

Fate is never to one hold. Even with a bursary run, things turn out eminent for the young star Liili Anderson. Love is always profound. With three gentlemen playing the scenes, who is the true love to her? With a mafia don on left, a young caring yet kept billionaire to the right, and a said friend Felix Madickson taking the same journey as her, who is her true love and how does she end?

David_Crespo_Imbe · Urban
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

Chapter six.

First day at school.

Are you going like that on your first day at the university? Will asked with a mocking face more like a famous fashion designer looking at a newly dressed model.

And what difference does my dressing code make here? I am going for classes not a fashion show to call for the uncalled-for fashions around. By the way, do you guys think that because am now a pure student in the Lords university that I have to take up their characters that's quite uncalled-for. It's to the ones that don't know what they are in search for.

Mmmh! Look who says to know what she wants? Mr. Anderson chimed in with a light smile. The two of you followed your mother too much. I at times find myself in old memories with her when I look at you. The both of you not only too on her character and talent but still followed her looks. Sigh!

"By the way are you thinking of me taking up modern actress behaviors only because I did join the field? She laughed before continuing. It is up to one's heart for the so called changes. And how do you expect pride to out take me with you by my side? Don't forget I hold a friend and a real mentor for a husband." The flashbacks ran very fast in mr Anderson's sea of consciousness. Opening his mouth he said, "I remember your mother telling me the same phrase back then. She was happy for the chance in the company and many loved to take scenes with her. She had started turning to the light's path but karma had to knock her halfway. "

Mr Anderson went silent for a while as he tried his best to hide his sorrow from the dual. She was his all. The woman she loved to the world's last boarders and the real person who left his blood boiling and his heartbeats at an abnormal beats.

Seeing his actions, Liili felt a pain raise deep down her heart. Pressing her right hand hard on her chest as though to lessen the pain that seemed more to an endless abyss that was hot and dark. Lifting her hand, she folded it and called out, "Dad can you hold this for me please?"

Like a baby just woken up from sleep, mr Anderson looked at his daughter with relief and held out his hands only to receive plain air.

Hold my heartbeats with atmost care. Do not dare lose even a single one of them least leave me with a heart attack.

Hearing her words, mr Anderson braced himself to the current world. Her action always came whenever he looked off the chat with the two and his thought was that his wife would always use their daughter to bring him back ever since her demise.

I better leave this place now or I might hold other terrible heartbeats. Who knows what might follow by then? Liili said before taking her leave.

After a few minutes, Liili arrived at the huge gates of the Lords university. The place was blooming with various yet clear sceneries be it the structures or the compound let alone the fields.

Being her first day to report, she walked to the huge notice board that held all the university's schedule for the week, the university structure flow and various house information. Looking at the house column, she found out that her name was placed in the blues. What a match! She exclaimed.

Beside her was a blonde puffed chicks student. What was that for? She asked.

You know this will please my right and left sides for sure. They both love the blue color. To them, it is a clear blessing to begin with blue at sight.

Looking at her with confusion, she said with a tinge of anger , "I hate people who take me for a child the most. Even my parents always do the same."

Sorry for that. You know I have got a brother and my father as well. Each of them shields me out on a side incase of a walk with me in the middle. They are like unshakable pillars standing by my side and gase what? They are always dressed in blue in such a scene.

Are you out of your mind? Look, I had to complain for your first phrase and look what you got next? Is whatsoever word that ends your phrase there to leave me angry? Puffing her chicks the more, she kept on screaming, "I hate this..."

Sorry for that, Liili apologized again. You know it's now the kind of nature am used to when it comes to speech. Anyway, am Liili Anderson. With your looks and character, you seem to be also a new student here. How about being friends?

Hearing this, her puffed chicks calmed and a bright smile lit up on her face more like a child promised to go to the pack on the weekend and play till day break. Stretching out her hand, "I am Jowana Adams." She said. You know I hate your tone of speech but my brother always says, "Kill the first bird at sight. It does hold your next direction."

He should be very nice to you for your face to hold such a smile?

Of course he is! Anyway, he is single and knowledgeable you know.

Am not searching please. It's ok. But since you are my first friend, I will introduce him to you one day and you will fall for his charm on your first encounter.

Liili laughed before taking her leave. Am heading to the principal's office for now, we shall catch up from there.

Surely, "Kill the first bird at sight. It does hold your next direction." She said to her as her figure continued to shrink the further she walked

Walking half focused, she knocked a guy from the principal's office. His build was perfect and his perfume nugged her nose. Her heartbeats spiked and her blood boiled. What is this all for she spoke out to herself yet she never got to know when the words left her mouth. She had spoken the words that only had to remain to herself.

I am sorry please, he apologized. I was in a rush to reach the coach. Picking up her handbag and gave it to her with atmost care before going his way.

This...! Why bother anyway, I got matters at hand. She walked briskly as though a lamb entering a slaughter house with it's face green of the kind of place it was entering.

Inside the office sat a short elderly bulged man dressed in a dark blue suit. His head looked shiny that many students could easily come up with various names on their first glance on him.

His height and size left him in the most sorry state before the students. With this, all sorts of names ended up knocking on his door. The most sounding nickname to him was Puffed Dolly.

Thank God for his knowledge and wisdom. He would die of insult if not for his quick to anger character and a minute to calm down and act like he was never angry at one time t.

knock. Knock.

Come in.

Good morning sir. I was told to report to your office upon my first day of arrival.

Without turning his head, he asked. "And who are you?"

Pardon my behavior sir, Liili apologized before continuing. I am Liili Anderson sir.

With her name, the principal lifted up his eyes and looked at her with a changed self. This was the second reason that never at ounce left him off the nickname chart. He was like the wind and change his fashion.

You said you are Liili what?

Am Liili Anderson sir?

With a clear smile he said, welcome my dear. You don't have to confirm anything since you are here. I am ever around so incase of anything, fill free to reach my office. You may take your leave.

Confused to the wits, Liili got up to leave but the next words left her more confused.

Wait! Did I say anything? Did I mention it anywhere? Oh yeah! It's anything. If you need anything, come to my office. Don't forget, I said anything.

This guy, are all people in the Lords status that dumb?

Not really, He will act depending on one status. Based on uncle Benison's character, you should be someone he was expecting and the worst thing here is that your dressing code doesn't match the oily faced families.

There is only one posibility for that. It must be that one of the directors must have signed you in. And this person should be one of the three shots.

Liili turned only to find a dark skinned lady. She looked out of place. Her fashion off the chat, color or say hair style. Many girls ought for long hair yet with her style, she was never to their side. Only one word could best describe her, a 'tom girl.' Her hair shaved short to the sides and the middle left untouched.

Her fashion was off the chat. This was never seen by Liili Anderson in her life before.

Wait, this was a fashion in the Battle of the year movie. Don't tell me you also never saw it like those silver spoon fed idi*ts.