

3rd Person's POV


Haruka said nervously, dead bodies were everywhere, the once beautiful park are covered with thick red blood, roses can't show their beauty anymore, the peaceful scenery can no longer be seen.

When Haruka heard screams, she rushed here without thinking. In front of her, a teenage girl with raven colored hair and deep purple eyes can be seen, her bloody clothes and hair clearly shows her killer side, but one question would slip through their mind, "How?".

She is currently grabbing the collar of a man older than her. He once had a bright yellow colored hair and sky blue eyes, once, he wore white clothes with gold linings and a white cape that looked like that were made exclusively for a god.

"R-run.." (???)

His words are filled with pain.

"Elise..chan? What did you do to your.. brother?" (Haruka)

She chuckled.

"Pfft..... HAHAHAHA!!" (Elise)

The murderer burst out laughing like a psychopath.

"I almost killed him! Isn't that obvious?" (Elise)

"How.. Did you.." (Haruka)

"Well that doesn't matter anymore, I should say thank you, now I don't need to use search magic to look for you."

Elise said with a smirk plastered on her face.

Suddenly, her body lost balance. Dark colored chains can be seen surrounding Haruka for a second. Then Elise rushed towards her.

"Sweet dreams~"


She struck her hand towards the victim's chest, ending her life in a blink of an eye.

Haruka's POV

I guess it's that time of the year huh?

I thought of that while watching meteors falling from the sky.

Screams filled the area, some praying to the gods, some tried to run and take cover.

I stood there looking at the sky, didn't even bother to move a step. What's the point? I'm gonna die anyway.

In 5 seconds, meteors hit everyone, creating a massive disaster.

Everything went dark, then I found myself in a room surrounded by beautiful stars and galaxies. There are water under my foot. Each step you make forms the sound of water being dropped to a puddle.

There are a line of people silently waiting to be reincarnated. At the front, you could see 2 angels helping people to decide their fate. Some of them patrols the area to keep people from leaving the line and stay quiet.

Some people yelled that they want to see their family and friends.

After a while, a girl with smooth blonde hair and yellow golden eyes appeared out of nowhere, she is someone I know.

"Greetings Naomi Rainagin-sama."

Naomi-san smiles at the angel guard and walked towards me.

"Its been a while Haruka, let's have a chat."

"Ah, alright."

She smiles and led me out of the line. The guards are confused, but they didn't question.

We stopped and a yellow magic circle appeared below us, a lot of small lights form around us, I can feel a small spark of electricity from them, then light enveloped us and we are in a different place.

The Angels of Fate's Cafeteria.

"Greetings, Naomi Rainagin-sama!"

Those who were eating immadiately stood up and bowed, same goes with those who are carrying their lunch, their food floated in the air. By one glance, you could tell they are trained and very loyal to the gods and goddesses.

"You may get back to your lunch, I'll be here for a few minutes."

Some of them are giving me curious glances, one would think they are just observing me.

She led me to a room and gestured me to sit, there are exquisite food on top of the table, perfectly baked macaroons, cupcakes with sweet white frosting, cheesecakes that would make anyone's mouth full of water, all of this are prepared exclusively for the lightning goddess sitting in front of me.

She made a sound proof seal to keep people from hearing our conversation, if your asking what's so important.. Well, she only wants to relax.

"Ahh!! Finally!! Damn, why do I have to keep up this act!?" (Naomi)

"It's a part of your job Naomi-san." (Haruka)

I said while sipping my black tea.

Although I'm only a soul waiting to be reincarnated right now, I can taste the mint flavor from it, but it wouldn't fill my stomach, since I technically don't have any body yet.

She began shoving a bunch of sweets to her mouth. When people say gods and goddesses are elegant and graceful, they are 100% wrong.

"Sigh~ Man! Sometimes I want to be a human too! Their jobs are way much easier!"

The goddess said as she began to whine like a child with her mouth full. I can't blame her though, being a goddess is a lot harder than anything.

"Putting that aside, sorry Haru. We aren't able to find a cure for your curse yet."

"I see.. It's fine, sorry for bothering you."

"Haru.. Your getting colder towards me.. I guess that's one of the effect of the curse huh?"

"Who wouldn't be after 235 lifetimes where you will die after 15 years?"

"Guess your right.."

We chat a bit more, until it's time for me to go, after all a soul can't stay for this long.

Naomi-san guided me back to the room with the queue.

She cut the line so I don't have to wait, she said it's fine but I don't think the people behind me aren't really.. Happy about it.

In the end, I gave up.

"Put your hand onto the screen, the dices will roll automatically." (Angel)

I placed my hand onto it, all the dices rolled by themselves and the screen showed what I got.

Beauty: 4

Intelligence: 6

Luck: 1

Health: 5

Mentality: 6

Talent: 6

Magic talent: ERROR

"Error? That never happen before.."

I looked at the dices, the Dice of Magic. It landed but the number on it was changing rapidly. I took back my hand and it went back to a question mark.

"It can't be changed, you will have to go with your current stats, please nter the gate."

The angel gestured me towards a majestic white gate, the guards open the door.

I said goodbye to Naomi then head inside.

I fell then looked up to see the gate gone.

[Memory erasing process starts..]

[0%.. System ERROR!]

[Command is cancelled due to the interference of an anonymous aura.]

[Using force to erase.. Results NEGATIVE!]

[Reporting to the Angels..#$%@&]

[Report FAILED! Proceeding anyway..]

[Finding a destination.. Destination: Galathea.]

[Finding a body.. Body found.]

[Injecting soul into new found body.]

[In 3..



Then I blacked out, after a while, I can hear sound but not too clear, I can't see as well.

"C********a***** *** **a**** ***y **r*!"

I could hear footsteps running from here and there. But couldn't see anything clearly because my eyesight is not developed yet.

Someone carried me, then water washes my skin, after that the person who carried me moved again.

The nurse handed me to someone.

"Y**r *a*e w*** *e  *a**k* A***n**m*."

Feeling tired, I drifted to sleep.