
Fate/Series: I have a simulated servant!

Louis died on Earth due to a truck accident, but he gains a system that tells him he can simulate lives and, in the end, turn those lives into heroes as long as the legend he creates is enough for him to become a heroic spirit. As his first simulation, he becomes a boy named Rémy in France. The cover is not mine. I have no rights to any of the characters other than my own.

Kj18 · Anime & Comics
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122 Chs

Chapter 6

At the end of the game, Rémy was on top of Jeanne with a proud expression on his face. He felt victorious and proclaimed, "I won!" while looking directly at Jeanne. She tried to get him off her, but was unsuccessful. Instead, she turned her face to the side and murmured, "I let you win." Rémy gave a satisfied smile, but chose not to say anything. Instead, he stood up and extended his hand to help Jeanne up as well.

Although he was a little embarrassed by Jeanne's claim that she let him win, Rémy said nothing and just nodded in agreement. Then Jeanne made a proposal: "Since I won, can you help me tame the animals?" Despite thinking Jeanne was a bit shameless for claiming that he didn't really win, he agreed to the proposal and prepared to help her.

The day had passed slowly, with Rémy devoting himself to teaching Jeanne how to tame the animals. They practiced until the last light of day, when the sun finally set on the horizon. Jeanne, exhausted, sat on the grass next to Rémy, who was also sitting, contemplating the landscape around them.

Intrigued by Rémy's ability to tame the animals in such a short time, Jeanne asked, "How did you do that so quickly?" She had found the process quite difficult, and was impressed with how easily Rémy made them obey.

Rémy answered honestly, "I have no idea, I just did it." Jeanne looked at him suspiciously, wondering if he was hiding something. "You said you would help me," she said. Rémy reassured her, "I am helping, I am sharing everything I know about how to make them obey."

Jeanne sighed, feeling a little frustrated that she had not been able to tame the animals as easily as Rémy. She looked at the animals, who were calm next to them, and thought about how good it would be to be able to control them.

"I just wanted to understand how you did it," said Jeanne, still a little skeptical. Rémy smiled, understanding his friend's doubt. "I think it's a matter of patience and persistence," he said. "You need to be calm and persevere until they understand what you want them to do."

Jeanne nodded, thinking about the times when she had become irritated with the animals for not obeying her commands. She realized that she might be too impatient and needed to learn to control her emotions in order to tame the animals.

"You're right," Jeanne agreed. "I will try to be more patient and persistent. Who knows, one day I might be able to make them obey me like you did."

Rémy smiled again, encouraging his friend. "You will definitely learn, Jeanne. And don't worry if you don't succeed on your first try. Taming animals is a skill that takes time and practice. The important thing is not to give up and keep trying. I'm sure you'll succeed," he said.

Jeanne felt motivated by Rémy's words and thanked him for sharing his knowledge. She decided that she would dedicate more time to training and improving her skills with the animals.

"Thank you, Rémy. I will follow your advice and practice more. I'm sure that with your help, I will learn quickly," she said, smiling.

After talking a little more with Rémy about animals, Jeanne stood up to leave. As she walked away, she began to hum an unknown song. Jeanne's voice was soft and melodious, and Rémy was amazed by his friend's beauty.

As she walked along, Rémy sat for a few more moments, admiring Jeanne's back and the way she moved smoothly. He was so mesmerized that he almost didn't notice when she turned to ask if he would come with her.

"Oh, yes, of course," said Rémy, getting up quickly. "I'll come with you."

Rémy slowly got up from the grass where he was sitting, stretching his arms to elongate his body. He examined the palms of his hands, looking for any dust or dirt that may have accumulated while he was sitting. Satisfied with his cleanliness, he quickly walked towards the animals grazing in that green and lush area.

When he got close to a cow, he reached out to affectionately pet her. The cow, which was chewing her food calmly, looked at him with her big brown eyes. Rémy stroked the cow's soft fur, feeling the smooth texture under his fingers.

Rémy got on the cow, which didn't react, as it had already been tamed by him. Regardless, Rémy whistled sharply, causing another cow that was grazing to lift her head. Two sheep that were further away also lifted their heads when they heard Rémy's whistle. Seeing that all the animals in the pasture were approaching, Rémy ordered the cow he was riding to move.

Jeanne was walking peacefully through the field, humming her favorite song, when she saw a cow approaching quickly. She was a bit frightened, but soon recognized Rémy, mounted on top of the cow.

"Want a ride like before?" asked Rémy, extending his hand to help her up. Jeanne smiled excitedly and took his hand, getting on the cow shortly after. She held onto Rémy's waist tightly as the cow began to walk.

As they rode along the road, Jeanne felt the fresh breeze on her face and the sun that was almost setting on her back. She looked around and saw the beautiful landscapes of the countryside, with green hills and flowering trees.

Jeanne looked at Rémy and asked, "Do you need anything? Food or water?"

Rémy smiled and replied, "No, thank you, Jeanne. I already have everything I need. But you're always so kind to think of me."

Jeanne laughed and said, "Well, I care about my friends. And you're one of my best friends, Rémy."

Rémy chuckled when Jeanne said that, he said with a smile, "You know I'm your only friend, right?"

Jeanne was a bit taken aback and tried to play it off, "What are you talking about? Of course not! I have many friends..."

But Rémy interrupted her, "You don't have to lie to me, Jeanne. I know you don't have many friends. And it's okay, because I'm here for you, always."

Jeanne looked deeply into Rémy's eyes and realized he was speaking sincerely. Although she felt a bit uncomfortable for being caught in a lie, she also felt grateful to have someone so loyal and dependable as a friend.

With a sigh, Jeanne confessed, "I really exaggerated by saying I have many friends. But you, Rémy, are a true friend, and I'm so grateful to have you in my life."

Rémy's confident smile lit up his face as he affirmed, "Of course I'm here for you, Jeanne. I'll always be willing to help and support you in whatever you need."

Jeanne felt flooded with gratitude towards Rémy, and expressed it by hugging him even tighter from behind. Meanwhile, Rémy remained silent, moving forward until he finally saw Jeanne's house.

Upon arriving at Jeanne's house, Rémy observed how skillfully she dismounted from the cow, with smooth and graceful movements. He followed her example and also got down, allowing the other animals that had accompanied them all the way to stop. As he said goodbye, Rémy looked into Jeanne's eyes, feeling grateful for her company during the journey. With a wave, he said "See you tomorrow, Jeanne," and she responded with a gentle gesture of her hand, showing the same affection and respect she felt for him.