

The world of the Nasuverse is a universe filled with endless wars of power-hungry people to achieve one's selfish dreams. Alexander Lampros, an infamous criminal was given a task by an omnipotent being to "save" this universe from an unknown demise. Let's follow his journey as he begins to explore this world and find his reason for existing along the way. [An: This is just an introduction to our MC. Please bear in mind that this will be my first time writing. So expect my writing style to be simple and repetitive. As for the cover and the characters are not mine and they are own by their respective owners. This is just something I want to do and if you are down with me on a journey then I will gladly welcome you. this novel will have an irregular update. So keep that in mind. Average chapters are 2000+ words.] Tags: (Calm Protagonist), (Handsome Male Lead), (Overpowered Protagonist), (Multiple Heroines), (Slow Romance), (Friendship), (Tragic Past), (Modern), (Strong to Stronger), (Time Travel), (Dragons), (Gods), (Aliens), (Fantasy world), (Heroes), (Mythologies), (Multiple POV), (Character Growth)

Mystery_18th · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

(10) Golden Throne

"Master! You bastard!!" Tamamo then started to gather tons of mana in the atmosphere and condense it into a small ball. However, she was once again interrupted. This time, it was Olga who stops her.

"Don't! You will only gather his attention to you! I'm convinced that Alexander doesn't want that to happen. I mean look, he is ignoring those two. His only focus right now is Alexander. If he continued to chase after him, he will eventually step into the trap."

And just like what Olga has said, Berserker ignores the two juniors and only focuses on Alexander who is struggling to get up...

Cu, who is calmly watching events unfold said to Alexander, "You did your job, Alex. Just rest up for a bit and leave the rest to us. When you wake up, everything will be over."

Hearing the confidence in Cu's words, Alexander relaxed his body, and the fatigue that building up finally caught up to him. He collapses on the floor, breathing heavily. Cu and company watch as Berserker ignore every one of them. His attention was only on Alexander's body on the stage. His space is getting faster and faster until he entered the church and step into the giant rune spell on the ground...

The moment he did so, the runes began to glow brightly. His body started to get heavy. Massive red chains burst in the ground, wrapping themselves in his humongous body. That's wasn't the end, thousands of black sharp spears burst beside the chains and piercing his entire body. He roars as he tries to struggle but no matter how much he tried, the massive chains keep him in place.

Tamamo who is tightly hugging Alexander, Cu, Olga, Mash, and Ritsuka surround Berserker as the beast tried it's very best to fight back. But its efforts were in vain as the more he struggled, the bigger his wounds started to appear in his body. The black spears and chains remain powerfully in place.

"Is it okay for us to do this?" Ritsuka asked as the light in his eyes, dimmer.

"What do you mean, senpai?"

"I mean the way we beat this monster... it's inhumane. Is there no other way for us to do beat him?"

"I get where you are coming from, kid. Trust me when I said that even I feel that defeating enemies this way is wrong. I am a famous warrior in the past who values integrity. And this way of defeating my adversaries questions my way as a warrior. But to protect your loved ones... to protect and save humanity... it's unavoidable for you have to dirty your hands."

"That's..." Ritsuka could only look down, depressingly. He felt a tap on the shoulder. He looks to his left only to find Mash smiling towards him. Her smile eased the tension in his body.

"Well, that will happen if you choose to be alone..."

"What do you mean?" Olga, who listening to the conversation, calmly asked.

"That's what my previous teachers taught me(An: Not referring to Scathach). Those teachings are not completely false. When I was alive, to protect my kingdom and every citizen in it, I shower in the blood of my enemies. But if you have allies you could depend on, you can share your burden with them. And the chance of you dirtying your hands will be lower as a result. I'm sure you have a great start in that regard, am I right? little lady?"

It was then Ritsuka realize how important Mash's existence to him. He looks at her and smiled brightly.

"Hey, now is not the time for that, It looks like the chains and the spears won't last long!" Olga quickly brought them back to reality as Berserker's angry roar echoed to the Church.

"Damn it, it still wasn't enough?! Just how much does it need to kill this bastard?!"

"Some of the chains and spears already have cracks on them, they won't last long! Tamamo-san! do you have mana left?"

Tamamo shakes her head disappointedly as she hugs Alexander more tightly. Slowly, Berserker is getting close to where Alexander and Tamamo where.

"Mash, please, go protect them!"

"Got it, Master!"

Mash quickly runs around the magic circle and she stands in front of Tamamo. She readily put her shield in front of her to blocked Alexander and Tamamo from Berserker's field of view. Losing the sight of his target. He roars once again as he took another step closer.

Cu, Ritsuka, and Olga also arrived beside Mash. This gave her some reassurance. Olga summons a black ball in her hand and fired it at Berserker. However, the effect it cost was that she was only able to stall his movement.

"Is there anything we can do at all?!"

While his companions were distracted, Alexander's body moves slightly. This caught the attention of Tamamo.

"Master?! please don't move too much. Your body is covered in bruises." She worriedly said as she tightens her hug.

"Don't worry... I-im fine..." he said as he gently peeled off Tamamo's hand.

"Master... why are you trying so badly?"

"It's because... I want to... I wanted to be acknowledged. In all my life, I have never once been accepted by the people around me... They all fear me, they all hated me... that's why, in this life, I will do everything in my power to be accepted... to be respected... to be loved. And this bastard will be the beginning of that journey."

'*sigh*' what the fuck am I even saying?'

He lifts his broken body as he slowly walked toward his endeavor. He taps Mash on her shoulder to announce his presence.


"I'll do it... I'll do the finishing blow..."

"But your body! can you even fight in that state?!"

"This is wounds are nothing but a scratch..."

"What do you mean scratch, you idiot!? Your whole body will collapse at any moment. Cu, Tamamo, stop him!"

She was rejected when both of the servants shook their heads. They both respected Alexander's wishes.

"I'm sorry about this, it seems like we need you to do the final shot..."

Alexander shakes his head and gave Cu a nod. he turns to face Olga and said, "Relaxed, it's not like I will sacrifice myself... I'm still young after all... I don't have any plan on dying yet..."

"Ugh, why am I even worried about an idiot like you! Do whatever you want."

He also gave the two juniors a nod as he slowly approaches his strongest adversaries so far. Berserker glared at him with hatred. He tried to break the chains that bind him but it only cracks, if he was given some time, perhaps he could break the chains. But, Alexander won't let this opportunity go to waste.

As he was about 5 feet apart, he gathers his last remaining mana in Gáe Buidhe as he offers the spear to his target's heart. Since Berserker's body is still bound by the chains. Berserker didn't resist or tried to dodge as he only watches as the spear pierced his heart for the second time.

There was a moment of silence before Berserker's body started to break down into smaller golden lights. The black mist slowly dissipates and started to shrink from 3.5 meters to 2 meters, they were finally able to see the true appearance of Berserker.

They saw the madness disappear on Berserker's face as it was replaced by a peaceful expression. He gave Alexander a grateful look as his body dissipates into the air, returning to the throne of heroes.

As they completed their purpose, the chains, and the spear also dissipates along with him. This includes a magic circle in the ground.

Making sure that the enemy is 100% defeated. Alexander finally let his tense body relaxed as he collapsed on the ground once again. The last thing he heard was Anna muttering something and his companion's worried voice as he closed his eyes...


{??? POV}

Somewhere in an abandoned city in modern-day France(In the real world), a man wearing a mask with a golden rob that covered his entire body was sitting on top of a skyscraper. He watches the scenery with a serene expression. He was interrupted when suddenly, a voice echoed in his mind.

"Sir, they succeeded. They were able to eliminate our subject." A robotic voice that couldn't differentiate between a male or a female echoed in the man's mind.

"Oh? they succeeded? Alright, continue to observe him from afar."

"Yes, sir."

Once the man cut their connection, the serenity in his voice warped into madness as he burst out laughing.

"Pfttt- Hahahahahahahahaaha. Brilliant, brilliant indeed! They were right! You are the one, Alexander! I was worried that you will die in your first endeavor but surprisingly, you persevere. This won't be your first and last challenge. I will be waiting for your growth."


(Alexander's POV)

When Alexander opened his eyes, he was shocked to find an unfamiliar yet familiar view of a dark sky coated with millions of stars. He lifts his body and started to observe his surroundings. The first thing he notices is the ground is made out of water. He could see his reflection quite clearly even though it's dark. He tried to call out to Anna but he was answered by silence, he also tried to summon the Gate of Babylon but wasn't able to. He could only sigh as he observed his surroundings once again.

In the far distance, he saw a giant staircase leading to a majestic golden throne at the top. And for some reason, something within him awakened. His heart is starting to beat faster as he slowly approaches the staircase, since the distance between them is more than 100 Kilometers, it will take a while for him to reach the stairs. However, halfway through, his body is suddenly getting pushed back by an unknown force coming from the golden throne. His mind, body, and soul started to feel a strong force of pressure that prevents him from taking another step.

His body started to feel heavy, his mind is becoming exhausted and his soul is feeling like it's being weakened. Even though his body is getting weaker, he was able to take two steps forward before his body collapse once again...

This time, when Alexander opened his eyes, he saw the familiar ceiling of the church covered with beautiful artworks. He realized for a moment that his head is laying in a soft and squishy 'pillow'. And on instinct, he used his right hand to squish this 'pillow' and that's when he heard a moan. Alexander then realized what he laying on as he quickly removed his hand as he backs away.

Looking at Tamamo who is slowly opening her eyes. They stared at one another before Tamamo quickly opens her arms and put Alexander into a hug so tightly like she is fearing he would disappear. Seeing him alive and well made her cried silently in his chest.



He was in a daze for a bit before he hugged her back.

'Anna, are you there?'

("I'm always here, Alexander.)"

Hearing her voice, Alexander sigh in relief.


'No, it's nothing. Anyway, could you tell me what happens after I lost consciousness?'

("5 hours have passed since you last consciousness. A lot happened in that small period. The side effects of taking the potions happen the moment you lose consciousness, multiple internal organs started to bleed causing internal bleeding. As a result, even in your sleep, you started to cough a lot of blood which made your companions worry, intensely.

Olga Marie, Cu Chulainn, and Tamamo-no-Mae used a healing spell on you but they could only reduce your injuries lightly. They could only watch as you started to bleed to death on the inside. They were hopeless. however, a miracle happens 2 hours after you lost consciousness.")

'A miracle?'

("Yes, an unknown energy that came from your soul begins to restore your body at an alarming rate. Not only did it heal your wounds, but it also rebuilds your body into a much stronger and powerful body compare before.")

'I see... So that's the reason why I feel so powerful. Could you investigate where or what this unknown force is?'

("I already did, I apologize for doing without your consent. But something is blocking my senses.)"

'it's ok, no need to apologize.'

("Also before I forgot. You completed a hidden mission. Check your stats and claim your rewards.)

'Hidden mission? Rewards?'

Alexander then opens his status.



Name: Alexander Lampros

Title: Champion of Alayashiki(???),

Species: Demi-Servant, Human, King, (???)

Gender: Male

Age: 20 (A few billion years old)

Class: Archer (Qualified classes: Lancer, Assassin.)

Talent: Extraordinary (Able to learn any Skills 3x faster)

Armament: Spear

Alignment: True Neutral

Hidden Attribute: Heaven


Strength: (C+) --> B

Endurance: (B-) --> B+

Agility: (C) --> C++

Mana: (C-) --> B+

Luck: A

Np: (C) --> B-

[Personal Skills]

• (Collector) Rank: Ex (Passive) = A passive skill that draws unique and rare treasures into the possession of the user.

• (King's Aura) Rank: (C++) (Passive) = The aura of a King inhibits the user making the people around him\her vulnerable to their influence.

• (Charisma) Rank: B+ (Passive) = A passive skill that allows the user to properly command and unify an army or county. It increased the strength of the abilities of allies during group battles.

• (Instinct) Rank: (C++) --> B (Passive) = A passive skill that allows the user to sense its surroundings for danger or any conceal entities.

• (Status Concealment) Rank: B+ (Passive) =A passive skill that was granted by Alaya that hides the user's status as a servant. This could be ignored as long as the user allows its perimeter to be seen by others.

(Noble Phantasm]

• (Gate of Babylon) Type = Anti-unit, Rank = (C) --> B-

Description: A noble phantasm that allows the user to summon weapons from the treasury that King Gilgamesh collects when he was alive. It summons weapons by a golden portal to fire to its enemy at great speed. The speed of the projectiles depends on the amount of mana used. Due to most of its power being sealed at the moment, its rank degraded to a B rank noble phantasm.



°(True Holy Grail) = The Grail that Alaya bestowed upon Alexander Lampros that allows him to built a connection to the root/throne of Heroes to summon servants(this includes the prototype versions). Currently Able to summon once a month. (Uses: 1\1)



• Tamamo-no-Mae (Bond-level: 76%)



• Join Chaldea...

• Saving the protagonists = The future protagonist of the world, Mash kyrielight and Ritsuka Fujimaru need your help. Protect and guide them to solve the abnormalities that will destroy humanity.

First Reward: Clairvoyance(Gilgamesh's)

Second Reward: Unknown

Third Reward: Unknown

Fourth Reward: Unknown


Type: Quest Chain

Time limit: 5 years

Status: Ongoing

• Corrupted Servant = In your pursuit to solve the singularity, you encounter an abnormal servant. Defeat this servant before it causes more havoc.

Reward: Will of the King(Skill)

Type: Hidden Mission

Time Limit: 3 days

Status: Complete


{An: This is my last stacked chapter. Knowing this, I won't be able to procrastinate anymore. I will do my best to post chapters every two days but the quality of the chapters will drop by a little. Anyway, I'll see you beautiful bastards in the next chapter(Tuesday). And oh, please do leave a review, I will appreciate it a lot.}