
Fate: Please let me go to the Throne of Heroes

After transmigrating to 'Fate' and gaining the recognition of the root, Luo Wei found out that as long as he can die abnormally in someone else's hands, he can ascend to the Throne of Heroes and become the 'Lord of the Throne of Heroes' A much stronger and freer existence than the Seven Crowns. For this reason, he started going crazy to death; scolded King Gilgamesh face to face, challenged the 'Almighty King of Gods Zeus' in Greece, blatantly abducted 'Skadi' in Northern Europe, declared Solomon as a devil instead of the son of God in Israel, and stood beside 'Morgan' until death in Britain. "But why am I still alive now?" A famous existence in history, a friend of the oldest king, the first prime minister of Mesopotamia, the man favored by the Greek gods, the king of giants in Northern Europe, and the incarnation of God who awakened Solomon's humanity. Well.. Luo Wei, who looked young but had a lot of history, sat on top of Fuyuki Bridge, sighed, and looked in front of him: "Tell me, what went wrong here?" _______ Read chapters in advance at patreon.com/StoryBuff ______ Original: https://trxs.cc/tongren/6362.html Author: Los Angeles White Horse

StoryBuff · Anime & Comics
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The Reborn Original Son


🚩🚩Jai shree..ram..🚩🚩

( my pateron name StoryBuff )

(10 chapter advance/check my profile..)


The sea of imaginary numbers was silent and empty.

Amidst the disturbing sounds, Luo Wei opened his eyes, and countless images flashed through them.

He also knew everything about the evolution of Uruk after he left.

"That Goldie... finally found the backup plan I left behind?"

He thought to himself and couldn't help but smile.

Traveling back and forth to the underworld many times and carving out a place in it that could accommodate Uruk was his final gift as a sage to the king.

It was also the ultimate precaution.

If the powerful country of Uruk continued to prosper, it would inevitably distort the course of history, perhaps becoming a 'singularity,' or even giving rise to 'anomalies' that extended from the singularity.

Singularities get corrected, and Lostbelts get cut from the world.

If that happened, Everything Luo Wei had done before would not be recorded, and naturally it would have been all in vain—of course he had to guard against this move, but he also could not let the glorious empire created by the three of them collapse.

Therefore, it was Luo Wei's long-awaited plan to make him voluntarily withdraw from the stage of history.

Think forward, think back, and be prepared for danger in times of peace.

This is what a 'sage' should do.

"The source of all kings, the non-god Pluto who controls the underworld... That bastard goldie is really brave!"

With his thoughts in turmoil, he withdrew his gaze.

Although he couldn't see the final scene, how Gilgamesh, who was in his later years, took Uruk back to the underworld, not could he see Little En, Elli, and Ishtar Rin, but he knew it.

Knowing that Gilgamesh was safe and sound, and sensing their status through the key he had given away, Luo Wei finally felt relieved when he understood that they were all well.

'We will meet again in the future.'

Not in the Seat of Heroes, but in this world - he will surely return.

But then again, the sea of virtual reality was another 'line' independent of the world, and its connection with the world often relied on the cognition of the world as an anchor.

In other words, if he could return to the living world now, he would only appear after Uruk entered the underworld.

It can almost be called a hundred years in an instant.

While he was thinking, he couldn't help but cough softly.

As time passed, his health became worse and worse.

There was no pain, but he could feel that his body was getting heavier and heavier and more weaker.

As sick as a serious illness.

"Aaaaa..." Pink starry eyes drooped.

"Aaaa..." The pink starry eyes lowered, standing in the sea of imaginary numbers like a floating colossal ark. Tiamat, supporting the concept of 'existence' here with her own presence in this defined non-existent space, slightly leaned forward, gazing at the 'small figure' in her palm.

The goddess's intertwined legs were slightly arched backwards, and the curved triangle was slightly tightened at the same time.

The dragon scales on the goddess's body, draped like a single garment, rippled with waves of undulations as her slender waist swayed.

"Are you okay?"

Luo Wei understood what she meant.

This might also be a concept brought about by the manifestation of the original attached to the 'Deviation Sword,' letting him know what the chaotic voice of the original mother goddess represented.

In this context, Tiamat's voice also transformed into a clear, gentle, and loving female tone.

Comes with a built-in filter.

"It's nothing, just a bunch of bastards buzzing in my ears like flies, don't worry about it!" Luo Wei didn't care.

It was obvious that he was arrested, but he showed no fear at all.

Anyway, there was no way to escape, might as well be relaxed before facing 'death.'

Tiamat tilted her head.

'Bastards? refers to those...'

"Yes, they are those traitors."

Luo Wei responded with a smile.

He knew that Tiamat regarded him as the same 'original' manifestation, so there seemed to be no problem in saying so.

So Tiamat held him with one hand, raised her other hand, and poked him gently.

The huge finger covered with dark dragon scales pointed at the top of his head and moved across it carefully.

Luo Wei felt a moment of increased fear as the 'curse' within him intensified.

But it seemed that even Tiamat couldn't remove this bone-deep corruption from him—after all, she was expelled in the past due to the combined efforts of the gods..

Though there was an element of surprise attack, the united gods, in a strict sense, were sufficient to counteract her.

''Will... it hurt? Like when they attacked me back then—'

"A bunch of bastards wants to make me suffer? They're far from capable!" Luo Wei said, "You don't have to worry, I won't die."

'What is death? '

"To die is to leave the world forever, unable to see the people you want to see, unable to stay where you like, unable to hear or see anything..."

'Then am I already dead? '

"You still have a chance to return to the living world. You can still talk to me. Of course, you are not dead."

'Will you die? '

"Didn't I say I won't die..."

'But I can feel that your body can no longer hold on, and your soul is about to shatter...'

"I said I will not die."


In the eternally dark 'world,' the original Mother Goddess embraced a small light, her voice drifting away, causing ripples in the void, before it disappeared in an instant.

It had been a long time since Tiamat experienced this sensation.

Being able to exchange information.

Being able to express her own emotions.

Being able to voice the doubts in her heart.

'Luo Wei, what's happening to you?'

"I'm tired. Let me sleep for a while..."

'What is sleep?'

'Sleep is a brief pause in one's steps."

'A pause?'

This time, the man didn't answer because he leaned on Tiamat's slightly raised fingers, as if leaning on a stone pillar, and gently closed his eyes.

He tightened his robe around him.

Going to sleep—or rather, die—with anticipation.

Yes, he could feel that the curse of the gods had reached its limit, and his life had reached its true end.

To close one's eyes was to die.

All the merits and demerits along the way passed before his eyes.

At the last moment, he felt a hint of coolness blowing on his face.

There was no wind in the sea of imaginary numbers, and this rising breath was brought by Tiamat.

She leaned forward slightly and looked at the figure held by one palm.

Used her fingers to touch.

Called with a cry.

But didn't get any response.

Luo Wei...is he dead?

Like he just told her.

He left this world forever, unable to hear or see, no longer able to see the people he wanted to see, no longer able to stay where he wanted to stay... If Luo Wei dies, then she would be here, all alone...unable to hear any sound, unable to see any scenery, no people she wants to see, no way to stay in the place she liked.

Then is she going to die too?

The original mother goddess' eyes widened slightly.

She doesn't want to die.

So you can't die either.

If you die, no one will be able to understand me anymore.


A crisp sound echoed.

Goddess Tiamat clasped her hands together and gently covered his head with her palms.

What appeared in the palm was a sea of chaos.

Rippling within were the primal lights and shadows.

As if recreating the initial scenery of the world, the original mother goddess, she, displayed her power.

She gave birth to Luo Wei in the palm of her hand.

A rebirth through death.

Similar to the evolution of the gods...

The difference being, the gods emerged after her, formed by various natural phenomena on gradually stabilizing planets.

But Luo Wei, born before her... the offspring of the primal primal, the Primordial Son.