
[VOL 1:2] - Three Eyed Wolf

Have you ever questioned yourself if fate is real?

Like how some are born with diseases while others don't or how death were destined for someone?

How some people were born in rich families while others were born in poor families?

Perhaps... our encounter is also decided by fate...?

Haruka's POV

It's getting late..

I've been running for hours now.

A sunset can be seen by the park, the view is spectacular.

People started leaving the park, returning to their loved one, some only came to jog for a while and go back home.

Sweat dropped one after another, showing the signs of exhaustion and workout.

I decided to stop jogging and head back to my house. I walked through the main road, which is the way that I took to come here.

I took the shortcut to go back, it's a small street that no one really uses. The street leads to a usually crowded street, a forest can be seen near it.

Although I said that it would be filled with people, it turns out to be the complete opposite.

Moreover, the buildings were empty, there is not a single light on. Fog also covered the area, making it harder to see things through it.

It isn't safe here.. I thought.

But when I turned back, the park I walked before also had no traces of being used. Streetlights were off and the sky is dark.

Something isn't right..


The voice echoed in my ears.


A second after that, a person's cry can be heard inside the forest.

Anyone with a brave heart would run there and be prince charming, but I don't really want to risk it. It may seem egoistic including the fact that I will get reincarnated again, but I don't want to feel the painful feeling coursing throughout my body.

One thing that makes me take interest is the black mist flowing out of the forest. A monster is definitely in there, and a strong one at that.

During my past lives, I would encounter monsters from time to time. It's one of the reasons I have high endurance.

As soon as I tried to walk away, my surroundings changed in a blink of an eye, I've been teleported.

I'm now in the middle of the forest, the sky is dark. Stars and moon being covered by fog, making it harder to see things.

The fog is getting thicker by the second. Then... the monster revealed itself.

It wasn't a pleasant meeting at that.


It fired a couple black colored fireball causing me to back flip, I landed on both of my legs.

Ahh... What should I do?

With it's three red eyes staring deep into me, it began it's next attack. Charging towards me with mouth wide open, revealing sharp teeth that would dig deep into my skin.

I leaped backwards, searching for something that can be used as a weapon. This place can either be an illusion or a real forest. There's a long stick with a sharp edge next to a tree.

I'd be dead before I even touch it. Guess I'll take my chances.

I ran there as fast as I can while dodging the wolf's attacks. Successfully grabbing it, I just realized.

What am I going to do with this?

Rushing towards me in rage, I tried to dodge and slide the sharp edge of the stick towards the wolf's skin while running.


The stick broke midway.

Keeping a distance, I took a look at the place where I tried to cut. As expected, only a small scratch is visible, barely enough to kill it.

Looking at it's claws, black and purple colored fog envelopes it.

If I remember correctly, this monster is called a Three Eyed Wolf, a late B rank monster. One of the common skills a wolf possess is [Poison Claws]. The skill causes it's claws to emit purple-black fog, very poisonous. A single scratch can lead to a serious illness or even death if not treated properly.

In other words...

I'm screwed.

Big time.

The only option available now: Run.

The chance is small but the best case scenario is getting out of here alive with a lot of broken bones.

I ran as fast as my leg can take me. But the grey wolf would always catch up no matter where I run.

If it's like this, wouldn't it be better to die while fighting?

But what can I possibly do...






Mana Manipulation.

A thought hit my head. It's something I've never done before, no matter how hard I try, but it's my best bet.

While dodging, I made sure to grab a few stones.

I tried my best to run away from the monster. Keeping myself hidden from it as long as I can. With it's sharp senses, it's only a matter of time before I got found.

Luckily, I managed to lose it.

People who can control mana usually has an affinity in magic. There is a way to insert mana into an object. The smaller the object, the lesser the mana needed. When an object filled with mana is thrown they are stronger and more durable.

I remember what my tutor told me to do.

"Close your eyes.

Imagine and feel the energy flowing throughout your body.

The energy that is within our blood.

That energy is called mana.

Once you can view it clearly within your head, slowly insert the mana into the object that is within your grasp."


It found me.

It leaped towards me, preparing to hurt me with it's poison covered claws.

Just then did I open my eyes.

Knowing I would be erased from existence if I didn't make my move, I swiftly threw the rock.

The rock glows brightly with white and yellow light. Making a tail of light as it was thrown. Hitting the monster it caused an impact on the three eyed monster.

Eventually, the light fades away, showing that the mana inside of it have been used.

Before the monster have time to react, I made more mana filled stones and launched it at him.

However, it wasn't enough to get a late B rank monster down.

I tried to buy myself more time to escape from it by throwing more stones. I ran without looking back.


Leaving my back open without any protection was my mistake. The monster's claws scraped through my back.

An awful feeling indeed. The pain coursing in my body. The poison spreading throughout my body very fast. In a few seconds, the pain was too much for a 6 years old body to handle, rendering me unable to run or even walk.

I fell down.

The wolf slowly approaching me.

Water dripped from it's mouth.

Drops of water rained down.

My mind began feeling dizzy.

My vision started to blur out.

I thought this was the end of my life.

A boy appeared in front of me as I blink.

I blacked out.

3rd Person's POV

Steps of someone filled the air.

Tree branches cracking from being destroyed.

A monster's roar can be heard multiple times.

Stones hitting something a couple of times.

The sound of water being drops down from the sky.

A predator approaching it's prey.

A boy looking for the source of the sound.

A girl laying on the ground, unconscious.

The boy standing between a monster and a girl.

"[Ice Sword]"

The boy chanted.

Swords of ice slowly forming within the boy's hand. White and blue colored light formed around his body.

Rain poured a bit heavier, washing away the blood on the girl's wounds.

The blue eyed boy rushing towards the monster. Expecting a block from the wolf, he jumped and leaped onto the red eyes monster, giving it a slash.

The sword broke from the grey wolf fur's durability. A shock plastered on the prince's face.

The boy landed on his two legs.

"[Ice Sword]"

Another sword formed.

"[Ice Chains]"

Three circle diagrams appeared out of thin air. Chains emiting a cold aura came out of the circle, locking down the grey wolf.

In a split second, the chains shattered into pieces. At this point, the prince knew he had no chance of defeating a monster of rank late B.

But he chose not to give up.

With it's poison covered claws, it tried to scrape the boy. But the effort was in vain, none of it's attacks reached the boy. Inserting more mana into the sword than before, the black haired boy consecutively attacked the monster.

Eventually, he stopped due to exhaustion and lack of mana. Scratches on the monster here and there.

The boy knew the monster would catch up if he run, so he closed his eyes knowing this was his end.

Instead, he blacked out.

After a few seconds, he opened his eyes. This time, red ruby eyes replaced his sapphire blue eyes. The aura around the boy were different from his previous self. It's as if he became a whole new person.

With a flick of his finger, 6 swords appeared around the previously exhausted boy. The swords emits a dark aura along with it's caster.

"Let's see who's magic is stronger, shall we?"

The corner of the boy's lips slowly lift up, forming a smirk. His glare is calculating and full of confidence.

Before the red eyes wolf could react, it has already been stabbed to death in a blink of an eye.

The fog in around started to disperse as the source has been killed. Meaning that the illusion has been broken.

Letting out a chuckle, he spoke to himself.

"It's been a while since I've broken out huh... This body's mana capacity is quite small. I can only recover it a bit just now... I hope 'I' can improve faster."

The red eyes boy sat on the ground with crossed legs and close his eyes. Soon after, the prince's eyes shot back up, reverted back to his sapphire blue eyes.

Hitaro's POV

I quickly stood up and look around. The rain have stopped. My eyes landed on a certain wolf monster I was fighting earlier. It's body has several stab wounds that clearly shows it's dead. But the thing is, I can't seem to remember what happened after I black out. How did it die? What exactly happened? I decided to think about it later.

After that, I remembered about the girl whom I tried to save. I walked over to her picked her up and placed her with her back against a tree.

Leaving a rank late B monster corpse alone is a waste. I heard magic core of that rank would fetch a decent amount of money. So I opened the wolf corpse and took it out. The magic core's color is black and purple. Surrounding it is a malicious aura, as expected of a dark element monster.

After taking it, the corpse would turn into ashes, but the blood outside the corpse would stay. That being said, my hand is covered in blood. I saw a river nearby my location, took some water and washed my hands there.

There might be more monster in this forest, I should leave quickly.

I started carrying the injured girl in my arms. To be honest, she looks quite pretty up close. Unlike that caked face plastic girl.


Why do I have to be engaged to her...

Haruka's POV

I woke up in an unfamiliar room.


I tried to sit up but my back hurts while doing it.

Just then did I remember what happened.

A wolf. I got hurt. I fell. A boy appeared in front of me.


The boy, he probably saved me.

I examined the room I'm in. The bed I'm in is an exquisite king sized bed. The wall is covered with purple and gold wallpaper. A red carpet is laid on the floor. There is a golden mini chandelier, a TV, a wardrobe, and everything a bedroom has. In addition, a huge window that covered up most of the wall can be found on my right. The curtain looks like it's made of expensive cloth.

No matter how you look at it, the room definitely gives off an elegant aura.

As if knowing I woke up, someone knocked on the door.

"Come in." (Haruka)

A butler entered the room and started introducing himself.

"Good morning young miss, my name is Sakuya Farantere. I am the second prince's personal butler. His highness has personally ordered me to ask you a few questions. Please answer them truthfully. After that you may take a bath and eat some breakfast that we are going to serve for you." (Sakuya)

The second prince? Isn't he the one Evellie-san going to marry...?

"Um.. Farantere-san, may I ask where am I?" (Haruka)

"Miss is in this kingdom's royal palace." (Sakuya)

The royal palace!?

I'm assuming this is the guest room, but why would the second prince allow a stranger to be brought into the royal family's home?

"May I start the questions?" (Sakuya)

My line of thought was broken by Farantere-san who is waiting for me.

"Ah... yes you may." (Haruka)


"Okay, Miss Azanami, I'm done with the questions, you may stay here for another three hours. We will arrange a magic carriage for you later." (Sakuya)

"Farantere-san can you please convey a message to the second prince?" (Haruka)

The butler replied with a warm smile.

"Of course" (Sakuya)

"Please tell his highness I said thank you for saving my life." (Haruka)

"As you wish, miss." (Sakuya)

After Farantere-san left, I came into a realization about something that bothered me.

How did I manage to dodge a B rank monster attack without activating any magic?