
Fate: Zero to Hero

Ritsuka Fujimaru the last master of humanity, in all honesty he never thought he would see this, he has been through the 7 singularity and 7 lost belt and he though he would win he, he did but in the end lost everything, but now given a second chance he will change everything even if he has to start from Zero and become a Hero, he was Story is 13+ Anyway yeah this is a Fgo fanfic MC: Ritsuka Fujimaru Ship Ritsuka X Harem There will be spoilers and other things from the fate univer will be used in this hope people like it

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · Anime & Comics
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109 Chs


Ritsuka was finally done. He had meticulously recorded everything he could remember about the Lostbelts, Singularities, and mini-singularities on his computer. With his preparations complete, he turned his attention to the upcoming playdate with a fellow mage family.

As the appointed day arrived, Ritsuka found himself standing nervously at the doorstep of the Phamrsolone residence. He knew that meeting another mage family could potentially provide valuable insights and alliances in his quest to change the future.

The door creaked open, and Ritsuka was greeted by Mr. and Mrs. Phamrsolone, prominent members of the mage community. They welcomed him warmly into their home, and Ritsuka couldn't help but feel a sense of awe in their presence.

"Ritsuka Fujimaru, it's a pleasure to have you here," Mr. Phamrsolone said with a respectful nod. "We've heard much about your family's esteemed reputation in the mage community. Please, come in."

Ritsuka entered the elegant foyer of the Phamrsolone residence, his eyes taking in the grandeur of the surroundings. As he followed his hosts into the living room, he noticed a young girl sitting quietly in the corner, her eyes fixed on a book.

"And here is our daughter, Ophelia," Mrs. Phamrsolone said, gesturing towards the girl. "Ophelia, this is Ritsuka Fujimaru. He's a fellow mage from the association."

Ophelia glanced up from her book and offered Ritsuka a polite nod. "Nice to meet you," she said, her tone polite but reserved.

Ritsuka returned the greeting with a smile, feeling a sense of apprehension at the thought of interacting with someone from such a prominent mage family. But he pushed aside his nerves, knowing that this meeting could potentially provide valuable connections in his quest to change the future.

As the afternoon wore on, Ritsuka engaged in polite conversation with the Phamrsolone family, carefully navigating the intricacies of mage society. Though he couldn't shake the feeling of unease in Ophelia's presence, he knew that their meeting could potentially hold the key to changing the future.

What mage carft do you use. Ophelia said to Ritsuka her child like eyes meet his. I can go first if you want

"Ah, yes," Ritsuka replied, gathering his thoughts. "My family practices sun magecraft."

He watched Ophelia closely, wondering how she would react to his answer. Sun magecraft was a relatively rare discipline, even among mage families, and Ritsuka wasn't sure if Ophelia would be familiar with it.

Ophelia's eyes widened in surprise, a hint of curiosity dancing in their depths. "Sun magecraft? That's quite intriguing," she remarked, her voice filled with genuine interest. "I've heard of it, but I've never had the opportunity to learn much about it. Can you tell me more?"

Ritsuka nodded, grateful for the chance to share his knowledge. "Of course," he said, feeling a sense of pride in his family's heritage. "Sun magecraft focuses on harnessing the energy and power of the sun to fuel our spells and rituals. It's a discipline that requires a deep connection to nature and the elements, as well as a strong affinity for fire magic."

Ophelia listened intently, hanging on Ritsuka's every word. "That sounds absolutely fascinating," she said, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "I can imagine the possibilities are endless with such a powerful form of magecraft at your disposal."

Ritsuka smiled, grateful for Ophelia's genuine interest. "Yes, it's certainly a versatile discipline," he agreed. "But it also comes with its own challenges and responsibilities. We must always be mindful of the balance between light and heat, lest we inadvertently cause harm."

Ophelia nodded in understanding, a thoughtful expression crossing her features. "That's true," she said. "Every form of magecraft comes with its own risks and rewards. But it's clear that you have a deep respect for your family's traditions, Ritsuka. I admire that."

Ritsuka felt a swell of pride at Ophelia's words. Despite his initial apprehensions, he was grateful for the chance to share his knowledge with someone who appreciated it. And as the conversation continued to flow between them, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement for the future, knowing that he had found a kindred spirit in Ophelia.

"Plus, I don't want more blood on my hands than the ones I already have," Ritsuka thought to himself. "So, what is your magecraft?" he asked Ophelia, even though he already knew the answer.

Ophelia looked up from her book, her eyes meeting Ritsuka's with a hint of surprise. "Oh, well," she began, momentarily caught off guard by the question. "My family practices alchemical magecraft, specializing in the transmutation of metals."

Ritsuka nodded, feigning interest despite already knowing the answer. "That's fascinating," he replied, trying to keep the conversation flowing. "Alchemy has always intrigued me. The ability to transform one element into another must require a great deal of skill and precision."

A smile tugged at the corners of Ophelia's lips as she sensed Ritsuka's genuine interest. "It does," she agreed. "Alchemy is as much an art as it is a science. It requires a deep understanding of the natural world and its properties, as well as a steady hand and a keen eye."

Ritsuka listened intently as Ophelia spoke, impressed by her knowledge and expertise. Despite the differences in their magecraft, he couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with her. They were both heirs to ancient traditions, each with their own strengths and challenges.

As the conversation continued, Ritsuka found himself opening up to Ophelia in ways he hadn't expected. Despite his initial apprehensions, he felt a sense of kinship with her, a shared understanding of the burdens they both carried as members of mage families.

And as the afternoon wore on, Ritsuka couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope stirring within him. Perhaps, amidst the chaos and uncertainty of their world, friendship was the one constant that could light their way forward.

"This feels weird, even though Mash told me about her, I never thought I would connect with her," Ritsuka said to himself, a mix of surprise and intrigue swirling within him. "What about Mash? I miss her. I hope she is okay in Chaldea," Ritsuka thought to himself, his heart heavy with longing. Despite his sadness, he plastered on a smile, ensuring his new friend wouldn't see his inner turmoil.

As he continued to engage in conversation with Ophelia, Ritsuka couldn't shake the nagging worry about Mash and the others back in Chaldea. They were his family, his allies, and his friends. Their absence weighed heavily on his heart, a constant reminder of the sacrifices they had made in the fight against the incineration of humanity.

But amidst his concern, Ritsuka found solace in the newfound connection he had forged with Ophelia. Despite their differences, they shared a bond forged by the trials and tribulations of mage society. And as the afternoon wore on, Ritsuka couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the unexpected friendship that had blossomed between them.

"Maybe, just maybe I can change the Crypter," Ritsuka thought to himself as he gazed at Ophelia. "Will she look at me like a hero, even though I don't deserve to be a hero?"

The weight of his past sins pressed heavily upon Ritsuka's shoulders as he grappled with the idea of redemption. He knew that he had made mistakes, that he had blood on his hands, but perhaps this second chance was an opportunity to make amends, to right the wrongs of the past.

With a determined glint in his eye, Ritsuka resolved to do whatever it took to change the course of fate. Even if he didn't deserve the title of hero, he would strive to earn it, one selfless act at a time.

And as he looked at Ophelia, he couldn't help but feel a spark of hope ignite within him. Perhaps, with her help, he could find the strength to confront his demons and forge a new path forward.

Hey Ritsuka what is your thoughts of this world? Ophelia asked to Ritsuka. I know I shouldn't be asking this but we are bought children of mage what is your thoughts

Ritsuka paused, considering Ophelia's question carefully. It wasn't often that he had the opportunity to discuss his thoughts on the world with someone who shared his background and understanding of mage society.

"Well," he began, choosing his words thoughtfully. "I suppose... I find the world to be both fascinating and troubling at the same time. There's so much beauty and wonder to be found, but also so much darkness and uncertainty."

He glanced out the window, the sunlight casting long shadows across the room. "As mages, we have a unique perspective on the world," he continued. "We're privy to secrets and powers that most people can only dream of. But with that knowledge comes a great responsibility. We're tasked with protecting the balance of the world, even if it means making difficult choices along the way."

Ritsuka turned back to Ophelia, meeting her gaze with a sense of solemnity. "I suppose my thoughts on the world are... complicated," he admitted. "But ultimately, I believe that it's up to us to make the world a better place, however we can."

He offered her a small smile, hoping to convey his sincerity. "What about you, Ophelia? What are your thoughts on the world?"

Ophelia pondered Ritsuka's words for a moment, her gaze drifting to the window as she considered her response. "I understand what you mean," she said softly, her voice tinged with a hint of melancholy. "The world is indeed a complex place, filled with both light and darkness."

She shifted in her seat, her expression thoughtful. "As mages, we're entrusted with great power and knowledge," she continued. "But sometimes I wonder if we truly understand the consequences of our actions. We wield magic with such confidence, yet we often overlook the impact it has on the world around us."

A wistful smile crossed Ophelia's lips as she spoke. "But despite the challenges we face, I believe there is hope," she said, her eyes shining with determination. "Hope for a brighter future, where mages and non-mages alike can coexist in harmony, where we use our gifts not for personal gain, but for the betterment of all."

She turned to Ritsuka, her gaze earnest. "I suppose what I'm trying to say is... I believe in the power of redemption," she said. "No matter how dark the world may seem, I believe that we have the ability to change it for the better. And perhaps, together, we can make a difference."

Ritsuka listened to Ophelia's words, struck by their sincerity. He felt a sense of kinship with her, a shared understanding of the burdens they both carried as mages. And as he looked into her eyes, he couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope stirring within him.

"Thank you, Ophelia," he said, his voice filled with gratitude. "I needed to hear that. Together, perhaps we can indeed make a difference."

And as the afternoon sun cast its warm glow upon them, Ritsuka and Ophelia sat in quiet contemplation, united by a shared vision of a brighter future.

As Ritsuka sat in contemplative silence, his mind swirled with conflicting thoughts and emotions. He couldn't shake the overwhelming sense of disillusionment that clouded his view of the world. Despite his efforts to maintain a facade of innocence and hope, deep down, he harbored doubts and cynicism.

"This world is nothing but murder, shit, and killing," he muttered to himself bitterly, his words laced with bitterness and resignation. "Sinners everywhere, and I'm but a part of them."

He clenched his fists, his frustration simmering beneath the surface. The injustices and cruelties of the world weighed heavily on his shoulders, a constant reminder of the darkness that lurked within humanity.

"Why should I be a part of the good guys then?" he wondered aloud, his voice tinged with bitterness. "What is the point of being a good guy if corruption exists? To keep us, instead of parcels, a bunch of gifts?"

Ritsuka's thoughts spiraled into a vortex of self-doubt and despair. Despite his best efforts to uphold justice and righteousness, he couldn't shake the feeling of futility that gnawed at his soul. What was the point of fighting for a world that seemed irreparably broken?

"In a way, I'm not really that's a good person," he admitted to himself, his voice barely above a whisper. "The answer I give is mostly being a child. I don't even believe the words I say."

He closed his eyes, his mind flooded with memories of the horrors he had witnessed and endured. The bloodshed, the betrayal, the sacrifices made in the name of a futile cause.

"This world is full of people like them," he thought bitterly, his heart heavy with resignation. "And even with a Holy Grail, you can't change it."

As the weight of his despair threatened to overwhelm him, Ritsuka clung to the faint glimmer of hope that still flickered within his heart. Despite the darkness that surrounded him, he knew that he couldn't give up the fight. For Mash, for his friends, for the faint possibility of a better tomorrow.

Are you ok. Ophelia said to as her hand hold on to his. You kinda stop working as the adult will say

Ritsuka blinked, momentarily taken aback by Ophelia's touch and concern. He realized that he had drifted into a state of introspection, lost in the turbulent depths of his own thoughts.

"Yeah, sorry about that," he said, forcing a small smile despite the turmoil raging within him. "Just got lost in my own head for a moment there."

He glanced at Ophelia, her eyes filled with genuine concern, and felt a pang of guilt for burdening her with his inner turmoil. But at the same time, he couldn't deny the comfort he found in her presence, a flicker of light amidst the darkness that threatened to consume him.

"I'm okay, really," he assured her, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. "Just... thinking about things, you know?"

Ophelia nodded understandingly, her grip on his hand tightening slightly. "If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here," she said softly, her voice filled with warmth and sincerity. "We're in this together, Ritsuka. Whatever you're going through, you don't have to face it alone."

Ritsuka felt a surge of gratitude wash over him at Ophelia's words. Despite the darkness that loomed over their world, he knew that he had found a true friend in her, someone who would stand by his side through thick and thin.

"Thank you, Ophelia," he said, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. "I appreciate that more than you know."

And as they sat together, hand in hand, Ritsuka couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope stirring within him. No matter what challenges lay ahead, he knew that with Ophelia by his side, he would find the strength to face them head-on.

As Ritsuka's family arrived to pick him up, Ophelia glanced at the calendar hanging on the wall, a small smile playing on her lips.

"I like Thursdays," she thought to herself, her mind drifting to the significance of the day. "I think it might be my favorite."

She couldn't help but notice the symmetry in the word "Thursday," the same number of letters as "Ritsuka." It was a small detail, but one that brought a sense of warmth to her heart.

As she bid farewell to Ritsuka and his family, Ophelia couldn't shake the feeling of contentment that washed over her. Despite the challenges they faced, she was grateful for the unexpected friendship that had blossomed between them.

And as she watched Ritsuka's car disappear down the street, Ophelia couldn't help but feel a sense of optimism for the future. No matter what trials lay ahead, she knew that with friends like Ritsuka by her side, she could face them with courage and determination.

Had fun today sun. Ritsuka father asked him. And tell how was it

"Sure, Dad," Ritsuka replied with a smile, feeling a sense of warmth as he reflected on the day's events. "I had a great time. Ophelia's family was really welcoming, and it was interesting to learn more about their magecraft."

He paused, recalling his conversation with Ophelia and the unexpected connection they had forged. Despite his initial apprehensions, he had enjoyed their time together and felt a sense of camaraderie with her.

"And Ophelia," he added, a fondness in his voice. "She's really nice. We had some good conversations."

Ritsuka's father nodded, a knowing smile on his face. "I'm glad to hear that, son," he said warmly. "It's important to build friendships, especially with fellow mages. Who knows, maybe one day you'll both make a great team."

Ritsuka smiled, feeling a surge of optimism for the future. Despite the challenges they faced, he knew that with friends like Ophelia by his side, anything was possible.

"Yeah," he agreed, his voice filled with determination. "I think we could make a great team."

As Ritsuka settled into the car, his thoughts turned inward once again, the weight of his responsibilities weighing heavily on his mind.

"Just hope whatever team it is, it's not the Crypters," he thought to himself, a shiver running down his spine at the thought of facing off against those formidable adversaries. "I don't want to deal with the Alien God."

The memory of their encounters with the Crypters and their enigmatic leader, the Alien God, sent a chill down Ritsuka's spine. Their power and influence were unmatched, and Ritsuka knew that facing them would be no easy task.

To be continued

Hey hope everyone likes this story and don't forget to give me my power stones and let's make an army we have a small group but we will start a revolution