
Fate/Series: I have a simulated servant!

Louis died on Earth due to a truck accident, but he gains a system that tells him he can simulate lives and, in the end, turn those lives into heroes as long as the legend he creates is enough for him to become a heroic spirit. As his first simulation, he becomes a boy named Rémy in France. The cover is not mine. I have no rights to any of the characters other than my own.

Kj18 · Anime & Comics
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122 Chs

Chapter 5

Remy ran easily to where Jeanne was with the animals. He covered the distance so quickly that he seemed not to have tired. When he arrived, he stopped and observed the scene in front of him. Jeanne was sitting on the ground, her hair blowing in the wind as if it were made of gold. She had her back to Remy, so he couldn't see her expression, but he was sure she was smiling.

The animals were scattered across the green grass that covered the area, eating peacefully. Remy approached Jeanne slowly, still with a smile on his face. He moved carefully not to scare her and, for a moment, stood watching her. Jeanne had not yet noticed that he had arrived, so he approached a little closer and finally caught her attention.

Jeanne heard the footsteps behind her and turned to see who it was, opening a smile as she recognized Remy. He also smiled and greeted her with a "Good morning, Jeanne, how did you sleep?" It was then that Jeanne made a face at him, something that surprised him, as she had never done that before.

"It would have been better if you had accepted my help. But since you didn't, I slept badly, and now I'm sore because of you," said Jeanne with a look of anger on her face, but in a cute way. Remy was delighted with her expression and approached her, putting his hands on her shoulders and saying, "Don't worry, I'll give you a massage to help relieve the pain."

Jeanne let out a relieved sigh and relaxed under Remy's hands as he massaged her shoulders and neck. She closed her eyes and surrendered to the moment, feeling the tension leaving her body. Remy continued to gently massage her muscles, taking the opportunity to appreciate Jeanne's beauty.

Remy continued to massage Jeanne's shoulders and muscles for a while, while admiring her beauty. He was impressed that, even though she was still a child, she was already so beautiful. It was easy to understand why so many people would fall in love with her just by looking at her.

After a while, Remy stopped the massage, which made Jeanne wonder why he had stopped. But before she could ask, Remy whistled loudly enough for all the animals around to hear. The four animals that were eating in the grass raised their heads at the same time, looking at Remy with attention.

Jeanne looked at Remy curiously and asked, "What are you doing?" Remy smiled and replied, "I want to show you something." He then signaled to the animals to come closer, and they started walking towards Jeanne and Remy.

All the animals quickly approached Remy, which left Jeanne quite impressed. She knew how difficult it was to get these animals to follow commands, but Remy had managed to attract them with just one whistle. He then decided to teach the animals some new things, and Jeanne watched attentively as they moved around Remy.

"Remy, what do you want to show me? Tell me!" said Jeanne, clinging to Remy with a cute expression on her face. She was eager to find out what Remy had in mind.

Remy replied to Jeanne, "You'll find out soon, so I'm not in a hurry." He then used his middle finger to lightly tap her forehead, but Jeanne exaggerated her reaction, holding her head as if he had put too much force into the blow, which wasn't true.

"My head feels like it's going to explode! If you don't tell me what you want to show me, it's going to explode!" Jeanne exclaimed, dramatizing the situation and rolling in the grass. Rémy chuckled at Jeanne's exaggerated behavior, knowing she was just playing around.

"Well then, I'll let it explode," Rémy said calmly, looking at the animals around him. Jeanne, who heard this, expressed her shock with a cry: "How can you be so insensitive!" She looked at Rémy with disgust, as if questioning why he was capable of such cruelty.

"But wait, let me show you something," Rémy continued, picking up a tuft of grass in his hand. He approached a sheep and, with gentle hand movements, made the sheep follow him. Then he made the sheep roll on the ground with surprising ease, as if he were training a dog.

"Oh, let me try!" exclaimed Jeanne, asking Rémy if she could also try to make the sheep obey her. Rémy promptly handed over the grass he had in his hand to Jeanne, who eagerly approached the sheep with the grass in her hand.

Rémy advised her to go slowly, without rushing to make the sheep obey her. He stood beside Jeanne, calmly supporting her. Jeanne nodded in agreement and spoke affectionately to the sheep: "Come here, come..." The sheep looked at the grass in Jeanne's hand, which was shaking because of the movement of her hand.

The sheep began to follow Jeanne's hand movements closely as she held a tuft of grass. Jeanne, excited by the sheep's reaction, opened a big smile and approached the animal even more. However, Rémy, who was beside her, warned her: "Move your hand away so she can't grab it." Jeanne, trusting Rémy's experience, followed his advice and moved the grass away from the sheep's mouth. The animal looked at the food moving away, a little confused and disappointed.

"Great, now order her to roll in the grass," Rémy said calmly. Jeanne, still a little excited, promptly obeyed: "Roll!" But the sheep just stood there, looking at Jeanne with a vague and unresponsive expression. Jeanne tried again, but the sheep remained immobile, showing no sign of wanting to obey.

Rémy put his hand in front of his face to prevent himself from bursting out laughing, knowing that Jeanne was visibly annoyed by the sheep's reaction. Meanwhile, Jeanne maintained an unpleasant look fixed on the animal, feeling hurt that she could not make it obey her command. She wondered why the sheep was not following her instructions, considering that it should have obeyed promptly in theory.

Desperate for help, Jeanne looked at Rémy, but saw that he was struggling to contain his laughter, which made her even more irritated. She puffed out her cheeks, clearly annoyed, and said, "You're laughing! Let's see if you'll still find it funny." Jeanne's expression was a mixture of frustration and anger as she tried to figure out how to make the sheep obey her commands.

"Wait...hahahaha," Rémy said, trying to contain his laughter. He was enjoying the situation, but also wanted to help Jeanne deal with the frustration of the sheep not obeying. Meanwhile, Jeanne's face turned red and irritated because of Rémy's laughter.

Suddenly, Jeanne jumped on Rémy, catching him by surprise. He ended up falling in the grass with her on top of him, both still laughing. Jeanne opened her mouth and bit Rémy's shoulder as a way of playing around.

"Ah, you also want to bite? I know how to do it too!" exclaimed Rémy, also biting Jeanne's shoulder hard. She screamed in pain, but still continued to bite Rémy's shoulder.

The two were in a fun and somewhat violent game, rolling in the grass and biting each other. Their expressions were a mix of laughter and pain, but they still seemed to be having fun.


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