
Fate/Monster of the Abyss

In the world of Heroes, where is the place for a Monster? He thought his journey had already ended. From a commonplace to the world's strongest, he acquired the necessary power and achieved his goal. Now, all he wanted was to spend his time with his family. Then why was he brought here? When would he be able to return home? In this unknown yet familiar world, he took a new name for himself to never forget that he was a foreigner here. What lay beyond light? Fate has an answer for that question. Fate × Arifureta ——— It is my first work, and I am learning as I am writing it. English is not my main language, so feel free to point out any of my mistakes. My goal is to write a good story that I would be interested in reading myself. Updates are somewhat slow for now, but I will pick up the pace as the story progresses and my writing evolves. Have a good time.

ModRobot · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

The training and a breakdown

Earlier that evening in the training room of Raito's mansion.

A figure was standing above two others sprawled on the floor. Both Servants simply didn't have any strength left to do anything besides just laying there completely defeated. On the other hand, their trainer and sparring partner was in prime condition; relaxed posture, even breathing, intact clothes... His appearance, unaffected by the last half a day of intense battles, looked as if mocking their efforts from the loosers' point of view.

"Your teamwork is passable. Now, if you are to fight an Outer God with its spawns, you won't die immediately." Raito said that and used Restoration Magic to heal their damaged Saint Graphs. "Morgan, remember to report me about it if you encounter one. Put all your efforts into survival and wait for me. After this training, you should last long enough for me to arrive at the scene."

She stood up with some difficulties. Even if her body and soul were restored to the top condition, she was mentally drained. Maintaining concentration for half a day to constantly cast spell after spell and keeping up with his insane speed, took a tall on her. Noveretheless, she refused to accept the situation lying down both figuratively and literally. To accept it standing was fine, though.

"That was certainly... intense. Husband, what are others doing now?"

"Assassin, with his multiple bodies, is surveilling the city and its surroundings from the shadows, trying to keep the illusion of being gone. The priest is in the Church's basement. The usual.

Archer is strolling the streets in his spirit form, familiarizes himself with the modern era, while Tohsaka is holed up in his mansion.

Rider with his Master in tow have just gotten out of their house and are observing the city from the sky on his bull-drawn chariot.

Lancer is moving towards the port area. Probably, he will set an ambush there in accordance with the orders of the head of the high and mighty 9 generations old Archibald magus family, who is still in his hotel room with his fiance.

Saber and the homunculus wife of her real Master posing as one have left the Einzbern castle and are touring by car the city. Meanwhile, the missing Magus Killer is currently far away from people's attention, relieving some stress with his assistant in a cheat hotel suite."

Despite being dead tired, Morgan noticed the extensive accuracy of his information. She knew it was something he couldn't achieve with Nature Magic, so it raised the question, "How?"

"Has training made you forget that I am a Synergist and specialize in artifact creation? I may not use them against you, as an Outer God wouldn't have them, obviously, but they are still my main forte. Both the satellite on the planet's orbit and a dozen of my drones are constantly surveilling the city." Raito reminded her.

After their little chat, Lancelot also managed to shakily stand up. He feared no man, but that thing... that 'training'... It scared him. He didn't want this nightmare to repeat ever again.

If a battle of such magnitude happened in the outside world, Earth would have been destroyed many times over. Raito used quite a bit of power in his attacks. He recalled all his godly opponents and imitated their techniques and power levels to give his Servants the taste of what's to come.

Morgan was immensely impressed with both her husband and his creation. Lancelot might have been awed at first, but he couldn't comprehend the depths of what he was seeing, so his excitement was short-lived, and, at the moment, he was in no condition to feel anything besides an irresistible desire to sleep. It was exactly because the Fairy Queen had a deep understanding of the magic behind the functioning of the training room that she admired Raito and his work on the training room so much even though she was equally tired.

During the fighting, the environment got destroyed over and over again, but every time the duo of Heroic Spirits got defeated, and a moment of respite came, the new terrain was formed replacing the wrecked one. Urban area, a never-ending forest, mountains, seashore with an everlasting body of water to one side and a beach adjacent to an empty plain as far as the eye could see to the other, a desert that occasionally spawned sandstorms... The training room was like a separate world Raito could adjust at any time. It was like a Reality Marble created through technology and magic.

Though, the most impressive part about it was not the capabilities of the creation but the creator himself.

Raito managed to not only completely overwhelm ex Lostbelt King with the strongest knight of the Round Table as support, but he also was the one to replenish their mana for the next round, and he maintained the perfect functioning of the equipment on top of that.

Morgan knew that this training was not a simple preparation just in case but also a form of power play. He understood her character well enough to act in a way that would show her exactly what she wanted to see – his real strength. It was one thing to hear something like he had already killed a couple of Outer Gods. Who knew how strong they were? She herself could blast to smithereens those Machine Gods of Olympus. Now, however, based on this demonstration, she came to know the true story. What about the power play? Oh, she loved it and wanted more!

During the training, Raito emulated not only the movement patterns and skill sets of his dead enemies but also their aura, which, in essence, was a passively acting mental attack. Once the trainees collapsed, he would use his aura in conjunction with magic to calm their minds and heal them, just to force them awake with his『Ruler of Monsters: EX』to start anew. Again, and again, and again... It was no wonder that they were completely drained from their mental prowess at the end of it. Though, it was also worth mentioning that such harsh method yielded immediate results as the duo of Servants became capable of perfect coordination, more resistant to mind attacks, and it got engraved into their instincts to instantly stand up and move if they fall no matter what condition they had found themselves in. In a fight against so powerful opponent, if you stop, you die.

The results were excellent. A little bit too excellent, judging by the hungry gaze Morgan started giving him an hour ago. With mental defenses weakened and emotions with instincts heightened, Raito guessed that the moment training would be finished, she would quite literally jump on him for another type of physical activity, the one he wasn't in the mood for. So, with that in mind, he continued the session even after they fulfilled all the requirements just to tire her out enough, so she would choose to sleep over anything else.

His plan worked. Sort of. She didn't jump on him. No. She dragged her feet to stand next to him and then slumped right on top of him.

"Husband, let's go to sleep." She whispered into his ear, her voice thick with desire for him and for a good rest, with the latter thankfully winning.

Raito knew about the lecherous side of the Morgan le Fay from Arturian legends, but the one barely staying awake on top of him was not the same person, so he hoped that once she regained the ability to think straight she would shift her focus from him to the upcoming confrontation between Lancer and whoever would accept his challenge.

"Sure. Let's go." Then he faced Lancelot, "I will send you to your room. Sleep well."

The next moment, the training room became empty.

Raito and Morgan appeared in the master bedroom.

There was a king-size bed in the center, a big window with curtains opened to one side, and a wardrobe to the other.

Raito pushed out of the way the blanket and then carefully lay down the fairy on the center of the bad. He was ready to stand up when Morgan's arm tightly clutched his own.

"Please, don't leave me alone."

A pleading whisper, a short request that held an untold painful story within, and those misty eyes full of expectations and miriad of emotions. It was a silent cry for help from the depths of her soul.

'Right, her clan got massacared because of her existence as a prophesied Savior, and then her first love died in her arms due to some political scheme against a possible human-fairy unification. After that incident, she completely closed off her emotions to never feel such pain again, and now, I guess, I overdid the training and opened old wounds...'

Morgan long lost the hope to ever find someone whom she would be able to genuinely rely on. Everyone around her were not strong enough to change their fate and eventually perished one after another. In the end, she was the only one left, the only one who had the strength to persist, the only one to rule and control Britain for it to not perish as well.

For so long, she could truly trust only in her own powers, so now that she found someone who is capable of changing his fate and pushing through all the difficulties together with and for those he held dear, she regained some hope. And with hope came fear. The fear of being rejected, the fear of being left alone once more, and losing that hope forever.

"..." He didn't say anything, just climbed into the bed next to her. They both were still fully clothed, so he teleported his away using Space Magic, and Morgan followed suit by dispelling her Spiritron Dress.

Then he put her head on his chest, hugged her, and put the blanket over them.

After a couple of seconds, he heard quiet, "Thank you." And then something wet dropped onto his chest. For the first time in millennias, the Fairy Queen cried. Those were tears of unexpected, newfound happiness.

A new Uni year started, so I will be busy, but I will try to stick to the following schedule: Tue, Thu, Sat, and Sun. We'll see how it goes. Enjoy the new chapter.

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