

Fate is never to one hold. Even with a bursary run, things turn out eminent for the young star Liili Anderson. Love is always profound. With three gentlemen playing the scenes, who is the true love to her? With a mafia don on left, a young caring yet kept billionaire to the right, and a said friend Felix Madickson taking the same journey as her, who is her true love and how does she end?

David_Crespo_Imbe · Urban
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32 Chs

Chapter twenty three.

Party time after holding the trophy.

By now everyone was clear as to who was the champion of this house competition.

With Miss. Aladdah holding it for this long that she even came to a saying that she was the only saber in life to slay the pride of men, today was a clear teaching to her of what real life is.

Looking at the eyes present as though everyone was informed firsthand to keep their eyes on the super lady within the building.

This was not in my expectation in the first place. Couch Evans Is rather too discrete for me to hold a win from him.

As if only realizing it now, she now felt her heart lighten. The burden of holding all this and that as a woman was really a huge tall for her yet she had always stood atop.

This is what we call life. You fly today but injure your wings tomorrow and what will come next for the winds are ever strong up there forcing you to the bottom in no time.

If the world brings a change, we don't need to whimper over it but only need to appreciate and find a way to live with it in life. This is the reality that only the mindful will always come to understand and am part of the bright ladies in this vast world and the far most is that I can always be praised for the consecutive hold of the house competition trophy. It is a stand not to be messed with.

Looking at the sides again, she felt like sobbing as all eyes were glued to her. It was as though they were communicating or say mocking her. This was the real meaning behind the phrase all eyes on you.

The judges at this point looked at the competitors of this quiz. It was crystal clear that they were all pleased with the outcome.

Being the person that judged the previous quiz stands and says judging from many events of their encounter, this quiz was a real reflex of the said modernity.

All the participants in the quiz were eloquent and well-informed in their answer approach from the very start to the said climax.

However, although it is a given nature for birds to fly, there will always be those who can not fly and still a few who fly from higher altitudes and It has come to pass with them witnessing all this.

Say this was life. As it was now natural to hold a loser and a winner at all times. And such a practice has been branded by society as the ball of all players.

Though each of them has a chance to pass a kick with the ball, when it comes to the end only one can disappear with it and he would stay the champion of such a race.

As the lady judge was done with her part, she turned to head to her seat in one go but posed in her trucks the moment she recalled a thing or two.

One was that she was a marvel of beauty that all kinds of men would never take a single glance and stay contented. At least they would go ahead to urge themselves to take the second glance and the worst case was that many said beauties would weaver before her and this was a never to ease war between ladies.

The second opinion was that many of the students here were of the same age caliber as her so why to keep their hearts at bay. Who knows she might even find her sweet charming amongst them.

With that said, her demeanor changed in one go as she let her body loose and with each step, her boobs and round bums gave off a charm that was pleasing to all men around.

It was like they were soldiers clad in a magnetic field wearing metal compounded armed and ready for war.

The answer would be clear to all as they would all whimper before the said force. And what was before them was even something not to everyone's hold.

Though some of the students found it easy to control, the others were already on red alert while a few were wet dreaming with their eyes open and still in their standing posture. It was a sight that left even the judges and a few mentors quiver.

As the nature of women remains a mystery to master, you never know what thoughts they could come up with in such a situation but one thing for sure was in place now.

Seeing her act intentionally, a few hisses passed from the female students. Although their hissing was not clear to the side of bringing it into play, there was one thing here, that walk could not leave their said lovers at bay and it was for this that they hissed in anger.

Forgetting they were of the same generation, they ended up asking why this generation was off the chart.

With her seated, all the previous tension vanished in one go. The mentors around could only sigh in reflex, that was the worst war in life that men dared not win even with their improved technology.

Although they had inveted lots of work and ideas, what was the issue to brag over holding a glass in your hand when you can't let it fall, for it remains something that you will never be able to hold for life.

As the tension eased off, the other judge made his way to the mic. Being a regular here, many could recite his name even after sleep. It was clear that much to his identity was no history to them. What a pity as all freshers could only stay silent to acknowledge the guy's identity.

Dressed in a dark brown suit, his built physic was well portrayed as he walked in a humble manner that could never accompany his youthful age of thirty-three.

I appreciate however has put in various efforts in all these house competition activities. As I have been with you guys for some good time, I have witnessed your varying efforts and to clarify it best, this has been my best quiz to witness in all the past judgments I have held.

With around of applause, the students went on to clap as this was only a set up of their various efforts. It was in fact a way to see the best students make names for themselves in the long run. And this is what the participants had done. Say, who didn't know who Liili, Tobby, Felix, Tasha... within the university grounds. Songs of praises and admirations the those helmed by envy were all eyeing them.

The latter was very brief in his speech as he went back to his seat after calling upon his colleague to air out the results.

Although he was a little skinny and felt like he had been left to starve in his youth days, the guy held a thunderous voice the moment he let his mouth loose. This was why the Almighty Lord had to stay as the finest pottery for all time.

Seeing that he would be despised for his skinny stand, the man was given a voice to back him up. What a sight!

Just like his colleague, the skinny judge was even more straightforward. It couldn't be told whether it was his career that made him stand out or say his nature.

With a salute, he went straight to the reason he was standing here for. Everyone here now knows who is to stand the winner of this year's house competition so my results will be brief.

The Blue house answered all ten questions with a loss of three leaving them with 7 as the correct score left them with 21 points. With a resolve of 13 questions from their colleaguess, they then gained more twenty six, 26, points. Adding them together, they came out with a total score of forty seven , 47, points.

The Red house stood next. Being the defending champions, they met a huge tumor this time around but still stood their ground as they answered all 10 questions. After failing 2, they stood with twenty four , 24, points in place.

Standing a hold of nine , 9, questions where they lost three and got six leaving them with twelve points. With a minus of three points, they stood out with a total of forty three , 43, points being left behind by a gap of only four points.

The Greens came in place with a resolve of six , 6, to get 18 points. Resolving four in return to hold another 8 points that left them with 26 points in total.

And the last in run is the sun color. They Yellow house. With a pass of six, 6, questions to hold 18 points and a resolve of two, she stood out with 22 points in total leaving me to accomplish my job now.

So this is the final declaration of the results with Blue house standing first place with a total of 56 plus the 47 to achieve 103 points making them the winners of this competition.

The Red house with a score of 48 plus the 43 points to leave them with a total of 91 points leaving them in the second position.

The Green house then stood with 45 points plus the 26 to get 71 points leaving them in the third place

And our benevolent Yellow house standing with 43 points in the first run and 22 pounts in this run leaving them with a total of 65 points and standing in the fourth place.

As usual, even today, we failed to get the loser in this competition as to my judgement, all houses stood atop of one another leaving no place for the loser's title to stand.

With this, all students laughed out loud. For all the cases, that would always be his climax as he had never exclaimed any word to pinpoint the loser in this run.

With that said, the principal took over the mic and in no time announced the party celebrations that had to take place during the night.