
Chapter 3

Jameson Browne

"I think we should build a new wing for the hospital." said Mr. Drew, one of the oldest members of the board.

"It's gonna take a lot of time. We need an instant solution for the patients in the ER." said Mr. Sharma and it makes sense. We are in a crisis and the hospital is full. We are trying to accommodate new patients, hence we are having this emergency meeting.

"For now, let's move them to the Oak Ridge branch as Mrs.Cooper said. Make sure the other branch is ready for all the other patients." I told the committee. Everyone agreed with this. I glanced at my secretary, so that she remember to call the other branch and inform them about the decision.

"But that's a short-term solution, what are we gonna do in the future, if we have the same situation? We have to expand this branch or build a new one." Said Mr. Drew reclaiming his previous statement.

"We know it's a temporary solution, but we also have other things to do. We recently started the new saline plant. All the Board of Trustees are not here so as to get everyone's opinion on it." said Mr. Wilson the Chairman of the Board.

I have been on this board for the past 3 years. This hospital CEO is my uncle Arthur. He made this hospital so my parents can work together. When he wanted to retire, he transferred all his shares to my name as he doesn't have any kids. He didn't marry anyone as he was too busy with his professional life . Uncle Arthur was the only relative we had, and he is the reason I got into this business. I wanted to learn about the hospital first, so I asked Mr. Wilson to be the Board Chairman.

My father (Shaurya Krishna) is a Chief of Surgeon and my mother (Analise Browne) is a Neurologist. My father's parents didn't approve of my mother as she was an American. And she had my brother (Daxton Browne) when she was 18. Daxton never treated me like a stepbrother. And my father likes Dax more if you ask me. He moved to London with his family for managing my stepfathers' company.

Me and my friend Andrew started building our own company (Global Technologies). Where we fund for new and upcoming technologies and tools and build them together. It started from 10 employees which grew up to 20,000 within 5 years.

"Mr. Browne, the hospital wanted a list of selected players. For the sports sponsorship program from the Northwest High." said my secretary. Looking at her tablet as we were getting out of the hospital.

My secretary Theresa is a 35-year-old lady, 5.7" fair with glasses who is working with me and Andrew from the 1st year of our company. As far as I remember she was our first hire, who was an accountant at that time. She resigned the job as an accountant when she had her first kid. When she wanted to get back to job, we asked her to be a secretary, so she can have less workload and enjoy the time with her kids.

"The list is in my office. I'll share it with them as soon as we get back to the office" I told her walking towards the car.

I got back to my office and started working on few other things. before I knew the time was 6p.m. I have to leave as I'm planning to have dinner with my parents. That was our family tradition, we try to have lunch or dinner together once a week. Andrew's family is in New York, so he attends our family dinners with me.

"Guys I told you like 1000 times, DO NOT discuss work at the dining table!" yelled my mom at me and Andrew.

"Is dad coming today?" I asked my mother as I couldn't find him in the house.

"Yes, He is." saying that my father came in and went straight to my mother to gave her a kiss. If my father is in the house, he is always around my mother, it's been 35 years, yet they act like love sick teenagers.

"You guys look so good together, but it's gross seeing old people kiss." Andrew told looking at my parents. To which my mom threw a spatula at him.

My dad left to freshen up, and we started eating, my mother makes the best pizza in the world. Once she tried to make Indian food for my dad as she was feeling bad that she was the reason his family never talks to him. The food gave us diarrhea for 3 days straight.

"Anything interesting going on in your lives boys? Any girl we should know about?" my father asked us.

"It's the same old stuff Shaurya. You know what? We saw an interesting situation when we went to the football match. We saw a high school kid ask a 23-year old out on a date. You should have seen the look on her face. She was ready to run from the school." Andrew told my dad about the girl on the day of the football match. I couldn't see her face as my back was facing her face and I didn't want to make her uncomfortable than she already was. The whole day Andrew was laughing like crazy thinking about the look on her face.

"She looks 5.2"and doesn't look m" before he could say anything. I cut him off, If Andrew starts talking, he could go on for the whole night about that girl.

"Papa I wanted to ask you who designed the web application for the Global Care Hospitals. The one we are using is 5 years old, and we want to update it." I asked him as I liked the one, we are using at the hospital. When I asked the tech team at the hospital, they told me that they were dad's friends. They told me I would get a better chance if I went through him.

"Oh! It's the United Technologies, my friend is the CEO there. If you want you can go in next week, I'll let him know you will be coming." Said my dad looking through the phone. My mom came in from the kitchen and snatched the phone from his hands and replaced it with a beer.

Soon the weekend was over, and my dad got us an appointment at 11 a.m. on Monday. We are currently at the court waiting for the approval for this new product. We have been here from 8 in the morning. They wanted to inspect it without us, and we have been waiting since then.

We have an appointment with United Tech today. Since someone has to be here for the result we decided that I will go to united and Andrew is gonna comeback to the Court after dropping me off.

"James, STOP the car we are gonna hit her, SSSTTTOOPPP" yelled Andrew at me as I was looking into my phone while driving. When I looked at the road, I could see a girl running but with the speed I was going I'm gonna hit her. My foot went on the brake and here comes the screeching sound.

"Dude Let's get out and look for the girl. Do you think we hit her?" he asked me with worry written all over his face.

I could see a girl on the road, she looks like an Indian may be Mexican. Her straight and shiny black hair was falling on her face, her eyes are almond shaped and very dark brown. There is a mole above her right eyebrow which accentuates her eyes. Oh! God what the heck am I thinking get your mind out of the gutter Jameson.

"What to do think you are doing. Running around like a monkey" I yelled which startled her, good going man you startled the poor girl.

"I am Sorry, I forgot my car keys in the car I came down to get them, and I was in a hurry as I have a meeting." She said justifying her running trying to get up from the ground.

She is a petite woman. she is wearing a professional attire which didn't even show a single inch of her skin. I could see her shirt ripped at her elbows. Is she hurt? Should I ask her? Before I could Andrew went by her side to help her get up, which gave me this uneasy feeling.

"Who in the world forgets their car keys in the car, Are you that dumb?" I asked hoping that making fun of her would get rid of this uneasy feeling.

"I said sorry because I was running but that doesn't give you the right to call me dumb. I can do whatever I want it's my car keys." She replied scrunching her eyebrows together in a serious tone, taking her keys from Andrew's hand. She looks cute when she is angry. Andrew gave me an angry look before I could say something to annoy her.

"I'm sorry about him, my name is Andrew and You are not hurt right Ms.?" Andrew asked her with worry written all over his face. Why is he worried about its not like he knew her?

"Sarah, I'm fine thanks for asking and get your friend an etiquette's lesson." she said scowling at me and started running towards the building to our right.

"What happened to you man why were you so mean to her? " Andrew asked me looking in the direction she ran to see her slowly fading into the building.

"Let's leave before I get late to the meeting." saying that I got into the car and started driving. It was a 1-min drive from the accident place.

"You don't remember her? That was the girl from the football game." he told me and left.