
Chapter 12: Long-tailed Corpse Python

Everyone's slightly relieved nerves instantly tightened again, and once again stared at the direction of the sound.

Due to the fog blocking, it is impossible to see what is at fault, but the danger from the dark is the most deadly.

As the strongest player in the field, and also the head of the regiment, Zhao Tiechui clenched the long knife and approached cautiously.

As Zhao Tiechui approached, the sound of 'Shasha' became louder and louder.

Suddenly, a huge black snake head protruded from the grass, its mouth with a strong bloody smell opened, swallowing bright red letters, revealing ten centimeter-long fangs, and then charged towards Zhao Tiechui like lightning.

"It's a long-tailed corpse python, get out of the way."

Zhao Tiechui shouted loudly, and he didn't even have time to defend. He could only rely on his agile reflexes, which he had often practiced between life and death, and quickly jumped to the side. Fortunately, he avoided the attack of the black snake.


It was actually a second-order monster, a long-tailed corpse python! ! "

Several old mercenaries from the Blood Blade Mercenary Group let out a burst of exclamations, but no one flinched.

The appearance of the second-order Warcraft made everyone's heart come to their throats.

Even the two newcomers, Shaogang and Mu Xue, took out their weapons and stood with a few old mercenaries, watching the battle between one person and one snake.

As for Lin Fan, he looked a little different because he didn't have a weapon, but he also secretly summoned Big Big Wolf.

Of course, he was not only concerned about the person and the snake, but also the ghost figure not far behind Zhao Tiechui.

Since the appearance of the long-tailed corpse python, although the ghost figure didn't follow Zhao Tiechui closely, he still stood not far away and watched the two sides fighting in the arena.

When the big gray wolf just appeared, the ghost shadow also turned to look at Lin Fan, and then stepped back a few steps in fear. Obviously, he could see the big gray wolf, and he was a little scared.

But right now, Lin Fan didn't have time to control that ghost, the most important enemy in front of him was that second-order monster.

After biting into the air, the long-tailed corpse python's gleaming eyes turned towards Zhao Tiechui. The huge snake also had a lot of black air. With a slammed bucket-like tail, the huge snake head smashed towards Zhao Tiechui like a meteor. Zhao Tiechui.

The long-tailed corpse python is a second-order monster. Although it is only the bottom of the second-order monster, because it uses corpses as food, the scales on its body are extremely hard, and it is not easy to deal with.

Moreover, the tail attack of this beast cannot be underestimated. It is rumored that the power of its tail can break rocks. Although it is a bit exaggerated, it also proves the terribleness of this python.

Facing another attack from the long-tailed corpse python, Zhao Tiechui didn't dare to be careless at all, staring at the snake's head that was rushing fast, his calf bent slightly, and then he jumped high, and the long knife in his hand also poured out a khaki vindictive energy. Snake head chopped off.

Life and death are at stake, so this knife, Zhao Tiechui has already used all his strength, and even used his famous fighting skill, 'Stone Crushing'!

And the strength of his peak fighter is also revealed at this moment.


The long knife slashed above the snake's head, making a metal symphony-like sound.

With one blow, the long-tailed corpse python was unscathed, but Zhao Tiechui was numb from the huge rebound force, and the severe pain caused him to sweat.

"This long-tailed corpse python is a bit more powerful than expected, and its scales are extremely hard and flawless."

Zhao Tiechui narrowed his eyes slightly, in shock.

Then quickly put the long knife across his chest, quickly retreated a few steps back, and put on a defensive posture, "You protect Old Lao, leave this long-tailed corpse python to me!"

Lin Fan has been paying attention to the battle on the field. Seeing Zhao Tiechui's defeat, he shook his head and sighed.

"Hey~ Hammer, Hammer, you have to cheer up."

In his opinion, if Zhao Tiechui can kill this long-tailed corpse python, then his army of beast souls will add a fierce general.

Between the mountains, one person and one python looked at each other, and two powerful and majestic auras gradually rose up.

However, Zhao Tiechui's strength was obviously weaker than that of the long-tailed corpse python.

The second-order Warcraft is equivalent to the strength of a fighter, and Zhao Tiechui is only the pinnacle of the fighter. It is not easy to fight with the reaction speed and explosive power that have been tempered between life and death.

"Captain, I'm here to help you."

After Mo Li roared, he violently raised his knife and charged towards the long-tailed corpse python.

Hearing the sound, the huge snake head suddenly turned around.


A sound of 'shuh'.

The snake's tail drew an arc and swept towards Mo Li. Wherever it passed, anything that blocked it was all broken by the waist.

In a hurry, Mo Li could only raise his knife to block, but he was still thrown away by the huge force of the snake tail, and he fell to the ground and vomited blood.


Zhao Tiezhu let out a low growl and looked at the long-tailed corpse python with red eyes.

However, because of his responsibility, he could not act rashly. If he was not careful, the entire mercenary group could be destroyed.

Seeing that Mo Li was injured, an old mercenary from the Bloodblade Mercenary Group suddenly turned around and said to the three of Lin Fan with a serious expression:

"Brother Shaogang, brother Lin Fan, and this sister Mu xue.

Please protect the three of them, and I will help the head of the group kill the monster.

If we lose, please protect the old man Li and return to Wutan City to protect my reputation."

After speaking, the old mercenary bowed deeply, and before Lin Fan could agree, he shouted, "Arrange the formation and slay the beasts!"

Immediately afterwards, including the old mercenary, the only four remaining members of the Blood Blade mercenary group quickly formed a phalanx and ran towards Zhao Tiechui.

"Damn, look down on the newcomer!"

He whispered in his mouth, although Lin Fan was a little dissatisfied, he was also moved by the brotherhood of several people, and resolutely followed behind the four old mercenaries, but just took two steps, but there was a message full of contempt behind him. the sound of.

"Badan Dou Qi, are you trying to find death?"

Shao Gang looked at Lin Fan indifferently: "I advise you to stay here, if they lose, I can take you to escape together, why bother."

"Coward, I didn't expect you to have such an idea."

Before Lin Fan could speak, Mu Xue was the first to speak, and then walked towards Lin Fan, "Ignore this coward, I'll go with you."

Lin Fan glanced at Mu Xue approvingly, then turned around and continued walking towards the battlefield.

"Two guys who are not even fighters, they really don't know the sky."

Shao Gang stared at the back of the two leaving with contempt, but he planned to escape at any time.

His idea is actually very simple. He has just joined the mercenary group for a day, so there is no need to work hard for it.

At this time, the four old mercenaries and the five Zhao Tiechui had formed an encirclement of the long-tailed corpse python.

Among the four, there was only one two-star fighter, and the other three were all one-star fighters.

Able to face second-order monsters without fear, can be called a well-known man.

Suddenly, an excited bloodthirsty hissing sound rang out, and the long-tailed corpse python surrounded by several people shook its hideous snake head and launched the attack first.

A snake tail flashing with black awns swept out with a strong wind. Looking at this posture, if it was hit, it would definitely be the same as Mo Li's fate.