
Fated Love [BL]

When Mount Juliet University opened their doors for the first time to international students, student council President Aiden Kobayashi had an accidental and awkward meeting with Thai International Student Thapthim "Min" Nontanakorn. How will Aiden, who is known to be cold, sarcastic, expressionless and has a secret past deal with the cheerful, friendly, and outgoing Min? Will their contrasting personality clash or will it blossom into something unexpected? Follow Aiden as he deals with Min, the international students, the Mount Juliet University student body, his secret past, his wacky friends, members of the student council, and the Mount Juliet University ROTC.

Blazin_Noir03 · Others
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33 Chs

Une Déclaration D'amour (6/6)

Back in the Thai students' suit, Bank just finished setting the plates, utensils, and the glasses he washed earlier. The rice was also halfway done, all that was left was for Ball and the others to come back so he can start cooking the dishes, since he was busy and all his attention was focused on the kitchen, he didn't notice Jasper has already fallen asleep, although the living area basically shared the same space as the kitchen where Bank is.

After finishing up in the kitchen, Bank decided to turn the television off, which he forgot was on as he was busy preparing everything for lunch. He walked towards the living area, searching for the remote, until he noticed it sitting beside Jasper's left hand, which was laying on the couch, his palm facing upwards. Bank quietly and carefully grabbed the remote before turning off the television, laying it on the coffee table.

As he was about to head back to the kitchen, he got a good look at Jasper, who fell asleep with his earphones still in his ears, his head that was leaning on the wall earlier was now laying on top of the back pillows of the sofa. His right hand resting on top of his groin, his legs wide open, and since Jasper's head was slightly tilted backwards, his Adam's apple was more noticeable, making Bank gulp slightly.

His eyes then shifted to Jasper's left hand, when his heart suddenly started pounding like crazy, his face starting to get warm as he started blushing. He slowly walked towards the empty space beside Jasper and sat down slowly – still wearing his dark blue apron. After sitting down, he shifted his body towards Jasper, poking the other boy's biceps, which felt firm from the muscles, to see if he would wake up easily. After poking him several times with no response and reaction at all, he decided to go forward with his plan he formulated just a few seconds ago.

Bank slowly inched closer towards Jasper, One Ok Rock's 'Stand Out Fit In' can be heard from his air pods. As he got closer, he could smell Jasper's cologne, which made his heart pound more due to the nice manly aroma, his face getting hotter and redder as each second passed. When he was at least an inch away from Jasper, he stopped moving, settling where he was. Bank quietly exhaled, before slowly moving his right hand towards Jasper's left hand, intending on intertwining their hands together, even for just a little bit, even if it seems one sided and selfish.

Bank's index finger was a mere centimeter away from Jasper's index finger when he stopped, hesitating, and asking himself if what he was doing was right, his emotion and rationality exchanging blows, his heart and mind doing battle inside him, with the former overcoming the latter. As Bank slowly moved his fingers between Jasper's fingers, he heard the door unlocking, causing him to jump out of the sofa.

Bank was still blushing, and a bit flustered when Ball and the others entered the suite. Of course, Ball quickly noticed Bank standing in front of Jasper, "What are you doing Bank?" Ball asked in Thai as he walked towards the kitchen counter to place the grocery bag and the Milk Teas down.

"A-ah.." Bank stuttered as he quickly thought of an excuse, "I was trying to wake P'Jasper up, but he doesn't seem to respond when I poke him" he replied in their native language which Ball easily believed.

"Oh? Bank, what's going on with Jasper?" Mingyu asked when he saw Bank standing in front of their sleeping friend.

"Bank said he's trying to wake Jasper up, but it seems like he won't respond when he tried poking him" Ball explained, translating what Bank just told him.

"Oh really now?" Mingyu grinned, placing the grocery bag he was carrying on the kitchen counter as he walked towards Bank.

"This is how you wake Jasper up" Mingyu told Bank with a grin on his face, turning his back towards Jasper as he let himself fall on his friend's thighs, his tailbone hitting Jasper's right hand, pushing it down on his groin and his private part causing Jasper to instantaneously wake up, the reflex caused Jasper's head to swing forward, his forehead hitting the back of Mingyu's head, as both of them groaned in pain.

After seeing what Mingyu just did, Bank slightly tilted his head towards Ball, his eyes focused on him, slightly pursing his lips before speaking in Thai, "You and Mingyu have the same personality, no wonder you both get along so well!" Bank said his voice sounded like a mother scolding her child, Ball could only smile awkwardly. Moira, Angela, and Rebecca were shocked at what Mingyu just did as they watched him and Jasper groan in pain.

Moira was the first one to walk over towards Jasper, but not before placing the plastic bag she was carrying on the counter, followed by Angela, Rebecca, and Ball in that order. After reaching where Jasper and Mingyu are, Moira slightly pushed away Mingyu – in a playful way of course.

She then tended to Jasper who was reacting more to the pain coming from his forehead than his crushed groin and private part, Angela was right beside Moira, with Rebecca next to Angela. Ball was standing between Rebecca and Bank as Mingyu and Jasper's groans filled the living area, drowning out any other sounds. Bank continued to fuss at Ball who was trying to calm him down, the latter remembering how Ball and Min woke him up the other night by putting ice cubes in his pants, and earlier in the day when Ball threw his backpack on his nuts – which made him more empathetic to Jasper's current predicament.

Coincidentally, the groaning emanating from the living area woke Min up from his deep slumber, his face still sunk into the pillow. He slowly turned on his back, moving the pillow he was laying on and took out Aiden's pictures from under it, "Good Morning Aiden" Min groaned before kissing his index and middle finger before pushing it to the picture where Aiden was doing a finger heart- Min's favorite picture.

The groans continued to come from the living area, forcing Min to sit on the side of his bed, rubbing his eyes before he gave out a yawn, "What the hell did Ball do to Bank this time?" he whispered to himself before getting up from his bed, laying Aiden's pictures on his desk, before he walked towards his door only wearing his boxer shorts on - a recipe for an upcoming disaster.

Min was yawning and ruffling his hair as he slowly walked towards the living area where the groans where coming from, getting louder as he got closer. Min was half awake, his eye not fully opened as he turned the corner and walked into the living area, "What the hell did you do this time Ball?" Min asked in Thai, failing to notice who were in the living area.

As soon as Min came into full view of everyone, Angela immediately squealed, her face got flushed quickly, getting the attention of everyone. Moira and Rebecca's face blushed as Angela covered Moira's eyes, with Rebecca doing the same for Angela, and Ball covering Rebecca's eyes. Mingyu and Jasper's groans faded for a bit as they looked at where Min is standing, his hair messy, only wearing his boxer shorts.

Angela's scream fully woke Min up, as he realized there were girls in their living area, "Shiaaa! What the hell are you doing Min!? Get dressed there are girls here!" Ball told Min, still covering Rebecca's eyes.

"Shiaaaaaaaaaaaa! Ball! Bank! Why didn't you tell me we have guests!?" Min exclaimed, covering his groin area before running back to his room to put some clothes on, his face red due to embarrassment. As soon as Min returned to his room, Ball released his hand from Rebecca's eyes, the latter releasing her hand from Angela's eyes, and then Angela from Moira's eyes, the three girls still blushing.

"I wasn't expecting that at all!" Moira exclaimed as she fanned herself, to try and calm herself down.

"OMG! OMG! That was crazy!" Angela said, fanning herself as well as she tried to calm herself down, the image of Min only in his underwear already seared into here brain.

"I have to admit, that was unexpected" Rebecca added, her face red as well, but not as pronounced as Moira and Angela's faces due to the fact that since she's an ROTC officer, she has more control of her emotions than others when it comes to guys being shirtless or something similar.

After a few minutes, Min came out of his room, now fully dressed, his face was still red due to the embarrassment he was feeling, "Sorry about earlier!" Min apologized as he returned to the living area, his apology directed towards Moira, Angela, and Rebecca.

"Don't worry about that Min!" Moira responded, her face still blushing.

"Sorry for screaming like that, I was just surprised and all, and that was my first reaction" Angela said.

"Don't worry about that Representative Nontanakorn" Rebecca finally added, catching Min's attention.

"Oh!? It's you!" Min reacted after seeing Rebecca, "I almost didn't recognize you without the uniform on"

"You guys know each other?" Ball asked, "When did you meet her?".

"We got acquainted last night! Also, I apologize again for earlier, that wasn't how I would've preferred to meet you again, but some people forgot to tell me we were having guests over" Min told Rebecca before looking at Ball and Bank, the latter two avoiding eye contact with Min.

"Sup Min!" Mingyu greeted, still rubbing the back of his head before Jasper did a wet willy on him, causing Mingyu to jump away from Jasper.

"WTF Jasper! That's nasty as fuck!" Mingyu reacted as he wiped his ear out.

"That's what you get you little shit!" Jasper laughed, still rubbing his forehead, "Hey Min, sorry for waking you up with our groans and all".

"Bruh, you're nasty!" Mingyu jokingly added, as he laughed at what Jasper just did.

"Oh? So it was you and Mingyu who were groaning?" Min asked.

"Yeah, sorry about that" Jasper said as he looked at Min.

"No, worries, I thought it was Bank who was groaning. I was under the impression Ball did another prank on him, like he always does" Min explained, "So what did happen?".

"I just woke Jasper up, is what happened" Mingyu responded.

"That's not the entirety of it!" Jasper reacted before Ball explained to Min what happened, speaking in Thai as Bank listened on as well.

Min just laughed at the explanation Ball told him, "Wow, sounds like something you would do Ball!" he responded in Thai.

"That's what I told him!" Bank interjected his face pouting, before the conversation could continue, the rice cooker started beeping, signaling that the rice was finished cooking.

"Oh! I totally forgot about that!" Bank commented in Thai as he went towards the kitchen, immediately unpacking the ingredients that everyone bought.

"What's going on Ball?" Min asked in Thai.

"Oh, Bank is cooking for everyone" Ball replied with a smile on his face, "He's cooking 'Pad Kaprow Gai' and 'Pad Pak Kana Moo krob' for lunch".

"Oh wow! I'm actually hungry" Min told Ball before he faced everyone, "Bank is a really good cook!"

"So we've heard" Moira replied as she sat on the couch beside Jasper.

"So Min do you always sleep in like this?" Jasper asked, the pain he was feeling already disappearing.

"Not always" Min laughed, "It's just I was so tired after I got home last night, and since we don't have classes, I decided to just sleep until the party tonight".

"Why were you so tired last night? What did you do?" Angela asked, curious as to what Min did to make him so tired that he would decide to sleep all day.

"Ah-ah" Min stuttered, unable to tell them the reason why he got so exhausted the previous night.

"President Kobayashi ordered him to don the Captain Wolf mascot last night, as punishment for him suddenly disappearing, and then showing up late for his shift at the control booth" Rebecca explained as everyone looked at Rebecca and then Min. Before anyone could question Min, Bank called out for his suitemates to help him prep and the ingredients so he could start cooking.

"Do you guys need any help?" Jasper offered, followed by Angela, Moira, and Rebecca.

"Oh no, we're fine. All of you are our guests so you should just relax" Min responded with a smile on his face before Bank pulled him by the ear and had him slicing the chicken. Ball worked on the vegetables and Bank worked on the pork.

Everyone just watched the Thai students as they prepped the ingredients, as if watching a live cooking show, with them being on the front row seats. They were amazed on how Bank was handling the knife professionally, Min and Ball weren't too shabby either, by the time they realized it, Bank was already cooking some of the ingredients they were prepping, the aroma from the spices circulated within the suite.

The aroma from whatever Bank is cooking was making everyone hungry. It didn't take but another 30 minutes before everything was cooked, and Bank instructed his suitemates to plate the food, putting the side dishes on two large plates, and the rice on individual bowls. Ball placed the two side dishes on the coffee table, while Min carried the bowls with rice on a tray as Bank finished up in the kitchen.

After Ball placed the side dishes on the coffee table, everyone gathered around the freshly cooked food and savored the aroma and the appetizing presentation of the food. Min came afterwards, passing the bowls of rice to everyone before handing them their utensils. After Bank joined the group, everyone started eating, with Jasper and Mingyu greatly impressed at how tasty the food was, quickly finishing their bowls. Moira, Angela, and Rebecca were left speechless on how good Bank's cooking is, true to the reputation and bragging that Ball and Min has been doing.

Mingyu and Jasper asked for a second serving of rice, which Bank gladly acknowledge, a huge smile forming on his face knowing that Jasper was happy and content with the food he cooked. After getting another serving of rice, Bank asked Ball and Min to grab some drinks and glasses, which his suitemates promptly followed. After the trio went back to the living room, they all started eating with their friends, talking about random topics as they enjoyed the 'Pad Kaprow Gai' and 'Pad Pak Kana Moo krob'.

After everyone ate, they thanked Bank for the delicious food he cooked, thanking Min and Ball as well for letting them hang out in their place. The Thai students were all too happy to host them for lunch, with Min suggesting they do it again with everyone in Cappuccino Power and Rebecca. Min, Bank, and Jasper also thanking everyone for getting them the Milk Tea.

"What's Cappuccino Power?" Rebecca asked before drinking her glass of water.

"It's basically our group. It's me, Aiden, Min, Ball, Bank, Moira, Angela, Katrina, Aaron, and Jasper" Mingyu explained to Rebecca.

"We were technically formed before the #CoffeeShower incident at the cafeteria happened, Min decided our group name later that night" Angela explained.

"Oh, that's a really interesting group of people" Rebecca commented, "Aiden's Praetorian Guards, High Ranking Student Council members, and the Thai Exchange Students"

"Praetorian Guards?" Mingyu asked.

"Aiden's closest associates; you, Katrina, Jasper and Aaron" Rebecca chuckled.

"Oh right, that sounds cool actually" Mingyu responded as he gave out a chuckle.

"That's better than the 'Old Guards' that Min and I came up with" Ball chuckled.

"Bruh, you make it sound like we're actually old" Mingyu commented to the laughter of everyone.

"Since we're talking about Aiden, what did happen last night? What's the deal with the Captain Wolf mascot? Moira asked, changing the course of their discussion.

"From what I heard, Min was late for his shift last night at the control booth, and we're also aware that Min disappeared for a short while, prompting Aiden to organize a search party, but isn't the punishment a bit unusual and disproportionate to what Min did?" Moira continued.

"That's what I thought too, but I received orders from Cadet-Major Del Rosario to serve as his escort along with a team of cadets and make sure he acts as Captain Wolf until the event concluded, I didn't receive any other details other than that" Rebecca explained.

"After the event finished, President Kobayashi ordered Min to stay behind and help the ROTC and the university staff clean up" Rebecca added.

"Talk about overkill, what did you do to Aiden last night for him to punish you like that?" Mingyu asked.

"I guess Aiden hates me that much" Min laughed before Ball grabbed a magazine below where the television is hanging, rolled it, and smacked Min in the head. "You probably teased him or something!" Ball said as Moira froze in place, shifting her eyes.

"No, actually. I got an earful from Aiden for disappearing and then showing up late, after he told me earlier that night not to be late" Min explained, omitting the fact about the pictures from the AG booth.

"Well, that would definitely do it" Mingyu commented, "Aiden doesn't like it when he tells someone something and they don't deliver. I could see why Aiden would make you do the things he made you do".

Before anybody else could follow up with what was just said, Mingyu, Jasper, Moira, and Angela's phone started vibrating followed by a notification sound. It was Aiden, reminding the members of the Student Council and the International Student Organization to gather at the Ballroom at 16:30 to assist with the setup and preparations. A few minutes later, Rebecca's phone vibrated, a message from Amy requesting she report at their Barracks at 15:00 for the mission briefing – basically in 30-minutes. This forced everyone to cut short their conversation and say their goodbyes to their hosts, but not before offering to help clean, with Bank insisted they don't have to, before everyone left to get ready for the welcome party.

Aiden arrived at the Ballroom at around 16:00, his outfit different, but still looked cool and fashionable. His outfit basically consisted of a black v-cut shirt, with a black zip-up hoodie, a black ripped skinny jean, and his black Timberland boots, he also wore the same accessories he had this morning, his pendant tucked away under his shirt.

When Aiden entered, the university staff were already setting up the tables and chairs, portable stage, the speakers, the video and music equipment they were going to use. The female building manager approached Aiden as soon as he entered, complementing him on his outfit and his looks, Aiden only forced a smile before being updated on the current progress in regard with the setup.

After the building manager finished her report, Cadet-Majors Del Rosario and Montanillo, both wearing their dress uniforms, accompanied by Cadet-Captain Francisco and the other Executive Officers of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th ROTC companies wearing their combat uniforms, entered the ballroom.

"Excuse me! No students are allowed here as of this moment" Cadet-Major Del Rosario called out to Aiden, not recognizing him due to his outfit, Cadet-Captain Francisco immediately cringed before loudly clicking her heels together and rendering a salute, quickly confusing all the other officers present.

"President Kobayashi, senior cadet-officers of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th ROTC companies reporting for duty!" Cadet-Captain Francisco said out loud as Aiden turned around, holding a clipboard which has the seating arrangement that Moira made, and the list of attendees for the welcome party.

Cadet-Major Del Rosario, Cadet-Major Montanillo and the other three Cadet-Captains quickly clicked their heels and rendered a salute after realizing that the "student" that Cadet-Major Del Rosario was calling out to was their Student Commander-in-Chief. Of course, Cadet-Major Del Rosario felt embarrassed addressing Aiden like she did, leaving her shocked and speechless.

"What's with that face Cadet-Major, you look like you've seen a ghost" Aiden said when he saw Cadet-Major Del Rosario's face, almost drained of its color. He looked at the other cadet-officers in front of him and saw the same reactions, except for Cadet-Captain Francisco who didn't seem bothered by his appearance, displaying a normal reaction, given that she already had her share of shock and surprise earlier in the morning after that run-in by MJU Station.

"As you were" Aiden ordered as everyone lowered their arms and assumed the parade rest stance.

"A-apologies President Kobayashi! I didn't know that was you!" Cadet-Major Del Rosario said, profusely apologizing to Aiden.

"Don't think too much about it, Cadet-Major Del Rosario, you're not the first one to react like that nor will you be the last" Aiden said, as he started getting used to the same reaction to his changed appearance.

"What's the current status of the 1st through 4th?" Aiden asked.

"Sir, all cadets are standing by and awaiting your orders" Cadet-Major Del Rosario replied.

"Good, what's the deployment formation for tonight?" Aiden continued.

"Sir, the cadets will be broken into four sections, the first section will be charged with the security outside the student center, the second section will be patrolling within the student center, the third section will be posted outside the immediate vicinity of the ballroom, and the fourth section will be stationed inside the ballroom, along with the bulk of our medical teams" Cadet-Major Montanillo reported as Aiden nodded his head in acknowledgement.

"Good, callsigns for Sections 1, 2, 3, and 4 will be Persona, Dionysius, Black Swan, and Filter in that order" Aiden ordered as Cadet-Majors Del Rosario and Montanillo responded simultaneously with a "Yes, sir!". One of the Cadet-Captains beside Cadet-Captain Francisco whispered to the other Cadet-Captain beside her, "Aren't those BTS songs?", which caught the attention of Cadet-Captain Francisco who immediately shushed the other two officers.

"Right, since Cadet-Majors Del Rosario and Montanillo will be joining us at this event, the overall operational command of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th will be under Cadet-Captain Francisco, the different sections, as planned will be under the NCO's" Aiden continued to the surprise of Cadet-Captain Francisco.

"Me, sir?" Cadet-Captain Francisco asked, confused as to why she was chosen.

"Would you rather I not hand you command of the battalion Cadet-Captain?" Aiden asked, as the other officers looked at Cadet-Captain Francisco.

"No-no sir, I'll be honored to command the battalion by your orders, sir" Cadet-Captain Francisco replied, a smile on her face noticeable, even though she was trying to suppress it.

"Good. It's settled. Cadet-Captain Francisco, you will base your HQ here at the ballroom, find a suitable spot where you can setup, relay the updated chain of command to the battalion" Aiden ordered as the executive officers rendered a salute, before excusing themselves.

"What about Cadet-Major Montanillo and I, sir?" Cadet-Major Del Rosario asked. "Relax somewhere" Aiden ordered before walking off.

Cadet-Major Del Rosario and Cadet-Major Montanillo looked at each other confused, "Relax?" they said at the same time before looking at Aiden who was walking towards the stage. After a few minutes, Grace and Katrina entered the ballroom and was surprised to see Cadet-Majors Del Rosario and Montanillo just sitting on the side, looking bored.

"You guys okay? Where's Aiden?" Grace asked as she saw the two cadet-officers looking bored and uneasy just sitting around. The two were about to stand up to render a salute when Grace stopped them from doing so, prompting the two to sit back down.

"President Kobayashi is up front, inspecting the stage" Cadet-Major Montanillo replied.

"Why are you guys sitting down?" Katrina asked, curious as to why they weren't doing anything.

"President Kobayashi ordered as to 'relax' so we're just sitting here awaiting further orders" Cadet-Major Del Rosario responded as Grace and Katrina looked at each other.

"Grace! Katrina!" Aiden called out as he walked towards them. Grace and Katrina looking at where Aiden's voice was coming from, the former looking shocked and surprised.

"A-Aiden?" Grace stuttered, surprised to see a different looking Aiden.

"Once the university staff finishes with setting up the tables, go ahead and instruct them on how to do the decorations. Katrina, check the sound booth and setup the music playlist for tonight. Once those are done have Amy and Alexis assist with prepping the stage" Aiden ordered as he walked towards the door to check on other things.

"What if the others arrive?" Katrina asked as Aiden continued walking.

"Have them help out as well! I'll leave it to you on where to place them" Aiden replied in a loud voice as he exited the ballroom, Grace still looking surprised and unable to move on from what she just saw.

"Welcome to the club" Cadet-Major Del Rosario told Grace, who seems to be having a hard time absorbing what she just saw, "That's how we reacted too earlier".

"He does wear nice things on rare and special occasions" Katrina said catching the attention of the others

"You don't seem surprised though?" Cadet-Major Montanillo asked as he looked at Katrina.

"Well, I did the first time I saw him wear nice clothes, but I'm used to it by now" Katrina replied before heading towards the sound booth where all the sound equipment is located.

"Right" Cadet-Major Montanillo replied as Grace walked towards the university staff working on the tables.

After a few minutes, the rest of the Student Council and International Student Organization officers arrived in the ballroom, with Angela, Moira, Jasper, and Mingyu basically wearing the same clothes, with Mingyu changing his shorts to a black ripped jean. Aaron was wearing a blue t-shirt, and a grey vest on top of it, black cargo pants, and Nike Air Jordan, a black and red Beats headphone around his neck, and a hanging cross earring in his left ear and stud earrings on his right ear, he also had a bracelet on his left wrist and an apple watch on his right; Kobe was wearing an oversized shirt, skinny jeans, a cap, Dr. Marten boots, and his apple watch on his left wrist; Min is wearing an oversized white long sleeved polo shirt with the top button unbuttoned, exposing his chest, and the sleeves rolled up just above his elbow, white skinny jeans, and white Timberland boots, he's also wearing a watch on his right wrist.

As soon as everyone arrived, they gathered around Cadet-Majors Del Rosario and Montanillo, exchanging pleasantries and compliments on each other's outfits. Just then, Grace and Katrina returned from what Aiden instructed them to do. Katrina was wearing a loose shirt with skinny jeans and an orange high top converse, earring studs on both ears, and bracelets on her left wrist, and apple watch on the right; Grace for her part is wearing a summer dress with a large leather belt around her waist, a wedge sandals, dangling earrings on both ears, bracelets on her right wrist and a watch on her left.

After arriving, Grace started giving everyone instructions to help out with the decorations and other preparations before the catering service arrives to set-up the buffet stations on either side of the ballroom. Moira and Angela were tasked to setup a table by the ballroom doors which would serve as the reception area; Aaron and Min were tasked to assist the university staff doing the decorations around the vicinity of the stage; Jasper and Aaron were sent to help out the university staff decorating on the other end of the ballroom, close to the main entrance; Kobe and Katrina were tasked with assisting the catering service with whatever they need, while Grace, Cadet-Majors Del Rosario and Montanillo went to finish prepping the stage, and assisting with the decorations.

Aiden meanwhile was scouting the area, making sure that the ROTC has covered the entirety of the venue, both the exterior and interior, to prevent any unwanted guests or group of students from sneaking in and causing a scene. Under normal circumstances he wouldn't be this stringent but given that this event is not only a welcome party for the international students, but also a PR stunt by the university to boost its image on the domestic and international stage to help with their student enrollments - a form of power projection for Mount Juliet University, so everything must be done down to the letter.

By 17:45 members of the Executive Council, the Council of Deans, the Board of Student Governors, the MJU Times, the MJU Radio, the MJU TV and the Gang of Eight, the International Exchange Program Staff, the Department of Modern Foreign Language faculty, and Dr. Carla Harrison started arriving, and were escorted to their assigned seats by Moira, Angela, Grace, and Katrina. All of them were seated at the central area facing the stage, where the Student Council and the International Student Council are also assigned to be seated. The formation of the tables is a large '|_|_|' facing the stage, enough to fit all the attending guests that are not considered as international students.

The long table facing the stage is where the Executive Council Members and the Council of Deans, and the Board of Student Governors were slated to sit. The first prong to the left is where the MJU media personalities and the Gang of Eight members will be seated, the central prong is where the Student Council members, International Student Organization officers and the International Student Council will be seating, and the final prong is where the International Exchange Program staff, the Department of Modern Foreign Language faculty and Dr. Harrison will be seating. Cadet-Major Del Rosario will be seating with the Student Council, while Cadet-Major Montanillo will be seating with the Gang of Eight.

Of course, MJU TV brought along a camera crew and a student reporter to cover the event, MJU Radio and MJU Times also have student journalists and reporters standing by to do interviews, take photographs, and of course cover the entirety of the event which they will published and air the following week for the entirety of the university.

By 17:50 large groups of international students have entered the student center, with ROTC cadets lining the stairways and corridors to direct the international students to where the ballroom is located. The dress code for the night is casual, except for the members of the administration, staff, and faculty in attendance who were wearing business casual clothes, this also included Cadet-Colonel Belarmino, Cadet-Major Del Rosario, and Cadet-Major Montanillo who are wearing their dress uniforms.

The other tables in the ballroom were circular in shape and could hold at least ten people each. Moira's seating plan was designed in a way where the international students are seated in alphabetical order via their surnames to ensure that they will not be cliquing with their fellow students from their home universities and home countries, this would give them a chance to meet other international students, practice their English skills, and make new friends. Due to an error in printing the names of the international students, Ball, Bank, and Fujiyoshi's name weren't included in the seating plan, but were on the attendee list, to quickly remedy the situation, Aiden ordered the students to be seated in their table.

Of course, Aiden tweaked the seating chart a little bit, rearranging the Gang of Eight in a way that Heidi, Oscar, Prince, (who was also extended an invitation per Aiden's orders), and RJ are seated next to each other, next to Cadet-Colonel Belarmino and Cadet-Major Montanillo, while Jason and Hazelyn were seated on the far end closer to the stage, the two ROTC officers acting as a buffer between the two groups. The members of the Student Council and International Student Council were seated according to their positions, with Aiden and Monica seating closer to where the Chancellor and the Deans are and the lowest ranking officers closest to the stage. The officers of the International Student Organization who are not part of the Student Council were seated at random at the end of the table with Ball, Bank, and Fujiyoshi.

While the remaining international students were being led to their seats, most of the people already inside the ballroom were chatting with other people, some students were taking pictures and selfies. As one of the university staff who was assigned to control the music played some catchy tunes as everyone waited for the event to start, the song that was currently playing was 'Right Now' by Akon.

The mood in the venue was festive, the ballroom being filled with chatters and laughter which by all accounts was somewhat drowning out the background music. Student journalists and reporters from the MJU Times, MJU Radio, and MJU TV were interviewing some of the domestic students, international students, faculty and staff that were present, with questions ranging from their current thoughts about the international students, perception of the international students, how the international students would impact the university life and culture, the international students' culture shock, thoughts about MJU, what the international students are looking forward to, how their stay at MJU is going so far, and their thoughts about the Student Council among others. The official University Photographer from the Office of University Relations is also present, taking snapshots of the venue, domestic students, international students, ROTC cadets, the food, the decorations, members of the administration as well as faculty and staff that are present.

As everyone was going about their business, Chancellor Gazmin called for Aiden, who promptly reported to the Chancellor. Aiden was summoned to discuss the proposal that he presented the other day at the Executive Council Meeting, as Chancellor Gazmin arrived with his decision in regard to the only proposal that have not been approved – the expansion of the Student Council. Before the Chancellor got to the actual topic, he congratulated Aiden on a job well done with the Student Organization Fair, which Aiden accepted humbly and gracefully, in contrast as to how he reacted to Vice Chancellor Gutierrez that morning. Of course Aiden was a bit nervous, not knowing what the Chancellor has decided in regard to his progressive proposal for the reformation of the Student Council.

"I have thought long and hard about your proposal Aiden, and I have reached a decision" Chancellor Gazmin told Aiden, who was feeling nervous and anxious inside, but has mostly kept his exterior reaction and expression the same as usual.

"I will accept whatever your decision may be Chancellor Gazmin, you know what is best for the university and our students" Aiden said before the Chancellor could say anything else, Vice Chancellor Gutierrez was also anxious as she's one of the people in the Executive Council who fully supports the Student Council's reformation.

The Chancellor gave out a chuckle as he placed his hand on Aiden's shoulder, "You see Aiden, it's that attitude and personality of yours that made me decide to approve your proposal".

The Chancellor's answer almost made Aiden smile, as Vice Chancellor Gutierrez quickly clapped her hands in excitement, as she lowkey jumped up and down in her heels, "Thank you Chancellor Gazmin, I promise I will not disappoint, and will use this opportunity to further improve the Student Council and serve our students and the university better" Aiden said as Chancellor Gazmin patted his shoulder.

"I have no doubts you would, but there is a small matter I would like you to do for me" Chancellor Gazmin asked as he removed his hand from Aiden's shoulder.

"Yes, Chancellor Gazmin, what would it be?" Aiden replied.

"The position of the University Intelligence Officer, its name sounds a bit authoritarian in nature, would it be possible for you to change it?" Chancellor Gazmin kindly asked, smile forming on his face.

"Of course sir, that wouldn't be a problem" Aiden replied.

"Thank you for understanding Aiden, as much as possible I wouldn't want the Student Council to be perceived as an organization invading the privacy of our students, the optics of it casts the Student Council in a very negative light" Chancellor Gazmin said.

"Though I do approve of you keeping an eye on the members of the Gang of Eight and gathering information about possible trouble in the university. I do agree with you in prevention rather than cure when it comes to the security and stability of our student body and university. I have been hearing reports of brewing trouble between Ms. Mendoza, Mr. Marquez on one side, and Mr. Espinosa, Mr. Hernandez and Ms. Enriquez on one side, and I think it's in all of our best interest if we keep it to from evolving into a full-blown open conflict amongst our largest groups and organizations" Chancellor Gazmin continued.

"I understand sir, and I do apologize for the naming of that position, with your permission, I just came up with another alternative for the title of University Intelligence Officer" Aiden said.

"Oh? Is that so? As expected of our Student Council President this year. Well, let's hear it" Chancellor Gazmin said.

"Would the title Attorney-General be more suitable, Chancellor Gazmin?" Aiden suggested.

"I actually like that; it sounds better and more professional. What do you think Aurea?" Chancellor Gazmin said as he looked at Vice Chancellor Gutierrez who seemed impressed by how quick Aiden thought of a replacement name, at the same time, there was an expression of approval for the new name.

"I think that's a good replacement from the previous title that Aiden suggested. I like it" Vice Chancellor Gutierrez said, giving her blessing on the new name.

"Well, there you have it, Aiden. You have my permission to establish these position as you see fit, you can also start searching for the candidates that can fill these new positions. You have full authorization and autonomy in setting this up. I do expect a report about your progress by the next Executive Meeting" Chancellor Gazmin said.

"Yes sir! Thank you very much!" Aiden responded before he excused himself. Chancellor Gazmin just gave another chuckle before he and Vice Chancellor Gutierrez took their seats.

After a few minutes, the main entrance to the ballroom was closed, and the last of the international students have been seated. Moira Sato, Student Council Chief of Staff and Katrina Tolentino, International Student Organization Chief of Staff and Student Council Comptroller, the designated Emcees for the event took the stage and greeted everyone present in the ballroom as the chatters and laughter died down, the music was also muted to allow everyone to hear Moira and Katrina properly.

"Good Evening everyone!" Moira greeted as she was greeted back by everyone.

"Wow! What wonderful reception and energy! This is going to be great night, right Moira?" Katrina said, they're voice sounding excited.

"Firstly, we would like to extend our deepest thanks and gratitude to all our international students, our fellow domestic students, administration officials, faculty and staff for joining us tonight in this festive occasion!" Moira continued.

"To start off our welcome party, we have Chancellor Harrold Gazmin to deliver the opening remarks" Katrina announced as she and Moira stepped back from the center stage before Chancellor Gazmin made his way up to the stage, Katrina giving the Chancellor a mic as thunderous applause greeted the Chancellor.

"Thank you, Katrina and Moira" Chancellor Gazmin said before facing everyone.

"Before anything else, I would like to extend our thanks to President Kobayashi, the Student Council, and the International Student Organization for organizing this wonderful event for our international student" The Chancellor started his speech.

"I, along with the entire faculty and staff of Mount Juliet University are glad to see that you all have been adjusting well to our university culture. Most of you must've been surprised to see a lot of things here that you may not have experienced in your home universities, or even your home countries. But I would like to assure everyone that the MJU student culture is as unique as it would get, and I would like to stress the importance of immersing and integrating yourselves in this unique culture of ours. I strongly believe as an educator that by immersing yourselves in things you have not experienced before, you open yourselves up to further learning, growth, and development. There are things in life that we cannot learn within the confines of a classroom, and that most of our learning in life comes from experiences and exploring something new. By opening up yourselves to things unknown, you expand your perspective and view of the world, and with that you help your knowledge and understanding grow, which allows for you to become a well-educated and wise person. This welcome party that our Student Council have organized is also another part of your learning experience, the opportunities for discovering something new and meeting other people is part of our ethos here at Mount Juliet, which I strongly believe will aid in your growth and development as students, and future professionals. I do hope everyone enjoys this event, especially the food, which I heard are the best of what the Philippine cuisine has to offer. Now I'm going to end my speech here since most of you looks like you're about ready to storm the buffet lines, thank you all for attending this event, and I hope everyone has a wonderful and enjoyable night!" Chancellor Gazmin said as he ended his speech, which was met by yet another thunderous applause and standing ovation from everyone present.

As the Chancellor made his way down the stage, he returned Katrina's mic before the two emcees took center stage again. "What a powerful and inspiring speech from our dear Chancellor!" Moira said excitedly.

"Now, we know all of you are hungry, but we have one more speech for the night before we let everyone start lining up our buffet tables" Katrina said.

"Everyone, please welcome our Student Council President, Aiden Kobayashi!" Moira and Katrina said in tandem as another thunderous applause filled the ballroom, scattered squeals can be heard from different parts of the venue.

When Aiden took center stage, mic in hand, the scattered squeals became full-blown as everyone who hasn't seen Aiden in his outfit reacted with surprise, excitement, and glee. Especially Min, who was seeing Aiden in an outfit other than his MJU uniform for the first time, his eyes sparkling, his heart beating faster. The sight of Aiden wearing all black, with his earrings and other accessories made Min fall in love with the Student Council President even more, with the student journalists having a field day on his outfit.

RJ, Oscar, Heidi, Hazelyn, and Augustin started flailing and squealing at the sight of Aiden. A fresh new look that they were just seeing for the first time, as everyone on the venue got their phones out and started taking pictures and/or videos of Aiden. Of course the students at the back, although they couldn't see Aiden up-close, can see what he was wearing as the projectors, and flat-screen TVs were showing a live feed of the stage, allowing them to at least take a picture, even from the screens. Some members of the Executive Council were even joking about how no one took their phones out while the Chancellor spoke, but with Aiden, who hasn't even spoken yet, was already greeted by squeals and cameras.

"Alright everyone! We know you guys love our Student Council President, but we all should quiet down and let him deliver his speech so we could all partake!" Katrina said as the squeals died down, allowing Aiden to start speaking.

"Thank you everyone for the rousing welcome! I'm happy and excited that all of you could join us tonight in this event" Aiden started his speech, his expression still the same.

"The hell was that? Happy and excited? His expression didn't even change. He's like Severus Snape from the Harry Potter series" Mingyu commented after hearing Aiden's opening remarks, garnering chuckles and muffled laughter from everyone in his proximity who heard what he said, Jasper grabbing the program pamphlet and smacking it on the back of Mingyu's head.

"I will make this speech short, for the sake of those who are ready to have their dinner" Aiden added as laughter erupted in the ballroom.

"First and foremost, I would like to thank the members of the Student Council, the International Student Organization, the ROTC, and university staff who helped setup and decorate this ballroom, and also made this event possible" Aiden continued.

"As with Chancellor Gazmin has said, the Student Council and the International Student Organization are glad to see that everyone is adjusting to our culture here at MJU. As members of the Student Council, we are proud and honored to be given the opportunity to serve the first batch of international students here at Mount Juliet. Our goal and duty are to ensure that our students, both domestic and international, are taken care of and that their educational experience here is something that they would remember as a great experience in their collegiate journey. I do hope that our international students have had a wonderful and eye-opening first week, and that their adjustment to the culture and traditions here in our country has been a smooth transition. This welcome party is just one of many events and activities that the Student Council have in store for all our students this academic year, and I do hope everyone participates in those events and create fun and memorable memories. I hope everyone enjoys the food, and I hope everyone has a fun night. Thank you very much!" Aiden said as he concluded his impromptu speech which received a thunderous applause as Aiden exited the stage, returning his mic to Moira as he walked down the steps.

"Now that our opening remarks are over, everyone help yourselves with the food!" Moira announced as everyone started getting up from their seats and started getting in line at the buffet tables. The music started playing again, the song being played 'Harlem Shake' by Baauer.

Everyone was greeted by the aroma of different Filipino foods at the buffet line, Kaldereta, Kare-Kare, Lumpia, Sinigang, Lechon Kawali, Fried Chicken, Pancit Malabon, Palabok, Lechon, Crispy Pata, Adobong Baboy, Chicken Inasal, Pork Barbeque, Beef Tapa, and Liempo for the main dishes. For desserts, there are Leche Flan, Puto Bumbong, Buko Pie, Bibingka, Cassava Cake, Ensaymada, Mango Float, Maja Blanca, and Sapin-sapin. Of course there's white rice being served as well, being a staple in Filipino cuisine. There were also a variety of drinks, like Sago't Gulaman, Buko Juice, Calamansi Juice, Buko Pandan, Mango Shakes, Coffee, Tea, Soft Drinks, and of course Water.

Most of the international students, especially the Korean and Japanese students were amazed by the presentation of the Lechon, the pig having an apple in its mouth skewered by a bamboo stick. The South American students were surprised and in awe by how some of the Filipino foods they were seeing were somewhat similar to the food that they have in their home countries – a legacy of Spanish colonization. It took about 30 minutes for everyone to get their food, and everyone was sitting on their respective tables, enjoying their dinner, making small talk, and enjoying the music playing in the background. To the surprise and shock of everyone – Aiden's praetorian guards included, Aiden was actually eating something, filling half his plate with rice, as he got Beef Tapa, Lechon Kawali, Pork Barbeque, Kaldereta, and Iced Coffee.

After everyone was finished eating, Moira and Katrina went up the stage again as the event was moving on to its next part – games. "Did everyone enjoy their dinner!?" Moira asked as her voice echoed throughout the venue, she was greeted by cheers and shouts of approval from everyone.

"That's good! We're moving on to the next segment of our event, games!" Katrina announced excitedly as the students got excited.

"Now, we have six games in total for the night, two of which are playable by everyone, and the other three will be played by grouping everyone per country of origin, and the last one will be a surprise game, and the participants will be selected at random" Moira announced as a competitive atmosphere started building up within the ballroom. The six games that Moira had come up with are Trip to Jerusalem, Bring Me, Stop Dance, Paper Dance, Pinoy Henyo, and the last game which Moira kept a secret and purposefully did not announce, saving it for last.

The first game to be announced was Trip to Jerusalem, a game where the players must move around the chairs and quickly take a seat once the music stops, the player that wasn't able to get a seat is eliminated, and one chair is removed as the next level starts. Moira grouped all the international students by country, and the domestic students were free to join any country they wished to join or stay with the Filipino team, each group nominated their player who will represent their country. There were 20 chairs total, with 21 students participating, all the countries were represented including the Philippines. It was a nail-biting game which resulted in the German Students' victory.

The next one played is Bring me, where the host says, "Bring me + whatever he/she wants". The game got so intense and competitive, even more so when Moira hyped up the last round of the game, when she said, "Bring me Aiden Kobayashi". Everyone participated in this game, but with the help of Aiden's male Praetorian Guards, they handed the victory over to the Thai students – which Min greatly savored.

The next game that was played was Stop dance, a game similar to Trip to Jerusalem but without the chairs. Players will start dancing and when the music stops, they must freeze, those who move, or smile are eliminated from the game. Like the first game, the international students were grouped by country, and they chose a representative to play for them. The game was won by the Korean students easily.

The next game was paper dance, similar to stop dance, except players would have to stand on a paper (usually a newspaper) with their dance partner once the music stops and must keep their balance being careful not to step outside the paper. The paper gets folded in half every round, getting smaller and smaller until one pair remains. Everyone participated in this game, which was won by the French students.

The next game was Pinoy Henyo, a game similar to charades. Once again, the international students were grouped by country. This was the most exciting and rowdiest of all the games that they have played so far, with the American and Canadian students in a tense competition with each other, but ultimately the former won the extremely competitive game.

After finishing the five games, the international students and domestic students still have the fighting energy, with everyone still feeling competitive and eagerly awaiting the next and final game for the night. The mood was really friendly, even though the competitiveness of the students seemed ruthless at times, everyone was enjoying and having fun.

"Wow! Everyone is so competitive! I never would've expected that!" Katrina said as they prepared to move on to the next game, which she herself didn't know as Moira was the only one who knows what the last game is – the surprise she has been keeping from M.A.S.S.

"Alright! Is everyone ready for the last game for tonight!? I know I 'am!" Moira announced as she gave a grin, with the students shouting in excitement.

"Alright, this last game is going to be different. I'm going to be choosing eight random students, which will be paired together, four pairs in total. After all the pairs are up on the stage, I will announce the last game we're going to be playing for the night" Moira announced as anticipation filled the room, with Katrina bringing Moira a glass bowl filled with folded papers.

"Is everyone ready!?" Moira asked as the excitement and anticipation for the next game grew.

"Our first pair!" Moira said as she picked two pieces of paper in the glass bowl.

"Oh! This is interesting! Cadet-Major Amy Del Rosario and Cadet-Major Alexis Montanillo!" Moira announced as the two cadet officers reluctantly made their way up the stage.

"Alright, our next pair!" Moira said as she once again picked two pieces of paper.

"Jasper Hernandez and Chatchawee Chungwatana!" Moira announced as Bank reluctantly walked to the stage, with Jasper pushing him from the back to make him go faster.

"Our third pair!" Moira said as she picked two pieces of papers.

"Princess Geronimo and Grace Manalo!" Moira announced as Prince and Grace made their way up the stage. While Prince and Grace made their way up the stage, Aiden started having this bad gut feeling, like something was about to happen, although he can't tell what it was exactly.

"Finally, our last pair for the night!" Moira said as she picked two pieces of paper for the last time before Katrina took the glass bowl away.

Moira looked at the two pieces of paper she was holding, as a wide grin formed on her face before making the announcement, "Our last pair! Aiden Kobayashi and Thapthim Nontanakorn!".

The last pair drew large squeals and screams from the girls in the ballroom. The announcement shocked and surprised Aiden to the core, the gut feeling he just felt was now coming true. While Aiden dreaded the announcement, Min tried to hide the smile forming on his face. Even though Aiden didn't like it, he was forced to, telling himself it was part of his duty as Student Council President.

The truth of the matter is, the papers that Moira was drawing from the glass bowl were actually blank and she was just randomly calling pairs she thought would make a really nice couple, especially in the case of Amy x Alexis and Grace x Prince. Moira's real objective and goal was Jasper x Bank and Min x Aiden from the very beginning of it all.

"Alright, now all of our coup- err, partners are up on the stage, our last game for the night would be.." Moira announced, her voice fading at the end of the sentence as a huge smile formed in her face before pulling a box of pocky stick that she placed in her back pocket. The squeals and excitement coming from the students as well as some faculty and staff filled the ballroom. All the participants reacted in surprise, as they weren't expecting Moira to pull something like that out of the blue.

Moira controlled every aspect of the game, including how the game would be conducted. In this case, they will do it by pair, and move on to the next one after a round has concluded, the selected pair would be taking center stage, where the spotlight would be focused on them. Before Amy and Alexis were called, Amy whispered an order to Alexis to break-off at the half-way mark, which Alexis almost didn't comply with, only breaking off when their lips were a centimeter apart – to Amy's surprise.

The next one to be called on was Grace and Prince, their round went by fast as before they could reach the half-way mark, Grace quickly broke off. To the subtle disappointment of Prince, RJ, and Oscar, but to the slight irritation and annoyance of Grace, who gave Moira a quick death stare as she walked off.

The next pair garnered squeals and shouts of excitement as the majority of the students, faculty, and staff present took their phones out to take a video and/or picture of Jasper and Bank who were getting ready to do the pocky game. Bank was nervous, but was somewhat excited since he has feelings for Jasper. On the other hand, Jasper was only thinking of this as a game and was prepared to do everything to win.

As Jasper and Bank started the pocky game, the song 'Alipin' by Shamrock started playing in the background. When Bank reached the half-way mark of the pocky stick, he stopped, his nervousness getting the best of him. As much as he wanted to break off, he couldn't as he was conflicted on what he should do, by the time Bank decided to break off, Jasper's lips touched his, just as the song's chorus started playing, "Ako'y alipin mo kahit hindi batid…". This made Bank blush, his heart pounding like crazy as Jasper finished off the remaining pocky before pulling his lips off from Bank's. Their small kiss garnered loud squeals and excitement, mostly from the girls, but with few guys getting excited as well, as the JasBan kiss was replayed on the projector screen and TV monitors within the venue.

Aiden and Min clearly witnessed what just happened, and as the two looked at Jasper and Bank, Aiden spoke, "You better break off Thammasat Kid, I won't let you have my first kiss" Aiden warned as the third pair made their way down the stage. Aiden's heart was beating really fast, unsure whether it was nervousness, anxiousness, or something else, Min never responded to what Aiden said, and the latter just assumed he heard what he said, with the music in the background being muted for Moira's announcement.

Moira clearly couldn't hide her excitement as she announced the last pair, which produced the loudest squeals and screams of the entire night, Heidi Enriquez, the leader of the Aiden's Guardians, Cadet-Sergeant Joyce Cruz, and Cadet-Corporal Jane Domingo helplessly watched in horror as Min and Aiden took center stage. Ball was silently praying to whatever deity was listening for Min not to do anything crazy, especially in front of the international students, and the senior members of the university administration. Although he supports Min with his quest to confess to Aiden, doing something crazy in this magnitude would surely anger Aiden, and derail any plans that Min has.

The contrasting outfits that Aiden and Min were wearing was quickly noticed by everyone; Aiden who was wearing all black, and Min who was wearing all white. One of the student journalists present coined the term "The Black Prince and the White Prince" as she wrote it down on her notepad before taking a picture of Min and Aiden standing a foot from each other.

Moira passed the pocky stick to Aiden, as the latter was in deep thought. Before he placed the pocky stick in his mouth, Aiden snorted, as if he just thought of something that might help him avoid his first kiss being stolen. The hype and anticipation for Min and Aiden surpassed those of Jasper and Bank, with the majority of girls, especially Moira, Angela, and Rebecca - even Vice Chancellor Gutierrez, and some guys, especially Mingyu, RJ, and Oscar were looking forward to the slow-suspenseful pocky kiss that was about to happen, Ball was cautiously optimistic as he knows that Min does unexpected things out of the blue.

Min just stood in front of Aiden as the latter placed the pocky stick in his mouth, Aiden was mentally, emotionally, and physically preparing himself for when Min bites the other end of the pocky stick, getting ready to enact his plan into action. When Moira signaled for them to start, Aiden was caught off guard when Min suddenly and quickly pulled the pocky stick out of his mouth and leaned in to actually kiss him on the lips. Just before they kissed, the music was unmuted and 'Hinahanap ng Puso' by Gloc 9 was playing, as if timed by faith, the moment their lips touched the words "Hinahanap ng puso ang pag-ibig mo…" was being sung in the background. As Min broke off from their kiss, he gave a teasing smile before eating the rest of the pocky stick – Aiden was left shell-shocked, syntax errors popping up in his brain.

The reaction from everyone was almost instantaneous, the entire ballroom erupted in thunderous squeals and screams, the excitement was quite literally causing some students to feel weak. Moira's face was so flushed, not expecting that Min would do something so bold; Katrina was also flushed, having been caught off guard by what just happened; Angela couldn't help but squeal and slap Kobe's arms repeatedly; Mingyu just covered his mouth, shocked, but was somewhat happy that his best friend's lips were devirginized; Rebecca was left unable to respond while in her field HQ, as the kiss was repeated on the projectors and TV screens; Ball was left with his mouth wide open, his worst fears was just realized; Vice Chancellor Gutierrez was also flushed, her face red as she covered her face with both her hands; Chancellor Gazmin gave another hearty laugh; Heidi, Joyce, and Jane semi-fainted after they saw Min and Aiden kiss, a shock that hit them hard to the core; Fiona and Monica, who were also closeted Fujoshis could not help but get flushed and cover their smiles; the entire ballroom was pretty much paralyzed and flushed after the unexpected turn of events.

As the thunderous reactions continued, Aiden slowly walked off the stage, like a zombie without direction as he tried to absorb the fact his first kiss was stolen in front of everyone. As he neared the stairs, Mingyu ran up to him and assisted him back to his seat, where he remained shell-shocked, his face flushed. He was unresponsive, as if he was in a state of catatonia.

It took another 20 minutes before the entirety of the ballroom calmed down, with medics attached to callsign "Filter" attending to those who got weakened by the overflowing feels and shock of what Min just did to Aiden, including the commanding officer of the ROTC medical teams - Cadet-Corporal Jane Domingo. After Moira recovered, she and Katrina took center stage again, catching her breathe as she spoke, she announced that the floor was open for everyone to enjoy. On Moira's signal, the university staff assigned to the sound booth started playing 'Cupid Shuffle' by Cupid as the international students started forming a conga line, moving towards the stage, students holding unto the waist of the students in front them.

The front of the line was formed by a mix of Mexican, Brazilian, American, and Italian students, carrying one of the female international students from France, behind them, enter Arianne Janice Fulcher, the non-traditional student from Mount Royal University, Canada that Monica is not quite fond of. Although an exchange student, she seems like she was somewhere between her mid-30s to her early 40s, according to Monica she's somewhat daft, and can be insensitive with the things she does and say, although she reluctantly admits that she can be a very nice person, overbearing at times, but nice.

By the time the front of the line got onto the stage, 'Cupid Shuffle' was nearing its end. Arianne is dancing like she's really enjoying herself, even flailing her hands around, her face smiling as the international student behind her struggled to wrap his arms around Arianna's waist as to not break the conga line. Arianne has a bit of weight to her, approximately 150 kgs. (330 lbs.), and her belly and arm fats tended to wobble like a jelly as she danced around, this caught the attention of the students who did not join the conga line and watched her dance on stage.

Mingyu, being the mischievous person he is, immediately commented , "Mukhang balyena yung babae!" (She looks like a whale!) which caused Jasper and Aaron, who were near him to laugh; As if their minds were connected, Fujiyoshi said in Japanese , "彼女は鯨みたいんだ!" (She looks like a whale!) causing Fiona to laugh, while Momoko Watanabe, the East Asia Representative was shocked at first, then gave a muffled laughter; Ball, who shares Mingyu's mischievous personality said in Thai, "เธอดูเหมือน ปลาวาฬ เลย!" (She looks like a whale!) as he laughed, causing Bank to lightly punch Ball's arm, as he tried to prevent himself from laughing, Min just laughed his heart out, while Kimnai Inchareon the Southeast Asia Representative could only cover her mouth in response, so she won't end up laughing as well; Augustin Camoin, Europe Representative said in French, "Elle ressemble à une baleine!" (She looks like a whale!) with Emeline Cailteux laughing after hearing what Augustin said, Shin Lee, the Peace Officer of the International Student Council, and exchange student from Malaysia, but can speak fluent Chinese said, "她看起來好像鯨魚!" (She looks like a whale!) which Feng Mian understood and reacted with shock; on the other side of the ballroom, one of the Italian exchange students facepalmed, saying, "Lei si assomiglia come una balena!" (She looks like a whale!) which drew laughter from the other Italian student sitting at their table; on another part of the ballroom one of the German students laughed, "Mein gott! Die sieht aus wie ein Waal!" (My God! She looks like a whale!) also drawing laughter from his fellow German student at their table; finally Miko like all the others that commented about Arianne, said in Korean, "그녀는 고래처럼 보인다!" (She looks like a whale!) as the other Korean students at their table laughed.

As the front of the conga got close to the center of the stage, the song changed to 'You Know I'll Go Get' by Rizky Ayuba, one of the songs used for the "Coffin Meme" a popular meme during the COVID-19 Pandemic two years ago. After the song changed, the guys carrying the female French student, altered their walking pace to mirror the carrying of the coffin from the "Coffin Meme" slowing down the pace of the entire conga line and adding more weight to the stage, beyond its maximum capacity.

"Hey, what's the weight limit for the stage?" Moira asked Katrina with a worried expression on her face after seeing the section of the stage Arianne just stepped on slightly bend.

"Around 163 kgs. I believe, why?" Katrina said as Moira looked at the guys carrying the female French student and Arianne behind them, Katrina looking at where Moira is looking, causing her to wince. Just in front of the stage, close to where Mingyu, Jasper, Aaron, Min, Ball, Bank, and Fujiyoshi were seating, they could hear something creaking, but could not pinpoint exactly where the creaking was coming from due to the loudness of the music and other students shouting and having fun.

The song then changed to 'Astronomia 2k19' by Stephan F, the song widely used for the "Coffin Meme". As the song started, the stage creaked more, and as the beat of the song started speeding up – disaster. The section of the stage that Arianne was on finally gave way, collapsing under the extreme weight of the students that were on the stage. The international students behind Arianne managed to avoid falling down the section that collapsed, but Arianne and the group that was carrying the French student weren't so lucky, Arianne was the first one to hit the padded floor, followed by the six guys and the French student who all piled up on top her.

As this happened, Mingyu opened his mouth about to laugh, but Jasper covered his mouth from behind before any laughter could come out. Jasper himself was trying to hold his laugh, along with Aaron, Kobe, Min, Ball, Bank, Fujiyoshi, Miko, Fiona, Monica, Angela, Moira, Cadet-Major Montanillo, RJ, Oscar, Hazelyn, Jason, and Rebecca; Aiden for his part looked shocked, but was internally holding his laugh in. Everybody else filled the room with gasps and shocked expressions. This was followed by a loud bellowing, like a cargo ship blowing its horn, coming from underneath the piled students. The six guys and the French student walked away unhurt, but Arianne, who took the first fall, and the brunt of the other students' fall was hurt. Rebecca immediately dispatched medical teams and ROTC cadets to help Arianne.

After they got Arianne on the folding stretcher, the six strongest ROTC cadets lifted the stretcher, but before they could walk off, the stretcher ripped in half, causing Arianne to fall on the floor again, as another round of bellowing echoed in the room. The Filipino students trying their hardest not to laugh.

Seeing that a simple stretcher wouldn't do, Rebecca called in for a heavy-duty gurney, which promptly arrived. After they secured Arianne on the gurney, they wheeled her off towards MJU's Medical Center. As she was wheeled through the ballroom, students started applauding, with some students who were close to the gurney tapping Arianne on the shoulder and arms as a form of support.

After Arianne was wheeled off, and the other students who also fell were checked, some of the university staff and ROTC cadets removed the collapsed portion of the stage, and the music started playing again. The music that played is 'Bang Bang Bang' by Big Bang, which cause Mingyu to quickly stand up from where he was sitting, shouting "Yeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaah!" and started dancing to the beat of the music, followed by Jasper, Aaron, Ball, Min, Fujiyoshi, and then the entirety of the ballroom. Aiden just sat on his chair, looking tired, but quickly snorted, seemingly approving of Mingyu's party side coming out. He just remained seated looking like his energy was drained from his unexpected first kiss with Min, Monica meanwhile, was sitting across from him seemingly looking confused as to what was happening.

The moment was uncannily similar to BTS' reaction to Stray Kids' cover of 'Bang Bang Bang' with Aiden being Yoongi, Monica being Jungkook, Mingyu being Taehyung, Jasper being J-Hope, Ball being Jin, Aaron being Namjoon, and Fujiyoshi being Jimin. As everybody was jamming to the song, Aiden remembered that Jungkook is going to be on V-Live later tonight, so he took his phone out and set and alarm for 20:45 the time that he needs to leave if he was going to catch the beginning of the broadcast.

The party went on until 19:45 when Moira and Katrina officially ended the welcome party. Aiden was thanked by the members of the Executive Council, the Council of Deans, the Modern Foreign Language Faculty, the International Exchange Program staff, and Dr. Harrison for the fun and eventful evening. Notwithstanding the small accident with stage collapsing, the welcome party was already considered another success on par with the Student Organization Fair, with student journalist and reporters dubbing it as "The party of the year". Feedback from the international students was overwhelmingly positive and with near unanimity said they enjoyed the party – except for Arianne who suffered a compressed spine.

As the international students and other guests started leaving the ballroom, Aiden instructed Moira and Katrina to tell the catering staff not to clear out the buffet lines yet. He then summoned Cadet-Captain Francisco from her field HQ along with the other executive officers of the battalion and ordered them to immediately relieve all the ROTC cadets of their duties and summon all the cadets in the ballroom, so they could also eat something from the still ample leftovers that were kept warm by the warmers, staying true to his word about feeding the cadets after the welcome party has concluded.

When the ballroom was cleared by the international students and the guests, the only remaining people left were the entire ROTC battalion, members of the Student Council, the officers of the International Student Organization, and the Thai students from Thammasat University. As the ROTC cadets enjoyed their dinner, they all thanked Aiden for the thoughtfulness and generosity he has given them, with Aiden acknowledging their gratitude with a nod. Cadet-Sergeant Joyce Cruz and Cadet-Corporal Jane Domingo, heartbroken after Aiden and Min's onstage kiss, pigged out from the food, drowning their sorrows with all the food and drinks they could put their hands on. While the ROTC cadets ate, the university staff who helped setup the venue came back to start cleaning up, and since there were still food left over, Aiden ordered Moira to tell them to grab something to eat before the catering staff clears the buffet line – to the staff's appreciation and thanks.

After everyone finished eating, Aiden dismissed all the students still remaining in the ballroom before he started walking towards the exit. Min quickly followed Aiden as the entire ROTC battalion walked behind him, by the time M.A.S.S. realized that Min might be confessing to Aiden, they already lost both of them due to the large number of ROTC cadets leaving the area.

Min caught up with Aiden by the fountain where he and Ball talked about Yu-Yu the other night, grabbing the latter's wrist from behind, "Aiden, wait. I have something to tell you" Min said as Aiden stopped walking, facing Min, removing the other boy's hold from his wrist.

"Wha-what do you want!?" Aiden stuttered, still feeling the effects of Min's kiss earlier in the night.

"I-I.. Uh.." Min hesitated as Aiden grew somewhat impatient, "Just say it!" Aiden ordered, his face blushing.

"I don't have time for this, Min! If you're not going to say anything, I'm leaving!" Aiden said, his cold tone wavering, face flushed. In a rush to leave to catch Jungkook's broadcast on V-Live and get away from Min.

As Aiden started to walk away, Min reached for Aiden's hand and pulled the latter towards him, causing Aiden's phone to fall on the ground, before kissing him on the lips again. As Min kissed Aiden, the latter's alarm song, 'It's You' by Henry started playing. While their lips touched, Min slowly intertwined his left hand with Aiden's right hand as he cupped Aiden's face with his right, softly rubbing his thumb on Aiden's soft cheek, their kiss lasting longer than it did earlier – with virtually no resistance from Aiden whatsoever.

Min slowly broke off from their kiss, laying his forehead on Aiden's forehead. "Aiden, I like you" Min finally confessed, softly kissing Aiden's nose before Aiden slowly backed away from Min, his face really flushed. Without saying anything, he picked up his phone and slowly walked away, leaving Min by himself.