
Chapter 9: God operator.

Under the scorching sun, the crowd of people in Wutan City was surging.

The hot weather did not dampen people's enthusiasm for shopping.

In the hustle and bustle of the crowd, a young man in a green shirt seemed out of place.

Different from the way ordinary people go shopping, this young man chooses some small alleys and crawls into small alleys.

But after a while, it came out again.

This has been going on for quite a while.

After walking out of the alley again, the young man looked back and forth and sighed in disappointment: "Hey, it seems that there is no chance of harvesting today."

The young man was naturally Lin Fan.

Ever since he decided to try his luck, he has set off without a break.

However, there was no gain in turning around.

"Boy, get out of the way, good dogs don't get in the way, do you know?"

Lin Fan frowned slightly, and following the voice, he saw a group of people surrounded by a handsome young man in luxurious clothes, walking towards him.

The only special thing is that there is a gold star on the chest of the youth, which is the logo of the fighter.



face white!

Arrogant and domineering!

Still a fighter! "

After silently analyzing some of the characteristics of the youth, Lin Fan instantly knew who was coming.

Based on the above points, there is only one person in the entire city of Ulthane who fits the identity of the visitor, and that is the most unfortunate family in Ulthane City, the number one unfortunate member of the Jialie family, Jialeo.

According to the script, Galeo is a lolicon who likes flat-chested loli Xiao Xuner.

After the search for love was unsuccessful, Liu Xi, a super lewd alchemist, even found Xiao Xun'er's idea, which led to the destruction of the entire Jialie family.

"Unfortunate, come here, my lord will tell you some secrets."

Lin Fan hooked his fingers at Galeo with a look of disdain.

The entire Gale family, the patriarch Galebi, was a great fighter, but the Galeo in front of him was just a fighter with one star, and Lin Fan didn't take him seriously at all.

"what did he say?"

With one hand out of his ear, Galeo turned to a subordinate beside him and asked loudly.

The subordinate's face was excited, and his heart blossomed with joy,

There were so many people surrounding Master Galeo, but the master asked himself, how can people not be excited.

Turning his head, he saw that Master Galeo was picking his ears, and he must have not heard clearly. Immediately, the subordinate shouted excitedly, "Master Galeo, he said you were unlucky."

The voice just fell.


Galeo slapped the talking subordinate directly in the face, and then yelled, "You're so loud, you're going to die, I'm not deaf yet."

"Hahaha... two funny comparisons..."

Looking at the two masters and servants in front of him, Lin Fan couldn't hold back for a while, but laughed out loud.

"Damn, beat him up for me."

"As ordered!"

After receiving Galeo's order, the group of subordinates turned around and walked towards Lin Fan with angry expressions on their faces.

Especially the guy who was slapped in the face by Galeo before, and he was the first to bear the brunt of his sleeves.

"Damn, you bastard, caused me to be slapped by Master Galeo, I must find it on you."

"A mantis arm is a car..."

As Lin Fan's faint voice sounded, the guy who was slapped by Galeo turned around in a strange place for a few times, and then fell to the ground in a daze, with a mouthful of teeth spurting out with the blood in his mouth. Come out, looking horrific.

This scene really terrified Galeo's eager servants.

One by one, their mouths were wide open, froze in place, speechless in shock.

No one could figure out why the unlucky ghost was spinning in circles and spitting blood on the ground.

"A bunch of trash, get out of the way for me."

Due to being blocked by his line of sight, Galeo didn't see clearly what was going on. He glanced at Lin Fan with a calm face not far away with a look of disdain, and then slowly narrowed his eyes, "Boy, I think you are alive. Tired."

A group of subordinates woke up from their shock and immediately stepped aside to make way.

At this time, not only Galeo's subordinates, but even some passers-by who were onlookers thought that Lin Fan would definitely die today.

As we all know, the young master of the Gale family, not only has he achieved the strength of a one-star fighter at a young age, but has also practiced the high-level Xuan-level exercises of the wind attribute, Fengjutsu, plus several types of fighting that he himself has mastered. Skill, almost an existence that can leapfrog challenges.

"Who is this kid who dares to provoke Master Galeo, is he tired of living?"

"I don't know, but it looks familiar."

"Can't you see, he is a little beggar in the city, doing odd jobs at the Temir auction house recently."

"Oh, no wonder it looks familiar, but even in the Temir auction house, he will be finished today."

"It's so pitiful, it's not easy..."

Hearing the voices of discussion around, the disdain on Galeo's face became even stronger, it turned out to be just a little beggar.

Although he was doing odd jobs at the Temir auction house, so what if he killed him.

"You're so pitiful, your family is about to be destroyed, and you even ran into the street to pretend!

Hurry up and be happy, you don't have many days to live. "

Lin Fan's voice was extremely flat, and his face was completely unwavering.

"Haha...Little beggar, you are really a stinky duck. Today I will show you what a fighter is."

Galeo laughed wildly, and a faint cyan vindictive energy quickly condensed in his palm.

Then, Jia Lieo curled his palms into claws, his fingertips lingered with cyan vindictive energy, and after sneering, he waved his palms with a sound of breaking wind, and attacked Lin Fan fiercely.

The surrounding crowd suddenly exclaimed, and Galeo's move left almost no leeway.

However, the next moment.

Just when Galeo's hand was still half a meter away from Lin Fan, Lin Fan suddenly snorted.

With this cold hum, Galeo took a few steps back abruptly under everyone's astonished eyes, then sat down on the ground, and then spit out a mouthful of blood with a sweet throat.

The noisy street suddenly quieted down, and everyone in the audience looked at Galeo, who was sitting on the ground vomiting blood, with shock, and no one knew what happened just now.


It's really weird, as strong as Galeo, why did he suddenly fall to the ground and vomit blood?

Lin Fan stepped forward, looked down at Galeo condescendingly, with a playful smile on his lips, and said in a light voice, "It's just a little fighter, do you still think I'm tired of living?"

Hearing this, the corners of Galeo's mouth twitched. Although he was the person involved, he wasn't even sure what happened just now.

He just heard a cold snort from the other party, and then felt a huge force hitting his chest.

"Could it be that...that's...Sonic Fighting?"

As soon as this idea appeared, Galeo was instantly stunned, and he was able to drink himself back with a cold snort. What's the explanation if it wasn't a sonic fighting skill?

"Who are you... who are you?"

Galeo looked horrified and looked into Lin Fan's eyes with a hint of fear.

A person who can learn sonic fighting skills is not something that Galeo can afford.

"You can call me... the god operator.

I am familiar with the past and the future. I think your Jialie family will have a catastrophe soon, and the source of the catastrophe comes from the Xiao family.

Go and be cool for a few more days, you won't live long. "

After Lin Fan finished speaking, he left without looking back.

"God Count?

The catastrophe of the Galle family?

Also from the Xiao family?

Although the young man did have the ability, what he said was too unrealistic. "

Galeo got up from the ground and recalled Lin Fan's words, but he didn't take it to heart at all.

It is impossible for the Xiao family to bring disaster to the Jialie family. The Xiao family has no ability at all.

At the same time, Lin Fan turned a few corners in the street, and after confirming that Galeo couldn't chase after him, he suddenly burst into laughter.

After a long time, Lin Fan stopped laughing, and said silently in his heart: "Big Big Wolf, this time is so fun, I will definitely find a bitch for you when I get a chance.

No, find a she-wolf, hahaha..."


Wolf Soul Grey let out a wolf howl, quite satisfied with Lin Fan's words.