
Chapter 17: Endless Staircase

In the pitch-dark cave, several people walked slowly forward close to each other, and with the faint soft light emitted by the moonstone, it was possible to discern whether the road ahead was obstructed.


Zhao Tiechui, who was walking in the front, suddenly made a noise and stopped everyone behind him.

It turned out that in the position in front of him, a spiral downward stairs suddenly appeared.

I took a closer look with the moonstone, but I could only see a few steps.

Looking further down, it was pitch-dark, with a whistling wind blowing like a bottomless depth.

A huge and dark sense of oppression also swept over, shuddering, making several people's hair stand upright,

And the only female, Mu Xue, screamed.

"Don't be nervous, it's no big deal, it's just a little darker."

Zhao Tiechui tried his best to calm down and comfort a few people, but his eyes never left the steps, and he was obviously very nervous.

"The regiment... commander, you... you... say what will be below this place."

Mo Li was in a cold sweat, his eyes were blurry, his mind was confused, and he began to stutter when he spoke.

For a mercenary who often licks blood at the edge of a knife, death is not terrible, but this fear of "I am in the light, it is in the dark" makes them feel extremely timid.

Tombs, stone chambers, dark passages, bottomless steps spiraling down.

Putting these scattered pieces together, no doubt, they all give a hint of mystery and danger.

Not to mention Mo Li, even Lin Fan, a person who had seen ghosts and dealt with Huangquan Ghost Emperor, could not help but feel nervous at this time.

Old Li hasn't said a word since he discovered this place, and has been lowering his head in contemplation. At this time, when he saw a few people looking scared, he also shook his head: "Don't be afraid, this is just a tomb road that slopes downward. , and below is the main tomb."

After saying a sentence, Mr. Li took the lead to walk up the steps without waiting for everyone's reaction, and disappeared from everyone's field of vision in an instant.

"How can a dignified seven-footed man be so afraid, I will go down too.

If you are afraid, wait for me here. "

Zhao Tiechui gritted his teeth and walked up the steps.

Seeing this, Mo Li hurriedly followed, and shouted, "Head of the regiment, wait for me."

Not long after, the backs of the two were also drowned in darkness.

At this point, there are only three new people left at the entrance and exit of the steps.

"I'll just wait for the head of the regiment here, you can do it yourself."

Shao Gang was the first to speak out, then turned around and walked a few steps away, a hint of insidiousness and cunning revealed in the corners of his eyes.

"Miss Mu, go down and try?"

Lin Fan didn't pay any attention to Shaogang at all, but looked at the steps, looking eager to try. After all, there might be something he needed down there.

Hearing this, Mu Xue turned her head tremblingly to take a look, and then she shivered, "I...I...I'm afraid."


If the wooden girl can lend me a moonstone, I'll go down and see. "

Lin Fan really wanted to go on, but there was nothing that could be used for lighting, so he had to ask Mu Xue to speak.

This girl can come up with medicinal pills to save people, and it should be no problem to get a moonstone, after all, her identities are different.

However, this seemed trivial to Lin Fan, but Mu Xue hesitated, "If Lin Fan goes down, he and Shaogang will be left here.

Although Shao Gang rarely speaks, he can still see that he is not a good person, so what should he do. "

On the one hand, there are unknown dangers, and on the other hand, there are known bad guys. It seems that it is very uncomfortable to choose.

When Mu Xue hesitated, Shao Gang, who was not far away, suddenly walked over with a smirk, took out a moonstone and handed it to Lin Fan, "I'll give you a moonstone, go ahead, you don't have to pay it back."

Shao Gang's voice interrupted Mu Xue's contemplation.


Lin Fan smiled, reached out and took the moonstone, then turned to look at Mu Xue and asked, "Have you thought about it? Are you really going to stop?"

Mu Xue bit her lip, still hesitant.

Seeing this, Lin Fan shook his head slightly, turned and walked towards the steps, not intending to wait for Mu Xue to reply.

At first glance, Shaogang was not a good person. If Mu Xue stayed here, he would probably be bullied.

A girl who takes out medicinal pills as a gift at will, does not understand the truth of not revealing her wealth!

And it looks good and has a good figure, which is a naked temptation for anyone with bad thoughts.

However, even if Lin Fan wanted to help him, he had to be willing to do so.

"Wait, I...I'm going with you."

Just as Lin Fan stepped up the steps with one foot, Mu Xue's voice came from behind him.

"This girl is not stupid!"

With a compliment in his heart, Lin Fan smiled and turned his head: "Aren't you afraid?"

"Who... who said it, I'm not afraid."

"Who said you were afraid just now?"

"I don't know, it's not me anyway, hum!"

"Ha ha..."

Seeing the two figures gradually disappearing from the field of vision, Shao Gang's smile gradually faded, and his eyes became fierce. Don't be afraid of death. When you find out that all the spoils have been taken away by me, I don't know if you can still laugh.

It's a pity that Mu Xue, with good looks and stature, is still a little rich woman who carries medicinal pills with her.

If she doesn't go with the one named Lin Fan, then today will really be a bumper harvest, hahaha..."


On the steps, although Lin Fan felt that he was walking very fast, he still didn't find Zhao Tiechui.

Moreover, the steps seemed to be endless. After walking for at least fifteen minutes, it was still dark as far as the eye could see.

The more he went down, the more strange Lin Fan felt in his heart: "I walked down for about fifteen minutes, and even if I walked down twenty meters in one minute, I would have reached a position about three hundred meters underground at this time.

It is impossible for someone to build their own tomb 300 meters underground, and they have not yet reached the end of the steps.

So, this is not an ancient tomb.

So what is this place?

Why is there such a long ladder?

Where does this step lead? "

A series of question marks appeared in Lin Fan's mind, but he couldn't figure it out.

"Brother Lin Fan, why didn't you leave?"

The voice of Mu Xue came from behind, which awakened Lin Fan.

"Miss Muxue, do you think this place is a little strange?"


Mu Xue was stunned for a moment, then lowered her head to show a thoughtful expression.

Hearing what Lin Fan said, she really felt a little weird, but she couldn't tell what was weird.

Just when the two were suspicious, their eyes suddenly brightened.

It can be clearly seen that under the few steps at the foot, there is actually a stone room.

In the stone room, there are countless gold and silver utensils, pearls and precious stones piled up like a hill.

Mo Li was frantically stuffing gold coins into his arms.

Zhao Tiechui was holding a long knife made of jade and was fascinated.

The source of the light was because of the huge night pearl held by Old Man Li.

This scene shocked Mu Xue and Lin Fan at the same time.