
Fate/Series: I have a simulated servant!

Louis died on Earth due to a truck accident, but he gains a system that tells him he can simulate lives and, in the end, turn those lives into heroes as long as the legend he creates is enough for him to become a heroic spirit. As his first simulation, he becomes a boy named Rémy in France. The cover is not mine. I have no rights to any of the characters other than my own.

Kj18 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
122 Chs

Chapter 4

Remy slowly approached the cow that had thrown him off a few moments earlier. He took a deep breath and, with renewed courage, mounted her again. He held onto the cow's fur as tightly as he could to avoid falling off as she started to jump and try to throw him off.

"Don't panic, my friend," Remy whispered, stroking the cow's head. But the cow seemed to ignore him and continued to jump, determined to get rid of him. This time, Remy managed to stay on top of the cow for a longer time, but it still took a while before she finally threw him back to the ground.

Remy flew through the air again, but this time he landed on a grassy area that cushioned his fall. Looking at the cow with determination on his face, he said, "Don't think you defeated me so easily." With that, he began to run towards the cow, determined to mount her again. Remy knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was determined to persist until he could tame her.

Remy climbed back onto the cow, holding onto her fur tightly. He said with determination, "I want to see you try to throw me off now." Minutes later, Remy flew off the cow again.

So it went from morning till afternoon as Remy tried to tame all the animals he was looking after. He fell several times to the ground, he even lost count of how many times he fell, but he never gave up. He continued until the end of the afternoon.

Remy was on the grass, all sweaty from the effort he made trying to tame all the animals he was taking care of. Remy had a gratified smile on his face, quite happy that he had managed to tame all the animals. Of course, Remy thought that maybe he had a talent for taming since he managed to tame all the animals he had brought, of course, it took him a while, the animals are not completely tamed, but they are already quite obedient.

While Remy was sitting on the grass, his mind was distant, thinking about Jeanne and how he felt about her. He suddenly got up and called the animals grazing nearby loudly. "Come on, darlings!" he shouted, and the animals made a sound with their mouths, ready to follow their owner's order. Remy mounted the first cow and began to head towards Jeanne's house, which was a short distance away.

He hadn't walked far when he saw Jeanne sitting on the ground with her head between her legs. Remy thought she had already gone home and was surprised to see her there. He gently tapped the belly of the cow he was riding with his feet, and she started moving faster towards Jeanne.

Jeanne heard the sound of the cow's footsteps approaching and lifted her head. When she saw Remy riding the cow that had thrown her to the ground earlier, her eyes widened in surprise. She quickly got up and ran towards Remy, shouting excitedly, "Rê! You did it!"

Jeanne was jumping for joy, and her golden hair swayed up and down as she ran towards Remy. She couldn't believe he had finally managed to ride the cow. Remy was surprised by Jeanne's positive reaction, thinking she would still be upset about the earlier incident.

However, Jeanne seemed to have forgotten everything very quickly and was just happy to see Remy succeed in his attempt. Remy gently tapped the cow with his hand to stop her before she got too close to Jeanne, to avoid any possibility of hurting her.

Stopping the cow because Jeanne had already reached him, Remy got off and asked curiously, "Jeanne, have you been sitting there since then?"

"Yes, I couldn't leave since you are taking care of all my family's animals, and if something happened to you, who would help you?" said Jeanne innocently, looking at Rémy with her pure eyes.

Rémy replied sincerely, "Thank you, Jeanne. You are truly the best. Do you want to ride on the cow?"

Jeanne smiled when Rémy praised her and became even happier when he invited her to ride the cow. Excited, she approached the animal, and Rémy helped her climb on it. The cow moved a bit, but Rémy calmed it down, stroking its fur to ensure Jeanne wouldn't fall and get hurt.

After Jeanne gracefully mounted the cow, Rémy carefully watched the remaining animals as they approached. He then walked ahead with Jeanne's cow following him. The journey was short, and they soon arrived at the young woman's house.

Jeanne dismounted the cow carefully and gently stroked its fur. She then turned to Rémy, who was standing next to her, admiring her with admiration. He gazed at the beauty of the scene as Jeanne caressed the cow with a grateful smile.

Curious about Rémy's expression, Jeanne asked, "What's wrong, Rê?" He hesitated for a moment before answering, "Nothing, I'm just enjoying the scene."

"What scene?" Jeanne asked, confused. She examined the surroundings for the scene that Rémy was admiring but couldn't find anything. Meanwhile, Rémy laughed, noticing her confusion. Jeanne, not understanding the reason for his laughter, was about to ask, but Rémy interrupted, "Well, I'm heading home now. I'm tired. Have a good night."

After Rémy's words, he turned and began walking towards his home. Jeanne, realizing he was leaving, shouted, "Wait! I have fruits for you to eat!" Rémy turned his head in response and said, "Thanks, but you don't have to. I already have what you gave me yesterday." Without giving Jeanne time to get the fruits, Rémy ran towards his house. Although grateful for what Jeanne was doing for him, he didn't want to abuse her kindness.

Jeanne became extremely frustrated and stomped her foot with intensity, demonstrating her anger. Her gaze fixed on the figure disappearing gradually; she felt an unpleasant feeling of helplessness for not being able to help Rémy. In an irritated grumble, Jeanne vocalized her feelings, "Why are you running away because of some fruits? I won't offer to help you anymore."

Leaving her face turned in the direction Rémy was walking, Jeanne walked towards her house. However, before entering, she was surprised by her father's worried question, "Jeanne, where are the animals?"

Hearing her father's question, Jeanne realized that she had not brought the animals inside the house. Her immediate concern for the animals' well-being made her turn around and run outside to get them and bring them inside.

As Rémy headed towards his rundown home, his tired body begged for an immediate rest. He entered his modest residence and, without any ceremony, lay on the rough ground. After a few minutes, Rémy got up and began to reflect on his physical condition. It was time to start improving his physical shape. Determined, he began doing push-ups on the house's floor, but soon realized that it wasn't as easy as he imagined. His physical strength was limited, and he could only do a maximum of seven push-ups.

With the last push-up, Rémy fell to the ground, violently hitting his face against the floor. Pain spread across his face, but he ignored it and continued to strive to do more push-ups. With his body exhausted, he lasted more than two hours, feeling his bones creak and his joints sore. His shirt was soaked with sweat and his muscles trembled, but he did not give up.

Finally, Rémy looked up at the thatched roof missing a few straws, revealing a dark sky full of stars. He admired the beauty of the stars for a moment before getting up and leaving the dilapidated house towards the river, still sweating from the intense physical effort.

Rémy walked with tired steps, his pace was quite slow as he was almost too weak to walk. Nevertheless, he did not give up and gritted his teeth, forcing himself to increase his speed. He knew he needed to improve his heart health, but with every step he took, he felt his body on the verge of collapsing at any moment.

Step by step, his bones crackled and the fibers of his muscles tore even more, but Rémy did not stop running. Finally, he arrived at the river, completely exhausted, and lay down on the same rock where Jeanne and he had sat earlier.

Looking at the sky, Rémy wondered why he was pushing himself so hard. Why did he want to be a heroic spirit? He could not find a clear answer to this question, as he did not know if all this effort was worth it.

He always thought the part of heroic spirits in the anime he watched was very cool, but was that the only reason why he wanted to become one? Rémy felt his head ache from thinking so much and realized that his body was so tired that he could barely move. He then decided to take a bath in the river to relax.

The cold water seemed to wrap Rémy's body in an icy embrace, causing an immediate reaction in his body: his teeth began to chatter and his whole body trembled uncontrollably. He jumped a few times and vigorously rubbed his hands, hoping to generate some heat and warm up a little.

Despite feeling an intense cold, Rémy mustered the strength to move forward and walk towards his house. Each step was a battle against the ice that seemed to run through his veins. But he knew that soon he could warm up and recover.

Finally, he arrived at his house and threw himself onto the grass bed, not caring about the position he was in. He was too tired to worry about these details, and his sore muscles contributed to this lack of mental disposition.

Next day, 8:00 in the morning.

The sun rose radiant and penetrating, invading Rémy's house through a faltering roof. The rays of light imposed themselves on his face, forcing him to frown in displeasure. He struggled to block the dazzling glare with one hand, while rubbing his eyes with the other.

Easily, Rémy got out of bed and stretched. His stomach growled, reminding him that he had not eaten the night before due to the exhaustion he had felt. He walked over to where Jeanne had left the food she had brought for him and devoured it quickly. Although he was not sure what time it was, the sun indicated that it was a bit late but still morning.

The fact that he did not feel any trace of fatigue or pain, like the one he experienced the night before, impressed Rémy. It made no sense that he did not feel any discomfort, since he had exerted himself so much. He should have been sore or at least still feel the effects of exhaustion, but miraculously nothing seemed to weaken him.

Of course, this seemed very strange to Rémy. He had his suspicions about who might have been responsible for his sudden recovery, and after finishing his meal, he ran towards Jeanne's house.

Rémy was impressed with the lightness of his body as he ran. With every step he took, he felt almost like he was floating, without the weight he normally experienced in his movements. He ran with surprising ease, without feeling the fatigue he used to feel when exercising. Even when he arrived at Jeanne's house, he didn't feel any signs of fatigue in his body.

As soon as he arrived, Rémy called out for Jeanne loudly, but an older woman carrying a bag came out to greet him instead. Upon realizing that the boy was looking for her daughter, the woman informed him, "She took the animals to where they feed."

Hearing the woman's words, Rémy thanked her cordially and quickly turned to run towards the place where he had gone with the animals yesterday.