

Born of human but with the blood of witches and demons flowing through her, Elizabeth popularly known as Liz had a normal life. She lived like a princess and knew no pain. Well, that lasted till she changed schools. Betrayed by friends and family not trusting her, she decided it was right to end her life because the pain she is in does not worth living. She fell off a building but instead of her landing flat faced on the ground, she fell into a portal. A portal that changed her whole life. Liz found out she is the Overlord of the magical world and she is fated to doom the world. Faced with the burden of life and fate, she decided to rewrite her own destiny by saving the world instead of dooming it, with the help of her friends, Ope, Ryan and Tara. After all, we are the captain of our souls and the master of our fate. Will she save the world or bring further damage and destruction to the world? Follow Liz on this journey of fate.

Daoist17SYx5 · Teen
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3 Chs


"Really do right by outsiders and particularly neighbors since there will be a prize for anything that you sow and furthermore you don't have the foggiest idea where you can come in touch from here on out."

After meeting with Jay, Liz began to keep away from Jay, on the off chance that she is heading off to some place and she is nearly there the second she sees Jay moving toward she would turn around to go for a long stroll back to where she is going to. She felt that she can't be discourteous to Jay since he would involve that for of vengeance not realizing she is off-base about him. She was unable to see the way that Jay is a hero she doesn't fancy being around him. Then one pivotal day, somebody erroneously stepped on her.

"There are a few kinds of visually impaired colleagues in this school am certain this should be where Jay got visually impaired." She was stunned the second she figures out that the individual that at first stepped on her is Jay.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize that you were the person who stepped on me and I didn't actually intend what I said." Jay was aggravated by her pointless arguing.

"It's nothing, it is typical for individuals to respond along these lines yet, I want to believe that you get familiar with a few decent habits." Jay shared with her.

"Pardon!!!" Liz said claiming not to hear what Jay had shared with her.

"I said when we meet later I trust it won't be unpleasant like this." Jay shared with her

"I trust so as well." Liz said wryly.

"Farewell." Jay said and left.

"At last, some fresh air." Liz said and left the location of the occurrence.

They headed out in different directions however Liz can't help suspecting that Jay is purposefully driving her up the wall so the disdain in her developed to an ever increasing extent, increasingly strong after the manner in which they came in contact that day. In the interim Jay is starting to succumb to Liz in light of her magnificence. He likewise started to keep away from her not due to her demeanour yet he felt that it was a quintessential approach to avoiding her quite far to check whether that would diminish the kind gestures he has towards her.

Yet, destiny didn't like it as such, so they continue to see each other step by step and the sentiments Jay have for her waxed increasingly strong each day that he started to socially fall flat. He is in every case alone and scarcely converses with individuals, he made an honest effort to take it off his brain yet his best was adequately not. His friend Ay who was quintessential in seeing when somebody is confronted with difficulties felt worry as an old buddy particularly his dearest friend. He approached Jay to ask him what the issue is.

"Hello brother." Ay expressed approaching Jay.

"What's up Ay?" Jay answered

"I'm fine yet I have close to zero familiarity with you however." Ay shared with him.

"I'm fine for what reason do you say that." Jay asked Ay

"Not with the expression all over." Ay said as yet demanding something is going on with Jay.

"I don't have the foggiest idea." Jay doesn't get what Ay implies.

"What's your concern?" Ay asked Jay

"Which of the issues are you looking to be aware?" Jay asked Ay.

"At any point do you attempt to conceal anything from me, I am your dearest friend and maybe you don't have the foggiest idea, it is composed all over you that something is annoying you." Ay who is a specialist in sorting out when somebody is going through something shared with Jay.

"Apologies, kindly don't be outraged by my inquiry yet are you the one that took pen or marker or whatever and composed everything over me that I have an issue?" Jay isn't great at sharing issues so he chose to remain quiet about this.

"They say an issue shared is half settled." Ay exhorted Jay.

"What might you at any point settle or when did you become an issue solver as a matter of fact you don't have any idea how to tackle straightforward word issue in science and you need to take care of reality issue, I am sorry I can't share my concern to somebody who will simply add salt to my aggravation OK." Jay terminated at him discourteously and cruelly. It made Ay exceptionally miserable and heart broken.

"Regardless of whether I am to be offended I never anticipated it from you. I'm sorry in the future I will confront my examinations and tackle word issues on science other than taking care of reality issues which is past my insight." Ay said with a disheartened heart.

With a disheartened heart Ay left that spot. Jay felt horrendous after he articulated those words to Ay. He vowed to beseech him and ensure his closest friend returns to him and most likely offer his story with him in light of the fact that on a standards, Ay is great at tracking down answer for issues.

After that abuses, Ay chose to begin staying away from Jay and taking care of reality's concern, he was finished with it. He confronted his examinations not entirely settled to be aware and pass word issues on math and he is viewing that as genuine tomfoolery, however toward the starting extreme yet his assurance drew out the best of him. Jay saw that on most events assuming he converses with Ay, he overlooks him and in some cases try not to interact with him. He chose to stop that, that very day.

"Ay." He called him.

"What's up Jay?" Ay answered since he is as of now in touch with Jay.

"At last, I figured it will require days to have an ordinary discussion with you."

"What is it that you need to discuss? Be smart about it, I am occupied." Ay expressed attempting to keep away from a discussion with Jay.

"Alright I won't take a lot of your time. What's going on with you?" Jay asked his Ay behaving as he doesn't be aware for what reason he is that way.

"Everything seems OK with me." Ay addressed hesitatingly.

"Issue shared is half settled." Jay said utilizing Ay's assertion against him.

"Not any longer and like I said everything seems OK with me, I just chose to stay out of other people's affairs." Ay said.

"Am upset for the manner in which I offended you that day, I didn't mean it that way. I was recently baffled that day." Jay expressed saying 'sorry' to Ay.

"You don't need to be sorry in light of the fact that I am not furious and for a reality what you said that day truly entreated me to begin settling math, gratitude for making me push out the best in me." Ay said with appreciation.

"You are furious; you see it is about a young lady that I care deeply about yet can't communicate my sentiments to her since even at seeing that young lady am frightened. I would have rather not had a say in that evil young lady yet out of nowhere I see myself succumbing to her and my subsequent issue is that I don't have any idea how to make her like me the manner in which I like her now." Jay said at last opening up to Ay.

"You said it once I am bad at taking care of issues particularly connections since I have not been in one myself." Ay said.

"You are as yet furious." Ay rose up to leave and he turned around to pass on some words for Jay to get.

"I'm not furious, I am going to the library and recall, and you can get anything you desire if at all you are desperate. Bye." Ay said leaving Jay.

"Bye." Jay is miserable that Ay didn't assist him with his concern. As yet suspecting, he was tapped by Jan, returning to reality he stood up and ran towards the library clearly needing to see Ay.

"Ay, stand by a moment." He halted Ay.

"Basically I have apologized to you, if it's not too much trouble, assist me with my concern." Jay argued.

"I have, I quite recently gave you one and note this I am not furious, you saying that truly caused me to work on in math." Ay said

"What once more?" Jay asked Ay.

"Recall my final words." Ay expressed and in a sparkle of an eye he vanished into the slight air since there's simply no time left on him. Ay drew out a plan of what he will be doing at a specific time, his perusing time is not the same as his play time, his play time is unique in relation to his rest time, and his rest time is not the same as his significance time. His plan is quintessential.

Jay figured out how to recollect Ay's final words and afterward after all trying he at last got it ("you get what you need assuming not set in stone.") Since that very day Jay had it as a top priority to admit to Liz. Seconds transformed into minutes, minutes into hours, hours into many days to weeks and Jay hasn't admitted to Liz that he prefers her. It continued to torment him down and going through his vein, how might I say it, how might I face her, will she say OK, will she be blissful or will she slap me and shame me, these were the inquiries happening to him all he wants is a response to all that inquiries, clearly nobody is prepared to offer a response.

He is crushed and chosen to keep the way that he prefers Liz to himself. As opposed to tell her and be humiliated by his lesser he would simply appreciate her from a far distance off. Jay went to Ay to converse with him about it.

"Ay kindly don't let anybody know everything I have said to you." Jay shared with Ay

"Furthermore, that is what once more?" Ay said acting unmindful.

"Crap, this isn't the most ideal time for you to mess around." Jay said.

"Am serious I don't have a clue." Ay said.

"That I like Liz." Jay told Ay.

"Why?" Ay asked not certain what the issue is.

"Nothing, however as a friend you should guarantee me you won't tell anybody." Jay said remaining quiet about the explanation.

"There will constantly be an explanation." Ay shared with Jay.

"I said there isn't anything appended to it." Jay said brutally.

"I have heard; do you decide to stay quiet." Ay asked still inquisitive.

"No, as a matter of fact we are not dating." Jay stressed on dating.

"Why?" Ay asked amazed.

"I got no fortitude to converse with the young lady." Jay admitted.

"You don't mean it." Ay is confounded.

"I mean it." Jay said.

"This is significant." Ay said entertained.

"Uncommonly serious." Jay said not realizing Ay is entertained by what he said.

"OK, I won't let out the slightest peep to anybody." Ay said as he was going to leave.

"One second, guarantee you won't tell her also." Jay shared with him.

"I don't have a clue about the young lady by and by, she is just youngster everybody knows." Ay said. Liz is renowned in school for her knowledge and magnificence thus procuring the expressing excellence with minds.

"Much appreciated." Jay said with appreciation.

Since that day Jay was not very still, he felt there was a missing piece within him.