
Fate: The Observer

I died and it was very dark. Suddenly the room became a deep purple color and changed again to a deep orange color, the room kept changing within 3 hours. I also don't know how long it took. And finally the room stopped changing colors and remained rainbow-colored but not seven colors but more than seven. I heard the voices of four people and the four people appeared and gave me three requests, each claiming to be a being higher than god. However, if you feel impatient, you can check the link below https://www.patreon.com/bakakeju

Bakakeju · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Ultimate One and Error

After I spoke, they all came out of their fearful reverie. They all looked at me with focus and attention.

They didn't know and couldn't do anything against me, lamenting their weakness.

I spoke again and guessed who they were, those who helped Gaia and Alaya. And probably Dark Sakura.

Shwazer: "Are you the so-called Ultimate Ones?" I asked as I watched carefully.

Some looked like aliens, some like angels, and some like humans. If they were Ultimate Ones, that meant they were strong among the strongest in the Nasuverse.

After I asked that question, they all fell silent. But there was one who answered my question.

It was a human-like creature with two golden-colored wings, yes, similar to Tenshi.

?: "Yes, we on earth are called Ultimate Ones! We came here because we felt a very strong existence, but I as a Venus-Type am different from the other Ultimate Ones. I love living here and therefore I will defeat you." replied Type-Venus who declared herself different.

Shwazer: "um... if you can do it, as long as you can't defeat me then I will remain as before." I said.

But in my mind it was different when I talked to them or whatever.

[Mah... staying as before means being lazy, hahaha.] I said to myself.

I remembered who the Ultimate Ones were, for a few seconds Eva answered my confusion.

<Answer 10 Master! There are currently known Ultimate Ones, First, Type-Mercury. Second, Type-Venus. Third, Mars-type. Fourth, Type-Jupiter. Fifth, Saturn-type. Sixth, Type-Uranus. Seventh, Neptune-type. Eighth, Pluto-type. Ninth, Moon-Type. and finally tenth, Earth-Type. or called (Archetype Earth) each Ones has a strong power equivalent to True Magic more." Eva said, telling me about Ones.< p>

I who heard Eva's words was immediately excited again. Before that I thanked Eva for telling me about Ultimate Ones.

After that I spoke again and made my Aura come out 1% of my power, all of them who felt my Aura were immediately scared.

Shwazer: "In that case, Type-Venus and the other Ultimate Ones. Since you have interrupted my fun, then you will make me have fun as well." I said, adding that sentence with intimidation.

They all instantly got serious and immediately went into standby mode for the attack I was about to launch, even though I hadn't launched or released any power yet.

After all of them were still in (Standby) Mode, I quietly activated (Age Seal) mode to stop the time loop.

After all the time had stopped, I moved quickly and attacked them all with punches. I attacked them and simultaneously refrained from killing them all right away.

After attacking them all, I canceled (Age Seal). Time returned to normal but all of them, Gaia, Alaya, Dark Sakura and the Ultimate Ones, were thrown back at a very fast speed.

After they all stopped being thrown, they all wondered what I was doing, they saw that I stayed in place without moving an inch but they were thrown by the attack.

They all stood up again to fight me, whereas I thought those Ultimate Ones came to the world to destroy humans because of the will of their planet.

Was I wrong? Mah... there's no point in thinking like that either, for now focus on the present first.

I saw that they all immediately ran to attack me in a scattered manner, I didn't blame them because it would be fun too if it was like that.

Suddenly Type-Mercury attacked me at long range followed by Type-Venus at long range as well, I immediately blocked his attack after I held back. Behind me was Type-Moon who was about to attack me from close range.

I immediately used the skill (Teleport) to change places, after changing places. Type-Mercury and Type-Venus' attacks were hit by Type-Moon's attack. Because I suddenly disappeared when Type-Moon attacked.

The impact was that Type-Moon was instantly blown away. With a considerable distance, all of them except Type-Moon who was hit by Type-Mercury and Type-Venus' attacks earlier, could see where I went.

When they found me, Type-Jupiter and Type-Uranus attacked me at close range. I dodged and continued to avoid the attacks of Type-Jupiter and Type-Uranus.

When they attacked me from the opposite direction, I lowered my head and jumped backwards. As a result, Type-Jupiter and Type-Uranus who had been attacking me were immediately hit by their respective attacks.

And both of them were thrown back and stopped at the building damaged by my fight against Dark Sakura and Gaia, Alaya.

Then when I landed, Type-Mars was already behind me and preparing to attack me as well as Type-Neptune who was right in front of me.

Gaia and Alaya were preparing to attack me from a distance on the left and right sides, when I wanted to cast my skills. I was already attacked by Type-Saturn in the head.

As a result, I could not activate my skill immediately and I was also immediately hit by Type-Mars and Type-Neptune attacks, after being hit by Type-Mars and Type-Neptune attacks from the back and front.

I was hit again by Gaia and Alaya's combined attacks from a distance, but they didn't realize that I had also managed to attack them.

While Type-Mars, Type-Neptune and Gaia, Alaya and I were hit simultaneously, even though I was hit, I remained where I stood. While Type-Mars and Type-Neptune fell down due to my attack (Gravition).

Those still standing at the moment were Type-Saturn, Type-Pluto and Type-Earth as well as Gaia, Alaya and Dark Sakura. Dark Sakura had rested her body and stamina for a while.

The Saturn-Type immediately distanced herself from me and joined the others, suddenly Gaia and Alaya were talking about something with those who were still standing and defending against me.

A few seconds later after they finished planning something, I saw them staring intently and seemed to have strengthened their resolve for something.

I glanced at them, suddenly Archetype Earth attacked me. But I dodged her attack, soon Type-Pluto, Type-Saturn, Gaia, Alaya and Dark Sakura were ready to unleash their attacks from a considerable distance.

Thanks to Archetype Earth being a distraction, Type-Saturn, Type-Pluto, Gaia, Alaya and Dark Sakura managed to hit me with their attacks.

Shwazer: "Hoo! So this is what you planned, but it's still useless. Because you're too weak!" I said provoking them.

Those I provoked were not provoked, but remained calm. At least, it was beyond me.

A few seconds later, the others began to recover and get back up, after everyone got up, I saw them talking about something.

I didn't care about what they said, after that they were all getting ready to say something.

I seriously looked at what they were all doing, shortly after that they released their respective powers which were equivalent to True Magic or more.

I prepared to cast protective magic, but at the same time one of them temporarily sealed my ability.

I hadn't expected this, so I focused on strengthening my physical parts in order to minimize the impact of the attacks I was about to receive.

After all their attacks were focused on me, I was forced to be hit by all their attacks.

The first thing I felt was shock but gradually the pain became more painful as time went on, for about 3 minutes.

Even though it was only 3 minutes I felt pain for the second time in my life, after that I received an attack for the second time.

And for some reason I felt that this attack destroyed the surroundings including the dimension as well, after which the third attack was smoothly delivered.

But this attack was different from the others, as it was a combination of everything.

Shwazer: "Hoi oi! Do you want to destroy this world?" My words were ignored by all of them.

After the third attack was released, the entire earth shook. The ground slowly split open and released its contents, which was extremely hot lava or magma.

A few minutes later the earth was completely destroyed along with its contents, the Ultimate Ones and Gaia, Alaya and Dark Sakura. Somehow they survived the explosion of power that destroyed their own world.

After they were exhausted, they looked at me who seemed to have only scratches on both hands.

They all smiled bitterly, except for one who looked like an alien. Somehow, I knew that he was also smiling bitterly. Hmm... how mysterious.

One of them told me that they gave up and their bodies slowly disappeared.

Be it the Ultimate Ones or Gaia, Alaya and Dark Sakura. But I salute Dark Sakura who clearly has a very different power but can still survive until now.

I also suddenly got a notification from Eva that the screen was a sliver of color and the other side was gold. Hmm... since when did the screen change color?

<Master! Master! Teacher! Teacher!" Eva said in a panicked voice calling out to me. < p>

[Why are you panicking like that Eva? What's wrong?] I asked Eva who could hear the panic in her voice.

Eva told me.

[Ohh... The dimension I created has perished-] My words were cut off as I tried to confirm the information from Eva.

[What! Perished? Why did it perish Eva!?] I asked Eva directly in panic.

Eva said recounting what had happened.

Eva said in a sad voice.

[It's okay Eva, it's not your fault! It's my fault for having too much fun.] I said trying to calm Eva down.

Eva said.

[Ooh! As expected from Eva, thank you Eva!] I said, grateful to have Eva.

[What did Eva save?] I asked Eva.

<Yes 2 7 Master! Eva managed to save [Personal Maid] - Guard] [Illyasviel von Einzbern] [Reina and Seina] [Merlin] [Enkidu] [Nero Claudius] [Tiamat]. Only people could save, please forgive Master Eva's incompetence!" said sadly. < p>

[It's okay Eva, Eva tried to save them. So it's not Eva's fault! It's my fault for having too much fun]. I said and at the same time my eyes lit up with alternating colors with a very strong aura. It showed that I would never make a mistake again.

[Oh yes Eva. Buy me a Card Servant [Gilgamesh, Okita Soji and Astolfo] and one more absolute ability from the Shop."] I said as I told Eva to buy what I asked for.

Eva said as she continued talking.

Eva said briefly explaining the risks.

[Yes or No] A notification appeared on the screen.

I stared at the notification and thought about what the risk was, I'm also a rational and calculating type of person, although I was sad about losing Irisviel von Einzern.

After 2 minutes I thought about this. I had to be brave enough to take this step, and I immediately pressed [Yes] from the notification screen.

Not long after, another notification popped up as I pressed [Yes] on the notification.

Written on the Notification

Eva suggested.

[Alright Eva. Show me my current status."> I answered Eva.

<Status: < p>

Name: Shwazer Vanheim

Bloodline: None (Unknown)

Race: None (Unknown)

Title: None

Age: ?

Level: 0

HP: None (0)

MP: None (0)

Strength: None (0)

Defenders: None (0) None (0)

Stamina: None (0)

Speed: None (0)

Dex None (0)

Passive Skills:


Basic Skills:


Unique Skills:


God Skills:


World Skills:


Ultimate Skill:




The screen shows my Status which is already empty, somehow I became panicked because of seeing my current Status.

But I have to calm down and right now I am still standing in the middle of the destruction of this planet because of the actions of the Ultimate Ones and Gaia, Alaya and Dark Sakura, somehow I can control myself normally in this universe, even though my Status is empty.

Not long after, a new notification appeared on the screen indicating the process of merging the absolute power I bought in the store, somehow Eva had no signs.

<Merging Process Begins! < p>

[10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%-70%-80% - 90%-100%]

Merging Process Completed!

The Notification screen appeared to notify that the merge was complete, Eva suddenly reappeared.

<Congratulations Master! Master has obtained the power of [Omnipotent]-[Omniscient]-[Omnipresent] now become transcendent. Eva said, telling me that merging process had been completed...< p>

[Why did Eva suddenly disappear?] I accidentally asked out of curiosity.

Eva replied.

A new notification appeared on the screen.

I looked at the notification and was immediately surprised, because I knew that Almighty God is the one who created all the (Planets) (Galaxies) (Universe) (Multiverse) and (Universe). I chose [Yes].

[Yes.] I said.

Message: From: God Almighty

To: Shwazer Vanheim

Hi Shwazer Vanheim! Greetings. I am the Supreme Lord that you know from your System moving from the Anime Multiverse System to the Outer System. I am sending you this message because I allowed you to ascend to a higher level and because of that, I will explain some new things.


1. Altar Eirei:

Altar Eirei is a feature where you can summon Servants from the Nasuverse that you know to use whenever you want, since you are the master of the Altar.

2. System Outverse:

System Outverse is the Highest System of the Highest and surpasses any System in the Universe, I added a feature to help you, the name of the feature is [Rules].


Rule is a feature to change the existing rules to the rules you want, but you cannot set rules that are negative for the whole or yourself. You can only change the rules to benefit the universe itself.

3. Race - Absolute Rules:

The Race of Absolute Rule is the Race that has the authority to change the rules of the universe that they themselves created from [Universe] - [Multiverse] - [Universe], because you have been allowed by Me to ascend to the highest Race of all, you can create something like that. The Race of Absolute Sovereign is the second Race that I created so that this Race belongs only to those who are chosen. Because you have been chosen from Cosmic Entity to Absolute Rule, you can create such things. [You can be what you want, but remember, do not do anything negative to the Universe]

But if you feel like you can't wait, you can go to my patreon or check the link below

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