
[VOL 1:1] - 6 Years Old

Haruka's POV

"What's with these grades!?" My 'mom' throw my exam results towards my face.

I got 80 and 90, I purposely answered them wrong because I don't want to attract too much attention.

If your thinking this is like those isekai stories where "Ohh I'm just born! I can already walk and talk!" or "I'm so OP I can control all elements!" no, it's not how it works.

My mother punched my stomach with mana, I coughed blood.

"Pathetic! You can't even defend against my punch! Look at your sister, she's so much better than you! The tutors I hired for you are expensive!"


She continued kicking me by the stomach, I could feel the pain coursing through my whole body.

But I didn't bother to shout, it would only make things worse.

"Mom! Please, She's only 6!" (???)

"She's already 6! I'm only going lenient on you because you can control mana!" (Mother)

"Ma'am, the ride is arriving soon you should get ready for the meeting."

A butler informed my mother.

"Fine. For you, make 20 pages essay for World War 2, finish it by tomorrow or no food for 2 weeks."

Then they left.. After that I felt a warm feeling, something that would make anyone feel comfortable.

"Ian?" (Haruka)

He gave me a gentle smile that would make any girl's heart melt.

"Just sit still okay?" (Ian)

"You can use light magic?" (Haruka)

"Well yeah.. I just awakened it last week." (Ian)

"Mother and father doesn't seem to know, why did you keep it a secret?" (Haruka)

The yellow haired boy grinned.

"I want to spend more time with my cute little sister of course." (Ian)

Then he showed me a wide smile.

Ever since the time I was born, he is the only one who didn't get affected by the curse. The curse inside me made everyone to hate me, dislike me, bully me for no clear reason.

Yet there is someone in this lifetime who isn't affected by that, I wonder why?

"Well, I should get on with the 20 page essay, you should get some sleep brother." (Haruka)

His gentle smile turned into a sad one as he came closer and hugged me.

I could hear him mutter something, "I'm going to miss you."

I thought I was hearing things, but I felt some drops of water on my back.

He backed up, wiped his tears and said, "Yeah, good night, sleep well."

He showed me his last smile before going off. I went to my room and started to write.

~The Next Day~

I finally finished the essay. Why do I have to do all this? Is it because I can't control mana? Is it because my sister is clearly better than me?

I groaned, writing for 4 hours continuously is exhausting both mentally and physically.

Once I woke up, I could hear noises outside my room.

Out of curiosity I walked out.

"Young master! Where are you!?"

"Ian-sama, please stop this prank!"

"Ma'am and sir are worried about you!"


"Young mistress!" A disheveled maid came to my door, her face showing anxiety, "Have you see the young master anywhere?"

"No.. I just woke up.."

The maid thanked me, insincerety in her voice.

She grumbled and went off searching.

So Ian is missing huh? Maybe I'll help look for him.

I looked for him at the garden the servants ran here and there everyone are in panic while the wind blew across the field of flowers.

I also went to the gym, although it's certain that the maids have searched here. The tools were clean, not a single sweat can be seen.

The quiet library also showed no signs of being used.

My heart is beating faster, sweat drops every 5 seconds, I'm starting to panic. It's strange since the last time I panicked is ages ago.

It's already noon, there's no clue on where he went, it's as if he isn't here from the start.

Everyone gave up, my parents put his dissapearance on the newspaper, hoping someone would find him.

When I heard this, I feel my cheeks are getting wet.


Why am I crying..?

I'm confident I never experienced feelings for the whole time I have lived.. So why now?

Is it because he is the first one to show me what love is after a long time?

If so, why don't I notice it sooner?

Why do I have to realise it after he's gone?

I crouched and looked down in regret. Soon my drops of tears turned in puddles of water.


I hear footsteps walking towards my direction. The source gave out a mischievous grin.

"Oh? This is rare. My emotionless sister is crying?"

She walked closer to me, a smirk plastered on her face.


She rushed towards me and kicked me in the stomach, it's painful but I'm used to it.

"What's the problem? Going to cry to our mom? Hah! She doesn't even care about you!"

She continued hitting me, this time lightning magic covered her hand.

As expected, it's much painful than before, as if I got hit by a thunder on a rainy day.

My blood splattered everywhere, making bright colored flowers covered in puddles of thick red blood.

The Azanami family are known to have gifted individuals who specialize in lightning magic, my sister Evellie Azanami, is one of them.

She awakened her magic a month ago and has been showing promising results since then.

I have 2 siblings, it appears both of them have awakened their magic at the age of seven which are considered as geniuses, because normal kids usually awaken their magic when they are 10 years old or older.

"At least your pain endurance are high. You will be a great bait to lure some monsters, so I'll let you go this time."

A maid who is about to go pass us got called by her, "You, maid. Call the gardener to clean this mess."

Then little miss arrogant walked away all sassy while flipping her hair.


Could this day get any worse?

I went to the bathroom and cleaned my wounds.

It's nothing more than some scratches for me but it still hurts.

Then I put a clean bandages on it.

Because of this curse, I will surely get bullied once I get into school. That's why I have to train my body to fight back if it's possible.

I decided to run around the park.

???'s POV

"Thank you for today's lesson!"

I bowed to my tutor and walked out of the room.

"Sakuya-san, what is the next schedule?" I asked towards my butler.

He opened his IPad and said,

"You will have a playdate with your fiancee in 20 minutes. Your majesty's parents have prepared a magic carriage for your departure." (Sakuya)

"Are they going to come?" (???)

"I'm sorry but I'm afraid they aren't going to come, the king and queen have a political meeting to attend to." (Sakuya)

"I see.." (???)

"Don't worry, your majesty. I'm sure they will spend some time with your majesty in the future." (Sakuya)

Sakuya-san lead me towards the royal carriage. He opened the door and gestured me inside.

Magic carriage.

A newly developed carriage that is powered by mana. There is no horses nor wheels needed to use this carriage. It's controls are like a car's. The front seat is for the driver.

Behind it is the passangers' room. It consisted of 2 comfy sofas, a luxurious table, windows with rose colored curtains, a mini television, a tea set, along with some snacks and juice.

The wall is covered with royal purple wallpaper and small diamonds. Mana keeps the carriage floating on the air, so there are no bumps.

A carriage full of luxury, only affordable by the royal family and higher nobles.

"Your majesty, I have prepared some small snacks for this journey. Please do enjoy it to your heart's content while enjoying the scenery." (Sakuya)

"Thanks.." (???)

Sakuya-san put a cup of mint tea and a slice of cheese cake on the table.

Outside the carriage, I can see guards protecting us along the way, they are riding a motorcycle while at it.


"Your majesty, we have arrived."

A guard opened the door. I stepped out and head towards the mansion in front of me.

Two guards opened the door for me. Red carpet covering the floor, beside the carpet, maids and butler lined up organizedly.

Then a black haired man and a blonde haired lady in her 30s greeted me with a smile, following after them, a young girl with a beautiful blonde hair came down the stair gracefully.

The blonde haired girl wears a white well-tailored dress with diamonds and golden roses that sparkles like the star. White stockings below her glass like shoes made her seem like a real life Cind*rella.

Her silky medium length hair makes her even more beautiful, as she tied some hair into two with the rest laying on her back..

..but one thing is clear, her face is caked with makeup.

"Greetings, I'm the Second Prince of the Atheria Kingdom, Hitaro Takamura."

"Greetings Prince Takamura, I believe this is the first time we meet. Let me introduce myself, my name is Reinald Azanami."

Following him, the woman spoke up.

"My name is Liliana Azanami. It's a pleasure to meet your highness."

The little girl introduced herself after her mother as she blushed.

"M-my name is Evellie Azanami.. p-pleasure to make your acquaintance.."

The family greeted me with a welcoming smile and a respectful bow. Their warm-like smile is enough to make anyone think it's real and pure, but not for me.

Eyes of Truth.

Extremely rare and useful eyes. Those who possess these pair of eyes could see through lies and the true personality of someone.

However, it can't be used to dig out information someone wield. Currently, only 24 people in this world have them, including me.

"Your highness, would you like to have some tea with my lovely daughter?"

The lady who I assume is her mother, spoke up.

"I would love to." I actually don't.

"Please walk this way."

A maid guided us towards a garden. The garden is filled with bright and beautiful flowers. The pond's water is crystal clear, reflecting the light blue sky. There are some well made benches for people to rest on.

However, the peaceful scenery became dull when we walk further into the garden, blood is everywhere.

"T-takamura-san what do you think of the-"

She stopped talking after she saw the blood. She flinched, her eyes were shocked, sweat dropped from her cheeks.

All of a sudden, she slapped the maid leading us and began shouting.


"I-I'm sorry you have to see a such dirty scenery, let's have some tea inside the mansion.."

She seemed pretty shaken but still gains the courage to say that.

"Who's blood was that?" I asked.

"It's just the blood of a rat who died this morning.."


Such a huge mansion, a lot of workers. If there were one, they would've gotten rid of it immadiately. A lie that can be seen through even without the Eyes of Truth.


I decided to roll with it when there's suddenly a meteor hitting 1/5 of the field.

Guards and hunters started running towards that area. Medical teams around for people who are injured.

"What the hell is happening!?"

Everyone is panicking, wondering what could possibly destroy the defense the Azanami family laid out. But one thing for sure, it isn't something weak.

I instinctively ran towards the source.

Evellie-san chased after me, but I outruned her. One of the guards stopped her but didn't manage to stop me.

The further I go, the clearer I can see the face of the cause.

The source is not an 'it' rather a 'she'.

She have a pair of wings, covered with soft white fur. Her snow white skin compels with the beauty of her face who seems to be looking for someone.

She reminds me of..


A headache occured at the worse time possible. Scenes rapidly playing in my head one after another.

"No fair!"

"You got some cream on your cheek.."

"Don't you think the sky is beautiful tonight?"

"Will you.. remember me after I die?"

"Please.. live on.."

All those scenes were filled with the same girl who I've never meet before in my life.

I can't remember her face, yet she seems so familiar. Are these even my memories?

I snapped out of my thoughts when an energy ball broke multiple barrier mages set out to protect me.

"Your highness! Run!" My hand got pulled by the same person who stopped Evellie before.


"Get a healer!"

"[Flame Arrows]!!"

I just kept running without looking back, knowing I was too weak compared to the others, I'm a hindrance.

So what if people complimented me for being a genius if I can't use it to help others?

I'm weak.

We stopped when the distance is quite far.

"Your majesty, the angel seems to be going after you. I don't know why but keeping a member of the royal family safe is one of the most important things a hunter must do, even if it means going against a Holy Order.

So please, run towards that forest, run until you reach the other side and find someone who could return you to your family. Don't trust someone easily. The Azanami family have gone off before you. We don't have any cars available right now.

Looks like we can still defend the angel off. She must be the weakest among them."

The man gave me a long speech which is taking a damn long time in a huge problem, where is his common sense!?

"Alright.. Be safe and bye."

Those are the only words I can think of right now.

I controlled some mana onto my legs to make me faster.

Ice-like aura covered my legs and I took off.

Running endlessly towards the forest. But something feels wrong. It feels like I'm running around in a circle, when I'm not.


A monster!? Now that I think of it.. I can sense a dark aura around here..

I stopped to catch my breath. I realised that the forest is covered by fog.

A monster's roar.. dark aura.. fog..

No way.. A dark element monster is around!?