
Final Boss of the Multiverse

New Final Boss of the Multiverse With a mysterious past and an unknown future, our protagonist change from a simple man to a sociopathic monster who strives to reach the zenith. Is it to change his fate? To bring the pain he experienced onto others? Or is it simply destiny calling out to him? Follow his journey as he goes from a weak feebly mortal to a cruel god who will do anything to gain power, and don on the title of the "Final Boss of the Multiverse". AN: So hello, this novel suddenly got revived out of nowhere but yes, it's officially back once more and now its better than ever. New powers, new cheats, no more Braun Legion, how will our Giga Chad protagonist change his fate once more to become a menace to the whole multiverse? Will he strive as a one man army? Or will he gain new Braun Allies once more and return to the good ol' days of Braun domination, all of that and more in the Final Boss of the Multiverse And if you are confuse, this is the new refined version of FB and the old one can be found in my account, it's pretty trash but you'll get to know the Braun Legion and his op cheat. No, this is not a sequel, this is a rewrite, and no, IR won't get drop, I'll resume it later in like 10-20 days. (Welp, that's a lie) (Started in May 15, 2022 - 172nd day of writing, well technically no because I haven't written a chapter yet and only made the outlines, synopsis, tags, and find a cover so it should be May 16, 2022 - 173rd day of writing. And don't expect god like writing quality, I get lazy sometimes and just make a decent chapter, but fuck you, I write 4k words a day, so go suck my nuts, I don't give a shit if you hate me and my work, a thousand others will love it and you're just nothing but a single fucking ant, so go back to mommy and say you got bullied by God, yeah, I have a fucking god-complex, hate me more, it only empowers me further because I'm a sociopathic scumbag who thrived off others suffering, and yes, this is a joke... maybe.)

NoNameDeity · Anime & Comics
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215 Chs

Ch 60 – Seduction

(A Month Later)

'So, this is it.' Braun thought, his body floating above the clouds and under the bright blue sky right in front of a grand castle made of unknown pure white material, his clothes and hair fluttering with the strong winds but his eyes remained wide and open, it was as if the harsh winds didn't bother his exposed eyes.

Waving his arm, five cards manifest in front of him glowing an iridescent rainbow of lights like shining beacons of victory.

"The Undefeated King of the East, the Lucky King of the West, the All-Knowing King of the North, the Enlightened King of the South, and the Unrivaled King of the Central Continent, their might was unparalleled but I was simply stronger than them, nothing more, nothing less," Braun mutters as the five V Cards nears the invisible barrier protecting the whole kingdom and he watches the five make contact with the barrier, causing the five to form a V shape glowing entrance which he casually walks without a care.

Entering through the gateway of light, Braun successfully entered the kingdom of V, and with a simple search, he knew that V's real body was not within castle grounds and probably located in a subdimension, a different area, maybe not even in this planet but a faraway rock floating in the middle of "space" of this pocket dimension.

Landing both of his feet that were covered by his black leather shoes, he finds himself on top of the white ground and felt the material similar to smooth stone or marble, but the durability was indestructible, an easy application any decent reality warper would be able to achieve even with something as basic as Rule Bending, and now that he had a month to train to master his new power, a person could just wonder what he could currently do.

Walking through the numerous steps leading up to the castle gates, Braun glances around the empty castle with intrigued, but on the outside, his eyes remain cold and apathetic like a calm, unperturbed lake that can't be disturbed by even a meteor crashing down on it.

As his leather shoes tap on the white steps made of something akin to smooth stone or marble, the sound of the echoes of his footsteps spread throughout the whole kingdom, and information enters Braun's biological mind that was changed and enhanced beyond what a normal human brain, no, any biological brain that operates within normal limits could achieve.

'But even if I were to lose this brain or my real consciousness that lies safely in the ship, I have countless countermeasures that I could use, and some are perhaps even more beneficial by truly transforming myself into a consciousness base organism, but that's for later. Maybe when I lose my real brain modified by countless quirk crystals and other wacky concoctions, but that's nigh impossible considering I have countless countermeasures ready and installed.' Braun confidently thought, and his confidence wasn't based on just anything, he truly does have countless countermeasures constantly being made in his mind that basically made him simulate reality countless times per second.

Even the whole interaction with V has already been mapped out since weeks ago, a form of nigh-omniscience achieved through many years of evolution and development.

As he finally takes the last step and arrives in front of the golden gate, his body just phases through it and he finds himself within the castle itself.

Large hallways with chandeliers above acting as sources of light, a red carpet adorning the pure white ground, countless paintings of V running along the walls, and even previous Kings of the five continents, like the Greedy King of the East or the Loser King of the West.

'Loser King of the West, quite a great man that shows what a being could achieve with enough effort.' Braun thought, his hands running along the white walls and taking casual glances at the portraits of the kings around him with a blank stare.

From walking through the hallways and going up the stairs, countless portraits of numerous kings throughout thousands of years of history within this world, V could be considered a verifiable Creator God at this point.

'Maybe I'll help a civilization reach Type 3 in the next universe once Operation Temporal Virus Takeover ends and I could finally conquer this whole world once I have all the strings I need under my control to finally see the Multiversal God Space for myself.' Braun thought, his body halting in front of a black, void-like gateway that appears at the end of the spiral stairway, the void-like gateway fully contrasting with the pure white walls around it.

"So you're here, V," Braun mutters, his body walking through it with a nonchalant smirk and he finds himself in a black void room that appears to be in pure darkness but the floating black and white chessboard in the distance was still visible so the walls are just able to absorb 100% of the surrounding light to produce this void-like appearance.

Walking up to the chessboard, he manifests a gigantic black pawn behind him the size of a normal chair for him to sit on as he watches the area in front of him glitch for a split to show V appearing in full view in front of him, his appearance still remaining the same while a white pawn appears behind V to sit on.

"Congratulations Freidrich! I didn't expect you to arrive so soon, in just a month you went from a weak pyromancer to a reality warper, see, told you the power I will give you is beyond your wildest dreams," V said, his face showing a smug smirk as Braun only chuckles in response.

"So, it's the same old chess like last time, I would have thought it would be something more exhilarating like a fight but this would do. I already won once and winning again won't be so hard," Braun said, a confident smirk emerging on his face as a battle of minds and wits commence.

'He would probably be thinking, "How smart, Freidrich. I have been watching you closely since the first time you entered this world and I know how your mind works, I know your deepest and darkest secrets and how much of a psychopath you are." But sadly for him, you are just another pawn thinking they are a player.' Braun thought, his mind cold and calculating.

'How smart, Freidrich. I have been watching you closely since the first time you entered this world and I know how your mind works, I know your deepest and darkest secrets and how much of a psychopath you are.' V thought within his mind, a wide, shit-eating grin appearing on his mental avatar that resides in his mind as he thought he already has the win in the bag.

'I already know you can manipulate Victory just like me due to your avatar Vivy, and I know you plan to make contact with my real body when I kill your Vivy, but sadly for you, you're dealing with an old monster like me!' V thought, confident and already treating Braun like a fool.

"Well, before we start playing the game, don't you have something to say for yourself, Freidrich Braun?" V said, a smirk adorning his face as he leaned forward in midair like an invisible table was below his elbows acting as support.

"Hmm? What are you talking about?" Braun said, his body also leaning forwards as the tension in the air rises.

"Well, I guess I'll go first," V said, taking the first move and he moves a pawn forwards.

In response, he watches Braun's eyes glow violet while Vivy appears right beside them to stand on the sidelines and he finally moves his own pawn.

Continuing like normal, both players stayed silent, and by the time a minute passed, V's pieces are severely lacking and he was being pushed into a corner by Braun.

'He's probably thinking, "Even if he were to kill Vivy, my victory is assured upon contacting his real body, because if not, I would eventually win this fight and become his next avatar and I could trick him into allowing me to have contact with his real body and kill him." But unfortunately for you, I have you right under my palm and it seems like it's finally time to show you who has the upper hand!' V thought, his smirk widening as Braun's eyes looks at him with interest.

Snapping his fingers out of nowhere, Braun pukes out blood and both watch Vivy explode into countless shards of purple light.

"Kukuku, I finally figured it out Braun, you actually have Victory Manipulation! How shocking, to think you would have that ability under my nose, but sadly for you, you're mine!" V shouts as Braun look at him with wide eyes, the shock visible in his soul as V played along with Braun's schemes.

"H-how did you find out!" Braun shouts in disbelief, his arms and legs shaking in fear and he stands up, preparing to run away.

"Now now, we still have this fight to continue!" V shouts as he saw Braun show a small smirk for a split second when the purple light enters his avatar's body.

"W-wait! We could make a new deal! If I lose, I could work under you for a thousand years!" Braun shouts, pleading for his freedom.

"No no no, what I want is eternal servitude!" V shouts as he forced Braun to make his next move.

Without his Victory Manipulation, the tide of the battle quickly turned in V's favor, from eating his pawns, bishop, and even his queen, Braun was left desperate.

But out of nowhere, V watches Braun erupt into a howl of laughter when he felt his mind connecting with something.

"What is it?" V asked, but he already knew the answer.

"My victory," Braun said, a malicious grin appearing on his face as Braun stands up and walks over to V.

"Your real body… it's already under my control" Braun said as V's avatar suddenly halts its movement and V watches Braun walk up to him.

"Oh how magnificent it is, to have the God of this world under my very control," Braun said, his body standing right in front of V's avatar and watching Braun make his avatar stand up.

"A God for me to fully enjoy," Braun said, his face leaning forward and V felt his tongue and mouth meeting Braun's, their tongues colliding in a passionate kiss in an unexpected twist.

"You were really a fool, V. Being unrivaled for thousands of years has clouded your judgment, and now your nothing but my slave," Braun said as his eyes glowed violet while a line of saliva connects from the tip of their tongues upon stopping his kiss.

"You mean this?" V suddenly intercepted, his seemingly slaved body regaining the glow in his eyes while he raised his right arm to the air to manifest a spherical violet ball of light causing Braun's eyes to widen in shock.

"B-but how! I clearly felt that connection!" Braun shouts, his body tumbling down to the grounds while V smirks, his tongue savoring the taste of Braun's saliva.

"I'm thousands of years old boy, I'm smarter than you will ever be," V said, both of his irises suddenly turning into red hearts while he drops down to the ground to crawl forward towards the scared Braun.

As he crawls forward, V felt his heart thumping louder and louder, his face flushing a shade of red while his avatar's meat stick standing up like Mount Tai, and as he watches Braun back up to the wall and meets a dead end, his eyes turn into malicious slits while saliva trickles down his mouth.

"But being this old did make me feel lonely, so why don't you entertain me… mortal," V said, his body crawling on top of Braun and sitting over his crotch, and before you knew it, Braun's gigachad seduction move has appeared once more from Braun's previous incarnation, joining the multiversal gang of Instant Clean to bring untold horrors to the world, for the human mind could bring horrors that would make one feel as if they have read the creation of an eldritch being.

AN: This is 2066 words, you're welcome.

Now, was I too dumb to create another plan and just went with the first plan that came to mind? Definitely yes.

I just remembered the untold horrors I have written back in the old version for Final Boss of the Multiverse and holy fuck was I unhinged back then, but... I could definitely write an NSFW version of this if I really want to, to go back to my primal, carnal roots of sin that would show you one of the facets I have kept under wraps, for the fear of the beast awakening will leave one to dread in horror for its eldritch creations.

Just a side note, Braun and V are literal shotas right now so uh... Writing is hard, so send me some powerstones.

(June 20, 2022 – 208th day of writing)