
Table Of Contents

Title: Fate

Written by: Hana, HZ_Stories



After someone dies, they will live again.

What will happen to them will be decided by the Dices of Fate.

Everyone would want another chance in life.

But not me.

Reincarnated for 235 times with a miserable fate in each life.

All because of the mistake that I made, that one mistake.

Jealousy, it easily corrupts someone, I am the victim of it.

After these endless cycle of life, I realised something...

'What's the point of having friends? You will lose them anyways.'

The start of my 236th life. Everything is goingbe the same, bullied, hated, miserable.


List of volumes:

1. Fate: The Curse

2. ?????

3. ?????

4. ?????


A/N: Hi everyone, author here! So I don't know if this book suits your book preference, but please do try to read it if you have the time. I will update this chapter/Table Of Content when I reach the next volume or something. I guess that's all...? Enjoy!

This book is also out on Wattpad please check it out too!
