
Fate: Please let me go to the Throne of Heroes

After transmigrating to 'Fate' and gaining the recognition of the root, Luo Wei found out that as long as he can die abnormally in someone else's hands, he can ascend to the Throne of Heroes and become the 'Lord of the Throne of Heroes' A much stronger and freer existence than the Seven Crowns. For this reason, he started going crazy to death; scolded King Gilgamesh face to face, challenged the 'Almighty King of Gods Zeus' in Greece, blatantly abducted 'Skadi' in Northern Europe, declared Solomon as a devil instead of the son of God in Israel, and stood beside 'Morgan' until death in Britain. "But why am I still alive now?" A famous existence in history, a friend of the oldest king, the first prime minister of Mesopotamia, the man favored by the Greek gods, the king of giants in Northern Europe, and the incarnation of God who awakened Solomon's humanity. Well.. Luo Wei, who looked young but had a lot of history, sat on top of Fuyuki Bridge, sighed, and looked in front of him: "Tell me, what went wrong here?" _______ Read chapters in advance at patreon.com/StoryBuff ______ Original: https://trxs.cc/tongren/6362.html Author: Los Angeles White Horse

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73 Chs

Zeus Parading the Void

Luo Wei's consciousness was drifting into the distance, flowing out of the world.

He knew that he had died completely; his body was weak and exhausted, and his soul had reached its limit.

After peeling off the outer layer, only the most essential 'core' inside was left.

It still existed, and at this moment, it was going to the outside of the world and the Throne of Heroes.

Death due to the curse of the gods, death due to stealing heavenly wisdom, or death due to being stolen by the original mother goddess —strictly speaking, it could be said Luo Wei had died at the intersection of these three intersections at the same time.

No matter which one, it was enough for him to set foot on the 'seat,' let alone the three stacks combined.

At this moment, he was naturally confident and full of expectations.

But, at the same time as his consciousness drifted away, ripples appeared in the dark 'vision' on all sides.

A clear voice then sounded: "Aaaaaaa——"

Then, the horizon shattered in waves.

Then, floating in the primal consciousness, he fell in an instant—as if something had grabbed his foot and was pulling him down...

What the hell, what?

Don't come over here!

Luo Wei opened his eyes as if he was startled.

His face was covered in sweat—all because he was scared.

In front of him, the goddess Tiamat leaned down and stared at him.

Under her long hair that was as big as a waterfall, her delicate face was full of joy.

''Thank goodness.' That's how she expressed it: 'You're alive, and I'm alive too.'

Luo Wei, who instantly understood everything: "..."

Good? What a joke!

Why did you save me?

Let me die!

He wanted to say this, but looking at the happy look of the goddess in front of him, he still swallowed these words.

Because he could feel that the curse in his body seemed to have completely disappeared, and his body no longer felt as weak as before.

It was a feeling of new life.

Rather than the previous triple intersection state.

In other words, if he dies here now, it is very likely that he will not be able to obtain the power he deserves.

As it was already stated from the beginning, he must ensure that the person sitting in the seat is himself, not a side of himself that was

A 'template' carved out of the world.

Therefore, he must die under the influence of the great deeds he created.

Even though he knew that Tiamat would never take action against him, he was always cautious when he should have been cautious.

After all, being slapped to death by the Primordial Mother Goddess was not the basis for being on the throne.

Not to mention here or outside the world.

The previous three events originated from within the world and could be recorded, but provoking the original mother goddess here and being beaten to death by her had nothing to do with the world and could not be recorded.

'What's wrong...'

Seeing that Luo Wei was silent after waking up, Tiamat tilted her head, leaning down, her mountain-like body was shaking violently in her sight, and her intertwined legs spread deep and covered it like dragon scales, reflecting the slenderness and fullness, looking quite eye-catching in the dark void on all sides.

Of course, the only 'person' present was Luo Wei, who just squinted his eyes and exhaled: "Nothing..."

Then he saw a smile on Tiamat's face.

The star-like eyes were slightly narrowed, and the moist red lips were curved.

The smile that appeared on that delicate face was as beautiful as the first light of chaos opening up the first broken world.

'It's okay, that's fine. ' she said.

Appearing sincere and happy.

There was no need for Luo Wei to die.

She can still feel 'alive'.

Tiamat was truly delighted.

After Luo Wei accepted it silently, he could only smile.

He felt that he had to adapt to this new state as soon as possible - the moment he woke up, he actually knew what Tiamat had done to him.

She used her own power to regenerate Luo Wei's body and soul.

Really manifested in the original,

Now, he truly merged with the power left behind by the epoch-making God EA contained in the 'Deviation Sword.'

Although Luo Wei before was already deviant from the sword itself.

But the sword was a carrier, a container that carried power, and so was Luo Wei, but not now.

His original state was similar to Gilgamesh's.

But now he was more similar to 'Enkidu.'

Of course, it would take time to adapt to this different appearance from before, and Luo Wei also felt that he must be fully aware of that only by fully controlling his own power could he avoid losing an excellent opportunity at an excellent time.

Yes, although the 'seeking death' plan failed again, he had not given up yet.

For those who have reached the root and cannot let go of that power, at least in terms of perseverance, Luo Wei believes that he would not lose to anyone.


Tiamat raised her finger and gently stroked his head.

The latter was stunned, but then he narrowed his eyes slightly.

She was helping him sort out the new strength in her body and adapt to this new state.

'Luo Wei, are you okay? '

"Fine, thank you..."

'You are my companion and the first and last child conceived by me. '

'Can you stay with me? '

Tiamat loved the feeling of being alive.

She also liked Luo Wei, who made her experience this feeling in this eternally silent space.


Of course not.

Luo Wei couldn't stay in this sea of imaginary numbers forever, enduring endless wandering.

He had to return to the world, and he had to go to the seat to get back what he wanted and belonged to him... But before he could speak, he found that the Goddess Tiamat, in front of him, suddenly raised his head.

Her originally soft and gentle pink star eyes became sharp in an instant, the long water-like hair suddenly spread out, and the retracted fingers and dragon scales covered and extended, turning into long and narrow claws in an instant.

Half turned into a 'dragon'.

Tiamat's dragon transformation was her way of evolving all things.

In that instant, she was prepared to attack——

A vigilant posture towards the enemy!

'The void... found the enemy... confirmed the hostility, locked the target, and determined it to be a planet-level conceptual life form. '

A cold, mechanical voice that sounded like a technological creature spread across the sea of imaginary numbers.

Just like Tiamat,

The existence that made the sound could also forcibly twist and carve out the existence of "being" in the sea of "nothing" in the sea of imaginary numbers.

That's why Luo Wei could feel the sound coming from far away.

That's why he could see the light that lights up at the same time...

The dazzling golden light shone on the endless and deep void, and the 'suspended' shadow stood on it like a magnificent colossus.

Covered in steel and intertwined with gold and silver, it looked like an ancient and majestic existence wearing a helmet.

It has only one head, but just this head showed endless majesty.

His eyes flashed with cold light, and then suddenly, endless information revealed in them.

This Majestic figure was the wandering god of the void, the god of gods in the Greek region.

The true form of Zeus.

Almost instantly, Luo Wei knew his name.

It stemmed from his memories before transmigration.

It also stemmed from the innate power of the gods to reveal their majestic existence to all things - the power of the twelve main gods was successfully gathered, and it once shook the vanguard of the stars.

Although it was defeated miserably, it still managed to retain its broken body that wandered into the void.

Almighty God.

Although damaged, it was still strong.

His eyes were filled with thunder, and his whole body was filled with the aura of destroying all things.

He showed hostility to Tiamat.

So, at this moment,

The dragon-shaped Mother Goddess of Chaos also roared at him.

No longer crisp, no longer soft.

Instead, it was the mighty power of the original Mother Goddess that coerced the evolution of all things!

Tiamat was stirred to hostility.

But Luo Wei also noticed the source of the light below Zeus.

Although he couldn't see the specifics, there was no doubt that it was the breath of the world.

What the light shone on was also equivalent to the categories within the world.

He couldn't take the seat before, but if he were to step into the world and do amazing things, it would be different.


His heart was excited!