
[VOL 1:3] - Pure Mana

So I have a few things to say to my readers.

1. To my readers, I forgot to tell you that Haruka and Hitaro both have black hair, the difference is that Haruka has yellow eyes and Hitaro has blue eyes.

Me and Zerin published a story called "New World Online", it's about a virtual reality game with a device named [Oracle]. But is it really just a game? Please check it out!

2. At first, this story is completely based off Japanese anime, manga, and novels on Wattpad. But lately I have been reading Fantasy Chinese genre/cultivation stuff manhuas and Villain Deku fanfics.

The reason I'm telling you this is because I just wanna say that there might be a few Chinese ideas within this story. Anyway, enjoy the chapter!

Haruka's POV

"Please refrain from causing any damage to the carriage." (???)


"Uwa... Mommy... I love the second prince so much, yet why does sister get the attention?"

Evellie said while acting pitifully.



"To be taking the attention from your sister's fiance. You really are bold aren't you!?" (Mother)


"What a waste of space and resources. If it weren't for our family's reputation you would've been disowned long ago!" (Father)


"Hey, hey, I heard the second young miss is saved by the first young miss' fiance!" (Maid 1)

"Ehh... What a sl*t! She doesn't deserve to be saved, moreover by a prince! Ew." (Maid 2)



What a joke.

They didn't know what really happened. I didn't ask the prince to save me, he did it himself.



I thought while looking outside from the window. A beautiful garden scenery freshen one's eyes. The gentle wind brushing through one's skin can relieve one's stress. Living in a huge mansion like this is a dream come true for everyone. If only this isn't because of the curse, I probably wouldn't be living through such a life everyday.

I sigh once again.



Decided to fiddle around with my magic a little bit, I inserted mana into the object in my hand. As I opened it, the pencil glowed bright white. No matter how many times I did this, the view always amazed me.



Seconds later, there are a couple of knocks on the door. I reabsorbed the mana, left the pencil on the table beside me and stood up.



"Come in." (Haruka)



"Miss, madam said your break is over. Your swordsman teacher will arrive here in a few minutes. I have made preparations for you, please change into a more suitable outfit for training." (???)



"Ah... Alright, Ezrin-san." (Haruka)



Ezrin Fantasia. An aide chosen by my mother, she is currently 10 years old, the same age as me. Her elder sister, Remilia Fantasia is an aide of my elder sister.

Ezrin is chosen as my aide is because, my mother believe she isn't capable in taking care of Evellie. From what I know, mainly because Ezrin-san doesn't have a good affinity in magic, she can use some basic dark magic, but that's it. Instead, Remilia has a good talent in fire magic and she is older and considered more responsible. Therefore she is chosen as Evellie's aide.



Every higher nobles has an aide from the lower nobles. The higher nobles are categorized from Marquess, Duke, Archduke, and King being the highest. The lower nobles are those with the Baron, Viscount, and Earl titles. My father has the Archduke title, meaning his position is right before the king himself.



Ezrin and Remilia are daughters from a Viscount family that have been serving my family for generations. To be promoted into the aide of the higher nobles, one must earn the trust and respect from the nobles they are serving. Their salaries are way higher than normal servants.



There is one thing that kept bugging me. From what I understand so far, divine beings won't get affected by the curse, but would still be able to sense dark presence coming from me.



Ezrin Fantasia, a daughter of a Viscount family with no relation to any divine being. Someone who views me as a normal person and not a being lower than trash. How come she's not affected by the curse? That question might never be answered.



Ezrin-san helped me change my clothes into a dark colored sports outfit with a few golden linings. It's not really expensive but I really like wearing it.

Her appearance is very beautiful, she's the type of person who men would go heads over heels for. Especially when her silky silver hair reflects light from the sun. Her dark purple eyes can make anyone in daze. If strangers saw the both of us together without knowing our relationship and reputation, they would certainly believe that Ezrin has a higher position than me. I don't really mind it much, but it's annoying how others would throw comments at me when I can't do anything about it.



After changing and grabbing things I needed, we went to the usual training grounds that the teachers used to train me.



To be honest, all of them, they are bad at their job. At first they taught me seriously, hoping for a raise in their salary but they never got it. In fact, they started teaching me useless stuff when they found out I'm just an 'unneeded' child of the family. In the end they would quit, saying they rather teach someone else and my parents would look for another random teacher.



"Good morning Sagarashi-sensei."

"There you are. Let's get this over with, I have a date I have to attend."

Riku Sagarashi, my eleventh swordsman teacher within four years. He's rude and bad at teaching, just like any other teacher.



I clicked my tongue, taking my rapier out from it's sheath. A cheap iron sword, quite blunt and suitable for beginners to practice. I'm not really one, but am deemed as one because of my considered bad swordsmanship. I have been secretly training with the help of the books in the library, but I rather not show it to others.



The both of us started our warm up before a small spar. After a couple of stretches, I felt some satisfying pop on a few parts of my body. We got on our stances. I carefully observe every part of my so-called 'teacher', trying to predict what move he will make.



A couple of seconds passed and Sagarashi-sensei started his first attack as he rushed towards me, aiming for my right. I parried it vertically with my strength, at the same time send a couple attack towards his weak points I predicted.

Jumping back, I prepared my rapier for consecutive attacks. He ran towards me with his sword and aimed it at me.


















I continued to block the attacks, a few scratches on me as I did. With my current endurance, those scratches were no more than ant bites. I attacked back, my rapier hitting Sagarashi-sensei with no end as I increase my speed.

A few minutes passed, the fight ended with Riku Sagarashi's win. His sword two centimeters away from my neck.



"How disappointing."

A voice raised as a woman stepped closer to the fight scene.



"Good morning madam." (Riku)

Mr. 'Teacher' bowed deeply in front of my 'mother', showing courtesy.



"How is she progressing?" (Liliana)

(A/N: Liliana Azanami is Haruka's mother.)



"Haruka isn't showing any progress. I tried to teach her all I could but turns out my effort was in vain." (Riku)



I mentally facepalmed.

Yeah, speak all the lies you can think of. I wanna chop your head. Maybe when I did you can shut up.



"Is that so? There will be an examination coming up held by Duke Julius." (Liliana)

Duke Julius Messina, a new duke appointed by His Majesty due to his contribution and achievements as a strategist. Even though we are from the Archduke family, we still have to follow the one who is in charge of the land, that being Duke Julius.



"If Haruka were not to pass the examination, she will be demoted from being a noble to a commoner and you will be dismissed." (Liliana)




I was dumbfounded. Sure, as a noble there is a reputation that we have to keep. But if someone were to fail the examination, that person's life will turn upside down drastically. This sort of thing can close someone's door to success if they have the talent and determination to.



I took a look at Sagarashi-sensei's eyes. Shock and a gleam of happiness can been seen. Probably because he doesn't want to teach me anymore.



"Understood." (Riku)



He bowed. After mother left, a grin started to grow on his face.

"Well you heard it, let's spar once more so I can get my pay and go home." (Riku) said as he smirked, happy to never meet me again.



"I'm sorry Sagarashi-san, but miss needs to rest for a while." (Ezrin) said as she handed a bottle of water to me, her eyes showing worry.



"Needs rest? So your saying that I don't need rest? What a joke. She still can stand up, why wouldn't she be able to fight?" (Riku) said disgusted.



"I also came from a noble family. Don't think of treating me as a lowly commoner."

He scoffed, thinking he is better than me.



I finished drinking, handing back the bottle of water as I unsheathe my iron rapier once again.



"Don't be so full of yourself Sagarashi-sensei, your only a son of an Earl family. I am the daughter of an Archduke family, I suggest you don't look down on me." (Haruka)

"So what? You are an unwanted child of the family. Treated the same as a mere commoner." The teacher wannabe sneered, a tone of arrogance in his voice.

He really know how to provoke people. I wonder what's his personality grade back when he's in school?

I sighed, knowing the only way to solve this is with strength.



Both of us got back on our stances. Carefully observing each other for possible moves.



Two of us waiting for one another to strike first.



Sagarashi-sensei made the first move.


Aiming at my abdomen, he mindlessly attacked me. I parried all of them, sending my own attack from time to time.

Wow, he either want to kill me or really want to go home fast.












I strike at them all vigorously, not missing a heartbeat.

Stronger. Faster.

I channeled more mana onto my legs, hands, and weapon without knowing. My rapier glowed white.



"Oh? So we're gonna play with swords and magic all together?"

His grin went wider by the second.

"I'll let you taste my fire magic!"



Flames formed on Riku Sagarashi's sword, countering my mana sword.

Sweat dropped from my forehead because of the hot aura suddenly surrounding the room. The flames grew bigger, slowly breaking my weapon.





It broke.

I jumped backwards, my rapier is slashed into half. Which means it's my loss.






But it didn't seem that way to Sagarashi.

He continued striking me with the fire covered sword.


...I'm still not that good at controlling my mana. Sorry I guess...?

"[Flame Wave]!"

Riku waved his sword horizontally, a wave of flames came out from the sword. He continued swinging for 2-3 more times.



Time seemed to move slowly.

Fire-made waves reaching it's target undeniably fast.

An idea struck my head. I don't know if it will work but I'm willing to bet on it.



Hold my sword near my chest.



Transfer mana into the weapon.



Then, cut the air swiftly and increase the mana within my rapier along the way.



A trail of light should appear as it can't contain the overflowing mana.



Imagine it to form into a wave, sharp enough to pierce through anything. Don't lose focus on maintaining the mana within the air.



Lastly, push it forward, cut obstacles along the way.



I opened my eyes, shocked with what I saw.

My mana-made wave managed to weaken Sagarashi's flames by half.


What left me in awe is the fact that my theory worked.


I made a few more waves. Apperently, two waves of mine is enough to nullify a flame wave.



He stared at me dumfounded.

"...light magic? No... I can't sense any light elemental magic within that attack... It feels the same as the mana used without an elemental core..."

Riku mutters beneath his breath, trying to figure out what happened. I wouldn't blame him though, I'm also shocked by the scene before my eyes.

"Which means... It's purely made of mana."



Mana, the main source to use magic. Without mana, one can't use any magic. Most people have something called an elemental core. Sometimes even two or three, while others have none.

Mana can only be used with a medium, like weapons, body parts, and more. But for people who have awakened their elemental core, they can cast spells and use magic. There isn't any other way to condense pure mana into air, well not until now.



Normal people:

Mana ~> Elemental Core ~> Spell Casted.

Example: Mana ~> Fire Core ~> Fireball.

Haruka's case:

Mana ~> None Awakened Core ~> Mana Wave.



As amazing this discovery is, it's still weaker than normal magic. Showed by how I needed two waves in order to nullify Sagarashi's flame wave.

An exceptional talent but weaker than normal.



Both of us were in daze, but it's soon broken by the creaking door.

"What happened here?"

A blonde woman came in, probably because she sensed an abnormal wave of non-elemental mana wave.



I decided to keep it to myself, and show it during the examination when it starts.

"Nothing mother, we were having a rematch just now. Is there a problem?"

I glanced at my teacher, he is still trying to process over what happened before. Hopefully he won't tell my mother anything after this.



"I see... The examinators are here. Sagarashi-san, you may end your lesson for today. Here is your pay for the month, we hope to see you soon."

Mother said while pulling out an envelope, Sagarashi-sensei's pay is most likely in there. I noticed she spoke to him like I'm guaranteed to fail the examination. Of course, from my current grades and talent, I don't have much expectations to live on.



"A-ah... Yes, thank you madam."

Sagarashi-san sheathed his sword as soon as he came back to reality. He walked towards my mother and said his goodbyes which mother nodded to.



"Haruka, change into another training outfit in ten minutes. Don't keep us waiting any longer."



With Ezrin's help, we arrived in the examination room in time. Our parents have been waiting for us, along Evellie and her aide. Three examinators are sitting on the sofa while enjoying cups of tea and light snacks. A few maids and butlers are also lined tidily by the wall in case their masters and guests needs anything.



Everyone in the room stood up.



A man in his mid 30s is the one who first spoke.



"Good morning Haruka Azanami-san. We are in charge of the examination of you and your sister. Shall we begin?"




Finally done!

Zerin wanted me to add Ezrin so here ya go!

Not sure when the next chapter is, but I hope you enjoyed this one!

See ya!