent the rubble towards its enemy.

A force field protected the ralts and the pieces of rubble stopped right in front of it. But with lucario's extreme speed, it travelled through stray rocks in the air and used them as footholds.

Arriving right in front of the ralts, it already prepared its attack and was charging a sphere of energy on its hands. Releasing it in front, a flash of light escaped from its hands. Using a flash cannon right at the ralts.

Ralts raised its hand and the beam of light got reflected. Lasers ricocheting around it, cutting through the ground like it was made of butter.

Lucario was still at the vicinity though, spinning in the air to gather momentum. A propulsion of aura got released from its foot while it gave an axe kick with all its might.

The ralts' barrier shattered and it softened the blow, but it got hit and was sent spiraling to the ground. Shattering the earth with its impact.

Cynthia smiled at the sight, but Lucario was still in the air. They heard a clap and ralts used planetary devastation. Gravity started to converge on lucario's location, the ground shook violently. Boulders, trees, earth. Everything slammed right at the pokemon and a massive sphere formed in the sky.

With a roar, ralts raised its hands and the air started to distort from the psionic energy. The spherical prison flew high into the sky and ralts moved its hands downwards like a conductor.

The planetoid started to drop and the underside of it burned from the friction, breaking the sound barrier. Looking like a meteor from the heavens that was about to cause untold calamity.

"Lucario! Substitute! Dig! Anything to get out of there!" Cynthia cried out. And inside of the prison of gravity and earth. Lucario used force palms to try to break out of the dense rock that was as hard as diamonds.

Gritting its teeth, it couldn't do anything. It coated itself with aura and used endure as a gambit. Reentering the atmosphere, the planetoid released an earth shattering shockwave that created hurricanes all around Sinnoh.

Like a shooting star, the burning planetoid quickly arrived back at the planet at a few kilometers per second. And when it impacted the ground, the ocean shook, the ground rippled like water, debris and molten rock flew to the skies.

Millions of tons of dust and rock flew to the skies, with the friction creating a bright red sky that looked like the dawn of the apocalypse. Tsunamis raged and typhoons blew. The impact created a deafening sound that made the populace of Sinnoh's lungs vibrate.

Legendary and mythical pokemon all around the world noticing the disastrous battle. With every guardian and neutral ones converging to stop the earth shattering fight.

Coughing, Cynthia squinted her eyes and checked Lucario's condition. Thinking that her pokemon might have died, she frowned heavily. But it was there, a small sliver of aura.

"Lucario! GO! Counter!" Cynthia shouted and lucario, with its last stand. Ran at Ramiel's ralts that was exhausted and panting.

Its legs felt like lead, its body felt like it shattered into a million pieces. But it heard its master and ran towards ralts with all its might. Its eyes glowing a bright blue, determination to win can be seen on its orbs.

Focusing every bit of aura on its fist, it delivered a punch right at Ramiel's ralts. But a barrier stood between them, Ramiel's ralts also having its last stand against the enemy.

Lucario devolved from its mega evolution and it felt its body collapse. Its sight going into slow motion, seeing Ramiel's ralts in its sight. The world spun and it felt like all of its bones fractured into dust.

With the light starting to dim, it was about to go unconscious. But it heard its master's cheer of victory. "Its all you Lucario!"

Gritting its teeth, it roared and maneuvered itself behind the ralts. Noticing that the barrier was just focused up front. With its last sliver of energy, it self destructed with an aura sphere. Creating an explosion as its last attack.

Tatsumaki and Fubuki who were officiating the match raised their hands and put it down. "Both are unable to continue!" Cynthia went wide eyed and she smiled. "Lucario! You did it!" She ran towards them and saw that lucario was half dead while Ramiel's ralts just went unconscious with heavy injuries.

"Hah, that was a splenid match." Ramiel smiled and healed them up. "Lucario, buddy. You did well." Cynthia smiled and the exhilarating match made her blood boil.

"So, how about it? We duke it out with our signature ones? There's a lot of observers here now too." Ramiel pointed at the skies and there were tons of legendaries that went to the area to see what was happening and stop it.

Lugia, ho-oh, the legendary beasts, legendary birds, mew, celebi, lake guardians, regigigas and the other gigas, etc. They were watching what they would do, but Ramiel stopped them from interfering.

"Huh, I guess we could only afford one more battle huh?" Cynthia took out her garchomp and Ramiel let his pachirisu down from his shoulder.

The two stared at each other, with garchomp leaking its draconic aura in spades while Ramiel's pachirisu began to charge up electricity. The skies turning dark and a lightning storm covering Sinnoh.

"Pachirisu, use rain dance." Ramiel ordered and it started raining. Sinnoh got covered by a super typhoon and pachirisu was the eye of the storm.

"Garchomp, use dragon dance." Cynthia ordered and her garchomp buffed itself to the maximum with dragon dance. An aura of a dragon coating its body as she roared.

"Let's start with a bang shall we? Draco meteor!" Cynthia shouted with a grin and meteors fell down from the sky. Coated by draconic aura, massive rocks crashed on the ground and almost split Sinnoh's landmass.

Volcanoes exploded as the titanic tectonic plates got disturbed. Worldwide earthquakes shook the planet and regigigas stabilized the plates by pulling on it with a rope.

But after the dust settled, Cynthia was shocked to her core. Seeing an unbelievable scene right in front of her. (pic)

"Ahhh, did I tell you? Pachirisu is already a world champion." Ramiel smirked and his pachirisu was holding one of the meteors above its head without a scratch. Electricity arcing around its fur, lightning then struck down right at pachirisu and it was charged up.

Cynthia immediately threw a garchompite at her pokemon and it mega evolved. Its arms turning into scythes with its blades having a crimson hue.

"Pachirisu, use raijin mode." Ramiel ordered and the storm that was dispersed by the meteors came back full force. Sinnoh was bathed in lightning, with the inhabitants thinking it was the end of the world.

His pachirisu howled and a deafening thunderclap roared to the heavens, electricity siphoned to his pachirisu and it glowed an ethereal blue, looking like it was made entirely of lightning.

Energy crackled, plasma glassed the ground, and the heavy smell of ozone dominated the battlefield. "Tch, what an overpowered bastard." Cynthia bit her lip and could feel the rolling waves of power on his pachirisu.

Electricity covered the whole area, razing everything to the ground with the violent arcs of electricity that flowed.

"Garchomp! Dragon breath!" Cynthia wanted the first strike and her garchomp breathed in deeply. With a shockwave escaping from its mouth, a black beam of draconic energy escaped like a beam.

"Pachirisu, lightning cannon." Ramiel calmly ordered and a thick blue laser of lightning was fired from the squirrel's mouth.

The two breath attacks clashed at the middle and it seemed to devour each other. With silhouettes of dragons on garchomp's beam while pachirisu's blue attack arced violently and a buzz in the air was heard.

Lightning and draconic energy spread everywhere, the two sides creating different environments. Pachirisu's lightning turned everything to molten glass while garchomp's dragon breath vaporized everything it came contact with.

"Pachirisu! Use aspect of lightning." Pachirisu jumped into the air and it shaped lightning like clay, molding it into a giant made of lightning. Blue lightning formed into a tall humanoid construct that towered skyscrapers, looking down on the ground like a god of lightning.

"W-what the hell is that?" Cynthia could only laugh and ordered a dragon pulse accompanied by a hyper beam to try and stop whatever it was going to do.

Raising its hand, the titan's hand was struck by lightning and a spear made of pure electricity formed. Throwing it at the sky, the clouds above gave it more power and Cynthia was able to see a blue twinkling light that was falling from the sky like divine judgement.

"Now! Use hyperbeam first!" Cynthia anxiously cried out and her garchomp fired a blast of pure heat at the blue twinkle in the sky.

Her garchomp's hyperbeam crashed right at the spear of lightning and the clash cleared out the skies. Showing the violent meeting of pure energy and electricity.

Lightning fell from the heavens and struck the oceans, like heralding the advent of a god. Fireballs of energy scattered to the lands and exploded on the territorial waters of Sinnoh.

Tidal waves crashed at the barriers on the ports, steam rising up to the skies. The depths crackling with energy.

The spear broke through the garchomp's hyperbeam and its trajectory was in a beeline for the pokemon. Cynthia's garchomp crouched on the ground and concentrated energy like a nuclear reactor that's going critical.

With a roar, it released a pulse of omnidirectional draconic energy. Struggling against the spear of lightning for hegemony.

Alas, it was too strong and it pierced through as well. Weakened, but piercing through the dragon pulse. Crashing onto the ground, a bright blue light blinded any witness.

The air stilled and the world seemed to go quiet for a split second. And right after, like a nuclear bomb went off. A fireball that could be seen from other regions raged and expanded. Consuming everything on its way in a fiery blaze.

A mushroom cloud shadowed the skies, dust and molten rocks falling from above. Then, the shockwave came. Obliterating anything in its wake, a heat wave travelling with it that lit everything flammable on fire for dozens of miles.

"Pachirisu, go in and use close combat!" Ramiel shouted, wanting to end the battles to fix the surroundings. The squirrel nodded at him and disappeared into wisps of crackles and blue light.

With a thunderous roar, lightning fell down on Cynthia's garchomp when pachirisu's fist hit it on the face. "Garchomp! Counter!" Cynthia desperately ordered.

But when it swung its scythe, cutting everything in its trajectory with a vacuum blade. Pachirisu already disappeared from its position, with a swing of its tail. It hit her garchomp at the back of the head and it was smashed on the ground like pancake.

Followed by lightning bolts that fell whenever pachirisu released a blow. Mounting Cynthia's garchomp, it gave an onslaught of blows with its little hands.

Lightning and thunder raging like an angry deity that gave her garchomp punishment. "Stop! Garchomp cannot continue!" Tatsumaki shouted out and pachirisu stopped its relentless attacks. Changing back to its normal form, going limp from the sudden decrease of energy.

"You did well." Cynthia nodded at her garchomp that weakly looked at her in shame. And right after she calmed down, receiving a pat on the head from Ramiel. She noticed that the world is in chaos.

"A-ahhh! I forgot the collateral damage!" Cynthia was too excited about pokemon battling that she didn't notice the immense damage they were doing.

"No worries, I've got a cheat for that." Ramiel sent a message to Bianca and she agreed to his request in erasing everyone's memory and fixing up the damages. In return, he'll spoil her with a lot of cake and sweets later.

In a blink of an eye, everything returned to what it was like before and the legendary pokemon around the area were dumbfounded. Wondering why the hell they were there.

"It's fine right? Ramiel, to catch anyone we can?" Fubuki's eyes sparkled and Tatsumaki was preparing her pokeballs to hunt them down.

"You may." Ramiel smiled and the esper sisters locked down the area immediately. Catching legendaries left and right.

Cynthia sighed in relief and Ramiel smiled at her. "I guess my world champion pachirisu is too strong for you eh?" He chuckled and she shrugged.

"You crazy bastard, its attack earlier with that giant of lightning was really scary. My garchomp was only able to protect itself by running away and coating itself with most of its aura." Cynthia got vexed that her garchomp that she raised since it was an egg got beaten to a pulp by a pachirisu of all things.

"Heh, skill issue." Ramiel smiled smugly and Cynthia rolled her eyes. "Whatever, I'll just train harder then!" She got annoyed and he patted her head to calm her down. "That's my girl." Ramiel smiled.

"Hmm, but what about Tatsumaki and Fubuki's battle? I guess it's cancelled too?" Tifa mused from the side and they looked at the esper sisters who were having a grand old time, catching legendaries.

"I think it's fine, they're having so much fun over there." Ramiel chuckled. "Hey! Go over there, shoo. This lugia is mine you know!" Tatsumaki was fighting against Fubuki for the legendaries.

"What!? I can't take ho-oh you know? It's the only one here, so I have to get the lugia!" Fubuki argued.

The regigigas then helped the lugia out of their control and started running away with the other regis. "Ahhh! Look at what you did! They're going to escape!" Fubuki flew over to them to catch them again.

"It's your fault for being greedy! I was here first!" Tatsumaki soon followed and they caught everything they could.

Ramiel sighed at their antics. "They're like kids that are fighting for hunting rights or something. Girls, there's plenty. Play nice and get what you can alright?" Ramiel shook his head.

"Those two are so energetic, hah. You beat me, but I'm still the champion, right?" Cynthia gave a smug smile at him and Ramiel snorted.

"You keep telling yourself that missy. You know and everyone here knows that I got you beat." Ramiel raised a brow at her and she winced.

"But you can't get in the world championships because you ain't a champion." She tried to one up him and he smiled at her. "Who do you think controls the leagues? Who initiated the tournament?"

Cynthia realized and she groaned. "You cheater, the league said that only champions and previous ones can join!" She stomped on the ground.

"Heh, money talks and it makes the world go spin round and round." Ramiel grinned at her and ruffled her hair.

"Come on everybody, let's go back to Eterna and have some dinner." Tifa clapped and they went back to Cynthia's house in Eterna.


After some time, the championship league in Kanto was underway and champions from all over the world travelled to the region in order to show off that they're the undisputed champion of champions.

And one unsavory individual had the gall to plan against the champions. Thinking of wiping them out all at once. "How's the specimen?" Giovanni asked his research team that was responsible in creating mewtwo.

"Stable, it has incredible powers. Most likely surpassing mew itself." The lead scientist reported with a smile and Giovanni smirked.

"With this, we can get rid of the champions in one fell swoop and control the world. Hurry up with the controlling device." Giovanni smiled at the capsule where mewtwo was stored and he thought it was fullproof.

He also contacted Jessie and James to help him for crowd control, create chaos and scatter the champions in order to pick them one by one, divide and conquer.

"Hehehe, finally. I will rule the whole world with you mewtwo. That Jessie and James definitely turned a new leaf." Giovanni laughed and he was excited for the tournament to start.


Thanks for reading everyone!

The people have spoken, next world will be FF XV. Thanks for participating in the poll, ciao.