
Chapter 4


Why did I run? My knee is bleeding and my shirt's ripped too. Ouch, Footstep Ouch Footstep, Ouch Footstep. That Jerk Face didn't even say sorry.

But he is a handsome jerk, there was a drool on your face when you saw him. He is almost as tall as Rick. He had black eyes we never saw an American with black eyes. His body looks chiseled and the suit looked like it is specially made for him. He looked flawless like god took extra time to create him.

Stop thinking about him and FYI there was no drool on my face. I can't go into a meeting with torn clothes.

"Sarah Can you lend me your jacket?" I asked her with a pained face, because of my elbow.

"OMG what happened to you, did you get into a fight?" she asked me with a worried look on her face.

"No, I jumped in front of a car and fell down. Its no big deal give me your jacket, and let's get moving otherwise we will be late." I said to her because there was only 5 more min till the meeting starts.

"Amy, you are bleeding. Lets get you to the Med Bay first." She said to me.

"No, I'm fine we can leave after the meeting. It for 2 hours only right, I'll manage." saying that I wore the jacket she gave me. God my elbow hurts. Thinking that I left for the meeting.

We Introduced the application to them and explained how it's going to work. Thank god the meeting is almost done, if we pass the final testing today, we have to start a new project. I hope it doesn't break. Sarah was sitting on the other end of the room and Rick was talking with the guys who were testing it.

"Hey guys, can you come outside? " Asked our CIO after knocking on the door.

What does he want now? Oh god! my knee hurts, I can feel the blood sticking to my pants. Sarah came over and gave her hand to help me get up from the chair, I gave her a thankful smile, and we went out slowly. What is Jerk Face doing with our CIO? Is he here sue me for his car? I told them that my name is Sarah as there are so many Sarah's so that they won't get to me. I'm so tensed that I could hear my heartbeat and the idiot is smirking looking at me.

"Mr. Morgan, I want you guys to start on Mr. Browne's project." our CIO told Rick referring the jerk face as Mr. Browne. Oh God! Why us? There are like so many teams here? Is this the reason he was smirking? I'm gonna die if I work for him. Please say something so that this project goes to the other teams.

"But sir, we are not done with the final testing yet, they gave us small suggestions." Rick told our CIO. My heart is doing a happy dance inside.

"I will ask someone else to take care of it, he is an 'important client'." said our CIO whispering the last part, so only we could hear it.

"You said small suggestions right, you guys can take a week time to complete those and then start on our project. I would like you all to come to our office next week and get the full details on the project." Jerk... Mr. Browne said to us with his eyes fixed on me like he is scanning me.

I could see that everyone started nodding their heads in a yes. What's happening here? We never go to the client company to get the details. That's the business analyst's work.

"Sure, we can try to complete it by the end of this week. We will start on yours the next week Mr. Browne." said Rick which made our CIO happy, but me sad and worried.

"I forgot to introduce you guys. As you know this is Mr. Browne. This is Mr. Richard Morgan, Ms. Sarah and Ms. Amaya." the CIO said pointing Rick, Sarah and me. Jerk face and Rick were shaking hands. Before he could talk to me or Sarah, he got a phone call and moved to the other side to talk.

"I have to leave guys and thank you, Mr. Browne." said our CIO and started to leave.

"Go to the Med bay and get your wounds treated, I'll inform Rick or do you want me to come with you?" Sarah whispered in my ear.

"I'll go alone, be there with Rick in case he needs any help." I told her and started walking towards the elevator. Before I knew it someone snatched my arm right on the place where I got hurt and started dragging me. I started wiggling to stop him from holding there which made him clutch hard on my hand.

"Leave my hand you jerk face!!" I yelled at him converting all my pain into anger. He is not even looking at me and started dragging me with more force towards the stairs. My hand and leg started to bleed again.

"STOP it hurts you idiot." I hissed at him, that's it, this guy is not listening to me.

I must do something, so I bit him on his hand and stomped on his feet. He dragged me into the nearest meeting room. He started rubbing his hand where I bit him. He took long strides towards me which made me walk back and hit the wall. Looking at my face, his expressions took a 180 turn.

"Why are you crying?" he asked me brushing the tears off my cheek. I didn't know. Am I crying? I tried to move my hand to stop him from touching my face which made me wince in pain. He lifted my sleeve up and looked at my elbow.

"You are bleeding, is this from the road? Why didn't you get it treated?" he asked me inspecting the wound.

"I was going to the Med bay before you started dragging me in to this room Mr. Browne." I replied to him trying to get my hand out of his grip.

He left my hand and took a few steps back. Is he feeling sorry for dragging me?

"Come let's go and get this wound treated before you bleed to death, Ms. Amaya" he said giving me his hand to hold stressing my name.

"Thank You, Mr. Browne, but I can go by myself. I'm sorry for lying. I thought you were gonna sue me for your car damage." I told him and started walking towards the door dragging my other leg, so it won't have more stress on it.

"It doesn't kill you to take some help." he said holding my hand and gave me some support. It felt so good holding his hand. I am so close to him now that I could smell his intoxicating perfume. I give up, I don't have the strength to fight now.

"Where do you have to go from here?" he asked me. I didn't know when we reached the elevator.

"I can manage myself from here you can leave." I told him and started to shift myself away from him to the wall of the elevator.

"Don't make me angry and tell me the floor." he said and pulled me towards him. I am so close to him. This was the proximity I never had with any guy before. My head is right above his chest and I could hear his heartbeat. He nudged me gently and I told him that it is in the basement. Right now, I'm with a nurse getting my wounds treated. He left the room when his phone rang a few minutes back.

"I have to leave now there is an emergency. Take care Ms. Amaya." saying that he bent down and kissed me above my right eyebrow and left. My other hand went up and touched where he kissed me.

How can I let a guy whom I met like 3 hrs back kiss me? What will happen if my grandfather knows about this? What about the rules I had till now? Did I just break every rule I lived by in the past 30 min?