

A 16 year old otaku who was a crazed fan of the Nasuverse was put in a situation of one of the thing listed in all otaku’s wet dreams. The Hero Summoning. Let's follow his growth when he brought something in another world that will become the worst nightmare of all. Author's Note : I don't own Type-Moon or any of it's works and also I don't own the picture if the owner wants it to be removed I'll gladly do it :3 The Awesome and mischievous yet not so lovable Author's Four Great Maxim(Current): 1.) I'll try to make the character and world building slow yet solid for a more balanced progressive time but will have enough gap and chapter size that will not have the readers feel bored or leave a bad after taste afterwards.(There would be sudden spikes of the author's crazyness but they will be only in short intervals) 2.) I'll make the characters suffer a bit but will leave some holes in their trials and problems they can dig in to without making them become more arrogant and being idiotic and have some deux ex machina prepared somewhere but I won't say it let the readers discover them NYAHAHA~!! 3.) As much as the request for romance and such I won't get to length much about it if it's harem or a perfect couple going on but I'll say this I will try to occupy the reader's taste but still remember the end result may not be much of what you like because your not the only reader the poor and lonely author is gonna try to feed and the builder of the ships is only one man and you guys were the once that will try to steer them anyway~. 4.) Lastly and more important the mischievous yet not so lovable author needs some breather also and will not be shackled and enslaved by the hungry readers Nyahahaha~!! *Cough* I need to still live in real life as much as I want to write I need to continue my own story you know :3 and I still need enough amount of sleep cause I'm a grower ^w^

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Chapter 8 : The bane of the Magic Association and the World’s Situation (Part II)

"What is it?" - William

""They waited."" – Yamada & Zelretch

Looking at each other the old vampire and Yamada laughed at each other before returning to topic.

"Yes, they waited for a century to be exact they secretly prepared while making the heroes at that time rest while training soldiers or different they placed themselves in different fields of study and the Sage who saved them revised the spell to pinpoint the exact coordinates of their world and returned." – Zelretch

"…. No wonder our school was made. My old man's suspicion was correct." – Yamada

"Haha yes well the Sage theorized that your world's inhabitance has a higher chance of having potential bigger than those of his old generation. To be specific those of kids born from the 20th century and higher so he made a gamble and threatened the government around the globe of a possible world invasion." – Zelretch

"So he is from a much older timeline huh…" – Yamada

Twitching my eyebrows how insane my senior is I calmly asked this vampire who is turning my hair white from stress.

"So they made a proper alibi in the other side." – William

"*nods* Well they said it was kidnapping and currently you guys are in the news wanna look?" - Zelretch

"*groan* No I don't think that's a good idea continue please" – Yamada

"Well as they were waiting they kept on making short skirmishes while making their enemy think that the Gods where weakened due to the constant summoning and sends in Champions and Braves and some of the descendants of the heroes to mask their plans till they reenacted their summoning today." – Zelretch

"But what's with Will here? Why did you give him the cards even Ruby and Sapphire inside him? – Yamada

Absorbed with my own though learning what I knew I heard Yamada mention my name and returned to my senses I waited for the reason why I even have these cards.

"Ho… Well it's just multiple coincidence that happened honestly. I gave him those cards as safe keeping and a failsafe to him." – Zelretch

"...Failsafe?" – William

"Yes a failsafe you see your world may not have any supernatural stuff going on but it changed when the Sage of Space and Time returned into your world. The spell that is used in the Hero Summoning is more like a random individual namely in a location and being spirited away leaving zero damage to the surrounding and taking the "person" who is qualified by a set of requirements who are in range of the spell while the spell is good that can be considered an offshoot of the Second Magic it does not let you go from A to B but putting the things from B to A. So the Sage at that time brute forced his way into your world when he pinpointed it and forced himself that is in A to B. He repaired the damaged caused but there where foreign mana that was leaked disturbing your world's mana there by awakening Gaia and rolled in the possibility of the use of magic. Heck he waited when the first thing prana was discovered before he arrived in the middle of a world summit." – Zelretch

"So after we return back home basically magic will start popping in our world?" – Yamada

"Yeah it will start happening like 2 years or so. One of the reason I gave cards to Will-gaki here is because of his Unique Magic Circuits, his origin and alignment." – Zelretch

"I have Magic Circuits!?" – William

Shocked at the information I got I looked at the Wizard Marshall who looked at me like an alien

"Yes well to be exact you were the first one to ever had a Magic Circuit in your world and such amazing quality and quantity may be dangerous at that time because the Sage was active in your world and if you had contact with him it could be very dangerous." – Zelretch

"Why? I though the Sage was a good guy?" – Yamada

"Well he is fundamentally good and just but I saw his eyes… War changes a person fundamentally kid especially if you experience it two times and always in the losing side." – Zelretch

Taking the hint of what Zelretch said Yamada was lost in though. Looking back at what Zelretch said I noticed what he said about my Magic Circuits being unique.

"Wait Zelretch! You said my Magic Circuits is unique and what about my origin and my alignment?" – William

"To sum how unique your Magic Circuits is you have about slightly higher the number one of my Protégé who is Rin Tohsaka without the Magic Crests which is 45 and well the most unique aspect of your Magic Circuits is that these style of magic circuits is too rare that some of the once I know who had one is my granddaughter and a kid from the mountains which is [Regression to the Age of the Gods] and your origin and alignment well… is kind of similar to her lover who was it… ahh Shirou Emiya." – Zelretch

""So it's a Sword?!!!"" – William & Yamada

Learning about I have similar no. of Magic Circuits to Rin or the capability to use Magecraft in a much purer form of Mystery while having an innate resistance of how old the Magecraft is being targeter with is not more amazing than having similar origin and alignment to the sheath of the cash cow but the next words made us both stop our train of though.



Magic Circuits

"So I have magic circuits huh…? How do I activate them anyway?" – William

"Oh I already opened them for you." – Zelretch

"Huh? Since when?" – William

"Our first handshake…" – Zelretch

"Hmm yeah I felt something weird about that part and how enthusiastic how you shake my hands like some crazy dude but I did not felt anything weird…" – William

"Remember you quickly got knocked off after you returned home? I had Ruby sedate you with a special kind of medicine that will let you survive the activation without killing you." – Zelretch

"You had made Ruby what!?" - William

Zelretch's new hobby and the Mystic Code

"So this new hobby of yours did you input it to the Mystic Code that Ruby has inside for me?" – William

"Yes of course such a perfect model how can I resist on doing it~!" – Zelretch

"*groan* You bastard…" – William

Author here just sneaked this chapter in while in the middle of a lecture~

Still the huge info dump will be almost over so don't worry and be patient a bit~

Also I decided to have him travel to different worlds due to high in demand by you guys.

Sincerely your mischievous yet not so lovable Author


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