
Fate/Monster of the Abyss

In the world of Heroes, where is the place for a Monster? He thought his journey had already ended. From a commonplace to the world's strongest, he acquired the necessary power and achieved his goal. Now, all he wanted was to spend his time with his family. Then why was he brought here? When would he be able to return home? In this unknown yet familiar world, he took a new name for himself to never forget that he was a foreigner here. What lay beyond light? Fate has an answer for that question. Fate × Arifureta ——— It is my first work, and I am learning as I am writing it. English is not my main language, so feel free to point out any of my mistakes. My goal is to write a good story that I would be interested in reading myself. Updates are somewhat slow for now, but I will pick up the pace as the story progresses and my writing evolves. Have a good time.

ModRobot · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Before the debut

Soon, only calm, peaceful breathing could be heard in the bedroom. After letting out her pent-up emotions, Morgan fell asleep.

Meanwhile, Raito was lying there, the significance of his recent actions slowly sinking in.

'Haaa... What a mess!' He inwardly sighed.

Deciding against dwelling on that topic any longer, he settled on checking on the movement of other Servants and their Masters once again. Judging by the direction where Saber and Einzbern homunculus were heading to, in about an hour, the first true battle of the 4th Holy Grail Way would commence.

Back then, in the Abyss, Hajime (current name Raito) lost an arm in the highest floor to a monster bear, his first ever enemy, and then an eye in the fight against a hydra on the last, lowest floor. Later, he made himself an artificial limb and an eyeball from the materials found there to the best of his abilities, but even then, he made some upgrades along his long journey. When it finished, and he went with his remaining classmates back to Earth, he healed his body to not look like a freek for normal people there. However, the way he did it was not by removing his cybernetics but by merging with them, altering them in the process.

The initial replacement for his lost eye could be classified as an artificial Jewel-ranked Mystic Eye, as it was created with a Divinity Stone, embued with [Detect Magic] and [Foresight], and had the abilities to (1) see the flow and strength of mana surrounding a person or object, its color, and the element and "core" of the spell they were trying to activate; (2) connect with his artifacts, granting him absolute control over them and the possibility to see with their help if such function was added; (3) interfere with technology, effectively hacking it, if he had required understanding of its inner workings; (4) have greater resistance to all forms of mental manipulation; (5) store excess mana for later use. After the merger, his upgraded eyes could be nominated with the Rainbow rank, as their capabilities improved significantly and gained a couple new ones.

Controlling a small fleet of invisible and untraceable drones he built to keep certain targets under constant surveillance and monitoring the general situation of the city was easy for him.

'I should wake them up in around 45 minutes... I certainly overdid it. I shouldn't have pushed them over the edge... Well, no use regretting it. What's done is done. I'll just speed up her recovery. It's actually for the better if Berserker is too tired to fight, as it would ruin the plan.'

Then Raito took out a vial with an oily liquid from his Treasure Trove and shaked it a little. It was still in the same condition as the day it got created. Uncovering the cork, he let two drop to fall to her shoulders. After that, he closed the vial, sent it back into his storage, and started massaging her shoulders, one at a time. It was a little uncomfortable to do all that with just one hand, but she deserved at least this much for what he already did and was about to put her through.

A small, almost unnoticeable smile appeared on her face due to the comfortable sensation provided by the effects of the 'mind recovery lotion' and his massage.

Exactly 45 minutes passed, and it was time to wake her up. Raito refrained from using his skill this time, so he settled on light but constant shaking. After some time, her breathing pattern changed, signifying her awakening, so he stopped.

Morgan woke up to an unfamiliar sensation of warmth that instantly reminded her about what had happened earlier. With so much emberassment to withstand, she couldn't keep up the act of the Winter Queen, and her whole face and even ears became red. It was exceptionally well visible on her pale skin.

Raito decided not to comment on this not to make the situation any more awkward, but he took his time to appreciate the sight. A minute passed before Morgan became able to reign in her emberassment and return her face to just having healthy rosy cheecks.

"Good evening, Morgan. How are you? Did you sleep well?" He asked in a caring tone she knew was reserved only for a certain small group of people.

A sweet feeling grew in her chest, something so forgotten, that it seemed surreal. She turned up her head to look at his face and was greeted with a concerned face of the man who knew all of her yet still accepted her, who was a ruthless monster for his enemies yet the best person, the strongest pillar for his loved ones, who was strong enough to go against the whole world and win not for an ambition to conquer or rule over it but for his family, for the home he wanted to create with them...

How long had it been since anyone was genuinely concerned about her? How long had it been since someone approached her not for her power but for her as a person? When was the last time she not ordered but asked for something, and her wish was fulfilled with no strings attached?

Her wary from countless bad experiences in the fairy society mind tried to justify it as a ploy, a scheme to win her over, but even it knew that it was just an excuse. She saw his life, what person he really was, she knew him as well as he knew her, so trying as hard as she might, it was hard to doubt him.

Suddenly, she rolled on top of him and, looking straight into his eyes, said: "You made me like this, so take responsibility, husband." Then she kissed him. The kiss was not hot and needy as Raito would anticipate from her earlier condition but rather filled with unexpected affection and gentleness. In reality, it lasted only for a few moments, but for the two involved in the act, it felt like an eternity passed.

When Morgan pulled away and sat up on top of him, her breathing was heavy and blush more prominent, and it got even worse when she felt his growing erection pocking her butt.

Raito was in a similar condition, maybe even worse. After being away for so long from his wives, some of whom had a big appetite for such things, he was sexually frustrated. Having a nation-ruining beauty sitting on top of him ready for action was not helping his case in the slightest.

With so much sexual tension, it only required a light push for things to escalate beyond the point of no return.

"Morgan, no. We don't have time for this at the moment." He said, his voice firm despite his obvious arousal. Then he sat up, leaned forward so his mouth was besides her ear, and in a low deep hot tone, more suitable for their current position, added: "And you have to remember, the moment we do it, there will be no going back. Your soul, body, and mind, the whole you will be mine forever, and in return, I will be yours. Not the Fairy Brittain, Camelot, or Artoria, but I will be your first priority. I will be your home. I will be your family. I will be your husband. Your enemies will be my enemies, and I will help you achieve your dreams. My price is you."

Hearing him speak this, shivers run down her spine, her hearbeat accelerated, and she felt like her whole body was on fire from within. She remembered her younger days when she used to sit in Rain Clan's library and read books all day; how those stories entranced her, showed her new worlds, and let her experience countless fantastical scenes. Now, she felt like a heroine of such fantasy, like she was living a long foresaken dream from her youth.

Before she could answer, however, he teleported out of the bed next to the wardrobe. With his back to her, he opened it to put his clothes on and addressed her.

"Take as much time as you need. It is not a decision to take on impulse, and you know it. That said, Artoria Pendragon will soon clash with Diarmuid Ua Duibhne the First Spear of the Knights of Fianna. While you were asleep, I found out identities of all Servants, looked up their respective legends, and compressed all useful info into easy to read files."

As he finished speaking, he was already fully dressed. He took out a ring from his Treasure Trove, looked at it for a second as if contemplating something, shrugged, and threw it at dazed Morgan. The fairy in question came out from her stupor and caught the flying at her object only to be further surprised at the siver ring with sky blue gemstone she saw.

"This is a Mini-Treasure Trove. It is created to be able to withstand any attack below the power of your Rhongomyniad and to allow access to its contents only for the bonded wearer and the creator, in other words, only you and me. Inside, there is a smartphone where the aforementioned files are located. Also, it contains a voice recording that I would like you to play for all Servants to hear. Come down to the common room when you are ready. I am coming for Lancelot."

With those last words, he disappeared from the bedroom. With how quickly he said all that without a pause, it looked as if he was running away. Morgan noticed how his movements were a little stiff, a sign that he was restraining himself from doing something. Something they both clearly desired but didn't do.

Observing his gift, she slowly got out of bed. Then she materialized her Spiritron Dress, put the ring on her ring finger, and with a small smile and a shake of her head, she muttered: "You already got my soul, yet you also want my mind and body. What a monster I am falling for!"

When Morgan entered the common room, she was greeted with the sight of her husband standing next to Lancelot in his black armor shrouded in black fog, both looking at the table, where a 3D hologram of the port's warehouse area was projected with everybody present there being highlighted by a hovering above their heads name tags. She came closer to the duo without saying a word, so Raito started speaking instead.

"I will be teleporting us there. Morgan and Lancelot, you two will act together. Your goal is to draw everyone's attention to yourself without starting a fight. Morgan, use your [Presence Amplification] in combination with [Intimidate], and that way, you shielded yourself from my imitation of an Outer God's aura, only in reverse. You will crush their fighting spirit easily that way. Do what is needed to make sure they see you as the Final Boss and refrain from fighting each other. Your secondary goal is to make sure my message is taken seriously, and they at least on the surface act like I told in the recording.

We will be staying in between space layers or in the subspace if you prefer to call it that way. Once you have decided when to appear, tell me through [Telepacy] that I will keep active all the time. Meanwhile, I am going to check if people present there are connected to an Outer God. In case I find such individuals, I will teleport you out, just inform me when you both are ready, I don't want to sever you anything on accident. Answering your question in advance, yes, you must go there in person. Remember, your clone doesn't possess aura, so the 3rd component of the suppression technique would be unavailable if it goes there instead of you.

So, basically, what I want from you is to appear there, assert your dominance, play my message, and leave the scene. Any questions?"

Both Servants shook their heads.

"Then let's go." Raito put his hands on their shoulders, concentrated, and the next moment, the trio teleported out of the common room.

In the end, I decided on 3 chp/week guaranteed on Tue Thu Sat. If you readers show activity in the form of comments/ Powerstones/ rewiews, I will post an additional chapter on Sunday. Please, enjoy

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