
Chapter 2


Thank God it's Friday and I'm done with story assigned to me, so Rick won't get mad at me. Today was the most boring day after I started working here , I am done with my work and it's already 11.

I have no one to talk to as Sarah doesn't come to office on Fridays because either she goes to Texas or Riyadh comes here. I miss her today. We got a mail saying that the meeting with the end users got approved and the dress code was formal. Formals make me claustrophobic. I'm more of a legging and tee kind of girl. I'd rather be comfortable in my clothes than suffocate in them.

"Hello Amaya, Back to Earth." Rick snapped his fingers in front of my face adjusting his position to sit on the desk. I gave him a goofy smile as I didn't know what to tell him.

"Looks like you are somewhere over the rainbow dreaming about your date next weekend." Rick teased me with a smirk on his face.

My face flushed with embarrassment and how the heck does he know about my date. Sarah would have told him. I will see the end of her! TRAITOR!! Thank you so much Sarah for holding on to my secret.

"You sure are into gossip, and here I thought you are a no non-sense kinda guy." I replied him avoiding the question. Hoping that he doesn't ask about my date.

"Sarah asked May to help you get ready for the date. May asked me to invite you so that you can come over as we couldn't find babysitter for the twins" answered Rick.

"Sarah asked May to help me, do we get a holiday if someone in our team dies because we are gonna get one. God this is so embarrassing." I said feeling mortified of what Sarah did.

"Very funny Amaya, there is nothing embarrassing about it. She was looking out for you." Rick said so that I won't get mad at Sarah. See I told you Rick is a sweetheart.

"To be frank Rick, I'm not ready for the date thing." I told him what I felt because my family is super excited about this and I don't wanna let them down.

Rick took hold of my hand and spoke "Don't get worked up on this date. I know you never did anything like this, think of it as going out with a new friend. You know what? Me and May can come to the same restaurant for dinner if you want." Rick assured seeing my panic-stricken face.

"Aww! that's so sweet of you Rick, you don't have to do that I've been postponing this date for the last 6 months. Thanks though." I told him. I know the twins can be handful and I don't wanna cause him much more trouble than this.

" Anyway, didn't you tell me you wanted to leave early. Stop worrying about this and go have fun kiddo." He stood up while patting my back with a smile and left.

Bite me, I'm late It's 3:30 now I have to pick up Dru from his tennis camp at 3:30. I packed all my things and left in a hurry to the tennis place and saw Dru waiting outside the place. I honked so that he can see me, he started coming towards the car.

Is he mad? Nah may be not. He is mad see the look on his face you. I'm doomed.

"I'm so sorry Dru, I was talking to Rick and I forgot about this". I told him expecting him to forgive me. He opened the car door sat in the passenger seat and started putting his seat belt on. He is giving me his famous silent treatment.

"Fine, if you don't talk to me now, we are not going home. And then we will be late for Arjun's match." I blackmailed him hoping that would get him talk to me. Nada No reply!

"Sorry Dru. I can get you anything you want eat at the match, no restrictions." That is my last card to play with Dru, he loves junk food and my aunt doesn't let him eat.

"Yay! No restrictions and no complaining about it to Mama." he asked me in a excited tone. My last card worked, awesome.

We went back to home, had some snack which my aunt prepared before they left for Summer field. We got some throws as its super cold outside and parked near the school.

"Race You." Yelled Dru and he started run and without realizing it we both started to run towards the stadium.

"Yay! I won." Yelled Dru as we reached the queue to get the tickets, while I tried to catch my breath with all the running.

" I win you lose now you get a big fat bruise." he yelled. I already knew he is going hit me, so I jumped to the other side like it was a reflex. I bumped into someone or something which resulted my butt to kiss the ground.

"Ha! Ha! You fell. " Dru was laughing hysterically. And the people were looking at us like we were crazy, so I immediately got up and joined the queue. After standing for a good 30 min we bought the tickets and went towards the bleachers.

"Amy Stadium is fully packed can you find us a place fast. I don't wanna miss the game" said Dru started yelling as the game was about to start while I was looking a place for us. Arjun told us not to sit in the student section as they were going to have a baby powder fest today.

"Hey Dru, let's go sit behind the band anyway they are gonna play if we score a touchdown right." we moved towards the band section while speaking. Arjun is a freshman and he made it to the varsity team. But he is not gonna make football his career as my aunt and uncle are not gonna accept it.

The game was super good. It was halftime and the score now is 21-7. Arjun's friends Joined us during half time. I know most of them Mark, Camden, Josh, Mia, Aymara. We were talking about random stuff about school. Dru is completely hyped up with all the sugars from the candy.

"Amy, I wanna pee." By the look on his face you can see that was an emergency, so we said bye to everyone and went into the school building.

I sat in the lunch area, the school was almost empty. There were two guys sitting at the adjacent table wearing suits. One guys back facing towards us one guy was talking on the phone animatedly. Who wears a suit to a football game? I didn't wanna look like a creep staring at them. So I opened my phone and started scrolling through my Instagram. It was either honeymoon pics or Wedding pictures. I heard some footsteps behind my back setting me into a panic mode. I swiftly moved my elbow to give an rear elbow strike.

"AAAGGGHHH" the guy yelled, and I turned my face to look at him. Oh my god! That's the kid from the school, I saw him on the field during Arjun's practice sessions. I could see his face clearly now, he looks like a younger version of the lead guy from Divergent.

"I'm sorry, I thought it was someone trying to... It doesn't matter, are you okay? what's your name?" asking him I helped him to sit beside me. I could see Dru coming out of the bathroom, I asked Dru to get me a Soda to tend the place where I kicked so he won't get a bruise.

"It's fine. You kick hard, and my name is Jayden." he said rubbing his stomach. Before I could ask him what he was doing here. He opened his mouth and then happened the weirdest situation of my life.

"You don't have to say your name, I know you are with that freshmen kid. I have been seeing you at all the matches. I wanted to ask you if you could go on a date with me tomorrow?" he asked with a smug look marring his face. I felt like a deer struck by head lights. Mother Earth please swallow me this instant like you did for Sita in Ramayana. So, I don't have to answer this stupid question of a kid.

"Jayden right? That freshman kid you are talking about is my cousin. And I'm 23 years old so I'm qualified to be your sister not as a date." I said thinking that would get him to back off. He looked gloomy after listening to my reply, and I could hear his friends whispering in the background.

"If you think you'll look bad in front of your friends that I said no. You can tell them I said yes and later you can tell them I was not good enough for you or something like that." I told him. That made his face light up.

"If you tell them I slept with you or stupid shit like that I will come back and kick you in the nuts. So, you better keep it Pg-13 okay?" I told with a serious look on my face

And then Dru came back with the soda and gave it to Jayden and I got up from the chair and told him that we were leaving. To make his friends believe the whole thing. Jayden asked me if he could come to the parking lot to drop me off for which I said yes.

Me and Dru got back to my car after picking up Arjun and drove back home. By the time we got back Aunt and Uncle were not there, I spoke with my grandparents. Then we went down to the theater room and started watching Big Hero 6 which is my all-time favorite movie.