
Chapter 14: The First Time

"Bad old man, very bad, I believe in you!"

Lin Fan exclaimed in his heart that he was fooled, "What enlightenment and control of the soul is completely a one-time item.

Failed the second time?

Just take out this thing and call yourself a ghost emperor?

Ridiculous! ! ! "

Suddenly, Lin Fan seemed to have remembered something, turned his head sharply, and then saw his face beaming with joy.

"Without the python soul, it's not bad to have you cleaned up."

As far as Lin Fan's eyes could see, a faint ghost appeared in his eyes.

I only cared about the python spirit just now, but I forgot about this ghost.

Although I don't know why he followed Zhao Tiechui, he should not be strong, otherwise, why would he retreat in fear when the Big Grey Wolf appeared.

But just to be on the safe side, Lin Fan still let Big Big Wolf lead the way.

As the gray wolf gradually approached, the ghost figure kept retreating.

After getting closer, Lin Fan finally saw that the ghost figure was a man of two decades.


Grey Wolf let out a low roar, and even more frightened the young ghost's legs trembled, with a look of panic on his face.

"Tell me, why did you come here, and why did you follow Zhao Tiechui?" Lin Fan touched his nose and asked.

Hearing this, the ghost figure took two steps forward, clasped his fists with both hands, and said:

"Master, my name is... Mei Renyao. I followed the caravan into the Demonic Beast Mountains a month ago, but got lost.

After walking here unknowingly, I encountered that monster. After being killed by it, it became like this, trapped here and unable to get out.

I followed that Zhao... Zhao..."

"Zhao Tiechui!"

"Oh, yes, Zhao Tiechui, I followed Zhao Tiechui because he is the strongest among you, so I want to go out after him."

After the ghost figure finished speaking carefully, he took another two steps forward, looking at Lin Fan with a look of fear, as if waiting for the hair to fall.

"What an unlucky fellow!"

Lin Fan shook his head, and then asked, "In other words, your soul hasn't dissipated after a month of death.

I don't know what strength you were when you were alive? "

"Master Hui, I was a three-star fighter when I was alive, but now my soul is the eight-dan fighting spirit.

And this month, I also felt that it was about to dissipate, so I was eager to go out and have a look. "

"Oh, I see."

Lin Fan lowered his head, feeling very confused.

This guy's soul cultivation level is not bad. Just a three-star fighter, his soul has already reached the eighth stage of Dou Qi, and this is still in the case of dissipating a month after his death.

But he was so unlucky and a little pitiful, which made Lin Fan a little unbearable to swallow him.

"Forget it, this guy is both unlucky and pitiful."

After thinking for a while, Lin Fan made up his mind, slowly raised his head and was about to let him go, but before he could say anything, he saw Mei Renyao's face suddenly change, and the previous fear in his eyes disappeared. In its place was hysterical madness.

"Take your life!"

After a roar, Mei Renyao rushed towards Lin Fan fiercely.

The distance was so close that Lin Fan couldn't dodge at all. He only had time to stare at him, and the ghostly shadow's skinny palm was already slapped on his chest.

All of this happened in the flash of light and flint, and when Big Big Wolf reacted, Lin Fan had already fallen to the ground and vomited blood.

In the distance, Zhao Tiechui and the others didn't notice the movement at all. They were all trying to recover from their injuries, let alone come to rescue Lin Fan.

After a successful blow, Ghost Shadow raised his palm again and aimed it at Lin Fan's head.

At this time, the gray wolf also rushed over fiercely, but looking at its speed, I am afraid it is too late.


Ghost Ying laughed loudly, and seemed to have seen Lin Fan die with a headshot.

However, the next moment.

Between Lin Fan and the ghost shadow, a huge gray wolf shadow suddenly appeared.


The wolf shadow received a slap from the ghost shadow, and cried out in pain.

But it still reluctantly guarded Lin Fan, unmoving.

The ghost was stunned for a moment, he admitted that he had calculated the distance, and the wolf soul behind him could not come to the rescue at all.

"This... does this guy still have a wolf soul?

It must be so, this guy must have two wolf souls,"

Looking at the wolf shadow in front of him, the ghost shadow turned around slowly in disbelief, and then, even more surprised.

Because he found that the wolf soul behind him had disappeared without knowing when.

At this time, Lin Fan's forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat.

"The scene just now is really dangerous. If you react slower, you will be seriously injured even if you don't die."

It turned out that between the lightning and flint just now, Lin Fan hurriedly recalled Hui Tailang and released it in an instant, which made Hui Tailang block a fatal blow for him.

Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Lin Fan slowly stood up, "I wanted to let you go, but you wanted to die, no wonder I."

Then, Lin Fan's thoughts moved, and the big gray wolf roared like a ghost.

Although Gray Wolf suffered some injuries, he was still able to deal with an eighth-dan Dou Qi soul with ease.

After less than two rounds of fighting, Big Wolf seized a flaw in the ghost, and slapped it to the ground with one claws, with a bloody mouth wide open, ready to bite down.

"Wait a minute."

Lin Fan hurriedly stopped, then quickly stepped forward, staring at the grinning ghost on the ground: "Tell me, why do you do this."

"Those who peep at the master's relics should be damned."

Ghost shadow looked angry, and looked directly at Lin Fan with resentful eyes.

"It's a lot of nonsense.

Although I don't know who your master is.

But now, what I want to tell you is that in no time you will be the cornerstone on my path to becoming stronger, and I hope you can be proud of it. "

After Lin Fan finished speaking, he smiled jokingly, and then slowly stretched out his hand and placed it on Ghost Shadow's temple.

"It's the first time to use Soul Eater, I don't know how it feels."

With the operation of the exercise, the ghost's body seemed to be evaporated, gradually fading, and a trace of black gas emerged, and finally converged on Lin Fan's palm.

It didn't take long for the ghost's body to gradually become transparent until it disappeared.


Lin Fan let out a long sigh and sat on the spot with his knees crossed. According to the exercises mentioned above, it needs to be refined before it can really be considered as complete swallowing.

After a while, Lin Fan only felt a slight swelling in his lower abdomen, and then a numbness swept through his body, as if pulling his soul. With a slight movement, his soul trembled.

That shivering feeling from the depths of the soul, very comfortable, very refreshing...

It didn't take long for the numbness to disappear, and the voice of Huangquan Ghost Emperor resounded in Lin Fan's mind.

"Hahaha...Congratulations, you succeeded in swallowing your soul for the first time.

Don't be surprised, this is just a thought that I have sealed in your soul.

After sensing that you have started cultivating Soul Eater, the seal will be lifted on its own.

Different from the realm of this continent, we divide the realm by soul power. The soul you just swallowed has added two soul powers to you, which is equivalent to the two stages of Dou Qi here.

You need to constantly devour your soul in order to become stronger.

After you have soul power, you can start to practice some simple ghost arts, don't underestimate them, that's the foundation of your foothold on this continent.

I'm running out of time, you must remember to find the medicinal herbs for me to restore your soul, and you must remember..."

Before Lin Fan could ask about the python soul, the voice of Huang Quan Ghost Emperor disappeared.

"Forget it, wait until next time to ask, let's see what ghost art is now."

Immediately, Lin Fan began to sort out a large amount of information in his mind, in order to filter out the ghost techniques suitable for him to practice at this time...