

Fate is never to one hold. Even with a bursary run, things turn out eminent for the young star Liili Anderson. Love is always profound. With three gentlemen playing the scenes, who is the true love to her? With a mafia don on left, a young caring yet kept billionaire to the right, and a said friend Felix Madickson taking the same journey as her, who is her true love and how does she end?

David_Crespo_Imbe · Urban
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32 Chs

Chapter Eight

Final House selections one

What will I do if he is really the so called mr Evans. For sure this is the dooms day.

Wait, Is it that he also knew me before we even met. If that's the case, it should be the reason he chose not to register me for a participant and with that, how will I attain the chance to showcase my talent.

And if it goes like this, I might remain a no body for the whole year. God please help your humble servant over this crisis.

As though her plea was heard, the office door leading to the balcony was opened and a man dressed in a blue t-shirt and trousers walked into the office.

On his appearance, Felix raised to his feet in a few seconds and said his salutation. Coach, I heard you sent for me so it's why am here.

Let's wait for her to be here. She should be here by now since I saw her entering the block, said mr Evans before taking up his seat.

At his presence, Liili breathed a sigh of relief. Thank God the glass door was in place. If not for it... sigh.

knock. knock.

With a light knock, she gave off her presence.

Mr Evans lit up a short smile that vanished to thin air in lightning speed. With a casual of of his hand, he summoned her in and gestured her for a seat besides Felix. Where she sat with difficulty.

Since the both of you are here, we can now commence. I think the two of you are wondering as to why I summoned you here. We are to compete with the three houses in a few days from now and with our current stand, we will lose terribly yet this is not what the three shots are waiting for.

The both of you might not know this but it's the three shots that chose you to join the Lords university and that was only for your previous exposure of your talents. And for their goal, they had to let me over see your improvements from all areas.

The two of you are to shoulder the rise back of the university to glory or let it sink even further. So for that, the both of you have to stand best in these house competition so as to reduce the pressure of the three big shots.

With this, Felix asked, "Do we have a say in this coach?"

What do you think of it? Does it look like you have one?


With that done, the dual left to prepare for the great battle.

Leaving the office, Felix turned to face Liili only to find that she had had the same reflex. With mere inches between their bodies, Felix looked in her eyes.

She looks beautiful. He said to himself . His heart raced, his blood boiling and his body temperature rose. Sweat began manifesting on his well built facial physics.

Taking a step back, everything vanished as though it never happened to him. Stretching out his hand, he said, am Felix Madickson.

Am Liili Anderson. Replied Liili in a calm yet sweet tone as she held her hand out to meet Felix's.

Holding her hand, a tip of surging electricity brused through his body at lightning speed regaining his composure in no time. Sharing their contacts, the dual left the place in no time. I will contact you tomorrow said Felix as he left in a hurry.


Thank god he left, I was about to get a heart attack in no time with out a clear reason you know.

Leaving the office, she walked to meet Tobby and Joanna seated calmly and enjoying a casual chat far different from the previous dual she had left. So even cats can hold casual chats with the dogs? She said mockingly.

Am only getting to better terms with her for two reasons. one is for your sake and the second is for her sake. Tobby said as she carresed her knackles as though a professional boxer ready for the match.

What can a mere maffin know anyway. Joanna replied in defence.

The trio continued with their chit chat and by the end of the day, each one of them had come to know each other like the hind of their palms.

Leaving the gate, they walked in unison before a black SUV packed before them.

The driver door was opened in no time as though he was after something important in life, the driver walked out in hast, lowered his head a little before apologizing.

Am sorry for the delay madam, hope I never let you down? No need for that. It's good that you are here uncle Claus. I have got only you to disturb for all these years. Why then will I be angry at you? Joanna replied with her chicks puffed.

Come come let's take the lift now. She said gesturing them to sit before they rode off.


Don't tell me someone already fell for your charm in only one day? With a clear grin all over his face, Will mocked his sister the moment she got to the door.

He had seen a black SUV pack out and guess what, the person from the SUV was his dear sister. For god's sake that was a SUV.

How does it feel riding in one? Is he good? His character? Behavior? And the rest.

Mind your own business. And please...

Interrupting her mid way, don't worry, I won't mention it anywhere. Reducing the space between them in no time. He spoke in a low voice, "You can tell me his name now? Raising his eyelashes in a peculiar manner. A scene that left him to a hungry boyfriend meeting his long awaited love for the first time in a long run.

Pushing him by the forehead, Liili walked to her room.


The next day came too soon. Tieding herself for school, Her phone buzzed.

Picking up, She was Joanna calling. Her chicky voice sounded from the other end. Are you done? She asked. And with a yes, she hung up in no time.

peee peee

In the next minute, a white SUV packed along the road leading to the hallway.

With this, a chamky Will came down in a hast. Can I join you sister?

Before she could even answer, a chicky yet calm voice sounded from the open door, "Why not?" Entering the house, she waved to Liili with a casual smile.

Will looked at her the moment she was in view. Her dressing was the real deal. She was dressed in a white strapped dress, white hills and a white simple yet expensive jacket. She was dressed to kill but her puffed chicks and body left her off chart.

You can join us if at all you are taking the same route. She said with a casual smile before leaving with Liili for school.

This, tisk. Don't leave me behind. Will rolled his eyes as he dashed to the white SUV leaving mr Anderson in complete bewilderment.

Reaching school, the dual joined Tobby who was dressed in a grey Jordan outfit. With a smile on her face, she greeted the two before they walked to the blue house building. Taking a spy to our own hide out. Are we this tired of living? Tobby mocked Joanna on first sight.

You know I hate barking dogs for what they do best is bark thinking they will make their enemies run but the final results always leave me in owe. For they have to run with their tails clang in their legs. Let me hope you will not end like them. Chided Joanna.

Look who is talking here?

As they were chit charting, Liili's phone buzzed. Picking up, a male voice sounded on the other side. Come to the blue house building library. I will be waiting for you. The voice sounded before going off.

Having heard all the one sided conversation, infact this was a no conversation but an order. Someone already set his eyes on you in only one day and the worst thing here is that you even gave him your contact.

The dual looked at each other before continuing. But he made one terrible mistake and that was commanding you even before us. It's only one day and he is issuing commands around. Joanna, Tobby called out like an officer in charge. Lead the way,she said.

Contrary to her aloof nature, Joanna led the way to the blue house building library. Although Liili wanted to say a word or two, she still never wanted to look like she was defending him so she only lay still and went with the stream.

With anger within Joanna was to the brim that she even cared less to her superior nature. She walked head fast leaving the two behind. Opening the door to the library, she was greeted by a casual face. Why is it you here? she demanded.