
Fate: The Observer

I died and it was very dark. Suddenly the room became a deep purple color and changed again to a deep orange color, the room kept changing within 3 hours. I also don't know how long it took. And finally the room stopped changing colors and remained rainbow-colored but not seven colors but more than seven. I heard the voices of four people and the four people appeared and gave me three requests, each claiming to be a being higher than god. However, if you feel impatient, you can check the link below https://www.patreon.com/bakakeju

Bakakeju · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs



Afternoon, Day 4. Seihai Sensō!

A red moon appeared in the sky of Fuyuki city, without them realizing that there was a red moon above them all.

What it meant, no one knew. Good or bad. No one could guess.

Enkidu had gone out and sought more enemies, the returning Shwazer had left again.

Enkidu had defeated Assassin, Lancer and Rider. Only five more Servants remained for victory in Seihai Sensō.

Enkidu as usual scouted first, Enkidu's next target was Archer.

But there were two Archers, Enkidu felt that something was bothering him. Enkidu did not know who the other Archer was.

But Enkidu chose to defeat the other Archer first, after deciding Enkidu went looking for him.

Searching and searching, but still not found. It's been about 2 hours not found, suddenly Enkidu felt a magic energy that was familiar to him.

Enkidu knew who the owner of the energy was, but Enkidu ignored it first because he was still looking for the other Archer.

After all this time Enkidu decided to change his target, namely the Archer and his Master Tohsaka Rin.

After finding the Archer, Enkidu jumped from above in front of the Archer. The Archer of Tohsaka Rin was surprised because suddenly there was another Servant who came suddenly.

Archer did not feel his presence but Lancer suddenly came from above, it could not be said to be surprised.

Archer immediately put on his fighting mode to get ready for battle, Enkidu saw this only smiled a little but was seen by Archer.

Archer who saw Lancer smiling just looked at him annoyed, he realized that his current strength could not defeat him.

A few seconds later from the silence, it was Enkidu who took the initiative to move. Because of Enkidu's fast movement Enkidu was immediately in front of Archer.

Archer immediately retreated reflexively, after retreating Archer immediately entered defense mode.

Archer: "Lancer, what are you doing here?" Archer said in a wary tone.

Enkidu: "I... what do I want? That's up to me, but right now I want to finish you off." Enkidu said directly attacking Archer with his chain.

Enkidu's chain immediately lunged to all sides, but Archer was very agile, Archer immediately dodged and pulled out his arrow to counter Lancer's attack.

Likewise, Enkidu immediately dodged Archer's attacks, not long after Enkidu took out a lot of gold chains and immediately tied Archer.

Archer somehow instinctively said not to be hit by the chain, before finally being bound by Lancer's chain. Archer retreated far back.

Archer seriously shot his arrows repeatedly releasing his arrows, so there was a lot of smoke around Lancer.

Archer: "Did it work?" Said Archer with curiosity whether his attack was successful or not.

A few seconds after the wisp of smoke disappeared, out came Lancer's golden chain that went straight at Archer.

Archer who saw it dodged, but unexpectedly, behind him there was also a chain and immediately tied Archer.

Archer tried to escape but could not break free from the grip of Lancer's chain, little by little the sound of feet heading towards Archer was heard.

Tohsaka Rin: "Archer, you... I don't know what kind of servant you are. But let Archer go. Please!" Tohsaka Rin said while screaming and shedding tears.

Enkidu: "Why should I let him go? What's in it for me? I'm just carrying out orders from Masută." Enkidu said casually without caring about Tohsaka Rin.

When Enkidu was right in front of Archer, Enkidu wanted to stab Archer right in the heart with his chain.

But suddenly Saber came with his master, Enkidu reflexively retreated from the reach of the bound Archer.

Saber tried to help Archer break free from the chains but was unsuccessful.

Enkidu: "You can't escape or get out of the grip of my chains Archer and Saber." Enkidu said casually as he threw his attack at Saber.

Saber who saw the attack towards him dodged and took a few steps back. when Saber had retreated Saber said.

Saber: "If you can't break free from the chain, then I just need to defeat the user." Saber said as she ran forward to attack Enkidu.

Saber ran forward, but on all sides immediately appeared out of nowhere Enkidu's golden chain. However, Saber managed to avoid Lancer's attack with her instincts.

Saber's instincts were very sensitive, but if it was just like that, she couldn't beat Lancer. Lancer continued to unleash his chains on Saber.

Saber continued to move forward and avoid Lancer's attacks, but unexpectedly Saber's right leg was hit by Lancer's chain.

And Saber fell while running forward to launch an attack, Enkidu's chain immediately gripped Saber's entire body and finally Saber's condition was the same as Archer.

Enkidu did not head towards Archer but towards Saber, a few seconds later. Already in front of Saber. Enkidu said.

Enkidu: "You can't beat me." Enkidu's words pierced Saber's heart with their chains.

When Enkidu pierced Saber's heart, Emiya Shirou attacked Enkidu with his magic.

Enkidu dodged Emiya Shirou's attack, and Emiya Shirou threw the knife he made at Enkidu.

Emiya Shirou: "Once again you come forward to attack Saber, I will not forgive you." Said Emiya who stared intently at Enkidu.

Enkidu: "How naive of you, you won't be able to protect anyone if you act naively like that, especially if you face Masută." Enkidu said replying to Emiya Shirou's words in a slightly intimidating manner.

Emiya Shirou who got a little intimidation from Enkidu, immediately broke into a cold sweat. Enkidu left there and let Archer survive while Saber was dying.

Emiya Shirou: "Your master, who exactly is he." Emiya Shirou muttered and helped Saber up to return home.

A few minutes later, Enkidu was still watching his archer Tohsaka Rin, the archer realized that he was being watched.

But not knowing who was watching him, when Archer wanted to go and see who was watching him. The existence that was watching him suddenly disappeared.

Archer: "Whoa... who was that." Mumbled the annoyed Archer.

Tohsaka Rin "Archer, what's wrong?" Said Tohsaka Rin who asked something.

Archer: "ahh... nothing Teacher." Archer said.


[In a Different Place] - [In a Different Place]

Gilgamesh who was sitting and seemed to be thinking about something, for a moment Gilgamesh got up from his seat and his red eyes were enjoying something.

Gilgamesh stood up from his seat, and wanted to come out of his hiding place.

Kotomine Kirei: "What's wrong Gilgamesh?" Said Kotomine Kirei who was surprised to see Gilgamesh move like that.

Gilgamesh: "No... it's okay Kirei, just do as planned." Said Gilgamesh who looked serious.

Kotomine Kirei: "hm... if you don't want to say it's fine, but don't be too conspicuous Gilgamesh." Said Kotomine Kirei who warned Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh: "ehh.... how dare you say that to a king like me Kirei, but I will listen to your advice." Said Gilgamesh who sharpened his eyes.

After that Gilgamesh left the place and went in search of an existence that felt familiar to him, when Gilgamesh came out.

Gilgamesh felt something following him, Gilgamesh confirmed who was following him.

Gilgamesh: "You are a false hero." Said Gilgamesh who already knew Archer's whereabouts.

Archer: "hm... it turns out you are more sensitive than some other Servants." Said Archer who didn't know who he was dealing with.

Gilgamesh: "don't talk so smug Mongrel." Said Gilgamesh who felt annoyed.

As Gilgamesh and Archer stood up, what Gilgamesh did not expect appeared. Gilgamesh was silent and surprised.

Because his first friend was here, that's when Archer started attacking Gilgamesh who looked surprised from earlier.

Gilgamesh who realized Archer was attacking him tried to dodge, but Archer's attack and Gilgamesh's reply were stopped by the Servant.

Master Archer who saw the scene with his Master Saber, Saber who was with his Master felt that this was an impactful battle.

Because Saber has good instincts in combat, but Saber ignores that and tries to protect his own Master.

The three Servants began to move little by little and for a few seconds the three of them attacked each other, it didn't stop there.

The green-haired woman took out her chain to bind Archer and Gilgamesh, who had no time to move Archer, was caught in the chain's grip.

Gilgamesh who knew what the chain looked like immediately dodged, and tried to find a way to talk to the green-haired woman.

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