
Chapter 16: The Mysterious Passage

"Lao Li, I found something."

Zhao Tiechui suddenly stopped the long knife that was constantly waving in his hand and shouted loudly.

"Oh, shall I come and see?"

Old Li's expression tightened, and he stepped in front of Zhao Tiechui and squatted down to check.

As far as the eye can see, under the soil opened by the long knife, a flat slate faintly appeared.

Old Li first groped with both hands, then leaned down, leaned his face on the stone surface, raised his hand and tapped lightly.

Including Lin Fan, everyone was staring at Old Li, not knowing what he wanted to do.

After a long time, Old Man Li slowly got up, his face could not hide his surprise and excitement, he pointed at the stone surface under his feet and said, "The ancient tomb is under here, please use the fighting spirit to break it open."

Zhao Tiechui nodded, and after a low drink, the khaki-colored fighting qi burst out, then rolled up the long knife, and slammed into the exposed stone surface vigorously.


With a loud bang, the originally flat slate was smashed into a five-inch crack by the violent fighting qi, but it did not break open.

Everyone was shocked, this place is really unusual, and the top hit of the fighters only broke a hole.

"Stone crushing!"

Feeling that the tiger's mouth was slightly numb, Zhao Tiechui felt ruthless in his heart, and even used his fighting skills, and once again raised his knife and slashed towards the stone surface.

After another loud noise, a fist-sized black hole appeared on the ground.

With the appearance of the black hole, everyone's eyes are looking towards the bottom of the stone cave.

The unremarkable black hole seems to be bottomless, without a trace of light, but there is a faint strange fragrance emanating from the hole.

"Everyone works together, as long as you break this stone, you can enter the ancient tomb."

Old Li looked surprised, and he couldn't wait to speak.

Seeing Old Li's face, Zhao Tiechui hesitated for a moment, then waved his hand and shouted at the same time, "Do it."

Except for Lin Fan and Old Li, the rest of the people started working together. For a while, they flew with the stone, and the majestic Dou Qi also flew out from time to time.

The black hole also expanded rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and at the same time, the fragrance became stronger and stronger.

Ten minutes later, with the efforts of everyone, the entrance of the stone cave expanded to a size of about a foot in diameter. It was pitch-black inside, and nothing was found.

"Captain, do you smell anything?"

Lin Fan frowned, glanced at the hole he just smashed, and said with some doubts.

"I smell it. It should be the fragrance of some flowers. It's not surprising that there are countless exotic flowers and plants in the Warcraft Mountains."

Despite what Zhao Tiechui said, Lin Fan still felt a little weird.

The fragrance came suddenly when the stone surface was smashed open, and the smell became stronger as the hole gradually expanded.

But the other people were all accustomed to it, and Lin Fan didn't want to ask any more questions, maybe he really was overthinking.

Under the gazes of everyone, Old Man Li first circled around the entrance of the cave, shrugged his nose, and then pondered for a while before saying, "Follow me down."

The mission of the Bloodblade Mercenary Group on this trip was to accompany Mr. Li to explore the ancient tomb. Naturally, they could not break the contract.

Although Lin Fan showed extraordinary strength, on the bright side, Zhao Tiehammer's peak cultivation was the strongest among all the people present, so he was the first to go down.

After Zhao Tiechui went down, he responded to Elder Li, and then Lin Fan and the others filed in.

As soon as he entered this place, Lin Fan realized that the strange fragrance had suddenly disappeared.

"It should really be the floral fragrance that Zhao Tiechui said."

Immediately, Lin Fan stopped thinking about it, and looked around with a few people.

Here is a stone room, except for the smooth and flat stone walls on all sides, there is nothing else.

There is no door on the wall, so the only way to enter is to break in from the top.

Seeing this scene, Lin Fan couldn't help but wonder again.

According to Ghost Shadow, the one buried here should be the master he said.

A character who has a soul as a slave, how can there be nothing in his tomb.

Looking back, he saw that Old Man Li was rubbing his index finger against the stone wall.

"Lao Li, have you found anything?"

At the same time, Mo Li also noticed Old Li's move and asked the question that Lin Fan wanted to ask.


Old Man Li nodded slowly, but did not stop his hand on the stone wall, and then said, "The main tomb is behind a certain stone wall, and the owner of the tomb created this stone room to confuse the sight.

We just need to break through this stone wall and we can find the main tomb. "

Mo Li patted the wall, and after feeling the slight pain in his palm, he said with a look of astonishment: "How is this possible, the stone cave above cost a lot of vindictive energy, this wall is much thicker than the top, it's not at all possible. Impossible to break open."

Old Li rubbed his fingers on the wall to himself. After rubbing on one wall for three minutes, he turned his head and walked to the other wall, continuing his previous actions, ignoring Mo Li at all.

After a few observations to no avail, they began to look at Old Man Li suspiciously, all wanting to know what medicine the old man was selling in the gourd.

The second wall rubbed for about the same amount of time as the first, and still nothing changed.

Li Lao turned a blind eye to the eyes around him, walked slowly to the third wall, and started to rub his index finger against the wall again.

"Captain, what the hell is this old man doing?

I think we might as well persuade him to go back early. "

Mo Li pointed at Old Man Li and whispered in Zhao Tiechui's ear.

"Well, I don't know either. I also want to go back, but if the employer doesn't speak, none of us can leave."

Zhao Tiechui looked at Old Li's back and shook his head. He was also curious as to what Old Man Li was doing.

At this time, Old Man Li suddenly retracted his finger, and just when everyone thought he was going to the last wall, he heard him say loudly, "This is it, the main tomb is behind this wall."

Hearing this, everyone ran to the wall, and after some groping, no one noticed any difference.

Old Man Li smiled slightly, then moved his palms together and slapped the wall continuously, until when he hit the right side, Old Man Li came to the wall, not knowing what he was listening to.

After a while, I saw Old Li press hard on the place where the ear was attached before.

With the sound of 'bang rumbling', the stone wall, which originally had no gaps, cracked from the middle for no reason, as if there were secret organs, and slowly opened to both sides, and a lacquered black hole appeared in front of everyone.

"Hahaha... I finally found it."

Old Li laughed, unable to restrain his excitement.

"This old man is really capable. This seemingly seamless wall was actually opened by him."

Lin Fan couldn't help but glanced at Old Li a few times, and was secretly surprised. Combined with what the ghost said, this must be the so-called master's tomb.

I just don't know who is buried in such a secret place.

Then, Lin Fan followed the blood blade mercenary group to the front of the cave and looked at the black hole.

As far as the eye can see, it is pitch black, and nothing can be seen.

At this time, Mu Xue took out a moonstone with a soft glow from somewhere, held it in his hand and threw it twice, and then threw it into the hole.

After a few laps in the dark hole, the faint light suddenly disappeared.

Lin Fan frowned slightly: "It seems that this black hole is not a complete one."

"Whatever you do, just go in and have a look."

Old Man Li also took out a moonstone and held it in his hand, the excitement on his face did not diminish at all, and after speaking, he walked into the black hole.

Seeing this, Zhao Tiechui greeted, and several members of the Blood Blade Mercenary Group also took out the moonstone and quickly followed.