
Fate/Ultimate Antagonist

Getting Isekai'd to another world is indeed awesome, especially embarking on an adventure as a hero to defeat the Demon King, who turns out to be a woman, and making her part of your harem. It is truly the dream of millions of people hoping to be Isekai'd to another world. If Reinhard were to get Isekai'd like that, he might smile for the rest of his life. However, fate has other plans for him, as he becomes the unfortunate isekai victim, landing in the rabbit hole known as the moonlit world. With numerous psychopaths roaming around to fulfill their dreams, he must strive to defend his small life in this chaotic world, especially when the world is set to last only another decade. Fortunately, luck from nine generations of his family comes to his aid in critical moments. Finally, he gets help to secure his small life: [Ding!] "Eh? Has my help finally arrived?" [Congratulations, Host! You have been chosen as the host of the Antagonist Simulator System!] "Finally! Fina-... wait... What do you mean by Antagonist? Shouldn't it just be a Simulator without an Antagonist?" [As the name suggests, the Antagonist Simulator System is specifically designed for individuals with high aspirations to become antagonists, and you have been selected to be the Ultimate Antagonist! Congratulations, Host!] "Huh? Ultimate Antagonist? Wtf? How does someone as gentle as me fit as the ultimate antagonist?" [Not so.] [Host, you undoubtedly possess a strong motivation, clear plans, firm will, undisclosed secrets, outstanding execution, remarkable personality charm, and the determination to subvert the world.] [Undoubtedly, you are the perfect candidate for the ultimate antagonist.] WTF? ... [You were borns as the son of the King Vortigern.] [You pulled out the sword from the stone but inserted it back, and the sword emitted a resounding mournful cry] [You promoted agriculture, popularized education, abolished nobility, knights scorned you as the ominous son of the disaster-bringing white dragon] [You sacrificed Vortigern, gathered the remaining flames of the remnant age of gods, and launched the final assault towards the inner sea of the planet] [Your wife and daughter died at the hands of Ares] . . . [You set the Olympus Temple ablaze] "Oh? Looks like my adventure won't be boring."

XElenea · Anime & Comics
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130 Chs

[19] Completely Tainting This Divinity

At this moment.

Facing the admired idol before her, the girl felt as if her heart had relaxed like never before.

Ah, friendship, indeed, it's a relationship that makes people incredibly at ease...


As she looked at Alvin's lowered eyelids and his hesitant expression, the girl immediately, once again, realized her rudeness.

"S-Sorry! I assumed without permission that you're my friend. I... I..."

"No, I'm happy to be your first friend, Artorius."

Alvin smiled like this, gazing over the vast golden wheat field.


This was a great opportunity to get closer and corrupt her.

"Not only that, you'll have more and more friends in the future. Don't underestimate yourself."

"T-Thank you! Sir Alvin!"

Surprisingly, she got so excited about having a friend that her face turned red... no, it seemed like blood was seeping from her forehead...

Looking at the excited expression on the girl's face.

Unknowingly, Alvin felt a slight tremor in his heart, a feeling he didn't want to dwell on... pity and sadness.

"Um... it might be a bit presumptuous, but if you have time, can you come and practice with me more in the future?"

The girl looked at the broken wooden swords on the ground, deciding that she needed to make a new batch in the future.

"However," she seemed a bit troubled, "After having your meal and... making such an unreasonable request, I feel like I don't have anything to repay you..."

Gulp, thinking about these things made her feel more and more ashamed. The girl seemed like she wanted to bury herself in the ground.

"I always wanted to ask, is this wheat field owned by Sir Ector? Is that your...?"

"It's mine... uh, my father's."

Originally, Sir Ector didn't allow her to address him with these words.

But now, he couldn't hear it anyway, so calling him that shouldn't be a problem, right?

Although it was forbidden to speak.

In her heart, the girl had long acknowledged this fact.

"That's great, then. I would like to borrow your land to see the prosperous growth of this wheat field... if you can lease or sell it to me, it would be a great help."

Actually, Alvin didn't necessarily need the land here.

If he asked, his old man would naturally allocate a large piece of fertile land in Londinium to him, and he might even send a few batches of people to pick cotton or something.

But, if he did that, there would be no reason to frequently approach Artoria.

The 'feeling of being needed' is an advanced emotional need.

Even if it's a trivial request, like helping peel an apple.

Expressing an attitude of 'needing each other' is the best way to close the relationship.

It could be considered a philosophy of life that Alvin had developed in his previous life, where he mingled.

"Oh! If my father hears about your request, he will definitely agree happily. But Sir Alvin... are you planning to farm?"

The girl looked at Alvin somewhat incredulously. Someone with such strong combat skills actually stooping to work in the fields seemed so contrasting, just like King Arthur being a woman.

"I have topics I want to research."

Saying that, Alvin couldn't help but recall the disdainful faces of those people at the Clock Tower when he was researching wheat production.

Saying something like mudfooters only deserve to farm, but Alvin was very foresighted and applied for a patent in advance.

So, even though the price was exorbitant, now the noble families are fighting to buy his 'Genuine Brand' flour, rich in ether. It is said to be more magical than ordinary food.

Magicians also need the essentials of life, one can only say that old folks don't understand the saying 'food is life,' they just like to suck their blood and watch their painful expressions.

"As for sword practice... sparring with you is also a way for me to hone myself. I'm naturally happy to do so. However, Artorius, your swordsmanship... such pointless persistence will only make your path more and more thorny."

Alvin bluntly pointed out her immaturity, realizing how difficult it is to uphold the righteous path of peace in this chaotic world. However...

"That must be because I'm still not strong enough."

The girl just smiled in response.

"If I become strong enough, strong enough to not need to brandish my sword, then even facing the dragon Vortigern, I could make him surrender, leaving an opportunity for us to communicate, right?"

As her words faded away.

The lingering sound seemed to resonate in the wind.

Her soft golden hair swayed in the breeze, and Alvin looked at the girl in male attire in front of him, unable to say a word.

It's a bit... too glaring.

How could there be such a stubborn fellow in the world?

The sky was clear, without a cloud in sight.

The vast and boundless mature wheat field resembled a golden sea.

Under the radiant sunshine, the girl's smiling face seemed to be coated with a brilliant and splendid color.

Through this bright sunlight, Alvin seemed to catch a glimpse of the girl's clear and pure dragon's heart.

Ah... Artoria.

Abandoning the despicable aspects of being human, replaced by a pure and untainted divinity.

The more he realized this, the more indignant he felt about her tragic fate.

Not seen as a person, but rather as an incredibly useful tool, what had people turned her into?!

Facing the girl's radiant smile.

Unable to look away, yet wanting to pluck it for himself.


It's this kind of Artoria that is worth leading her down the path of corruption!

The bloodline of the white dragon was surging, desires and compassion seemed to coexist at this moment.

This dazzling divinity...

Alvin wanted to completely defile her.

"Sir Alvin?"


Too close.

Looking at the overly close face of the young man, the girl's palms involuntarily tightened around the wheat spikes on the ground.

A subtle blush spread on her delicate cheeks.

A slight dizziness emerged in her mind.

Should she step back?

Or... should she go along with it?

Her body didn't know how to respond.

But without a doubt, those slowly swirling, iron-gray eyes, as if emitting a kind of bewitching magic, made it almost impossible to look away.

They stared at each other with a hint of stiffness.

Until a distant call abruptly snapped the girl out of this trance.

"Lily! I brought you—"

Sharp eyes saw the two people overly close in the wheat field.

The words shouted by the young man suddenly froze.

"You son of a bitch, what are you doing to my sis-... brother!"

Dropping the lunchbox in his hand, the golden-haired young man rushed from the edge of the wheat field, reaching out to grab the silver-haired young man's collar...

And then Alvin directly flipped him over with a backhand, and he fell to the ground with a thud.

"What the hell... you bastard..."

The handsome young man with blonde hair propped himself up on his arm, painfully climbing up from the ground.

When he looked up and saw Alvin's face, he couldn't help but pause.

"What's going on? This can't be...!

"How could there be a man who looks better than me... are you damn an incubus!?"

This way of speaking by this mouthy guy... why does it sound so familiar...

Looking at the blonde young man in front of him, Alvin, who had never seen this guy before, always felt a sense of deja vu.

He couldn't remember the answer for a while.

But faced with such impolite words, he wouldn't say anything good either.

"Who the hell are you?"

"I'm your old man, you brat!"

Well, well, wanting to be my old man, are you filled with evil deeds? Even Vortigern is not as impressive as you.

The tense atmosphere spread across the wheat field in an instant. The blonde young man slapped off the dust on his body, twisted his neck, and directly drew the iron sword from his waist, momentarily as if cold light was overflowing.

"Regardless of who you are, you better stay away from my brother, or my sword won't know mercy."

Oh, Artoria's brother, huh?

Alvin understood it now, and his response was...

"None of your damn business."

"Good, come! I will teach you a lesson you'll remember for the rest of your life."

The blonde young man rushed up...

The blonde young man drew his sword...

The blonde young man fell...

Looking at the young man who fell in front of him, Alvin felt a bit speechless.

He hadn't even started using his strength, and this guy just fell down.

The gap between ultimate life form and ordinary people is apparently too difficult to overcome.

"Just this? My evaluation for you is worse than your brother's."

"You bastard, damn, this monstrous strength is like..."

"Stop, don't fight anymore!"

If you're interested in reading more, feel free to visit my pat reon which already contains 20+ chapters: 

https://www.pat reon. com/XElenea

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