
Fate: The Observer

I died and it was very dark. Suddenly the room became a deep purple color and changed again to a deep orange color, the room kept changing within 3 hours. I also don't know how long it took. And finally the room stopped changing colors and remained rainbow-colored but not seven colors but more than seven. I heard the voices of four people and the four people appeared and gave me three requests, each claiming to be a being higher than god. However, if you feel impatient, you can check the link below https://www.patreon.com/bakakeju

Bakakeju · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Epilogue -END-


After Shwazer receives a message from [God Truly] and gains the power of [Absolute Ruler], Shwazer begins his new adventure in the anime world!

For the time being Shwazer is still in the midst of the destruction of the [Destiny] World Shwazer has gained the absolute power he wanted, Shwazer began to use his power to restore the Destiny World that had been destroyed.

He used his power to restore the World of Destiny, this was the first time Shwazer had used this much power. That's why Shwazer wasn't used to this kind of thing, not for now.

Eventually Shwazer would get used to it, because before reincarnation Shwazer had excellent adaptability. Hence Shwazer was confident that he would adapt quickly.

After he returned the World of Destiny back to normal including the [Ultimate Ones] or [Gaia and Alaya] as well as [Sakura and Seihai] Shwazer did not return Dark Sakura, because it included an apology for destroying the World he loved.

Despite that problem, Shwazer didn't head straight to the survivors first, he traveled around the universe in search of new things. Shwazer also made sure that there was no danger in the future.

Despite gaining absolute power, Shwazer remains wary because of the events he experienced. But he remained calm and thought rationally.

Eva saved the survivors from the second attack of the combined Ultimate Ones, Gaia and Alaya and Dark Sakura. Eva managed to put the survivors in a room that she had made herself just in case.

Shwazer could not believe that Eva acted on her own without saying anything to him, but he thanked Eva for acting on her own because there were still survivors from his family.

Notes: Let's say Thank You to Eva!

Eva answered Shwazer's question why she acted alone, and her answer was. [I thought it was the right thing to do to help Master!] was Eva's answer.

Shwazer felt lucky to have Eva, he was also happy that Eva always helped him in times of emergency like what had just happened.

Shwazer had traveled all over the [Universe], so he went to the [Multiverse] and of course traveled around and had his own adventures.

After the [Multiverse] Shwazer went to the [Hyperverse] after which it went again to the [Megaverse] and finally ended up in the [Omniverse] the pinnacle of the universe itself!

Shwazer spent about 900 million years adventuring alone, luckily Eva made the space she created eternal which means time doesn't work in the space Eva created.

Including living beings who are there will not realize or know this event, only knowing the last time it happened was a dimensional attack.

The space created by Eva that has no time is called [Close Room] which means Closed Room, the living beings who are there will freeze. No matter how much time passes.

Shwazer did this because he wanted to make sure that his family was not in danger anymore, even so the next adventurer would not be dangerous for him. But at least his family had an adventure that was both amazing and dangerous.

It didn't matter that Shwazer could save them in an emergency when his family couldn't handle it, so he had to be the strongest.

It didn't matter if it was boring, it didn't matter if it wasn't exciting, it didn't matter if nothing appealed to him anymore, as long as the family he was protecting was within his reach, then he could save them.

Shwazer also met and spoke with a being equal to him, [The One Above All] his name was [Stray Eiv Drageos] he was very strong when Shwazer fought with him, the result when fighting in the [Voidverse] specially created for his battle arena [Absolute Ruler and The One Above All series.

No one won or lost, this was also the beginning of those who would become the true [Rivals] in the history of the universe.

Three years after his battle with The One Above All, Shwazer went to the place where the Absolute Ruler should be, the Outverse!

When Shwazer entered the Outverse, Shwazer saw many beautiful things here that were very different from the rest of the universe. Here, Shwazer also received a notice from Eva.

Eva said from her notice, [Master. Here in the Outverse, only the [Absolute Ruler] [True Angel] can enter and, Master must be careful not to make trouble in the Outverse." Those were Eva's words of notice to warn Shwazer not to do something that should not be done in the Outverse.

Shwazer also traveled around in the Outverse, but the Outverse was too vast from other universes. Unlike other universes in the Outverse, all universes could be seen here.

Here in the Outverse is where the Supreme Being who is above all other beings lives, so not just any being can enter.

If anyone forced their way in, then that being itself would perish without a trace. So Eva told this to Shwazer first.

After that Shwazer introduced himself to the other Absolute Rulers, in the Outer Realm there were only two Absolute Rulers plus himself, so now there were three Absolute Rulers.

There were currently only 2 Absolute Rulers in the place he was in now, even so they were not like other beings. They were all peaceful and not hostile.

But occasionally they fought in the Voidverse to relieve their boredom, Shwazer was the same when he fought with [Stray Eiv Drageos] one of The One Above All.

After a long stay in the Outverse, Shwazer returned to the Multiverse for further adventures, before which Shwazer created a Castle that was almost as big as the world itself. And within the Castle was another Castle, which was truly the largest Castle.

Inside the Castle are mysterious decorations that give an aura of tranquility to those who are not considered enemies.

Inside the Castle there are also many rooms, all of which are spacious and large. Nothing is small in the castle world.

After creating a castle so large that it resembled the world, Shwazer also installed armor. The preparations were perfect and then Shwazer opened the sealed room that Eva had created.

Shwazer took out the survivors one by one and waited for the ice that froze them to melt, little by little the ice that froze them melted.

The ice that froze them was eternal ice that could only be melted by energy or power stronger than the [God Emperor] for Shwazer it was very easy to melt it but Shwazer chose to melt it slowly.

After 5 minutes, finally all the survivors were freed from the eternal ice, when everyone was freed from the eternal ice they were confused about what happened to them.

Shwazer explained little by little what happened to him and them, after explaining little by little they all understood what Shwazer explained.

Shwazer also told them to rest, and Shwazer kept his promise and Enkidu to revive Gilgamesh.

A few days later everyone finished resting, Shwazer explained to them to get ready for the next world.

Their adventure had just begun, they couldn't wait to adventure and travel around the universe and see so many shining stars everywhere.



Continue in Volume 2!

Thank you for your support in reading my novel, I will try to make an exciting story in Volume 2. Including the anime world!

But if you feel like you can't wait, you can go to my patreon or check the link below

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