
Chapter 11: Go to Warcraft Mountains

In the early morning of the next day, pale white mist shrouded the top of Xiao's Back Mountain.

Xiao Yan's feet were stuck into the soil like tree stumps, the long hair on his forehead was soaked with sweat, and on his bare back, there were dense bruises, which were extremely miserable.

Yao Lao stood behind Xiao Yan, waving his palms constantly, one after another of pale red grudges hit Xiao Yan like a leather whip, making a crackling sound.

Xiao Yan only felt a burning pain coming from his back, his toes suddenly softened, and he fell to the ground.

"Come again!"

Enduring the severe pain, Xiao Yan gritted his teeth and stood up, his face full of determination.

"Little Yanzi, take a rest first, haste is not good enough."

Yao Lao had a faint smile of relief on his face, but he was a little unbearable in his heart.

Since discovering the change of Bone Spirit Leng Huo, his training on Xiao Yan has also strengthened a lot.

However, this boy gritted his teeth and persevered, which made him look at him with admiration.

"Teacher, I can't rest.

Although I don't know what kind of changes will happen in the Dou Qi Continent, but only by becoming stronger can we gain a foothold. "

Xiao Yan still stood where he was, and his words showed persistence and strength.

For some reason, since Yao Lao told him that the Dou Qi Continent was going to change, he vaguely felt that it must have something to do with the young man he saw in the medicine store.

"Hmm you're right.

The big waves wash the sand, waiting for the day when you look down on this continent as a teacher. "

Yao Lao nodded with a smile on his face, and his hands were not ambiguous. Violent fighting qi poured out one after another, leaving bruises and bruises on Xiao Yan's body.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

The sound was muffled, slightly mixed with a little groaning, and it came out from the woods...

At the same time.

In the jungle outside the Warcraft Mountains, a group of ten people is walking through it.

The first one was unusually strong, his exposed muscles bulged high, his palms tightly gripped the weapon around his waist, and his eyes swept across the dark places in the surrounding trees.

As an old mercenary, he can judge from some subtle places whether there is danger.

Behind the strong man, an old man followed closely under the protection of several people.


The strong man suddenly stopped and raised a palm: "I'm about to enter the Monster Beast Mountains, take a rest here and protect Old Li."

"Yes, Captain!"

Hearing the strong man speak out, a few people behind him responded in unison, and then began to rest in place.

This group of people is Lin Fan and several members of the Blood Blade Mercenary Group.

When they assembled in the morning, brothers Qi Shan and Qi Hai chose to quit, so there were only three newcomers.

Together with the original six members of the Bloodblade Mercenary Group, and the employer, it was just ten members.

"Brother Li, how far is it?"

Mu Xue wiped the sweat from her forehead, looked at the endless forest, and asked with some fear.

Although this girl has good strength, her physical fitness is too far behind.

"I don't know either, but it shouldn't be too far. It's going to the Warcraft Mountains soon. It's impossible for the ancient tomb to be in the depths of the Warcraft Mountains."

Mo Li said, handed Mu Xue a leather water bottle, and smiled heartily: "Don't be nervous, it's the first time, you'll get used to it, just take a sip of water, we'll have to travel in a while."

At this time, the old man Li who was under the protection of everyone also took out a map from his arms and looked at it carefully.

ten minutes later.

Under the leadership of the regiment leader Zhao Tiechui, everyone continued to set off.

From the moment of entering the Warcraft Mountains, it means that there may be danger at any time, either from Warcraft or from other mercenary groups.

Therefore, everyone had to play the spirit of twelve points and move forward cautiously.

Fortunately, Mr. Li had a map to guide him, so he had no danger along the way.

After walking for two hours on the periphery of the Warcraft Mountains, everyone walked into a dense forest, and the light dimmed in vain.

This change made everyone nervous. They went deeper and deeper into the small jungle, and the light became darker and darker. It was really strange to compare it with the scorching sun outside.

"Old Li, is it going the wrong way? Why do I feel something is wrong?"

Zhao Tiechui, who was walking at the front, suddenly stopped and turned his head to ask.

Hearing this, Old Man Li once again took out the map from his arms. After looking at it for a while, he nodded affirmatively and said, "There is indeed a dense forest marked on the map. After passing through the dense forest, it will not be far."

Sure enough, after everyone continued to walk for a distance, the sky suddenly brightened.

At this time, what appeared in front of everyone was a hill overgrown with weeds, with towering trees intertwined.

Although the weather was scorching hot, wisps of mist wafted in the waist-deep weeds not far away.

Looking around, the deeper you go, the thicker the fog will be. It is estimated that when you go there, your vision will be severely blocked.

"Just there, see that tree?"

Just as everyone was looking at the col in front of them, Old Man Li suddenly shouted excitedly.

But what Old Man Li was referring to was a towering tree and nothing but thick fog.

"Let's go, send Mr. Li over there!"

The responsibility of the mercenary is to complete the task entrusted by the employer. Zhao Tiechui took the lead in walking towards the big tree even if he gave an order.

The ground covered with weeds is very muddy, and it is an uphill road, so it is extremely difficult to walk, and there is a possibility of falling if you are not careful.

The closer you get to the big tree, the lower the visibility. In Lin Fan's eyes, Zhao Tiechui, who was walking at the front, only had a vague outline, faintly visible.

Lin Fan felt a vague sense of unease in his heart, because he discovered that, at some point, behind Zhao Tiechui, a faint ghost appeared.

Glancing sideways, Lin Fan found that the few people who were walking forward holding their breaths didn't seem to see the figure, all of them holding their weapons tightly, ready to deal with any emergencies at any time.

Old Man Li, who was under the protection of everyone, was even more excited, staring at the big tree in the distance.

"Is that a soul?"

Lin Fan frowned slightly, thinking silently in his heart.

"Swish swish..."

Suddenly, there was a sudden noise from the weeds ahead.

"Protect Li Lao."

Mo Li gave an order, and everyone quickly gathered up the formation, surrounded Old Li in the middle, and looked forward nervously.

As a mercenary, you may not be afraid of confronting people head-on, but the dangers hidden in the dark have to be cautious.

Zhao Tiechui also noticed the movement here, and then turned around and ran quickly, a long knife in his hand constantly slashing at the weeds in front of him.

In Lin Fan's eyes, the ghost figure that followed Zhao Tiechui also floated over with him.

Suddenly, a black shadow jumped out of the weeds with a 'swish', heading straight for Moli.

Due to the fog blocking his line of sight, although Mo Li couldn't see what the oncoming person was, the strength of the two-star fighter should not be underestimated.

I saw that he quickly took out the knife and cut the shadow accurately.

Then, blood splattered everywhere.

As expected of an old mercenary, Mo Li did not go to check immediately after the hit, but instead took two steps back and stood in front of Old Man Li with his knife in hand, all to protect his employer.

After Zhao Tiechui returned, he carefully looked around and found that there was no change, then he said, "You guys are here to protect Old Man Li and don't mess around, I'll go take a look."

After he finished speaking, he took the long knife and walked slowly towards the place where the shadow appeared before.

And the ghost behind him has been following...

After a long time, Zhao Tiechui's hearty laughter suddenly came from the front, "What do I think it is, it turns out to be a black devil giant rat,"

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The black devil giant rat must have been frightened, so it jumped out in a panic.

Just when everyone's faces were relaxed and ready to move on, the 'rustle' sounded from the grass again...