

Fate is never to one hold. Even with a bursary run, things turn out eminent for the young star Liili Anderson. Love is always profound. With three gentlemen playing the scenes, who is the true love to her? With a mafia don on left, a young caring yet kept billionaire to the right, and a said friend Felix Madickson taking the same journey as her, who is her true love and how does she end?

David_Crespo_Imbe · Urban
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32 Chs

Chapter seven

House selections

Wait, this was a hair fashion in the movie 'Battle of the year.' Don't tell me you never saw it like those silver spoon fed idi**s.

Counting her fingers repeatedly, she said. "Yeah! I will acknowledge you for those three things. " For only those three she emphasized.

Wait a moment, what do you mean there with three things? And what are they?

Does that even matter? What matters is you going to that old fashioned Lollipop inside there or going to your house today. These two are what matter today.

Hearing this, Liili decided to take the bull by it's horns. She was not going to leave here if she did follow her conversation.

Am Liili Anderson may I know your name then?

Am Tobby Macline.

What a nice name. They really had to toil much to get you a name to match your actions.

I hate bluffing the most in my life. She said more like issuing a warning to Liili with shire determination.

Ok, I refrain.

That's the real deal then. Anyway, to which house do you belong? For I belong to the blues.

Same here.Liili said. Although am still green about the competitions.

That's nolonger a case with me here, beating her chest up. Remember am the known daughter to that Lollipop around and still the only student here who got his opinion about the competition. So that is why I had to register myself to the blues only to see how that rumored touch brightens the clear darkness in this great dark abyss.

You know this is a rare opportunity to watch two legends battle. For this is like Christiano Ronaldo taking on Ronaldhinio. It is a one time match that will never be repeated in a century lifetime you know.

Lords university really stands to it's name. Am starting to like it anyway. At least that Lollipop never lied to me other this.

"Are the two of you that near each other?" Liili asked.

Near each other my a*s. I live with him under the same roof everyday but rarely have a chart. His only concern is seeing me present at school that's all.

Anyway, you said you know about the house competitions. Can you enlighten me over it?

Sure. That information is clearly marked in my head hear. It's like the finger tips of my fingers. The house competition is actually organized after every two years. It's only in place to give room for easy selection of participants to rival the other nine universities.

With such a plan, the Lords university has always chaired these competitions as the champions. However, for the previous five consecutive competitions, the Lords has been defeated terribly by Silver and Golden universities. Hope you know them?

Of course. Who can't tell the difference between heaven and earth.

And for that reason, the three shots had to find out a solution to the previous humiliation. They need the university back to glory.

Are you saying he can do that by himself?

Who said he will do it? The three shots think that with two lions on the battle field, the other animals will be thunder striken making them watch in anticipation. With the two battling, Energy residues will be left for the favoured allowing them to rise to glory.

So their thought is to see the two groom us and then get the best to challenge the other universities. This is brilliant.

Anyway, you mentioned of the three big shots. And said I must be supported by one. Do you know who the three big shots are?

That has never at ounce happened. Rumor has it that they hold splendid roles in the country and very wealthy. However, only the Lollipop has ever got a chance to meet them.

I thought he is your uncle why do you have to address him in such a lousy manner.

Uncle my a*s. Do you want to see me cleaning his sh*t for you to know that I respect him. Anyway, with the name, it shouldn't be an issue for it's what his wife addresses him. Let alone his biological children.

The dual reached the blue house building unknowingly only to be greated by a cloud shattering scare.

I hate walking with babies let alone a sane for company, said Tobby.

And who said I yearn to dirt my hands with that coal face of yours. Jowana bellowed before turning to Liili with an apologetic smile. The sight looked as though a baby seeking it's mother's forgiveness after a terrible crime.

I was bored to death in the red house you know. Things like them bore me a lot. I had even started to doze off but then I decided to search for you this way.

Wait! Mothering already? Tobby asked?

So, replied Joanna.

The two of you better stop this. Joanna, this is Tobby and Tobby, this is Joanna. The two of you better get along with each other as your meetings will be many in school.

I see. Love me love my dog. You don't need to worry, this dog of yours is safe with me, replied Tobby.

The three entered the building and Liili went straight to register for quiz. However, what came next left her blank.

The student responsible for registering participats denied her the moment she heard her name.

So you are Liili Anderson. She said with a hint of administration yet when she looked at her fully, Her mood dropped in no time. You can go meet mr Evans in his office.

Although displeased to hear her concern, Liili still walked to mr Evans' office.

What her eyes met in the office left her in deep silence. Isn't he the same person that I knocked back then? Why is he here? Don't tell me he is the so called mr Evans. But that can't be it. Tobby said he is in his late thirties and this guy should be in his early twenties at most. He can't be the so called mr Evans.