
Chapter 10: Blood Blade Mercenary Group

"Come on, take a look, take a look.

Don't miss it when you pass by, the Blood Blade Mercenary Group is recruiting.

There are only five places, requiring eighth-dan Dou Qi or above.

As long as you have ambitions and ideals, you can achieve them here..."

On the streets of Wutan City, a burly man was standing in front of a wooden table and shouting loudly.

"The mercenary group is recruiting?"

Lin Fan stopped, blinked, and pondered.

How could a mercenary group come to Ulthan City to recruit people?

However, there are only five places, and the requirement is only 8 dan Dou Qi or above. It is estimated that it is a small mercenary group that is not in the mainstream.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Fan actually walked towards the burly man.

"I regestrated."

Lin Fan's voice rang in the ears of the burly man.


The burly man stopped shouting, turned around and looked at the young man in front of him, "Our request is eight-dan Dou Qi, can you?"

"Whether I can do it or not, you'll know if you try it."

Lin Fan smiled slightly, then took two steps forward, walked to the wooden table, raised one palm, and gently placed it on the table: "Look."

With the sound of Lin Fan's voice, the wooden table shattered with a 'click', splashing dust all over the floor.

"Clap clap~"

There will be no shortage of people watching the lively anywhere, and Wutan City is no exception.

Although there were not many onlookers, there was still sparse applause.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't see it, the little brother is very talented." The burly man sighed at Lin Fan, then smiled: "Our bloody mercenary group lacks people like little brother, I agree with you to join us, just I don't know the specific strength of the little brother..."

Although Lin Fan showed his strength just now, there was no trace of vindictiveness, which made him a little curious.

"Don't worry, it won't hold you back."

Lin Fan waved his hand, pretending to be mysterious, he naturally understood the other party's thoughts.

Hearing this, the burly man was stunned for a moment, and then there was an imperceptible glint in the corner of his eyes, and he smiled at Lin Fan: "Little brother, wait for a while, after everyone is recruited, I will tell you about this mission together. the goal of."

Although the Bloodblade Mercenary Group is not strong, Wutan City has a large population, so it quickly filled five places, and among these five people, there is also a strong two-star fighter.

On the way back to the station, several people got to know each other. After all, they will be brothers in the trenches.

Among them, the burly man in charge of recruiting is called Mo Li, and his strength is a three-star fighter.

And the two-star fighter just recruited is called Shao Gang, twenty-five or six years old.

The two young people who looked very similar, called Qi Shan and Qi Hai, were both of the eighth-dan Dou Qi, so they should be brothers.

The only girl, named Mu Xue, was a 9-dan Dou Qi.

However, even though this girl only had the ninth dan Dou Qi, she was the youngest among the people present, about sixteen or seventeen.

After Lin Fan thought about it for a while, he told everyone that his cultivation was the eighth rank Dou Qi.

Everyone naturally did not suspect him. After all, judging from Lin Fan's age, the eight-dan Dou Qi was already quite good.

Mo Li just glanced at Lin Fan thoughtfully, but didn't say anything.

Walking all the way to the north of Wutan City, after turning a few streets, a less conspicuous courtyard appeared in everyone's sight.

In front of the courtyard gate, a flag swayed in the wind, and a blood-splattered sword was drawn on it, which was quite domineering.

"This is where our Blood Blade mercenary group is based. Come with me."

Mo Li introduced with a smile, then took the lead and walked towards the courtyard.

"Brother Mo Li, are you all recruited?"

As soon as he entered the courtyard, a woman in two decades of splendor walked towards her. She was wearing a light green robe. She was not very beautiful, but she looked clean and comfortable.

"Of course, Brother Li works, you don't know yet?" Mo Li smiled and waved his hand, then turned his head and said, "Let's go to see the head of the regiment first, he will tell you the specific task this time."

Passing through a path in the courtyard, a spacious hall appeared in front of me.

"Captain, everyone is recruited."

Mo Li walked quickly to the door with a very respectful attitude.


With a thunderous sound, the hall door creaked open.

Then, a burly man in a mercenary uniform came out.

The other party is extremely strong, with a strong back and a strong waist. Although he has a smile on his face, there is a hint of gloom in his slightly vicissitudes of life.

Judging from the faint smell of blood emanating from his body, it was a man of iron and blood who really came over from the edge of the knife.

"Haha, well done!"

The man patted Mo Li's shoulder heavily, and then his eyes swept across Lin Fan and the others, "I'm the head of the Blood Blade Mercenary Group, Zhao Tiechui.

You can call me head, of course, you can also call me brother hammer. "


Lin Fan and the others responded.

"You're welcome, when you enter the mercenary group, we are all brothers, and we will share honors and sincerity in the future."

Zhao Tiechui's eyes were like electricity, and he glanced around the crowd, then walked up to Lin Fan and the others, and continued:

"You should be very curious, what is the mission this time.

I won't sell it anymore.

Yesterday, my Bloodblade Mercenary Group received a mission to accompany my employer to explore an ancient tomb.

Because of time constraints, we can only recruit people in Ulthane City.

The specific place cannot be disclosed to you, but what I can tell you is that the ancient tomb is located in the mountain range of beasts.

You should also know that the Warcraft Mountains are dangerous and may be attacked by Warcraft at any time.

Therefore, your task is to protect our employers when they are attacked by monsters.

Of course, World of Warcraft is dealt with by me.

After the completion of the event, each person will be commissioned 800 gold coins. If you are timid, you can choose to withdraw. I will not embarrass you. "

As soon as the voice fell, the Qi Shan and Qi Hai brothers had a heated discussion.

One was worried about encountering monsters, so he didn't dare to go.

The other one is greedy for 800 gold coins and wants to try it.

For a time, the two brothers were red-faced.

But after hearing Zhao Tiechui's words, Lin Fan's mind began to liven up.

For him, the ancient tomb not only contains treasures, but also may encounter some souls.

He doesn't have to worry about the Warcraft thing. Judging from the confidence on Zhao Tiezhui's face, he must be relying on it.

Immediately, Lin Fan will definitely not quit, and to join the Blood Blade mercenary group, this is likely to be the first step in his rise.

"Captain, I won't quit, when will I leave?"

Before Lin Fan could speak, he heard a strong female voice coming from the side.

Looking sideways, it was the only girl, Mu Xue, who spoke.

I hadn't carefully observed each other just now, but now I see that although this Mu Xue is not very old, he has developed very well.

A light blue outfit wrapped around beautiful and round jade legs, but also has a heroic charm.

"Okay, it's a good woman not to be a man."

Zhao Tiechui praised, and then said: "Give you one night to consider, my Blood Blade Mercenary Group will arrange accommodation for you.

Tomorrow morning, those who do not leave will gather here.

The rest, just leave on their own. "

After he finished speaking, Zhao Tiechui turned to look at Mo Li, "The rest is up to you, no matter how many people quit, we will leave on time tomorrow morning."