
Chapter 15: Tomb Search

"Miss Mu xue, your medicinal pill must be of the second rank.

I feel very comfortable now, as if I haven't been hurt at all. "

Mo Li waved his fists a few times, and after feeling his physical condition, he looked surprised.

"It's just some ordinary healing medicine, what kind of second-grade medicine pill is it?"

Mu Xue smiled slightly and turned to look at Zhao Tiechui, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, "Head, how do you feel?"

"Very good, I feel a lot more relaxed now, and it should be almost the same in a while.

This time, I really want to thank Miss Muxue."

Zhao Tiechui nodded with a grateful expression on his face.

It turned out that while Lin Fan was away, Mu Xue took out a few beige medicinal pills and distributed them to the severely injured people.

I thought it was just an ordinary healing medicine, but a few people were not polite.

But after taking it, I found out that what kind of healing medicine is this, it is clearly a first-grade medicine pill, or even a second-grade medicine.

If not, how could it have such an effect?

But the two old mercenaries whose back bones were twisted by the corpse python died heroically.

As soon as Lin Fan returned, he noticed the souls of the two sacrificed mercenaries. The color was very pale, and it should have disappeared soon.

For such a soul, Lin Fan didn't bother to swallow it at all.

It was only after swallowing the ghost figure that two soul powers were added, and the two of them probably wouldn't add half a soul power together.

Every cultivator in Dou Qi Continent has a corresponding soul cultivation base. I think it is because the cultivation base of these two people is not enough, so the soul cannot last for too long after death.

Looking back from the two souls, Lin Fan just turned around, but saw Mo Li who was alive and kicking, and was a little surprised.

"Brother Mo Li, did you vomit fake blood before?"

Immediately, Lin Fan couldn't help but ask curiously, he couldn't understand why this man who was seriously injured and vomited blood was cured so quickly.

"What did Brother Lin Fan say?

I was beaten by that snake tail because I was not strong enough, how can you say that I vomited fake blood. "

Mo Li clapped his chest and finished speaking aloud, then turned to look at Mu Xue, grinned and said, "Thanks to Sister Mu Xue's medicinal pill, otherwise, how could I have recovered so quickly."


Lin Fan snorted lightly and turned to look at Mu Xue.

When the other party mentioned the key weakness of the long-tailed corpse python before, Lin Fan already felt that she was a little unusual.

At this time, he took out the healing medicine, and the connection between the two is enough to show that the identity of this girl named Mu Xue is not simple.

Suddenly, Lin Fan seemed to be thinking of something. After thinking for a moment, he lowered his head and asked in a low voice, "I don't know what the Mu family in Jiama Holy City has to do with the girl?"

As soon as these words came out, Mu Xue was obviously taken aback for a moment, and then she whispered again with a smile on her face: "Brother Lin Fan, everyone has some secrets, right?


Mu Xue waved his palm in the air, and then continued: "But don't worry, I have no ill intentions towards everyone."

"If that's the case, I'm reckless."

Lin Fan smiled awkwardly, and naturally understood what Mu Xue meant, he was talking about killing the corpse python in the air.

However, this girl was able to take out the medicinal pills to save Zhao Tiechui and several others, which made Lin Fan feel relieved.

"Brother Lin Fan, I have something I don't know if I should talk about it or not."

Zhao Tiechui, who was sitting on the ground adjusting his breath, suddenly opened his mouth with a look of embarrassment on his face.

"The head of the group said it straight, everyone is brothers!"

Lin Fan smiled boldly, and he already had some guesses in his heart.

This Zhao Tiechui opened his mouth at this time, probably because of the python corpse.

Although it is the bottom of the second-order Warcraft, the long-tailed corpse python is full of treasures.

Aside from the second-order magic core that is very likely to be discovered, the countless hard scales on the whole body are a considerable wealth.

The fangs can be used as weapons, the snake gallbladder can be used to make medicine, and if you don't feel sick, even the meat can be eaten.

Zhao Tiechui looked at the two corpses lying on the ground for a while, then turned his head and said with a serious expression:

"The corpse of the corpse python, we can deal with it.

Of course, brother, you take the big head, and I will ask for some settlement expenses for the two brothers who died. "


Lin Fan didn't even think about it, so he refused without hesitation.

As soon as these words came out, even Mu Xue and Mo Li turned to look at Lin Fan.

On the other hand, Shao Gang had an even more bitter look on his face, and whispered in his mouth, "Scumbag!"

Shaogang was a little unhappy after being touched by Lin Fan at first.

But after Lin Fan beheaded the second-tier demon beast, he only dared to complain in his heart.

"Brother Lin Fan, I'm afraid this is a little bad."

Zhao Tiechui smiled bitterly, feeling a little disappointed, secretly thinking that he had seen the wrong person.

"I said no and no."

Lin Fan said in a very serious tone: "We killed the corpse python together, how can I take the big head.

How about this!

Divide the gold coins obtained from selling the magic core and other items into ten, each of the nine of us will take one, and the extra one will be used as the settlement fee for the two brothers. "


Zhao Tiechui seemed a little unsure and hesitated.

"What the hell, I won't look for the magic core, and I don't know what is valuable, you can arrange for someone to go."

After Lin Fan finished speaking, he turned around and walked to the side to sit on the floor, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

"Thank you brother!"

Zhao Tiechui clenched his fists at Lin Fan, then looked at Mo Li and said overjoyedly: "Ali, you go to dig the magic core, you must get all the valuables back."

"Yes, Captain!"

Mo Li took the lead and ran towards the corpse of the corpse python.

Half an hour later, Zhao Tiechui stood up, moved his muscles and bones, and then laughed loudly: "I'm 80% better, and I can go."

Hearing this, Old Man Li was the first to stand up.

Because more than half of the mercenary group had been killed or injured before, although he was anxious, it was not easy to show it.

It was only at this point that after Zhao Tiechui had adjusted his breath, Old Man Li showed his eagerness again.

Not long after, Mo Li, who had cleaned up the corpse of the corpse python, also returned panting with a sackcloth on his back.

"Head, find a second-order dark attribute magic core, the rest are in this bag, and there are still many scales that can't fit, it's too much."

"Okay, these are enough, greed is not bad."

Zhao Tiechui is not greedy, there are some things, just enough.

After arranging two injured old mercenaries to guard the place, Zhao Tiechui took Mo Li and three newcomers to protect Li Lao and slowly approached the big tree.

Although the long-tailed corpse python has been beheaded, several people are still very careful.

If there are any more magical beasts, the bloody mercenary group of damaged soldiers will not be able to withstand it.

Fortunately, what everyone was worried about did not happen. The closer you got to the tree, the thicker the fog became. When you got to the tree, the line of sight was severely blocked, and you could only see the distance of about one meter in front of you.

Lin Fan also recalled Big Big Wolf at this time and looked around.

"Lao Li, is this the place you were talking about?

But here, where is the tomb? "

Zhao Tiechui looked around and asked a question that everyone wanted to ask.

Although the fog is thick, it can be vaguely seen that there is a circle of weeds around the big tree, and there is no ancient tomb at all.

"If you can easily see it, can it be called an ancient tomb?"

As Mr. Li said, he took two steps forward, then squatted down and stretched out his hand to grope on the ground.

Not long after, Mr. Li seemed to have discovered something, got up and pointed at his feet and said, "It's here, I'm old and old, I would like to ask Captain Iron Hammer to help me dig the land here."

"It's a trivial matter, Old Man Li should step back so as not to accidentally hurt you."

After Zhao Tiechui readily agreed, he took the long knife to the position where Lao Lao stood before, and began to dig up the ground with the long knife.

Although a long knife is not as good as a shovel and other tools, but with the blessing of a grudge, the speed of digging is not slow.

As the land was gradually excavated, Lin Fan suddenly recalled what the ghost had said.

If there really is an ancient tomb here, then the owner of the tomb must be the owner of the ghost's mouth.

I just don't know why the tomb owner left a soul outside.