
Final Fantasy: Crisis and Tranquility

In a world called Gaia. A different timeline has emerged, a foreigner from another world has arrived. With the strength of will and a faulty memory. Will he change the world? Or lead it to ruin far faster with the villain?

Khay_Cee_Padua · Video Games
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153 Chs

Chapter 136: Championship of Champions

Travelling to Hoenn with Ray, Ramiel team minus Cynthia who was in charge of team galactic's property in Sinnoh were arriving at the region where groudon and kyogre fought.

"I can see it already from here, those two sure are going at it." Tatsumaki whistled, seeing groudon spawn lava geysers and volcanoes which are slowly ramping up and turning into land. While kyogre froze the fiery attacks of groudon and causing tsunamis with its water attacks.

"At least they are protecting Hoenn, I guess that's Rapunzel's nigh indestructible moon stones at the shore?" Ramiel looked at the region and there is an impenetrable wall of black stones that were glowing blue.

"Those two are causing quite the trouble though." Tifa calculated the damage and if one of their attacks slipped in to Hoenn, billions of dollars of property damage would instantly be done.

"Ray, what about it girl? Do you want to beat the crap out of them?" Ramiel patted Ray and it shook its head, only observing the battle for now, waiting for something more drastic.

The team then flew to where team Samus were and they were all cheering for their own pokemon. Aqua and Elsa were cheering at kyogre while Samus and Rapunzel cheered on groudon.

"Ahem, what is the meaning of this?" Ramiel raised a brow at them and they were pleasantly surprised at his appearance there. "Can't you see? It's a kaiju battle! Look, it's like the monsterverse." Samus explained and Ramiel sighed.

It was confirmed that they summoned the two beings for entertainment. "You do know that those two can destroy this planet right? Make it uninhabitable?" Ramiel raised a brow at them and manaphy also implored them to stop the two.

"Look jirachi, that's daddy Ramiel." Rapunzel introduced jirachi to him and the cute little guy tilted its head. "Daddy? Hello daddy Ramiel!" It talked to them with its telepathy and his eyes twitched.

"D-daddy?" Ramiel was ignored and Rapunzel used jirachi as bait, which was super effective. "Yeah, isn't that right jirachi? He's your dad, he'll spoil you lots. Just like your little brother over there, manaphy." Rapunzel made the two wave at each other.

Ramiel was forced to give the jirachi some candy bars and a milkshake, defeated by jirachi's cuteness and innocence. Manaphy stared at him, so he also gave one to it. "You know what, I don't care anymore. So, are you guys going to catch them or not?"

He prepared a nice table where they can all sit and a tea party appeared out of nowhere. Making the people around them stare. "Manaphy, don't worry about those two. The sea based pokemon are all evacuated and they won't cause damage anywhere else except on their little bubble."

Manaphy was still a little anxious, fidgeting around. So he calmed it down and started serving tea to the group. "Un, we're gonna catch it. The only question is who is going to have them. There are only two after all." Samus announced.

"Shouldn't Elsa and Aqua get them? You already have deoxys and Rapunzel has jirachi." Tifa suggested and the two's eyes lit up.

"That does make sense... Well, not like I really want to have cool pokemon, I prefer the cute ones like my baby here." Rapunzel doted on jirachi.

"So, who gets kyogre? You and I prefer water based pokemon. Groudon doesn't really fit my style." Aqua looked towards Elsa. "Well, groudon is far more incompatible to my powers you know? I only use ice."

The two argued and Ramiel thought of a way to settle it between them. "How about let them pick?" He pointed at the weather duo. A massive hyperbeam from kyogre then hit the barrier that Rapunzel put up, scaring away the civilians.

"Now that you say it, that would be fair for them." Samus nodded at his suggestion and was preparing to beat them up.

"Wait, let them cook. I want to see their primal forms and then you guys step in." Ramiel observed the battle like he was in a cinema. Taking out some popcorn and sodas to enjoy with everyone.

"Hey, shouldn't we take control of those guys over there that are watching them fight? I'm pretty sure that's team magma and team aqua with their fervent expressions and all. Like they're about to bust a nut." Samus pointed at a group of people that were wearing blue and red.

"Oh yeah, that too. We're actually going to control the teams, we just got team galactic. We'll be giving it to a not really loyal group in team rocket back at Kanto. Though they're in Sinnoh right now." Ramiel shrugged.

"Okay, let's take care of them then." Samus stood up and she asked for the esper sisters for a little mind controlling.

The sisters glowed green for a moment and they completely scrambled their psyches. Mindfucking them to oblivion. "Okay, transfer all of your assets to this account." Ramiel gave them the orders and they returned to watching kyogre and groudon.

After more scuffles and clashes between the two, they started glowing brighter. Groudon roared and the vents on its body looked like magma was flowing in its veins. Meanwhile, kyogre began to freeze everything in its vicinity.

Volcanoes erupted from the bottom of the ocean and floated up to the surface from behind groudon, creating more ground. Molten rock making the water steam as it hardened.

Kyogre floated in the sky with a flap of its fins, tornadoes and hail of ice raging in its surroundings. Waves forming that were dozens of meters in height. Crashing onto groudon's molten lava trail from behind it.

"Hoh? So that's how they created land? Pretty primitive indeed, just like their primal selves." Samus observed their powers and documented them in her little bestiary.

Groudon and kyogre went into a standoff, disasters raging all over the ocean near Hoenn. With helicopters behind groudon, reporting the incident to the world news.

"We are currently seeing groudon and kyogre, they seem to be preparing for a battle! Hoenn might just disappear after their brutal clash!" The reporter risked her life for a juicy story.

They then saw Ramiel's group down below, close to all the action. Drinking some tea and eating popcorn.

"W-who are those guys?" The cameraman pointed to them and they waved to them. "We're famous, I'm gonna watch the news later." Rapunzel was excited to be in the news.

"Are they here to help Hoenn? They seem to have a legendary pokemon among them!" The reporter had hope, seeing Ray that was chilling amongst them.

"That's probably a live broadcast Rapunzel, you'd have to record the news so you could watch it. There's no youtube here after all." Ramiel chuckled at her antics.

"No way, how can I show them my cute jirachi then?" She was dismayed and Samus patted her on the back, she was already recording the news channel.

"Look guys, they're starting." Fubuki gestured them to pay attention. Kyogre pressed the attack because it was able to fly in the sky.

Multiple blue orbs floated beside it and they all fired ice beams at groudon. The beams hit and a massive cloud of steam appeared due to the heat.

While kyogre was floating, molten spears of rock suddenly sprang up from below. Forcing kyogre to dodge. Groudon then concentrated energy in its mouth and spit out fireballs that targeted the whale.

A blue shield blocked the fireballs that exploded like bombs. Creating turbulent waves that crashed right at Hoenn and destabilizing the helicopters.

After blocking, kyogre roared and the blue shield acted like a pulse. Cold spread everywhere and ice covered the waters around it.

Groudon got frozen by the attack, but it destroyed the ice surrounding it and tried spearing kyogre with more sharp rocks from below that cracked through the thick sheet of ice.

And with the massive amounts it was sending, kyogre couldn't dodge forever, getting hit right on its abdomen. "Ooh, that's gotta hurt." Aqua winced, though it didn't really pierce through its skin.

Kyogre fell to the waters and decided to swim in the depths. Gathering up momentum, it swam at absurd speed underwater. Suddenly springing up to the surface to tackle groudon.

Unable to see the strike, groudon fell on its back and kyogre fired multiple ice beams on it again. Massive temperature changes in the area were felt by the citizens of Hoenn.

"What is it little one? They're causing too much damage? Okay, it was getting entertaining. But I guess you're right. Ramiel, I think it's time, manaphy doesn't want to see them get seriously injured." Tifa looked at him and he nodded.

"Go on girls, do your thing I guess." Ramiel shrugged. "Come on, you two are the ones that are going to catch it right? We shouldn't help you with that." Samus looked at Aqua and Elsa who were staring at them for some help.

"Ahhh, I guess that makes sense." Elsa nodded, but she wasn't quite sure if her powers would work on kyogre and groudon. "Don't think about it, just blast them. It will work, I'm kinda sure." Aqua scratched her head.

"Well then, I guess we do have to work for it to catch them." Elsa stood up and started running, creating paths of ice like iceman. Sliding on them to get to the action.

Aqua took out her keyblade and disappeared into a corridor of darkness, appearing right at a nearby location that kyogre froze.

The two were too busy trying to wrestle each other and didn't notice something that was on the way towards them.

Elsa grunted and with a wave of her hand, groudon's molten land and volcanoes froze. "I'll leave kyogre to you Aqua!" She shouted out, preferring to immobilize groudon due to their elements.

"Thundaja!" Aqua started raining magic on kyogre, a barrage of lightning falling from the dark skies.

Kyogre howled, being electrified from the onslaught of lightning. While Elsa conjured pillars of ice that acted like pistons right at groudon. Beating the shit out of it with massive constructs.

The whale dropped from the skies and started to swam again, so Aqua started concentrating on a spell that will cause a lot of damage. "I hope you like this one. Flare!" A blue fireball appeared at the tip of her keyblade.

It flew towards the waters and after a few seconds, a massive explosion of fire magic rocked the ocean. A cavity huge cavity bubble appearing underwater. With the shockwave hitting kyogre which was much more effective underwater.

Kyogre's skin, muscles, and organs gave from the force and was heavily damaged from the impact. Going unconscious as it floated right back to the surface.

"I got it! Go on and finish yours up right there too!" Aqua called out to Elsa and she was dodging fireballs. "Roger, just give me a minute!" Sliding with her ice, she created more paths and confused groudon on where she was going to go.

Even though it had massive strength and powers, it was still an animal after all. And deciding for a finishing attack. She formed a gigantic iceberg right on top of its head.

Groudon tried taking it out with a fiery beam, but it was too resilient to heat. Because Elsa was reinforcing it with magic constantly. With an earthshattering impact, the huge mass of ice crashed at groudon and crushed it beneath the titanic weight.

The pokemon dropped to the ocean and after waiting for a while, it also floated right back up to the surface. Elsa wiped some sweat on her brow and she smiled at Aqua.

"Mission complete, let's haul their asses." Samus released some of her drones and they latched on to the two with hooks, pulling them to the shores.

"Good job you two, I guess we just need to let them pick on who their owner should be?" Ramiel healed them up and stimulated their brains so they could wake up.

Reverted back to their normal forms, when the two saw each other. They were about to power up again and try fighting again, but they were stopped by a shrill roar and an iron tail from Ray.

With shocked expressions, the weather duo saw the change on their sibling and it was incomparable. Ray was brimming with draconic energy and aura, making them docile immediately. Like siblings that got hit by the eldest one.

Ramiel also released palkia, giratina, and dialga. Palkia and dialga then started growling at them, like parents that were scolding children. While giratina just watched from the side, conjuring a black whip. Like a dad that was about to whoop their ass with a belt.

"Okay, okay, that's enough. Now, let them choose who're they going to be with." Ramiel stopped them and they stared at the two like they were telling them their punk asses were lucky.

Groudon pointed at Elsa because it felt that she was worthy to use its powers, besting it in combat. While kyogre was left with Aqua, they then put them in pokeballs and the whole fiasco was over.

"Finally, we have some cool pokemon too." Aqua was happy with the catch while Elsa thought of how to combine lava, fire, and brimstone to her fighting style.

"I think that's the end of it little guy." Ramiel patted Tifa's manaphy, but it stared at the ruined ocean that was like punk hazard.

"Ohh, that? Don't be sad, we'll fix it right away. Samus still has to return the water type pokemon back there after all." Ramiel started fixing the ocean with Tifa, removing the ice and lava. Stabilizing the ecosystem.

"Now, who's idea is it to summon these two? Hmmm? Samus isn't an expert in communing with the planet. Alexandra is in Kanto, while Aerith is busy having a vacation with Zack." Ramiel squinted his eyes.

They might be able to change back the surroundings, but the ruined ecosystem is too tall of an order for them. Samus might be able to fix it with tech, but she has to think of something and create it first before it could be fixed.

"It was her idea." They all pointed at Rapunzel and she was shocked at the blatant betrayal. "What!? But you guys agreed, I object to this backstabbing!"

"Yeah, but he asked who's idea it was. And it was yours." Aqua shrugged and Rapunzel did an orz. "Okay, jirachi. I'm gonna teach you something, if you do something that is reckless. You have to be punished for it. See how groudon and kyogre caused lots of damage?"

Ramiel took jirachi away from Rapunzel. "Un, it was scary." Jirachi nodded at him and he patted its head. "Yeah, that's all your mama's fault. So we need to punish her."

The girls cooed at what he was doing, looking like he was teaching his son a valuable lesson. "What are you gonna do to her papa?" Jirachi tilted its head and Ramiel sighed, accepting the title.

"We're gonna spank her real hard." Ramiel put Rapunzel on his lap and raised her dress, taking off her panties. "Ahh, Ramiel... We shouldn't take this too far you know?" Rapunzel went beet red from embarassment.

Especially because the other pokemon and jirachi were watching. Ramiel coated his hands with anti magic that came from his battle with Schwarz. He then whacked her butt a couple of times. Making Rapunzel squeal.

"Heh, your butt is all red like a tomato." Samus chuckled at her and she glared at everyone. "Now, because you guys didn't really do anything to stop it, even encouraging it. You'll receive half of what she got." Ramiel squinted his eyes at them and they paled.

"Heh, karma's a bastard as they say." Rapunzel gave them a grin while rubbing her butt with glowing hands. Though the pain wasn't going away at all.

"Tatsumaki! Fubuki! Hold them down!" Ramiel shouted and the esper sisters chained them down with telekinesis. Even making the ground tremble from the amount of force they were using.

While Ramiel caught Samus on his own, because Fubuki and Tatsumaki can't hold her down. "Now, accept your court martial peacefully, soldier." Ramiel took off her panties and Samus had a stone cold face on.

"I accept." She accepted her fate and Ramiel smacked her butt. "Ahhh! That's not fair, she's probably getting off of being spanked!" Rapunzel squinted her eyes.

"W-what are you talking about! Are you crazy! My ass is stinging like a motherfucker right now! I'm not a masochist!" Samus objected fiercely.

The others then got their punishment and they can't sit down for now due to their butts feeling like they were on fire.

"So, what are you gonna do next time?" Ramiel raised a brow at them. "We'll make it safer, we're sorry." They all apologized and he nodded.

"That's their punishment papa? Should I punish them too if they cause trouble?" Jirachi floated around him and watched on in interest.

"That's right, our little jirachi is such a genius. You already understand what to do." He patted it on the head and gave it some cookies.

"Geh, jirachi is going to be surveillance from now on. We can't cause a mess again." Rapunzel frowned and the others glared at her.

"Don't do something stupid again, jirachi will definitely wish that we feel this sensation again. It can alter reality to its will you know?" Samus warned her.

"Okay, work hard and be a champion okay? We're going to set up a world championship soon after we beat Sinnoh's league." Ramiel informed them and the girls started to make strategies about what they should do.

"Hah, those girls. They're having too much fun here, causing a kaiju battle. They should just go to the monsterverse and watch godzilla fight ghidorah or something." Ramiel sighed as they returned to Sinnoh.

Arriving at Eterna, they went to Cynthia's house and looked for her while the others started relaxing. Ramiel saw her completely exhausted, finishing up the paperwork that came from the transferring of team galactic's properties.

"Oh... You're back, I saw the news. You guys were clearly not afraid of letting the world know about you." Cynthia sighed at their antics. They were collecting legendary pokemon left and right. They're a hot topic in the internet right now.

"It's fine, they didn't get a close up of our faces anyway. You know, the usual powers." Ramiel shrugged and started helping her with the paperwork.

"Everything has been so hectic lately, is this how you live your life 24/7?" Cynthia raised a brow at him and Ramiel nodded. "Why do you think we came here for a vacation? We don't need to work, no major responsibilities. Just pure adventure and catching some pets."

"But isn't you slogan, you work you lose? Where did that go?" She chuckled and he sighed. "Well, you can't win them all, gotta sacrifice something for what you want." He speedran through the papers and Cynthia stared at him in envy.

"I wish I can finish these crappy papers that fast." She sighed and Ramiel cured her fatigue. "You can you know? Do you want to?" He smirked at her and Cynthia thought it was something suspicious.

"Why do you sound like you're selling me something? It's going to be ridiculous isn't it?" She was apprehensive about it because nothing about him is remotely normal.

"Yeah, I just give you a little bit of my DNA. Then you'll be immortal, tireless, and you'll be able to fight pokemons with your bare hands." He laughed and she rolled her eyes.

"I thought so, hmmm. Let me think about it for now." She yawned and leaned in on her table. "You can't sleep there, let me get you to your room." He carried her and she blushed a bit.

"Why thank you, it's your fault I'm tired in the first place." She remarked snidely and he snorted. "Like you didn't want to be a part of it. Good night then." He dropped her on her bed and gave her some natural energy to energize her completely when she wakes up.

"Hah, this was the most hectic day of my life. But it was pretty awesome." She remembered the battle with the creation trio and had a smile on her face.

"Oh no, I'm turning into an adrenaline junkie like them. I need to calm down and sleep." Cynthia closed her eyes and had a pleasant dream.

"Whew, today was quite action packed. What do you guys wanna eat?" Ramiel asked the others that were lazing around in the living room.

"Feels like a pizza day, can we have some pizza?" Tatsumaki smiled and missed the greasy goodness of pizza.

"Hmmm, how about a chicago deep dish? That's pretty nice, I can put tons of cheese in it too!" Ramiel imagined the pie that was swimming in sauce and cheese.

"That sounds good, can you make it for us. Pretty please?" Fubuki liked the idea. "Okay, one deep dish coming up." Ramiel went to the kitchen and Tifa helped him with it.

After expediting the cooking with some magic, he plated one pie each for them and made conversation. "So, what pokemon did you guys find?" He remembered that they went on a hunt.

"Un, I got a pretty good one. A metagross and a chansey." Tatsumaki was pleased with her catch. "I caught a rapidash and a lucario, it's uncomfortable to use alakazam as a ride after all." Fubuki explained.

"You got some pretty good ones, especially metagross and lucario. Those guys were always strong in the anime. Though where did you get a lost metagross in Sinnoh, Tatsumaki?" Ramiel checked Sinnoh and metagross isn't native there.

"I don't know, I just found it in the wild. Who am I to refuse the graces of getting one?" She shrugged and Tifa took out a cute little manta.

"Here's my mantyke, it's going to be manaphy's guardian. Aren't they cute?" Tifa smiled as the mantyke raised one of its fins as a greeting.

"She really likes them cute like that." Tatsumaki had a wry smile, but it was still overpowered due to their training and food.

"Go on and rest guys, we have a pretty big day tomorrow. We'll finish off the other gyms and then collaborate with the league for a world championship." Ramiel stood up and cleaned up the dishes.

He then called somebody. "Hello, boss? We're doing great! We're making a killing here in Jubilife city!" James answered the call while cooking, with Jessie handling the phone.

"That's great, but it's time for you guys to start doing something much grander. I've taken control of team galactic you see, they're scattered all over. Especially because Cyrus betrayed them." Ramiel smirked.

"R-really boss? You're going to give team galactic's property to us!?" Jessie was excited and she imagined a life of luxury.

"Yeah, and you're gonna report that to Giovanni. Say that you've created an offshoot of team rocket here in Sinnoh and Hoenn, because team magma and team aqua will also be giving their resources to me." Ramiel gave them what to do and they gulped.

"Boss, is this really fine? How are we going to take over team rocket?" James was quite worried because the scale of what they were doing just dawned onto them.

They were fine in just opening up a restaurant as cover and earn tons of money. But now, things just ramped up at a ridiculous level.

"Easy, Giovanni will be really pleased with this news. And he will turn you guys into high ranking officers of team rocket that is only second to his own. Then, he'll magically disappear like bubbles." Ramiel chuckled and the two gulped nervously.

"Alright boss, send us the files and we'll take care of it. We won't let you down!" Jessie was really excited and they were burning up with motivation to live a nice life without any worries.

"Good, when Giovanni is gone. Just continue in taking care of the businesses. Also, we're planning on a worldwide pokemon championship. Collaborate with every league that you can so they'll accept, bribe them or whatever to make sure they'll accept." Ramiel ended the call and they stared into space for a moment.

"We're gonna be rich! Wow, the boss will send us so much money. We can finally do what we want instead of being grunts for team rocket!" Jessie drooled as she imagined a mansion and just relaxing.

"Finally, I can get out of my family's influence. The boss is really a gift from arceus." James cried manly tears and was overjoyed at their independence now.

"Hehehe, the boss sure is generous. We gotta work hard so we can retire!" Meowth cheered and they eagerly waited for the cash from Ramiel.


At Cynthia's house, at the bathroom. Ramiel was soaking in the bathtub and relaxed. "Ahhh, baths really should be done after a hard day's work." He closed his eyes and enjoyed the warm water touching his skin.

He then heard a knock from the door and thought Tifa wanted to join him. "It's open, come on in." Ramiel gave a satisfied sigh and Cynthia's bathroom was pretty big anyways.

"Ahem, we've come to clean your back." Tatsumaki entered with Fubuki, already in towels. He eyed them from his peripherals and gestured for them to come.

"What's with this sudden development?" He smiled at them while he let his body melt into the tub. "Hmmm, we just wanted to thank you is all. Me and nee-san being together like this wouldn't be possible if we haven't met you after all."

Fubuki smiled at him and they started washing off so they could enter the bath with him. "Ahh, I forgot. I already washed my back you know? I can use telekinesis to reach it with a brush after all." Ramiel smiled wryly.

"T-that's fine, we'll just do this." Tatsumaki took off her towel and was quite embarrassed of her petite body. Fidgeting around as she entered the tub, scared to show off her physique.

"Why are you so ashamed Tatsumaki? You might be petite, but you have a good figure you know? Though it is quite weird that Fubuki is wildly different from you." Ramiel shrugged and Tatsumaki scooted over to him.

With the two at either side, they didn't know what should they do next. So he patted their heads and made them relax with a bit of natural energy.

"Relax, we're here in the bath to do so. Wash off fatigue and have a bit of skinship." He hugged their waists and they leaned into him a bit.

"Y-you're right, it's just... I don't really know how all of this works. The only person that I talk to most of the time is Fubuki and Blast. But the latter is mostly always missing. And you know what's up with me and Fubuki back then." Tatsumaki blew some bubbles in the tub.

"Nee-san, it's fine already. It can't be helped, especially with what happened back then." Fubuki sighed, now that she was an adult. She understood that their parents sold Tatsumaki to a lab in order to be experimented on.

"You guys came a long way huh? I guess you have a nice sibling relationship now, just like me and Alexandra?" He laughed and they choked on their saliva.

"N-not like that. You guys are a bit too close, especially Alexandra. That girl, she's obsessed over you, if someone badmouths you in front of her. She'll kill them on the spot." Tatsumaki thought his twin was insane.

And not just the obsessed type too, more of like the murder hobo type who would definitely be a crazy bitch without Ramiel in the scene. She shivered, thinking of what would happen if she didn't have Ramiel by her side.

"Yeah, I'm not attracted like that to my sister you know?" Fubuki chuckled and Ramiel laughed. "Hmm, that's true. Our dynamic is a bit weird."

They went quiet for a moment, just enjoying the atmosphere. "Well, I'm glad you two made up though. Look at you now, back then Tatsumaki would want to control everything that you would do and Fubuki was like a rebellious kid that wanted to one up the other."

Ramiel smiled at them and was pleased with their development. Fubuki blushed and wanted to forget that time where she was obsessed to defeat Tatsumaki and be better than her.

"Ohhh yeah, she even created that group. What's it called? Blizzard group?" Tatsumaki chuckled and Fubuki splashed some water on them from embarrassment.

"It was just a phase, i'm fine now." Fubuki huffed at them. "Hah, good times. Don't you guys want to return there though? Saitama might be unparalleled in strength, but he's unmotivated and can't get all the monsters as fast as you guys can."

"Hmmm, I do sometimes miss crushing monsters like a bug. But I'm much happier and fulfilled here, especially with Fubuki by my side." Tatsumaki sighed in satisfaction and Fubuki nodded at her.

"I don't know, sounds like you two will kiss each other or something." Ramiel laughed and they smacked him on the back.

"It's sibling love! You dork, not like your incestuous one." Tatsumaki huffed and Fubuki nodded furiously. "Hah, I don't know what got into that girl. Maybe I spoiled her a bit too much, well. No use thinking about it now."

"Yeah, and why are we talking about your sister who is your lover? Hmmm? You have two ladies who are naked around you right now." Fubuki huffed at him and pressed her chest on his arm.

"That's right, I am terribly sorry. How can I ask for forgiveness then?" Ramiel smirked at them and they gulped.

"Ahem, shouldn't you be the one thinking of how to make it up to us?" Tatsumaki gave him the side eye and left it to him, not really knowing what to do.

"I guess I did made you wait a bit too long." Ramiel started tracing their collarbones and his wet hands made it to their lower back, his fingers poking at their butt.

"You know, spanking the others earlier made me want to fondle one." He chuckled and the two blushed like tomatoes.

"What's with your hands? They feel so soft and warm, I thought they'd be rough with calluses or something." Tatsumaki felt his hand glide over their skin like butter.

"It's just like that I guess, all natural baby." He rubbed their stomach and the esper sisters started fidgeting. With some of Cynthia's items inside the bathroom started to float because of their unconscious use of psionic energy.

"Careful now, you might make Cynthia's house fly or something." Ramiel chuckled and his hands slowly crawled up to their bosom.

"Hngh, we can't help it. This is really stimulating, I feel like my brain is going on overdrive." Fubuki groaned and their signature green aura was starting to manifest.

"Calm down, or I won't continue you know?" He put his hands off of them and the two pouted at him. "Okay, fine. We'll consciously control it." Tatsumaki concentrated and the floating things around started to drop down.

"Good girls." He whispered in their ears and they folded from his deep voice resounding at their eardrums. "F-fuck, whisper to me more." Fubuki stared at him and he obliged.

"You like that? How about if it's accompanied by this?" With his dexterity, he massaged and fondled their chest's nerve endings, targeting it with precision.

"T-that's too much!" Tatsumaki closed her eyes tightly and she fidgeted around. "Now that I checked, you guys are much more sensitive. It's probably because of your psionic powers. How about we test that?"

He put Tatsumaki on his lap and she panicked a bit. "An experiment? What are you gonna do?" She was a bit apprehensive about it.

"Concentrate your psionic energy on your tongue." He tapped her head and her energy funneled to her tongue and lips.

Tracing her lips with his fingers, he made a small opening and gave her a kiss that made Tatsumaki melt onto him.

Slithering in with his tongue, Tatsumaki's was quickly overwhelmed by the wriggling muscle and her body started heating up.

"I see, it proves my hypothesis. Your psionic energy is related to your spirit and will, so when you use it this way. It enhances the sensation exponentially." Ramiel nodded in satisfaction and Tatsumaki was panting heavily.

"Wow, that's really interesting." Fubuki was watching from the side and she observed what to do, harnessing her energy on her whole body. She shyly gave a signal that it was her turn.

Putting Tatsumaki to the side for a little rest, Ramiel went behind Fubuki and used both of his hands to fondle her heavy melons.

"Ahhh, it's really effective~" A sweet moan escaped from her lips and Ramiel sucked on her neck, marking her with a little red bruise.

"It is, I already tested it. Now let's put it to use on you." Craning her neck towards him, he gave Fubuki a kiss and played with her sensitive cherries that were begging to be touched.

"Hngh! Ramiel... I feel weird." Fubuki looked between her legs and he flicked both of her rock hard nipples softly.

"Ahn~ S-something's coming!" Fubuki closed her eyes and arched her back from the pleasant sensation, her head feeling fuzzy and warm from the burst of pleasure.

"Wow, I'm going to use this more from now on. Your minds are much more suited for this, being a telepath gives you quite a strong mind when trained." He invaded their minds and made them feel his desires.

The two perked up when they felt it and a loop started to form, with the esper sisters connecting their minds to his. The two parties knowing what each other wants.

"S-such a pervert, so that's what you think right now huh?" Tatsumaki blushed from his desire to take them.

"Who's the pervert here? You guys came on to me while I'm taking a bath." Ramiel chuckled and he pulled them in. "Now that we're quite prepared, how about we start to have some fun yeah?"

The sisters gulped and they sent messages through telepathy. "He's going to indulge us in carnal desires Fubuki, we should prepare." Tatsumaki looked at her and Fubuki nodded.

Ramiel laughed and slid his hands to their rosebuds. "Of course I am, you're mine now after all."

__ Psychic Hell Storm __

Rubbing their slick cunts, a pool of psionic energy started to form around them that shared their emotions and sensations. Heightening their sexual and psychological satisfaction far higher than normal.

With a hiss, Tatsumaki and Fubuki frowned. Feeling his smooth hand rub their nether regions.

"Your fingers are so dexterous!" Tatsumaki cried out as she moaned.

"Ramiel, you gotta let us... Breathe!" Fubuki panted, their breaths hitching from the intense sensations.

Their minds and body received his intent that simply aroused them like no other.

"Doesn't it feel nice? Besides, we're just beginning. I'll need you to have some resistance to this." He grinned and started stroking their clit.

With a gasp, the esper sisters held on tightly to him and the bathroom started shaking.

"Oops, I already told you girls. You've gotta calm down." Ramiel kissed them to make them relax.

Putting hickeys on their pale and untouched bodies that were leaking energy.

And of course, their juices as well. "Look at how much of your lewd and slick juices are on my hands." He showed them his fingers and the two blushed like tomatoes.

"You didn't need to show us that..." They said in unison and hid their faces with their hands.

"How about I show you a little trick next?" Ramiel's fingers started vibrating and he slipped one inside of them.

Their eyes wide, the sisters moaned and objects around them got flattened like tin cans under a hydraulic press.

"Hmmm, we can't have that. I guess I'll need to compensate for the damages." Ramiel sighed and prevented their psionic energy from affecting the surroundings.

"Hah, hah. What was that?" Tatsumaki looked at him anxiously, her vagina contracting and relaxing at rapid intervals.

"That my dear, is an orgasm. I did tease you girls a lot. So how about we get to the meat of the operation?" He licked his fingers and they nodded at him with half lidded eyes.

"I guess starting with the big sister is quite poetic?" Ramiel chuckled and he took out a bed, drying them off from the water.

Putting Tatsumaki above his lap, Fubuki watched what was going to happen next with laser focus.

"T-this is embarrassing. You can't let Fubuki see it all!" Tatsumaki complained, huffing at him.

"But isn't it your job as her older sister to show how it's done?" Ramiel lied down and made Tatsumaki face Fubuki.

"Isn't that right, Fubuki?" He smirked and she nodded unconsciously. Tatsumaki's lips trembled, but she thought it made sense.

She got lifted right up and she panicked, feeling something hard and hot like it was a burning metal rod right underneath her.

"T-that... Can I have time to prepare myself? I don't think that will fit." Tatsumaki got anxious, seeing his strong member that twitched, lifting her up a bit.

"Oh my goodness... Is it really that strong? It even lifted nee-san..." Fubuki watched curiously. Agreeing with Tatsumaki that it won't fit.

"You know, the vagina can fit a whole baby in it right?" Ramiel calmly explained to Tatsumaki and she fidgeted.

"But that hurts right? It surely can, but you should be thinking if you should." Tatsumaki deadpanned at him and he chuckled.

"You're right, but I've got more tricks up my sleeve." He altered the properties of her body and made her muscles more elastic.

"What did you do?" She felt weird, but he showed it instead and lifted her small body up. Putting her entrance right at the tip of his cock.

"W-wait a minute! Ahhhn~" Tatsumaki tried to delay it a bit more, but he entered with a quick thrust.

"S-so hard and hot! I can feel your shape inside of me..." Tatsumaki shivered, uttering her words feverishly.

"Nee-san... That looks nice." Fubuki felt a bit lonely and started to rub herself while watching. Flooding her system with carnal pleasure with the sight.

"Fuck, that was really snug." Ramiel furrowed his brows at Tatsumaki's tight entrance.

"Move, I want to feel more." Tatsumaki sighed pleasantly, with a filled sensation. She wanted more stimulus.

Not needing any more words, he started pumping into her and stroked her insides with a nice rhythm.

"Hngh~ Your thick cock is contorting me!" Tatsumaki panted with a lewd expression on her face.

Wanting to savor the time, she enhanced her body with her psionic energy and controlled the muscles in her pussy.

"Tatsumaki, damn! You're really trying to suck me dry eh?" Ramiel had a daring smile and started to go faster.

He wasn't going to accept that she was the only one doing enhancements though.

Increasing the friction of their contact, Tatsumaki's nerves received tons more stimulation.

"Ramiel! Fuck! That feels so good! It's going to drive me crazy!" Her insides contracted and wriggled much more. Creating a strong vacuum.

"Here it comes Tatsumaki, shit!" Ramiel pulled down on her hips. His glans pushing right onto her cervix.

"Fill me up! Yes!" Tatsumaki gnashed her teeth, arching her back. Her pussy clamping on his penis.

Her psionic energy unleashed like a typhoon as her eyes glowed white. Just like her womb that got painted by his semen.

A wave of arousal covered the entire house and Ramiel almost failed to prevent it from covering the entire planet.

"Fuck, that was insane." Ramiel huffed and he made Tatsumaki lie down. Her psionic energy was running wild.

"Hah, hah." Fubuki who was playing with herself panted and she eyed Ramiel hungrily.

"Ramiel, I can't take it anymore." She pushed him on his back and straddled his hips.

"Ooh, did Tatsumaki's telepathic pulse arouse you that much?" Ramiel put his hands on her massive tits and started massaging them.

"Yes, now I need this delicious thing inside of me too." Fubuki handled his cock and aimed it right at her puckering hole.

With a swift downward thrust of her hips, Fubuki slammed his dick right inside. Hissing at the sudden foreign body.

"S-so hot. My pussy is giving way for your cock." Fubuki slowly moved her hips, getting used to the sensation.

"You're nice and snug too Fubuki, I'll enjoy you thoroughly." Ramiel put his hands on her plump butt and helped her swing her hips.

With Tatsumaki emitting a wave of energy that heightened arousal, Fubuki started slamming her hips on Ramiel.

Wet slapping resounding through the walls of Cynthia's bathroom.

"Fuck, fuck, so good! You're spreading me wide open!" Fubuki threw her head backwards while riding him.

Burying Ramiel's cock deep inside of her folds. His glans hitting her cervix every thrust for a delicious sensation that made Fubuki work even harder for it.

"You're going nice and fast Fubuki, fuck me that's good." Ramiel made her go even faster with his assistance.

"My pussy is twitching! I'm cumming! Give it to me inside Ramiel! I love it, shoot it inside! I'll take All of it." Fubuki put her hands on his chest for support.

With a sudden increase in speed, she made the Adamantite frame of the bed creak. If outside Ramiel's anti-psionic bubble. She would be causing apocalyptic earthquakes with every slam of her hips.

Ramiel smiled and put in work with his thrusts, finishing with a deep one. Inserting copious amounts of cum inside of Fubuki.

"Ahhhn~ So hot! I can feel it sloshing inside of me!" Fubuki froze on the spot, twitching from the blissful release.

"Damn, you two have such dangerous orgasms. It'd be earth shattering." Ramiel chuckled as he snapped his fingers, cleaning them up.

The two of them were satisfied though, resting now from the carnal pleasures they indulged in.

"Hmm, they're asleep... Quite the opposite no?" He sighed and looked around the bathroom.

"Yikes, Cynthia will kill me for this." Ramiel saw the bathtub was flattened. And the bath was basically destroyed.

"Hmmm? Well, well, well, who do we have here?" Ramiel looked towards the door and it was someone he didn't quite expect.

Cynthia flinched and she just stared at him. She got woken up by Tatsumaki's psionic pulse and she had her hands inside of her pants.

"T-this isn't what it looks like." Cynthia started making excuses and he sighed.

"Come on, Cynthia. That's clearly what it looks like. Sorry for the bath too, ahem... Their powers were a bit unstable." Ramiel sheepishly smiled, but she didn't care about that.

Looking at Fubuki and Tatsumaki's satisfied faces, she frowned. Ramiel seeing her at the door stopped her little fun after all.

"Come in, it's your bathroom though." Ramiel made her float right to him and she squeaked.

With her back right at him, he hugged her waist and sucked on her neck.

"Now, what were you doing at the door? Hmm? Tell me exactly." Ramiel teased her, gliding his hands over her inner thigh that excited her to no end.

"I... I was just seeing what's up." Cynthia frowned from his teasing.

'T-this guy, is he really reversing this on me? They were the ones having sex in my bathroom... Even destroying it.'

Cynthia squinted her eyes and resisted her arousal with all she can.

"Hoh? Then did you see? How we indulged in each other's body? You're such a dirty girl." Ramiel pinched her nipples and started rubbing her slit over her black pants.

"Hmmm~ fuck. Wait, n-not really. I just saw you guys finish." Cynthia bit her lip. But her sinful body didn't agree with her answer.

"Then why is your panties this wet?" Ramiel slid down her pants and showed her slick panties.

"T-that's because I got wet due to the water in the bath." Her breaths got deeper.

"Then let me check." Ramiel slid his fingers inside of her panties and Cynthia gasped.

Her wet and hot cunt twitched from the contact and Ramiel showed his fingers to her.

"It's slimy though, you're clearly lying. And bad girls need to be punished." He smirked and made his fingers vibrate.

Inserting them inside of her pussy, Cynthia hissed and she immediately came.

Putting her hand on his neck, Cynthia panted with her eyes dazed.

"Fuck it, I shouldn't do this in front of them. But fuck it." Cynthia faced him and began kissing him aggressively.

Ramiel put her on the bed and pumped his fingers inside of her. Making her purr and moan.

"You're all nice and ready. And I'm still unsatisfied, they passed out on me." Ramiel chuckled and spread her legs.

"Wait, calm down... I think that's gonna hurt." Cynthia went wide eyed as she saw his member.

"It's going to be fine, look at Tatsumaki." Ramiel snapped his fingers and helped Cynthia gain some more elasticity.

She wasn't as hardy as Tatsumaki in the first place, so he thought it was a good idea.

"F-fuck. It's spreading me wide!" Cynthia frowned at the foreign body.

Kissing her for a good minute, Cynthia calmed down and Ramiel started giving some slow thrusts.

"W-what if they wake up? Ahhn~" Cynthia looked at the sleeping esper sisters anxiously.

"If they will, then it would be more fun." Ramiel smirked and gave a deep pump.

"Ahhh! You crazy bastard, that's soooo good!" Cynthia cried out in pleasure. He raised her legs and was quite surprised by her flexibility. "You do yoga or something? I never expected that."

Cynthia raised a brow at him and snorted. "What? I like to take care of my health! Wait, what are you doing? You're folding me." Cynthia looked at her position.

"Ever heard of a mating press? It's a really good position for getting pregnant. It helps with insemination, retention of semen, etc. But don't worry, our genes are so incompatible right now that you can't get pregnant." He pressed on her legs from above and thrusted deeply.

"W-what~ Ahhn~ Fuck, you're in so deep! Harder, faster!" Cynthia really liked it and Ramiel obliged. Giving her a little boost to het body so she won't suffer any injuries from what he's about to give her.

With much stronger thrusts of his hip, Cynthia blushed from the lewd and wet sounds coming from her slick cunt as she came nonstop. Ramiel hitting her sensitive spots all the time with well angled movements.

"Ahhhh! T-this is driving me crazy! You bastard, you're going to make me addicted!" Cynthia's toes curled, her body was sweating. And she saw the smug smile he had on his face, making her feel frustrated.

Locking him in place with her legs, she pulled him in with her arms and started kissing him. "Am I not as good as Tatsumaki and Fubuki?" She managed to sound out even with her legs going limp from the carnal pleasure.

"No, not really. I'm just built different." He decided to make it more pleasurable for the both of them by using a telepathic link like with the esper sisters. And with the added friction on their contact.

Cynthia went wide eyed and she gritted her teeth, receiving such an electrifying pleasure that struck her core like lightning.

Drooling from her nonstop orgasm that got even much stronger, Cynthia scratched his back with her nails, but his skin was too hard. "Ooh fuck, ooh~ Give it to me Ramiel! Or I'm going to go insane!" Cynthia bit his shoulder.

"As you wish, my lady." Ramiel went in deep and filled her with baby batter. Cynthia could feel her womb inflate with his cum and wondered if that was normal. But the blissful tingling on her legs and nether region made her forget about it real quick.

Going limp, she panted on the bed and couldn't prevent his cum from escaping from her vagina. "T-that's a load you've got." Cynthia looked at his ball sack that was still full, wondering how was that possible.

"I told you, I'm built different. Phew, that was some nice exercise. Don't you think so?" He smiled at her and put the girls around him, creating a tangle of legs and limbs with them.

"Y-yeah, that's some exercise alright... I can't feel my legs." Cynthia tried moving her legs, but it was so pleasantly tired that she had a difficult time in moving them.

"Hmmm, I do hope you guys can last longer next time. I normally want the whole night to have some intimacy." Ramiel smirked at her and she thought that isn't feasible.

"Do you really think I can do that!? Look at these two, they're superhuman. But they went unconscious!" Cynthia pointed at Tatsumaki and Fubuki who were hugging him like a teddy bear.

"Well, we had sex with both our minds and bodies, if I did that with you... I think you'll really go insane." He smiled wryly and Cynthia winced, she got worried that she'll gas out instantly every time and would be in the sidelines right after next time. And that hurts her pride.

"I... I'll train! I'm gonna learn how to use aura! Couldn't you guys teach me or something?" She got anxious and Ramiel patted her head. "Don't worry Cynthia, I can do this anyways." Ramiel casted a curaga and regen on her.

"O-ohhh, that's neat. But I still want to last longer with my own effort." Cynthia looked up at him with determined eyes. "Heh, you're being really cute right now." Ramiel chuckled and kissed her forehead.

The door then opened and one Tifa who was watching things unfold smiled. "Ara, it seems that I was left out of the festivities." She clapped and smirked at Cynthia.

"T-tifa, is this fine with you?" Cynthia didn't know if she was upset or not. "Well, this is pretty standard procedure. Why wouldn't I? Though your stamina is quite lacking Cynthia. You wanted to learn aura right? I'll be in charge of your training for that."

She shrugged and Cynthia had a wry smile on her face. "And I saw your performance earlier, you just laid there like a fish. Let this big sister teach you some delicious techniques." Tifa licked her lips and Cynthia blushed like a tomato from embarrassment.

"Guh, she was watching how we're having sex earlier." She hid her face with her hands and Tifa took off her clothes. "Ramiel, that wasn't nearly enough right? We go at it for hours at the minimum after all." Tifa brushed her hands on her massive tits and they jiggled hypnotically.

"S-such sexual attractiveness." Cynthia's nose bled from Tifa's amazing sexiness and started to burn everything into her mind for future reference.

Tifa chuckled with Ramiel and they smiled at her. "You three are gonna learn today." Ramiel woke up the esper sisters and Tifa gladly helped to teach them some neat tricks that they could use in their arsenal.


Fixing the bathroom, everybody had refreshed expressions. Especially the newcomers. Their faces shining with post-coital glow.

"Hehehe, I felt like I am now able to output my full strength to new heights." Tatsumaki swung her legs on the table while they were having breakfast.

Earlier, experiencing such an intense climax made her power go haywire. And her subconscious mental blocks were lifted just like Mob's 100 percent.

And with it, came benefits of course. Along with Fubuki, they felt like they could now control the very fabric of reality with their psionic energy that's overflowing.

Even right now, they were creating a last resort move that they weren't able to do so from the past. Creating a maelstrom of psionic energy that literally erases physical traits by making atomic bonds unravel. And anything caught up in it will be overwhelmed by the violent energy they were collecting in their storage.

Basically a fuck you bomb that grew more powerful every second as they siphon their energy to a spherical cluster of psionic energy in their inventory. It was so nasty that Ramiel was sure it could even harm him quite heavily when it is suddenly appears out of nowhere.

"I'm glad you two are happy." Ramiel smiled at them while he was plating up more food on the table, wearing an apron.

"He's like a very good husband. You can't even tell that he's such a brute in bed." Cynthia pouted at him and Tifa laughed. "Right? Though you quite enjoy what he did to you last night." Tifa smirked and Cynthia blushed.

"Well, having duality like that isn't bad right?" She dug in and smiled brightly at Ramiel's Mako enriched food that gave it such a nice taste, accompanied by an energy boost.

"Then let's eat and train yeah? What are we gonna do here besides be pokemon masters?" Ramiel started eating as well and they were excited for the days to come.


The days went by and with Jessie and James working really hard, they were able to bribe and convince the different leagues all over the world to hold a worldwide pokemon championship.

And of course, it will be held in where everything started. Back at Kanto, which he thought was quite a fitting championship.

"Hmmm, I wonder if Ash will be in the championship?" Tatsumaki trained her pokemon in psychic battles and was strengthening their minds to the maximum.

Creating impenetrable mental shields that would make Eric, Magneto's helmet look like a fad. "I think he won't make it. Only champions or previous ones are able to compete, it says here in this pamphlet." Fubuki showed her the itinerary of the worldwide championship.

"Heh, too bad for him then. I guess he'll just have to compete for years again before he can win a championship." Tatsumaki shrugged and they trained diligently to battle against Ramiel's team of six.

His definite team was a cute line up of pachirisu, Tifa's azurill and budew, a floating wind chime, chimecho. Ralts, and a literal small beehive, combee.

"Combee-chan, can you give us some honey?" Tifa made some tea and combee's amazing honey was simply exquisite.

"I knew it, they definitely got that thing for some honey." Cynthia sighed, but she wasn't fooled by the cute little pokemons. They were like cute little plushies disguised, under their furry and cute appearances were monsters that can fight legendary pokemon.

"Cynthia, babe. Are you ready to hand over your title to me?" Ramiel smiled at her and she snorted. "You mean win? Of course I am, I'll beat you up you know?" Cynthia has been training like crazy with Tifa and she taught her pokemon in turn how to use aura.

It was the only thing she thought that could give them an edge against their absurd pokemon that were raised since they were caught to be absolute biological machines of war.

"Then it's about time to defeat the elite four here right? How about it, let's get on to it?" Ramiel smirked and Cynthia nodded, challenging his smug grin with a confident smile.

"Bring it on, you overpowered bastard." Cynthia burned with motivation and her aura coated her body, making Tifa nod in satisfaction at her expert use of it.

"Heh, that's it. Show me your motivation. Just like how you use your aura at night whenever I breed you." Ramiel laughed and she blushed. "That's different... You brute, drowning us in debauchery every night." She deadpanned at him and they began training again.


Thank you for reading everyone.

And one last time, though FF XV is probably decided by now. After this, the polls are closed. Please be reminded that if you voted already, you can ignore it! Thanks.



Boruto's dad