

A fan fiction of Fate/Stay Night. A man was chosen to sacrifice himself to save the world. He was a criminal, but he accepted his fate, and he died. But his fate was not just that, his fate was much bigger. He will become someone that everyone fear and respect, and he will annihilate everyone that gets in his way. The greediest, the cruelest, the ruthless. A man, a warrior... a king. --------- Well, read it to know more of his adventures. I am not a good writer and English is not my native language. But right now I have a lot of time to spend, so here I am... Putting my fantasies in words. Thanks for Reading!~ Support me here! For extra monthly chapters. http://bit.ly/fate-rebirth-pa Copyright: I don't own anything in this novel, except the MC.

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43 Chs

Chapter 1: "New life"

~ 3 months later ~

Three months has passed, in this time Emiya Kiritsugu adopt me, and Shirou.

Ah, and my name is... well this body name is Kyomu. So right now I am Emiya Kyomu, the big brother of Emiya Shirou, and son of Emiya Kiritsugu.

At first it was weird, but I get used to it quickly.

Shirou is 5 years old, and I am six years old. That's what Kiritsugu told me, because I don't have memories about the past of this body. But none of us made a problem of this. I don't know why, but for Kiritsugu the only fact that I am alive is a blessing.

As time passed by, we, me and Shirou got to know that Kiritsugu was a magician. At first Shirou was excited, well, me too. ~blush~ Well, how doesn't. After we piss of Kiritsugu for a few weeks, he promised us to teach us a little.

Kiritsugu: " I don't really want to teach you both magic... magic can lead both of you to a path with no return..." Kiritsugu said showing a face full of regrets.


Kyomu: " Oyashi, do you regrets what have you don't in the past...?"

Kiritsugu surprised by the question, he thought for a second and said.

Kiritsugu: " Yes, I do... So much..." With a painful expression he said.

Shirou: "Old man, don't put that face!... Now you have us!. If you make a mistake in the past, us as your sons can fix it! Leave it to us!" Shirou said with a cool face.

Kyomu: " He is right, Oyashi, the mistakes that you made, we fix them, also we will need strength..." I said with a face of resolution.

Kiritsugu: "And why do you need strength?" Kiritsugu surprised ask.

Kyomu: " There are two reasons!" I said standing up and lifting a finger.

Kyomu: " First!, I don't want to suffer, only the weak suffer, if someone is strong enough problems will be fix them easily... but I know that strength is not enough... But I have Shirou with me! He will cover my back!. And second" I said, lifting other finger.

Kyomu: " I... want to have an adventure"

Kiritsugu: " An adventure... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Kiritsugu said holding his stomach.

Kiritsugu: " If you want an adventure, you will need a lot of strength... are you prepared for that? ... training will be hard... both of you, are you ready for that?" Kiritsugu said with a serious face.

Shirou and me, look each other and said.

Both: " YES! "

Kiritsugu with a kind smile, said.

Kiritsugu: " Good, if you guys end dying, it's not my fault!" Kiritsugu said with a teasing smile.

Both: ~shudder~ "BE NICE WITH US!!" We said with a frightful expression.

Kiritsugu: "NO" Kiritsugu said with a sadistic smile.

And with these words, the most painful, harsh, training began.

He talks us about <Magic> and <Magecraft> and told us the harshest reality. That to both of us will be almost impossible to be a great magus. So he will teach us some spells and how to train ours magic circuits.

Also, he told us about ours Origin, the root of our existence, that come from the Root. He also told us about ours Elemental Affinity, with knowing both of them we will be able to know the path to take.

Shirou has only a path, because his Origin and Elemental Affinity are both "Sword" so he won't be able to do any other magic. Well, it was the same as the anime.

And my Origin was... well, was what I am. My Origin is "Devour" and my Elemental Affinity is "Steal"... Kiritsugu was surprised because he can't find the way this two work. And that I will have to research it myself, so I did that.

And I understand it, I was the same as Shirou, with only one path.

I can't train my body and magic. I only can learn but no apply magic and skills. But I can <Devour> and <Steal> everything.

Of course , it has its limitations; I can't devour or steal anything that I won't be able to use. For example, I devour one of Kiritsugu bullets, that have the Origin of severing and binding, and I the result was unexpected, I didn't get the Origin, but my body learned it and fuse it with my, gaining some characteristics of the Origin. We got to know that both my Origin and Elemental Affinity combine with each other, and make me able to adapt, well, to steal everything in my body. But not something that overcome my limitations, for example Kiritsugu, told me to <Devour> an old magic artifact, and was a rejection from part of my body, and get to know that if I have more "space" in my body, I will be able to <Devour> it.

That space is my Magic Circuits, more of this, more I can <Devour>, but there was a problem, I can't get more in a normal way.

My only way is to <Devour> the ones that other persons have.

I didn't see a problem; I don't mind taking what I want even if is with force. But Kiritsugu saw a problem that I didn't see. That with this way I will have a lot of enemies. If I get surrounded by enemies in all sides, even I won't be able to live.

So I only have to choose my enemies with careful, that was what I said to him.

After this Shirou and me began our training... but sometimes we have a guest Fujimura Taiga, she comes a lot to babysit us...

She is cute, so no problems.

After a 2 years, when I was 8 years old, I went outside, and <Devour> the magic circuits of others, every person has them, but never used them, so taking them will never give them a problem in the everyday life. But I wasn't able to take their Origin, maybe because they didn't use them...

When I was 10 years old, Kiritsugu began to go outside. If I remember, he was trying to go to Ilya but wasn't able because of a bound field surrounding the castle of the Einzbern...

What's the problem for a father want to see his daughter...

I get angry about that... but I can't do anything... I am still weak...

After a few months, Kiritsugu passed away. Before he died, we told him that we will take care of everything, and Shirou will become a Hero of Justice... and I will... I will become stronger than anyone.

After that, Taiga become ours legal guardian and she began to live with us.

Also, we start to go to school, that I... completely forget about it.

So everyday life began, waking up, go to school, training and sleeping.

I will explain a little about to where this novel will go.

Basically, the Fate World will be the base and beginning, for the MC to travel, alongside his harem, to other worlds.

And get adventures, and waifus.

That's it.

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