
Fate: Zero to Hero

Ritsuka Fujimaru the last master of humanity, in all honesty he never thought he would see this, he has been through the 7 singularity and 7 lost belt and he though he would win he, he did but in the end lost everything, but now given a second chance he will change everything even if he has to start from Zero and become a Hero, he was Story is 13+ Anyway yeah this is a Fgo fanfic MC: Ritsuka Fujimaru Ship Ritsuka X Harem There will be spoilers and other things from the fate univer will be used in this hope people like it

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · Anime & Comics
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112 Chs

Does a sinner deserve friends

As Ritsuka absorbed the revelation of his family's connection to the great hero Karna and their unique Sun Magecraft, his mind drifted to the future challenges that awaited him. Among them, he knew, was the daunting task of confronting his future servants about their shared lineage.

"I have to remember to tell one of my future servants about this when the 5th Lostbelt starts," Ritsuka thought to himself, his mind already racing ahead to the trials that lay in store. "They deserve to know about our family's history and the legacy they're a part of."

He envisioned himself sitting down with one of his future servants, perhaps in the quiet moments between battles or during a lull in their journey. He would share with them the story of their shared ancestry, of the great hero Karna whose blood flowed through their veins, and of the Sun Magecraft that had been passed down through generations.

"I want them to know that they're not just servants to me," Ritsuka thought, a sense of determination settling in his heart. "They're family, bound by blood and destiny. And together, we'll face whatever challenges the future may hold."

With his resolve strengthened by the knowledge of his family's heritage, Ritsuka prepared himself for the trials and tribulations that lay ahead. For he knew that no matter what obstacles they may encounter, they would face them together, united in their quest to reshape the fate of the world.

As Ritsuka wrestled with the weight of his past actions and the burden of guilt that hung heavy upon his soul, a voice of doubt whispered in the recesses of his mind. "But do I really deserve this?" he questioned, the words heavy with self-condemnation. "I mean, why? Why did I not know of this before the reset? I could have saved so many lives. But I guess this is what a sinner like me deserves, after all the people I have killed just for what I wanted."

The weight of his past sins pressed down upon Ritsuka, threatening to suffocate him in a maelstrom of despair. How could he ever hope to find redemption when his hands were stained with the blood of countless lives? How could he face those he had failed to save, knowing that he alone bore the weight of their deaths?

But even as doubt and self-condemnation threatened to consume him, a small voice whispered in the depths of Ritsuka's heart, a voice filled with hope and forgiveness.

"You may not feel worthy of redemption," the voice said, "but that doesn't mean you're beyond it. You may have made mistakes, but that doesn't define who you are. You have the power to change, to make amends for the past and forge a better future."

With those words echoing in his mind, Ritsuka felt a flicker of hope ignite within him, a glimmer of light in the darkness that threatened to engulf him. Perhaps redemption was not something to be earned through suffering and penance, but something to be found in the small acts of kindness and selflessness that he could perform each day.

"I may not deserve this second chance," Ritsuka whispered to himself, his voice filled with uncertainty. "But I won't waste it. I'll do whatever it takes to make things right, to save as many lives as I can. That's the least I can do to atone for my sins."

And as Ritsuka faced the uncertain road ahead, he knew that no matter how daunting the challenges may be, he would face them with courage and determination, for the sake of all those who had placed their trust in him.

As Ritsuka delved deeper into his journey of self-discovery and redemption, a nagging question lingered in the back of his mind: did a sinner like him deserve friends? The weight of his past actions bore heavily upon his conscience, casting a shadow over his interactions with those around him.

Amidst Ritsuka's contemplation, his parents, noticing his tendency to withdraw socially, exchanged concerned glances. They observed his solitary nature and decided it was time to encourage him to interact with other children his age.

"Richieke," his mother began gently, "we've noticed that you've been spending a lot of time alone lately. We think it would be good for you to have a playdate with one of the neighborhood kids. What do you think?"

Ritsuka hesitated, his mind grappling with conflicting emotions. On one hand, he longed for companionship and the chance to connect with others. On the other, the thought of exposing his fractured self to the scrutiny of his peers filled him with dread.

"I... I don't know," Ritsuka murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'm not sure if I'm ready for that."

His father placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, his expression understanding. "It's okay, son," he reassured him. "We just want what's best for you. But ultimately, the decision is yours to make."

As Ritsuka pondered his parents' suggestion, a flicker of uncertainty danced in his heart. Did he truly deserve friends, or was he destined to remain an outcast, forever haunted by the specter of his past? It was a question he couldn't answer, not yet.

But as he looked into the eyes of his parents, their love and concern shining brightly, Ritsuka felt a glimmer of hope ignite within him. Perhaps, with their support and guidance, he could find the courage to take that first step toward friendship, no matter how daunting it may seem.

With a determined nod, Ritsuka made his decision. "Okay," he said, his voice steady with resolve. "I'll give it a try."

And with that simple declaration, Ritsuka embarked on a journey of self-discovery and friendship, knowing that no matter what challenges lay ahead, he would face them with courage and determination, for the sake of all those who believed in him.

"Who should we call?" Ritsuka pondered aloud, his mind turning over the possibilities. "I mean, do you have any ideas?"

"I have an idea," Ritsuka's mother chimed in. "The Phamrsolone family. They came to this town recently, after all. Why not have the kids meet them?"

Ritsuka's father nodded in agreement. "That sounds like a great idea," he said, a smile spreading across his face. "We can reach out to them and see if they're available for a playdate."

With the decision made, Ritsuka felt a mix of anticipation and nervousness fluttering in his stomach. Meeting new people was always a daunting prospect, especially for someone as socially awkward as himself. But he knew that he couldn't let his fears hold him back, not if he wanted to break free from the chains of isolation that bound him.

"Okay," Ritsuka said, his voice filled with determination. "Let's give them a call and see if they're up for it."

And with that, Ritsuka's parents set about arranging the playdate, their hearts filled with hope for their son's future. For they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, united in their love and support for one another.

"I'm only doing this to make them happy," Ritsuka thought to himself, a heavy weight settling in his chest. "After all, I don't deserve friends, heck, not after everything. Wait, Phamrsolone... why does that name sound familiar to me?"

As Ritsuka mulled over the name, fragments of memory began to resurface, like puzzle pieces slotting into place. He remembered hearing the name in passing, whispered conversations and hushed tones that hinted at a connection to his own past.

A sense of unease crept over Ritsuka as he tried to piece together the puzzle of his memories. What was the significance of the Phamrsolone family, and why did their name evoke such a visceral reaction in him?

But try as he might, Ritsuka couldn't shake the feeling that there was something important he was missing, something lurking just beyond the edges of his consciousness, waiting to be uncovered.

With a determined shake of his head, Ritsuka pushed aside his doubts and focused on the task at hand. Whether or not he deserved friends was a question for another time. For now, he would do his best to make the most of the opportunity before him, trusting that the answers he sought would reveal themselves in due time.

As the pieces of the puzzle fell into place, Ritsuka's memory flooded with clarity. "Ophelia, that's right, that is her family name," he whispered to himself, a sense of recognition washing over him. "So, I am meeting one of the Crypters so early."

The realization sent a shiver down Ritsuka's spine. The Crypters, enigmatic figures shrouded in mystery, were key players in the unfolding drama of the Lostbelts. Their involvement in his childhood playdate hinted at a convergence of fate that Ritsuka could scarcely comprehend.

But even as uncertainty gnawed at his mind, Ritsuka felt a flicker of curiosity kindling within him. What secrets lay hidden within the Phamrsolone family, and what role would they play in the battles to come?

With a resolute nod, Ritsuka set aside his apprehensions and prepared himself for the meeting ahead. Whether friend or foe, ally or adversary, he knew that he would face the encounter with courage and determination, for the sake of all those who depended on him.

"Am i changing the future with this," Ritsuka thought to himself. "Or will this be one of those chance encounters that shapes the course of destiny?"

As Ritsuka contemplated the significance of his upcoming meeting with the Phamrsolone family, he couldn't help but wonder about the potential implications for the future. Would this encounter be a mere blip on the radar of his life, or would it set into motion a chain of events that would alter the course of history itself?

The weight of responsibility pressed heavily upon Ritsuka's shoulders as he grappled with the uncertainty of the path ahead. Every decision, every action had the potential to ripple outwards, shaping the world in ways he could scarcely imagine.

But amidst the uncertainty, Ritsuka found solace in the knowledge that he was not alone. With the support of his friends and allies, he would face whatever challenges the future may hold, armed with courage and determination.

"I may not know what the future holds," Ritsuka mused, his voice filled with quiet resolve, "but I'll face it head-on, ready to do whatever it takes to make a difference. That's the least I can do for all those who have placed their trust in me."

And with that unwavering determination burning brightly in his heart, Ritsuka prepared himself for the journey ahead, knowing that no matter what trials may come, he would face them with strength and conviction.

"I hate the butterfly effect," Ritsuka muttered, the weight of realization settling heavily upon him. "One change can lead to more changes. Oh god, this is going to be trouble."

The thought of unintended consequences loomed large in Ritsuka's mind as he grappled with the implications of his actions. Every decision, every choice had the potential to set into motion a cascade of events, each one more unpredictable than the last.

But even as uncertainty clouded his thoughts, Ritsuka knew that he could not afford to let fear paralyze him. The fate of humanity hung in the balance, and he alone bore the responsibility of shaping its destiny.

"I may not be able to control the butterfly effect," Ritsuka thought, his voice firm with determination, "but I can control how I respond to it. I'll face whatever consequences come my way, and I'll do whatever it takes to set things right."

With a resolute nod, Ritsuka steeled himself for the challenges that lay ahead, knowing that no matter what trials may come, he would face them with courage and conviction. For the fate of the world depended on it.

"I guess this is my punishment," Ritsuka said, a heavy sigh escaping his lips. "After all, why not meet one of my enemies early for one of my sins... the sin of indirectly killing her."

The weight of guilt settled upon Ritsuka like a shroud as he reflected on the consequences of his past actions. The memory of Ophelia's fate weighed heavily on his conscience, a constant reminder of the lives he had inadvertently extinguished in his quest to save humanity.

But even amidst the darkness of his guilt, Ritsuka clung to a glimmer of hope. Perhaps this unexpected encounter with the Phamrsolone family was not merely a punishment, but an opportunity for redemption. A chance to atone for his past mistakes and forge a new path forward.

"I won't let her death be in vain," Ritsuka vowed, his voice filled with determination. "I'll do whatever it takes to ensure that her sacrifice was not in vain. And maybe, just maybe, I can find a way to make things right."

With renewed purpose burning brightly in his heart, Ritsuka prepared himself to face whatever challenges lay ahead. For he knew that no matter how daunting the road may be, he would walk it with courage and conviction, guided by the light of hope and the promise of redemption.

"And just maybe stop her death," Ritsuka said to himself, a flicker of determination igniting within him. "How did she die again? I should start compiling a book about the things that will happen."

With a sense of urgency propelling him forward, Ritsuka resolved to gather as much information as he could about the events that led to Ophelia's demise. He knew that understanding the circumstances surrounding her death would be crucial if he hoped to prevent it from happening.

Firing up his computer, Ritsuka began to meticulously document every detail he could remember about Ophelia's fate. From the battles they fought to the decisions they made, no detail was too small to be overlooked.

As he worked, Ritsuka felt a sense of purpose wash over him, driving him forward in his quest to alter the course of destiny. With each word he typed, he felt himself drawing closer to the truth, closer to unraveling the mysteries that had haunted him for so long.

And as he delved deeper into the intricacies of fate, Ritsuka knew that he was not alone in his endeavor. With the support of his friends and allies, he would uncover the secrets of the past and forge a new future, one where hope triumphed over despair and redemption awaited those who sought it, or is thing him changing the future after all his future was his past and the past is his new future

To be continued

Hope you all like this Ch and don't forget to give me power stones