
Fate: The Observer

I died and it was very dark. Suddenly the room became a deep purple color and changed again to a deep orange color, the room kept changing within 3 hours. I also don't know how long it took. And finally the room stopped changing colors and remained rainbow-colored but not seven colors but more than seven. I heard the voices of four people and the four people appeared and gave me three requests, each claiming to be a being higher than god. However, if you feel impatient, you can check the link below https://www.patreon.com/bakakeju

Bakakeju · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Beginnings III

Enkidu moved again at night to win Seihai Sensō, moving, walking, and running around Fuyuki city.

After more than an hour Enkidu finally found Lancer, well Lancer. The Lancer is Cú Chulainn.

Enkidu immediately appeared in front of Cú Chulainn, while Cú Chulainn was surprised by Enkidu's sudden appearance.

Cú Chulainn: "Ohhh... so you are the Lancer that was talked about." Cú Chulainn said in his usual tone.

Cú Chulainn: "It just so happens, I want to know how good you are, even though I left right away." Cú Chulainn said in a mocking tone.

Enkidu: "still talking like that, so be it. Soon you will die too." Enkidu said arrogantly.

Cú Chulainn was provoked by Enkidu's mockery, and attacked Enkidu openly to the front.

Enkidu who saw Lancer provoked, came forward too but when Enkidu came forward the chain was also behind Lancer.

Two-way attack from Enkidu for Lancer, Lancer who was hit by the corner immediately parried Enkidu's attack in front and before being hit behind Lancer dodged first.

After successfully dodging, Lancer attacked again but his right leg was bound by Enkidu's chain.

Enkidu immediately pulled the chain, and it made Lancer go into the ground with the speed Enkidu pulled the chain.

And when the end of the chain came out, there was Lancer who was thrown upwards out of the ground.

Enkidu continued to attack while tying him up, but somehow the ties were untied by Lancer's weapon.

"From Masutā's information, the Lancer named Cú Chulainn uses a Gále Bólg weapon. Enkidu said in his mind remembering the information Masutā gave him.

'But why did he escape from the clutches of my chains.' Enkidu said in his mind, looking annoyed.

Enkidu began to attack again, this time not reluctant, attacking immediately.

But when Enkidu attacked, Lancer was already in front of him and not to mention his weapon almost hit Enkidu.

Fortunately Enkidu had a reflex reaction, suddenly Enkidu's body dodged the spear attack itself.

After dodging Enkidu saw an opportunity, Enkidu took out his chains and tied Lancer up.

But Lancer managed to dodge again, and backing away, Lancer sucked air from his nose to breathe deeply.

After taking a breath, he threw out the wind he had inhaled. And looked forward seriously.

Right at Enkidu, well... looking intently at Enkidu. After looking, Lancer held his spear in his left hand and was ready to throw his spear.

Cú Chulainn: "Prepare and accept the curse of this spear, Gale Bolg!" Cú Chulainn threw his spear.

The spear quickly headed towards Enkidu, Enkidu just looked ordinary. More precisely relaxed.

When his spear was close to Enkidu, Enkidu drove towards the front that was heading towards him.

After getting very close, Enkidu managed to take his spearman easily with just one left hand.

After picking it up Enkidu threw it again towards Lancer.

Enkidu: "Take back your spear Lancer!" Enkidu said throwing back the Gale Bolg that had been thrown by Cú Chulainn.

Lancer who saw that surprise did not flinch, just stood still and thought about finding a way to avoid the attack.

'Damn... 'Said Cú Chulainn who resigned himself to being hit by his own attack.

A few seconds later, Gale Bolg's Spear plunged into Lancer's heart. And slowly, Lancer became particles and then disappeared.

'Hm... two enemies already, six more to go.' Enkidu said in his mind.

Enkidu fought with Lancer for only 2 hours, no more and no less.

After defeating Lancer, Enkidu continued to look for other Servants. But Enkidu did not realize that Enkidu was being watched.

???: "hm... I knew it. He is a threat to Master." Said a woman who was watching from afar.


Enkidu continued to run and look for enemies, suddenly Enkidu saw the battle of Saber and. Archer.

But their Masters are just silent, how strange, but for a while the two masters stopped Saber and Archer's fight.

After stopping their Servants, the two Masters talked to each other. But Enkidu was not interested and eventually ignored them.

Enkidu looked for the whereabouts of the Rider or Caster only, because the two Servants managed to escape Enkidu.

When Enkidu was looking for the whereabouts of the Servant that escaped from his grasp, Rider suddenly appeared. Enkidu was happy, because the enemy really appeared, then Enkidu would not hesitate to let the enemy loose again.

Enkidu: "well ... well ... apparently Rider dared to reveal himself, I thought you were a coward who ran away scared." Enkidu said provoking him.

Rider: "cih... shut up you second Lancer, now I'm going to kill you." Said Rider in a low voice but with a sense of murderous intent. very big.

Rider finally advanced, Rider's speed was very high. But Rider didn't know that his speed was only like a snail walking for Enkidu.

That's because Enkidu has practiced in the field of speed, be it reaction speed, eye speed, or movement speed. In the field of speed there are many other speed techniques or skills.

Enkidu easily dodged Rider's attack, simply by tilting his body slightly to the left.

When Rider's attack failed, Enkidu grabbed the hand of Rider who still seemed to want to punch him. After taking it.

Enkidu slammed Rider left and right, after slamming Enkidu threw Rider forward strongly.

None other than, Rider crashed into several buildings, many buildings were hollow because Enkidu threw Rider strongly.

Before driving away because of Enkidu's throw, Enkidu used a chain to bind the Rider and continued to stab the Rider's body with the sharp end of Enkidu's Golden Chain.

Light particles began to come out, and a few seconds later disappeared as if there was no world.

But just before disappearing, Rider managed to launch an impromptu attack with his chain. Rider's chain hit Enkidu and pierced both his hands.

Moments after Rider disappeared with his weapon, Enkidu, who was wounded in both hands due to being caught off guard. Enkidu chose to rest and recover his wounds first.

Enkidu returned to his temporary home and slept, but before going to bed. Enkidu first checked to see if anyone was watching or following.

After making sure no one was watching or following, Enkidu put up the barrie or shield that Masutä had made.

Once activated, Enkidu went straight to sleep. And recovered his body that was injured while fighting Rider, due to his negligence.


In the morning Enkidu woke up, and immediately soaked in a hot spring (Onsen). When Enkidu wanted to enter the Onsen bathroom.

Enkidu heard a noise in the men's bathroom, and I immediately tightened my guard so as not to be caught off guard.

When Enkidu entered the men's bathroom, the voice became clearer. But Enkidu recognized the voice.

'Isn't that Masuta? Is Masuta back yet? Didn't Masuta say he was going away for a long time? Enkidu said to himself.

When Enkidu looked inside, it was true, it was Masuta. Shwazer Varmillion has returned.

Enkidu immediately lunged and hugged his Masuta, Masuta stroked Enkidu's head.

Enkidu: "Masuta, Masuta, Masuta, I miss Masuta." Said the spoiled Enkidu.

Shwazer: "yoss... did you miss me that much, Enkidu? I just left two days ago." Shwazer said as he stroked Enkidu's head.

Enkidu let go of his hug, and Enkidu walked out of the Onsen. And entered the women's Onsen.

But just before exiting the men's Onsen, Shwazer spoke.

Shwazer: "Enkidu, I'll be leaving soon. Sorry Enkidu, I was just looking at you, whether you're okay or not. It looks like you're fine." Shwazer said worried about his servant.

Enkidu nodded in agreement, after which Enkidu entered the women's hot spring. And rested.


Good night.