

Fate is never to one hold. Even with a bursary run, things turn out eminent for the young star Liili Anderson. Love is always profound. With three gentlemen playing the scenes, who is the true love to her? With a mafia don on left, a young caring yet kept billionaire to the right, and a said friend Felix Madickson taking the same journey as her, who is her true love and how does she end?

David_Crespo_Imbe · Urban
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32 Chs

Chapter twenty four.

The freshers' best crew.

Everything was well throughout the party with all sorts of designs that the students adorned. It was a clear sight for the freshers as this was the well-said life that they always heard of in high school.

To put it in the clear paths, the Lord's University indeed lived up to its name.

During the party, Tasha chose this moment to approach Liili and the two trying to join the crew of which her wish was achieved with open hands.

Though Joanna argued with the two of them to keep a distance from her, it was clear that she knew her best but this all had to end in futile.

With Liili's reflex, she was indeed planting on a rocky ground when telling her that she was only befriending a green snake amidst green grass.

This was a test of life and it was clearly fatal she thought no more over it. Her only answer was that the green snake will do stay insight a thing that could never be in line with her said the caliber of wisdom.

To think this was what she thought out of the deed, her actions were like that of a man who goes ahead to treat a tiger for a friend. As though this could not leave him contented, he goes further to put his hand in its mouth as though taking it for a herbivore.

The act alone is equivalent to saying out loud that what can a mere tiger do, for am its master now.

As the act will lower it down, how could it remain the said tiger the said cat family lord if its ego is laid on the flow?

Seeing that her ears were locked off to their words, the duo only had to give in and forfeit this said mind in play.

Knowing when to press over matter was a basic key to life. Seeing that Liili stood firm on her resolve, Joanna only had to give in to her call as a true friend, her only opinion was to support her in this issue.

And the current flow of the wind on her brother's side, she only had to let go and keep an eye out for any out-of-place sight that was to come their way.

As though that was not enough, Felix also joined the crew and was welcomed with open hands. Being good to each other from the start, Joanna still held a tinge to urge him out yet this time even Tobby could not side with her. It was like getting a partner with whom you share the most future goals with and this her answer was yes on the spot.

Seeing that all was not to her liking, she only had to stay put but just in mere seconds, a thought popped up in her mind. Since he is always with him, he had to join the crew as well.

And like that, she went on to lay a trap that would solve her most fear after all she had nothing to lose. Even if they came to know of her true feelings for him, she would pin it like she was only going with the flow that the three had put up anyway, all had to end well for her to achieve this stone walk future journey of hers. Who thought this would be is easy?

With such a river of thoughts running down her mind, she went ahead to phrase it out in a manner that would never reveal her intention of bringing this to the table after all he was still before them, and in her thoughts, he was far beyond this praised Felix.

Going ahead, she asked, "I don't know what you guys are thinking in this reproach, Felix jots with Simon always and it's like you are also inviting Simon to the group?"

Although her reproach was this tad, she had made it in another version as of not to draw suspicion her way. It was clear that with her taking the first step, the others had to put a stone on this phrased structure of hers as she knew Tobby would never stay silent at this.

Just like her thoughts, Tobby chimed in in no time the moment this topic lay on the table before them.

That sounds good if he is with us. Since he is always with Felix and from now that Felix will be with us, it is only common sense for Simon to be part of the crew now.

Tobby agreed to this in no time as she also had her own opinion over the two. With them around, she was sure to polish her skills and join the national team despite her study of business. After all, this was never to her liking. It was that plump shorty uncle of hers that insisted to put her on such feet.

For this, she only had to obey and follow the said path as he had promised to let her join any team of her choice the instant she was done with this said journey.

With the two in chat, the other had to only follow the script lines with a yes as bringing one male to the crew was like they were bees under the single lead of a queen bee.

This would bring no gossip to them within the university grounds. To who would love to join them in their group, at least the two would make up a climax for them.

Unknown to them, Joanna was now the happiest lady around among them. Though she had been meeting with Simon in her high school, the guy was the oldest person she had ever met.

Even with a clear statement that was good enough to leave everyone in laughter, Simon would remain unchanged not even holding a smile for a little bit in life. He took everything he did as a priority and would never back off until he got to its climax.


With a flash of a smile, her mind darted back to the moment she saw him first. The guy was the praised ice block that you needn't dare make a close call to him.

Remembering her first stint that brought them together, it was clear to her that the said phrases about him were the real did. To put it right, she did come to understand him only on that day.

It was not that he was the said ice block when they did meet outside of school, being an early left orphan, he had to stand as a parent for his two siblings that he never wanted to see walk a path of the evil.

With a drunkard mother whose job was to appreciate the test of alcohol all the time, he found himself having to stand alone in this world to see a change among the three of them.

So for this, he found himself having to work adamantly just to see plates filled when home.

Imagine a life like this for as low as ten years in life. The fact that he had to stand up for his siblings with the little earnings he got was a huge blow to him.

As though this was never enough, the mother would always claim she needed money to go and have her sorrow quenched but even when she drunk, all she got was still wail for such a loss.

This was the reason as to why Simon never associated with many people during their high school days. In fact, he had to miss many lessons as he had to keep his workplace to hold their family moving. In reality, it was a heavyweight for the man to shoulder all by himself.

It was only by luck that Joanna got to know If this when she tried meeting him in secret. At first, she never wanted to be seen as she observed in the dark but later braced herself to meet with him at his work.

It was only a chance that their family held the most shares in the factory that he was working in by then. Taking this a chance, she helped him gain a good spot where he would only work during wee hours and the salary given to him was doubled from then helping him rest a little bit though he has never known of this act of hers.

Just like that, the crew joined the dance flow as Joanna called for Simon on the floor. Knowing it was reaching his work time soon, she let him go after the dance and like that, the crew had the night done and headed home.

The morning came very soon and just as in her usual character, Joanna went on to pick up her friends before reaching school.

Out of coincidence, Felix and Simon had also just arrived as the girls did and they all entered the gates with a pleasant chat.

This in no time turned to be the hot news running at the University as the first hottest Fresher crew was in place as the old students called.

In a week's time, everybody came to know them as the fresher crew and that made them more like it this time round.