

Born of human but with the blood of witches and demons flowing through her, Elizabeth popularly known as Liz had a normal life. She lived like a princess and knew no pain. Well, that lasted till she changed schools. Betrayed by friends and family not trusting her, she decided it was right to end her life because the pain she is in does not worth living. She fell off a building but instead of her landing flat faced on the ground, she fell into a portal. A portal that changed her whole life. Liz found out she is the Overlord of the magical world and she is fated to doom the world. Faced with the burden of life and fate, she decided to rewrite her own destiny by saving the world instead of dooming it, with the help of her friends, Ope, Ryan and Tara. After all, we are the captain of our souls and the master of our fate. Will she save the world or bring further damage and destruction to the world? Follow Liz on this journey of fate.

Daoist17SYx5 · Teen
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3 Chs


Liz's POV

Out of the night that covers me, black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods maybe for my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance, I have not winced or cried aloud, under the bludgeoning of chance, my head is bloody but unbowed. Beyond this place of wrath and tears, looms but the horror of the shade and yet menace of the years finds and shall find me unafraid. It matters not how strait the gate, how charged with punishment the scroll, I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul (reference: merrymayflower). This has been my mantra since forever and that's what kept me going. The beginning of it all, when everything started to change in my life and it was neither a good change nor a bad one. What is more intriguing is how a video changed everything.

Narrator's POV

"Wherever we find ourselves we ought to humble ourselves since we don't have any idea what tomorrow holds."

Seeming like a child while resting is Liz. A youthful lady, with a dim long hair, feline eyes, dull lips, pointed nose which makes her an extremely lovely woman and she is a thirteen-year-old who is still on the bed wheezing. It is a Sunday morning and Liz is as yet resting, her sister Jane moved towards the window opened it and the daylight beam on Liz.

"Who is that?" Liz asked still not getting up from the bed.

"For what reason are you still on the bed at this point?" Jane questioned her more youthful sister.

"This is an end of the week, might I at any point rest somewhat more." Liz requested more rest.

"You say rest, when it is a Sunday morning and you are saying lay come on get up and tidy up yourself." Jane said in a really ordering tone to get her sister up from the bed.

Drowsily, Liz stood up and gradually pulls off her night wear and entered the washroom. She was all the while sprucing up when her mom strolled into her room.

"What were you doing since, what's your concern you realize very well that I am specialist in the place of God and you purposefully postponed me." Her mom said with much dissatisfaction bound in her tone.

"I'm sorry, I rested before the end of last night." Feeling sorry after been admonished, Liz immediately apologized to her mom. She rapidly spruces up and in the following couple of minutes she was prepared.

Promptly she got to the lounge area, she saw that there was no food on the table and that truly got her irate, it added salt to her aggravation. She went to her mother and mentioned for her food.

"Mother what am I going to eat?" Liz asked her mother.

"Is that an inquiry? You realize that you need to eat prior to going to church, yet you stuck to your bed as though you don't have plans for now." Her mom terminated back at her.

She protested and was mumbling to herself and afterward her mom advised them to get rolling. Protesting Lizzy drowsily followed her sister Jane and jumped into the vehicle. They set out toward church.

While in the vehicle her mother conversed with her and her sister yet she didn't answer. She kept quiet which was not normal for her. She is a chatty and a pleased young lady. On getting to the congregation she and her sister remained back in the vehicle for the specialists to wrap up with their initial workers meeting. After the early specialists meeting was finished, Liz left for her specialization which is the young office and her sister, Jane left for the principal church that is on the grounds that, she is as of now not a teen she is 22 years of age.

After the exercises of the congregation, she showed up with her friends out of the high school division and afterward her mother sent her donut. Tragically, a person named Jayson, a tall attractive, dull and with a sharp nose chanced upon her, which made her snacks to fall and afterward she lashed out and from that point she detested the person sincerely to the degree of yelling at the fellow and offending him.

"Could it be said that you are visually impaired? Is it true or not that you are crazy? After my mother at last fit it in to give me something to chomp on forthcoming the time she goes to her meeting you then appeared suddenly and found me and presently my food is currently on the disturbing floor." She terminated at him.

Modest and delicate Jay acknowledged the fault and answered with a cool and persuading voice.

"Am sorry, it was an error I did... ... ... " He was promptly hindered by the enraged Liz.

"Sorry my foot and what did you say? Botch? Definitely it is a hella botch you made my fellow and sorry can't change what you have done, or could you at any point fix what has been finished?" Liz chose to make it damnation for the unfortunate person.

"No am sorry would it be advisable for me I get you another bite?" Jay requested to show how earnestly sorry he is.

"What! Me, all things considered, get me another bite, you are insane. For what reason will I consider getting or meeting something from a beggar like you?" Jay who remained there entertained with all that she is saying stayed calm and he let her talk, he murmured to himself that he was in a difficulty of some sort or another and supplicated quietly for God to convey him from a witch like Liz. After every one of the demonstrations showed by Liz, Jay left and Liz got back to him and she stepped on him.

"I'm upset for that fella." She said and giggled leaving like a footballer who has recently scored an objective. Liz's friends, Praise, Precious, Blessing and Rachael apologized to Jay for Liz's sake.

"We are upset for what our friend has done." Precious apologized.

"Kindly acknowledge our expression of remorse." Praise expressed support up Precious' statement of regret.

"It isn't anything basically it was not her shortcoming, I bumped into her first." He left unobtrusively. Then, at that point, Liz's friends began talking.

"What an attractive person, Liz shouldn't have done that, she realizes that she can get however many snacks as she needs." Blessing said in conflict to Liz's way of behaving.

"I genuinely want to believe that she understands before it is past the point of no return that being pleased isn't anything and it gets nobody to a higher spot." added Prosper. At the point when Liz returned home she ate and contemplated over what had happened before in church and lamented not slapping Jay.

For the excess occasions it was like damnation for Liz and she was unable to stand the way that school is yet to continue she anticipated the day when she won't need to go through the entire day in her mother's home.

"Goodness God I can hardly sit tight for resumption day, I ought to take off from this house and be blissful, to some degree liberated from inconveniences." She frequently shares with herself.

At last, the day Liz yearned for is currently here. It was on a Sunday morning the day she is to resume to lodging. She was puzzled to figure out that she is done going to go to her previous school and she has been moved to another school. Recuperating from the shock she discovered a few words descending her mouth. To herself she murmured.

"I will miss my friends." Liz said and her mom who saw her face plainly read the appearance all over.

"With the expression all over, I can see that you are not prepared to change your school." Her mom said.

"Yet, mother I... ... ... ..." Liz attempted to contradict her mother.

"No buts, the deed has been done I filled the structure currently alright." Liz isn't answering.

"Am I clear?" Not fulfilled she gestured her head and figured out how to say

"Indeed mother." Her mom went on with what she was talking about.

"It has been submitted to the school you are transferred to." Meanwhile with the manner in which her mom has been talking, Liz paid attention to none of it. Her brain and soul was all the way out of the house she went out, she is considering the way in which she will make new friends in the school. She felt awful.

Seeing that her little girl was not paying attention to her she murmured and felt she ought to have told Liz and paid attention to her own view about it basically it is her life. Liz felt a sharp squeeze on her cheek and afterward she returned to reality ending the quietness.

"Oof." Liz recoil yanking back to the real world.

"What is on your mind?" Her mom asked her. Liz couldn't understand a few things, she is loss of words.

"You can visit your school later as an old student." Her mom proposed to her. Seeing that her girl isn't keen on the discussion she left for her room. Her mom believed that Liz friends at school, Bella, Phyna, Isabell and Love were terrible effect on Liz. Jane effectively persuaded Liz on embracing new sections and let life shock her.

"Essentially proceed to have a sample of how different schools get things done. Get an alternate taste of life." Jane exhorted.

"Indeed I realize I will inform mother that I am prepared to go along." Liz expressed concurring with Jane.

"You know, it is good that I am able to have a nice conversation with you and you listen. Good of you." Jane praised.

Liz set out toward her mother's room, she apologised and informed her she was all set to school. Her mother was cheerful and they set out toward the school immediately on the grounds that she is late as of now.

At long last, they showed up there, on seeing the structures of the school Liz got somewhat deterred however she chose to wait on her mother's assertion that the school has its own norms and it is the most incredible in the state and the way that something in her was advising her to disregard the structures of the school and anticipate the showing guidelines of the school and learn with strong fascination made her feel quite a bit better.

With the assistance of ladies and old students of the school, they had the option to find the young ladies' lodging and got her conceded straightaway with next to zero pressure. The students helped her in conveying her heaps since it was a lot for her, her mom and Jane likewise helped in conveying the gear. At the point when they were finished with aiding her, she accompanied them to the door, she was unable to pass the external entryway in light of the fact that formally she is currently an individual dormitory from the general inn her mates uses. Her mother gave her an enormous as her pocket cash and gave her mistress additional money in the event that she needs to purchase books or her pocket cash is finished. She expressed gratitude toward her mother and they headed out in different directions. Her mom realized very well that her little girl is a prodigal and it isn't her shortcoming, her father gave her things she requests and those she didn't request.

As a quintessential and a specialist in individual associating with individuals, Liz had friends that very day she resumed, she interacted with two friends their names are Valeria and Grace. They turned out to be best of friends subsequent to getting to know one another. They were awakened by their Matron for them to begin preparing for school since today is a Monday. Alongside her best pals and her flat mates they generally set off to wash. The exercises of the school were so loaded with pressure that. She is currently a genuine individual from the school after given a student ID 15098. She was cheerful when she figured out that the school principles is great and she adored everything about the school. No sooner were she and different students given direction by the head of the school.

In the wake of expenditure as long as three weeks she figured out that the person she offended in church is in a similar school with her. At last, they came in touch, eye to eye and she was astounded and furthermore frightened in light of the fact that he is her senior in the school. She needed to disregard him and imagine she didn't see him yet Jay approached to welcome her.

"Hello young lady, what a wonderful little treat." Liz attempted to mutter nearly couple of words easing from the shock and confronting the truth that she was before him by and by, she streaked back to the occurrence of that pivotal day she offended Jay.

"Hey, so is this the school you join in?" She said posing an undeniable inquiry since she is anxious and somewhat frightened.

"Definitely fancy meeting you here." Jay said to her.

"It is my pleasure Jay." Liz answered.

"Goodness so you know my name?" Jay asked her.

"That's right." Liz affirmed.

She recollected that after she offended him she later figured out that he is Jay and he isn't a beggar, he is the child of the proprietor of a renowned oil organization.

"So then princess could I at any point know your name?" She despised the way that he was calling her a princess. Just her father has the option to call her princess. She misses her father such a lot of that she recalled the pleasant times she and her father had daughter and father bonding in any case, presently she can't and that is on the grounds that her father is currently occupied with work and meetings from to a great extent.

"I go by Elizabeth, however you can call me Lizzy or Liz." She shared with him.

"What a pleasant name." Jay said commending her name.

"Much thanks to you." That didn't come from her heart. After the hello, Jay guided out his group toward Liz and Jay turned out well for him.

"I didn't request his class." Liz said annoyingly. Liz wondered what more surprise the school has in store for her. It is no joke when people say let the world surprise you sometimes, don't always have everything planned out.