
Chapter 5


It's been a week from that accident, when my family saw me coming home with bandages everyone made a fuss about it. Even though I told them it's a small scratch. My grandfather was about to book a plane ticket when he heard about it. My uncle had to talk to him about an hour to convince him that it was not a big thing. My sister (Niya) and her husband (Sampath) came to visit us for the weekend, and we went bowling, miniature golf. The weekend was super fun. My wounds are almost cleared, now they are in the black icky shell stage.

And the amazing thing about getting injured was my uncle calling the guy whom I had to go on a date with this week. And guess what? It got postponed to the next week. So, I still have time to prepare to go on my date. Right now, I'm waiting at the Global Tech parking lot along with Rick and Mary for Sarah. Every time I think of him my hand touches my forehead. I didn't tell anyone about him. So, to not break the rules anymore I made a plan

Step 1. Avoid --- avoid being alone with him at any cost

Step 2. Ignore --- ignore whatever he says except the things about work

Step 3. No calling him Jerk Face – my grandma told me that we only give names to people we like.

"That's her car. Let's get moving." said Rick moving towards her car. I'm sweating with the thought of going into the building and meeting Mr. Browne. What's his first name though I never heard it? "I'm sorry I kept you guys waiting." Sarah told us getting her stuff out of the car, and then we went towards the reception.

Global Tech is in 9th and 10th floors of a tall building downtown. We got into the elevator and reached 9th floor, and we are now going to meet everyone according to the roster.

We went into the meeting room and introduced ourselves. There were 3 women in their mid-thirties Victoria, Kimberly and Dana and there was an old guy Larry and the young Indian one was Aarav. As we were talking the door opened revealing Andrew the guy who helped me when I fell along with a lady. Mr. Browne with a lady following him too. Andrew smiled at me when he saw me and then I looked at Mr. Browne who had a scowl on his face. Why is this man so grumpy all the time? Stop staring into his face Amy Step 1 remember avoiding. Thinking that I averted my eyes away from him.

"Hello Everyone, as you all know we are planning to build a new application for our company. I want you guys to give these developers an explanation on how this application should work. And the wish list you have, to make this one better." Mr. Browne told his people who were sitting on the other side of the table. And then he turned his head towards us and told

"If you have any questions or problem here you can talk to me or Mr. Andrew Jones here. Our offices will be in the floor above us." he said looking at us in a serious tone. Then, the lady who came with him here called him out, and he left.

Andrew started talking to us, and they gave us a sheet on what we will be doing this week. Thank god this room has closed walls instead of those stupid glass walls. I was sitting beside Sarah and in front of me was Aarav and beside him Larry. Victoria is like a BA for this project from their side. She showed their current application and what was wrong with it and everything. Aarav and I talked a lot. It's the Indian connection, he has a girlfriend and a dog named poodle.

The next day was the same. We are still in the same meeting room with the same discussions. We have been talking about this from 12 and it's 2:30 now. I will explode if I take one more ounce of information about this stupid thing. I looked at Sarah, and she has the same expression on her face

"Dana can we take a break, I will die if you say one more sentence." I asked her so that we can rest for some time and join back. Everyone nodded their heads agreeing with me.

"Thank God you asked I was so tired of talking for the past 2 hours." she said grabbing a water bottle. Rick went out with Victoria and Mary talking about some documents regarding the project.

"Can we play some music?" asked Sarah.

"Yeah sure why not?" said Kim and played the song Black widow song and looks like that cheered up us a bit. Aarav got up from his chair and started dancing along with Dana. They started pulling everyone to dance. And by the end of the song we were jumping around like monkeys except for Larry.

"Amy tell me the rice and curry song name let's play that." Sarah asked me. We always play this song when we want to cheer up a little.

"It's PSY -Daddy you guys are gonna love it." I told them and started playing the song.

"I feel nice, you look nice" me and Sarah started singing the song

"You'll be my curry, I'll be your rice" said Sarah, and then she jumped up on the table and yelled at me

Hey, where'd you get that body from? Where'd you get that body from? Where'd you get that body from?

I got it from my daddy I got it from my daddy I got it got it (Hey, where'd you get that body from?) I got it from my daddy I got it from my daddy I got it got it (Hey, where'd you get that body from?) I got it from my dad, dad, dad, dad, dad Dad, dad, dad, dad, dad Dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, daddy

By the end of this bit I joined her on the table along with Aarav and Kim. It was Larry who was sitting and enjoying our performance. So, I pulled him up, so he can dance. He came on perfect time I guess

I got it from my dad, dad, dad, dad, dad

Dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, daddy

Listen My papa was a superman, hey, hey I got it from my dad, dad, dad, dad, dad Dad, dad, dad, dad, dad Dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, daddy I got it from my dad, dad, dad, dad, dad

Someone opened the door I thought it's Rick. But everyone stopped singing the song and I looked at the person who entered the room. By the time I realized this Aarav got down and was helping Larry it was just me and Sarah on the table. God, he looks furious. I felt someone pulling me down, this is it I'm falling!

Okay let's hit the ground. Act like I had a concussion and then problem solved. I squeezed my eyes hard because I knew this was gonna hurt, but I didn't feel any pain. I didn't hit the ground. Whoa! Did someone catch me? I opened my eyes and saw Aarav holding me in his hands bridal style. I gave him a thankful smile. And he placed my feet on the ground and helped me stand up.

"Looks like you guys are having a party in here instead of a meeting." Mr. Browne said with sarcasm dripping in his tone.

"We are sorry sir, this was my mistake we were taking a break and soon it turned into a dance party. We are sorry, this won't happen again." Sarah was rambling, she nudged me with her elbow pointing to say something.

"Yes Mr. Browne this was our mistake we needed a break for all the information to process. I asked Dana and others if we could take one." I supported Sarah because that was the truth, and we will be leaving in a week, but they must stay here.

"You guys follow me to my cabin. Nice choice of song by the way Ms. Kimberly." he said with a serious look on his face and was smiling at Kim and started leaving.

"Do you think he is gonna fire us if Rick knows about this, he might get mad." Sarah asked with a worry in her voice.

"He is not our boss remember. He could tell on us to United Tech." I replied to her stating the obvious.

I hope he doesn't do anything like that because if loose this job I have to go back and work in my uncle's office. I'm 23 for God's sake.