

The world of the Nasuverse is a universe filled with endless wars of power-hungry people to achieve one's selfish dreams. Alexander Lampros, an infamous criminal was given a task by an omnipotent being to "save" this universe from an unknown demise. Let's follow his journey as he begins to explore this world and find his reason for existing along the way. [An: This is just an introduction to our MC. Please bear in mind that this will be my first time writing. So expect my writing style to be simple and repetitive. As for the cover and the characters are not mine and they are own by their respective owners. This is just something I want to do and if you are down with me on a journey then I will gladly welcome you. this novel will have an irregular update. So keep that in mind. Average chapters are 2000+ words.] Tags: (Calm Protagonist), (Handsome Male Lead), (Overpowered Protagonist), (Multiple Heroines), (Slow Romance), (Friendship), (Tragic Past), (Modern), (Strong to Stronger), (Time Travel), (Dragons), (Gods), (Aliens), (Fantasy world), (Heroes), (Mythologies), (Multiple POV), (Character Growth)

Mystery_18th · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

(9) Hunter becomes the hunted



Alexander's body flew at great speed destroying trees and rubbles after he crashed into them. His momentum only stops when he hit a thick tree that has a diameter of 2 meters. Even then, the thick tree still collapses.

"*Cough* *cough*, Hey, Anna. Found anything yet? I am in trouble here..." Alexander asked.

("Just a sec, most of the potion available to you is low tiers. Most of them, if not, all of them have unknown side effects.")

"But you could differentiate what each potion does?"

("More or less...")

"Then summon a potion that will increase my mana regeneration by a lot and the most potent potion that boosts any of my physical attributes."

("But the more potent and effective potions are, the more dangerous the side effects will be. Are you sure you want to do this?")

"Do it, I will die at this rate..."

("Alright, just hold on for a sec.")

Alexander rested for a while before standing up. He brushes up the dirt that covered his black cloak. In the distance, he saw the culprit slowly making its way to him...

The golden portal appears as he wanted and it drops a red and blue potion on his hand. Without hesitation, he gulped both of the content in the glass down to the very last drop.

His weak body that will collapse at any given time suddenly becomes filled with energy, his mana is also regenerating at a fast rate. Not only does both potion provide him energy and mana, but also his wounds all over his body is closing up.

Now that his body is at its best state. He could fight the monster for another round. However, even if he recovers from his peak state. His chances of winning are still small.

"In the end, no matter how much I tried to escape my past... It will always have a way to find its way back to me. *sigh* I guess I have no other choice... I'll finish you up myself."

He takes a deep breath and closed his eyes. His mind which is in a state of a raging ocean slowly returns to its calm state. His emotions, thoughts, and feelings that made him a human being, shrink, and it was swallowed by the calm sea, disappearing temporarily. The only thing that remains is a fluid mind that will adjust to any situation without thoughts.

When he entered this state, he was able to use his body to its absolute potential... However, this state is a double edge sword. In his past life, because he has an ordinary body of that of a human, the consequence after he uses this skill is, he will be bedridden for months. Which is a big opportunity for his enemies to get rid of him. That's why he only used this skill as a last resort. (An: A nerf version of Ultra instinct if you will.)

His mental state isn't the only thing that changes, even the aura he emits is completely different. Instead of a blood-red aura, it becomes black, like that of an abyss.

Alexander opened his eyes and lightly grips Gáe Bolg. He watches as his opponent walked closer and closer until they are only one foot apart. Because of their height difference, Alexander has to look upward to see his opponent's face. However, because of the black mist covering his entire body, even up this close, he still wasn't able to discern who he's fighting.

Berserker lowers his head at the same level as Alexander and said, "Weak..."

Alexander's face remains the same. Berserker notice that his opponent ignored his taunt. He sneers, finding that he had enough fun, it's time for him to end this one-sided battle, or so he thought...

He lifts his Axe-sword and swings to cut Alexander's neck. Its speed is beyond what a human could see or detect. If another person was in Alexander's place, they wouldn't be able to dodge or block the attack, especially up this close.

However, something happens that shocked Berserker. Just when the sword was able to touch the skin of Alexander's neck, instead of the head of his opponent rolling in the ground, he was shocked to find that the opponent suddenly disappears.

Suddenly, Berserker's instinct alerted him of an incoming danger coming from his left side. He swings his sword in that direction but only to hit the ground, causing an explosion that blocked his vision.

Alexander used this opportunity to deal damage to Berserker. Berserker tried to counter-attack only to be dodge by Alexander easily.

Once he regains his vision, his entire body is covered in wounds. Some of the wounds are superficial, while some are deep enough to cause trouble for him. This, however, only made him furious. (An: What I imagine in this scene is like when Levi from AOT: No regrets, enters GOD Mode and obliterates a titan to oblivion.)


Berserker becomes even faster and stronger as each swing creates winds strong enough to blow and destroy the surrounding area. However, even in this powerful state. He wasn't able to touch a single hair on Alexander's body.

The reason is that it's not that Alexander is faster than Berserker, far from it. It's just that, Alexander was able to predict every move that Berserker will make before he could even put it into motion. Like he was able to see the future.

Alexander retreats about 30 meters away from Berserker. He closed his eyes for a second, opening it immediately after. He summons the Golden Gate and grabs a similar spear to Gáe Bolg when it comes to appearance. However, instead of blood red, it was golden color instead. The other appearance is that it has a cloth covering its body. He immediately removed its cloth to reveal its full glory.

"Gáe Buidhe..."

Gáe Buidhe, a weapon similar to Gáe Bolg. They are weapons that only exist in myths. Gáe Buidhe is a cursed spear that prevents those inflicted by damage unable to be healed naturally or using magecraft. It was the perfect weapon to fight against Berserker who has a high regeneration. (An: I'm not sure that the original Gáe Buidhe has the same ability. But for Plot's sake, let's say that it has.)

This once again cost most of Alexander's mana since both Gáe Bolg and Gáe Buidhe are Noble Phantasm that has a rank of B. Far above what Alexander could easily summon.

With Gáe Bolg in his right hand, and Gáe Buidhe in his left. He charges at Berserker. With only 30 meters between them, it only takes a fraction of a second for Alexander to arrive in front of Berserker.

He thrust Gáe Bolg to target Berserker's liver. The monster parries the spear easily, using the momentum, he goes for any swing to cut Alexander in half. Alexander put power in both of his legs and jump back. His body wasn't able to dodge fully as some part of his skin in his stomach was hit, causing blood to flow, staining his black shirt.

He emotionlessly stared at Berserker. If this a few minutes ago, Berserker, would without hesitation takes the initiative to attack. But he only grips his sword tightly and stared. Alexander did the same.

They both stare at each other. It was broken when Berserker roar and disappear to only appear in front of Alexander, and swing in a similar fashion...

"So repetitive..."

Alexander easily dodges by leaning to his left, he then stabs Berserker's right hand using Gáe Buidhe. He then drags the spear across Berserker's entire arm. Causing blood to rain down on Alexander. Before Berserker could counterattack, he safely retreats.

He calmly watches as Berserker struggle to hold the Axe-sword using his right hand.


Not being to hold the sword, because of its weight, it crashes to the ground causing it to crack. He then grabs it using his left hand. However, after looking up, his opponent disappears once again.

He looks left and right only to find 4 golden partial surrounding him. Then, 4 different weapons flew in his direction. He didn't bother to dodge or parry. He could tell that the weapons were just ordinary swords and spears so he just let them hit his body.

*Clang* *Clang* *Clang* *Clang*

The weapons only hit and bounce off from his body. As the weapons hit the ground, it slowly dissipates. It was then when he felt a wind hit his back, that when his instinct alerted him. This time, he was sure that he is going to hit his enemy. He swings his Axe-sword with his left hand where the danger is coming from...

Alexander, who also felt the danger coming on his way, but instead of retreating, he only fastens his movement as he thrust Gáe Bolg targeting Berserker's heart.

Time seems to stop as the two weapons hit their target. With Gáe Bolg piercing Berserker in the heart.

Unfortunately for Berserker, instead of cutting Alexander in half, his attack was blocked by Gáe Buidhe.

The force knocked Alexander 100 meters away. While in mid-air, Alexander stabs Gáe Buidhe in the ground, dragging it with him to stop his momentum. He looked at Berserker only to find his wounds regenerating. Alexander's eyes widened slightly.

He watched as his supposed dead opponent started to heal. this includes the wounds caused by Gáe Buidhe. Which is theoretically impossible to heal. Unless it's not regeneration but something else...

He didn't bother grabbing Gáe Bolg, instead, he gulped another red potion and ran towards the direction where Tamamo and others were. His current state won't last long and fatigue is also catching up to him. If he were to fight that monster again, he would surely lose.

So instead of fighting a battle that he would surely die. He made the wise choice of running. He already did his job, and that is to buy some time for Tamamo and the others to construct a trap that would kill Berserker.

He wasn't even 200 meters away when he heard an angry roar in the distance. He didn't bother to look back as he was sure that Berserker will chase him.

And just like he expected. He heard the earth, shaking. They run for about three kilometers chasing one another until he saw Mash and Ritsuka in the distance. He didn't bother to say anything and he just grabs and hug them in his chest. They were so caught off guard that they only open their mouth and scream.



"Quiet, both of you." He said with no emotion whatsoever.

That's when the two notice the abnormalities in Alexander. His face is familiar becomes unfamiliar to them. Especially his eyes that lack emotions. It the same feeling as staring at a bottomless abyss.

However, instead of fearing him, they felt secure. They unconsciously tighten their hold.

Since Alexander is carrying two people and a big shield with him. It's unavoidable for him to slow down. Because of that, Berserker was able to catch up to them. The distance shrinks from 100 meters to 80, to 60, 40,...

"Alexander-san! It's getting closer!"

"..." Alexander didn't say anything, he only continues to run.

When the distance between the two shrinks to 20 meters, Alexander quickly throws both of them away like a sack of potato.

He quickly turns around only to find out that a huge fist is already on his way. He calmly jumped lightly and blocked the fist with Gáe Buidhe, and just like wanted, his body catapulted to the direction of the church...




A few minutes prior; Tamamo, Cu, and Olga are in a rush to complete the runes that will weaken and kill Berserker. The runes that they are implementing are a combination of different powerful spells. While they are busy with their work, Romani's voice echoes in the church, gathering everyone's attention.

("I did it, Director! Below the lectern, there is a secret mechanism that will open a secret compartment. Be careful, there are some traps.")

"Good job, you finally have some used, Romani!"

("Haha... Thank you, director...")

"We will check that out later, for now, we should finish up this trap quickly. Master and the others need our help." Tamamo reminded them before they got sidetracked.

"Yeah, your right."

It only takes them a minute before they were able to finish the trap.

"Alright, that should do it..." Olga announced as she wipes the sweat running down on her forehead.

"I'll do the final touch, you guys rest for a moment. Especially you, fox. Don't be impatient and have some trust in your master. If you go there with your low mana. You will only add more trouble for Alexander."

"...Tsk" As much as Tamamo wants to argue, she couldn't deny that he was right. She could only click her tongue in frustration.

Cu waved his staff lightly in the air. He gathers his most remaining mana and pointed in the giant rune on the floor that covers the whole church...

"Ek, kindrinn ór ljós, sonrrinn ór goð..."

Cu chanted what seems to be the Celtic language (An: This was a lie, I used the Norse language since their language looks cool). What surprised everyone, however, is that the runes they made started to glow. The more Cu chanted, the more bright the runes seem to be. When Cu finishes the enchant, the bright light that glows brighter than the sun slowly loses its luminescence. What remains is runes that even Tamamo, who is proficient in her ability to identify the works of gods, couldn't decipher.

"What kind of magecraft is this? I have never seen such complex runes before..." Olga muttered as she tried to decipher the spell.

"It's good that you don't recognize this spell. It's a forbidden spell that dated back to the aged of Gods. It's a spell that will be effective to those that have divinity..."

When Tamamo heard his explanation, she flinched and took a step back.

"Don't worry, I program the spell not to hurt you or me. It will only activate when the target step in the center. So as long as you don't do that, you will be fine."

"Anyway, the only thing we have to do now is rest for a while and looked for Alexander and the other two..."

That's when they felt a strong ominous aura running in their direction at great speed.

("Here it comes! It has the same reading as the one that caused the roar!")

'So I was right. That bastard becomes stronger the last time I fought him... Thank God I added the Forbidden runes, if not, we all done for.'

("It's chasing the others! everyone, you got to help them. The distance between them is getting closer!")

Without even the reminder of Romani, Tamamo went outside and started to cast a spell. However, she wasn't able to finish her enchant as she and everyone else was shocked when Alexander throws Mash and Ritsuka.

"What is that idiot doing?!"

Berserk was able to catch and directly went on offense. He went for a punch to which Alexander block with Gáe Buidhe. His body catapulted to the church creating a big hole, his momentum only stopped when he hit the stage, below the lectern.

"Master!!!!" "Alexander!!"