

The world of the Nasuverse is a universe filled with endless wars of power-hungry people to achieve one's selfish dreams. Alexander Lampros, an infamous criminal was given a task by an omnipotent being to "save" this universe from an unknown demise. Let's follow his journey as he begins to explore this world and find his reason for existing along the way. [An: This is just an introduction to our MC. Please bear in mind that this will be my first time writing. So expect my writing style to be simple and repetitive. As for the cover and the characters are not mine and they are own by their respective owners. This is just something I want to do and if you are down with me on a journey then I will gladly welcome you. this novel will have an irregular update. So keep that in mind. Average chapters are 2000+ words.] Tags: (Calm Protagonist), (Handsome Male Lead), (Overpowered Protagonist), (Multiple Heroines), (Slow Romance), (Friendship), (Tragic Past), (Modern), (Strong to Stronger), (Time Travel), (Dragons), (Gods), (Aliens), (Fantasy world), (Heroes), (Mythologies), (Multiple POV), (Character Growth)

Mystery_18th · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

(4) Singularity F

While running, Alexander asked Anna to inform him of the status of Tamamo. Since she is his servant, knowing her skills and noble phantasm will be helpful for future battles.



Name: Tamamo-no-Mae

Title: None

Species: Servant, Magus, (???)

Gender: Female

Age: unknown

Class: Caster (Qualified classes: Lancer,)

Talent: None

Armament: Mirror

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Hidden Attribute: Heaven


Strength: E

Endurance: E

Agility: B

Mana: A

Luck: D

Np: D

[Class skills]

• (Territory Creation) Rank: C (Active) = An active skill that allows the user to built a special terrain that is advantageous for the user.

• (Divinity) Rank: A (Passive) = An passive skill that reduces special defensive values called "purge defense" in proportion to the Divinity's Rank(An: I don't know how divinity works in the Nasuverse if you know then let me know. This description is what I found on the wiki, which I don't understand much)

[Personal Skills]

• [Witchcraft (Tamamo-no-Mae version)] Rank: EX (Sealed) = An exclusive skill to Tamamo-no-Me that allows her to discern one's Time of death and secret arts to obtain influence, such as methods to attain status and fortune (for men) and methods to gain the favor of influential individuals (for women). 

• (Shapeshift) Rank: A (Active) = An active skill that allows the user to change their appearance at will.

• (Fox's Wedding) Rank: Ex (Sealed)= An active skill unique to Tamamo-no-Mae that allows her to cause a rain of blessings that force any friendly beings around her to give her presence to celebrate.

• (Cursed Layer: Broad sunshine) Rank: A (Sealed) = An upgraded version of witchcraft(An: No further information from wiki).

[Noble Phantasm]

• (Eightfold Blessing of Amaterasu) Rank: D (Sealed) = An noble Phantasm that summons a circle of Ofuda surrounded by several glowing Torii that gathers energy. Once inside, the user can use magic without the need to expand any magical energy[An: She basically can just spam magic without cooldowns, from what I understand. If you guys know how this skill works, tell me.]


Comparing her status to his, he realized how broken his status is. Especially his skills, parameters, and noble phantasm. Realizing this fact, he is planning on taking advantage of it.

"Hey, Anna, what's up with some of her skills being sealed?"

("Those skills specifically required a large quantity of mana, since her soul and body is just recently created. For her safety, it's currently sealed. If she were to use it now, her body wouldn't be able to handle the pressure and ultimately, she will die. But the more she got used to her body, they will be unsealed on their own and maybe even grow much stronger.)

"I see, that's good to know."


'Hm?' His thoughts were interrupted by a sound coming from the system. Opining his status board, he saw that a new mission appeared below the 'Join Chaldea' mission.



• Find Chaldea...

• Saving the protagonists = The future protagonist of the world, Mash kyrielight and Ritsuka Fujimaru is in danger. Save them and help them solve the abnormalities that will destroy humanity.

Rewards: Clairvoyance(Gilgamesh's)

Time limit: None

Status: Ongoing


Reading his mission, he was surprised when he saw that Mash and Ritsuka are the 'protagonist'.

'Anna, are they that important to the world?'

"(Yes, in the memory that Alaya gave to you. The system founds out that she also bestowed a blessing to Ritsuka Fujimaru which is similar to yours.)"

'You mean the title champion of Alaya?'

"(Precisely, but it's a bit inferior to yours)"

'I see, let's save them then. As for the reward, I'll see it when I firstly succeed in this mission,'

On the way, he meets Romani who is also in a hurry. Running past them, he called out by Romani who started to panicked when he saw which direction Alexander was going.

"Don't go in that direction! The central control room is on fire, it's not safe!"

Alexander ignored Romani's warning. Seeing he is been ignored, he could only shake his head before running to his destination. As for Alexander, he was able to arrive at the entrance to the Central Control room, he then called out to Tamamo...

"Tamamo, be ready to fight if by chance we encounter an enemy."

"Hm! I will protect you, master,"

Patting her on the head, he enters the room. What greeted him was blazing heat and smoke that made him flinch. Tamamo used a wind spell that blows away the smoke. There, he saw his target.

Mash was under a big rock. While Ritsuka seating beside her accepting his fate. The moment they saw Alexander, hope return to their faces.

"Mr. Lampros-san, please help me save Mash!"

Alexander was a bit surprised when Ritsuka knows his name. Shaking his head, he approached the two of them.

"Caster, could you remove the rock?" Calling Tamamo, Caster to hide her identity. Tamamo, hearing his master called out to her, appeared in front of the two, surprising both of them.

"A servant?!" Ritsuka said.

"Yes, this little pebble is nothing in front of my power, hehe,"

She cast a levitation spell that lifts the rock and moving it to the side.

"Done, master, now praise me," she said as her foxtail swing back and forth. Alexander, a bit speechless about her behavior, could only pat her head.

"Yes, you did a great job... Anyway, can the two of you walk-"

"(Warning, all observation staff. The state of Chaldea has changed. Rewriting Sheba's near-future prediction data. Unable to detect the existence of mankind 100 years into the future. Unable to confirm human survivor. Unable to guarantee mankind's future.

Central area sealed. 180 seconds till internal containment procedure)" (An: source; prologue of FGO)

"We're sealed, huh," Alexander said nonchalantly.

"I'm sorry, Alexander-san. Because of us, you were trapped in here."

"No need to be sorry, I help you with my own accord. Besides I have a servant that will save me when things go south,"

"I see, then will you help us-"

"(Coffin vitals: Masters, baseline not reached. Rayshift requirements not met. Searching for a qualifying master... Found, Candidate No. 48 Ritsuka Fujimaru. Staff member, Alexander Lampros reset as Masters.

Uncommon program, start.

Spiritron conversion, start.

Starting in 3, 2, 1...)"

"Senpai, can I hold your hand..." As Mash finish saying her words, the four of them were covered by a bright light and they disappear from the central control room...


The moment Alexander opened his eyes, he once again was greeted by the same burning smell around him. He saw buildings, houses, and others more are on fire. Beside him, Tamamo manifests in her physical form as she looked at Alexander making sure he was safe.

"Don't worry, I'm okay. Thank you for worrying about me, Tamamo," Alexander, being new to the kindness he received, thank her.

Looking around looking for Mash and Ritsuka, he saw them a few meters away with Ritsuka on the floor with a squirrel-like creature liking his face and Mash wearing a black-looking armor with a shield, is kneeling beside him.

"Senpai! Wake up, it's dangerous to sleep here!"

"Uhh, Mash? where are we? and what's with the getup? are on a cosplay?" Ritsuka asked while looking around him.

"Senpai!" Mash blushes.

"I wanted to ask you the same thing. Anyway, this is not the right place to talk about this, let's find somewhere place." Alexander, with Tamamo behind him, said while approaching the two of them.

"Yes, Alexander-san is right, let's find somewhere place," Mash after composing herself, said while lifting Ritsuka from the ground.

"Caster, scan the area for any potential danger and find a safe place that we stay on. Oh, and be safe out there"

"Hm! I promise I'll return to your side safe and sound,"

Alexander watches her as she disappeared from his view...

"What is it, Mash? You have been staring at me for quite a while." Mash, still holding Ritsuka, stared at Alexander that made him a bit uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry for staring, but... Alexander-san do you mind if I ask you a question?"

"If you're going to ask me about me being a master, then yes, I am."


"I'll answer all your question when we find a safe place, so for now, keep an eye out on your surroundings."

"Yes, I'm sorry for asking too many questions..."

"No it's ok, but it's my turn to asked questions. What is that thing on your shoulder?" Alexander asked while pointing at the creature on her right shoulder.

"Oh, you mean Fou? This cute little creature is my friend. Go on Fou, say hi to Alexander-san." she said while patting the creature in the head to which he enjoyed very much.

"Fou Fou!"

"Fou, Huh? what a cute little guy..."

After asking few questions here and there, Tamamo appeared after a few minutes of waiting without any accident.

"Master, the surroundings are infested with disgusting walking skeletons."

"I see, did you find any safe place we can stay?"

"Hm! I found an abandoned building that is not far from here."

"Let's go there, Mash, Ritsuka. You guys are fine with that right?" Alexander asked to which the two nodded.

"Fou Fou!"

"Yes, yes, Of course you can come." Alexander smile after hearing the complaint of Fou.

"You could understand him?" Mash asked.

"You two can understand him, right? So why wouldn't I able to?"

"Ohh, your right, hehe." She awkwardly scratches her cheeks

"Anyway, let's go... Caster, you stay behind Ritsuka while I position in front of him. Mash since you are already considered to be a servant specialize in defense with the shield your holding, you stay in front while I stay behind you, giving you support. Do you guys have any problems with the formation?"

"No, although I prefer to be in senpai's side. I have no further complain but... Alexander-san... How exactly are you going to support me?" Mash asked hesitantly.

"Well, I guess I don't mind telling you since we will fight together... I'm a demi-servant like you, Mash."

"What?!" Mash squeak in surprise. "But how? I'm the only survivor..."

"I'm not from Chaldea, remember? I can't tell you exactly where I came from but the thing you need to know is that I have a qualification to fight. The only problem is that I have no battle experience. Anyway, enough chit-chat. Our enemies are coming. Caster, you could handle them right?"

"Of course, they are nothing more than a bunch of bones, so you don't have to worry about me master~"

Alexander, getting used to her behavior, ignores her and keeps on running with Ritsuka following behind. With Mash on the front, shielding them from arrows.

They were able to pass the horde of the skeleton that was starting to form behind and in front of them, however, there is still a group of skeletons stopping them from escaping their predicament.

Alexander, using this opportunity to used his Noble Phantasm, Gate of Babylon, for the first time.

With a snap of his fingers, two golden portals(An: his current max at the moment) appear beside him. Surprising his three companions once again. With the wave of his hands, two swords slowly peak through the golden portal, and then...


The two weapons, one sword and the other a spear flew at the speed of Mach 1 and piercing the two skeletons. With its power and momentum, it didn't stop there but continued to pierce through the small group of skeleton only stopping when the weapons hit a stone wall breaking it in the process. They then slowly disappear from the world returning to the treasury.

This action surprise the four of them greatly, Alexander never really tried his Noble Phantasm and this is his first time seeing it with his own two eyes, although he saw the power of this Noble Phantasm in the memories of Gilgamesh(An: he gained a bit of his memory by inheriting the Gate of Babylon), using it for the first time and feeling the power behind it made him delighted.

Imagining himself using the Gate of Babylon to its full power made him excited.

"What was that?" Mash asked.

"That was awesome..." The young master beside her mumble.

"Fou Fou!"

"That was my Noble Phantasm, Gate of Babylon, it allows me to summon weapons from a Golden Gate that fires weapons at the speed of sound," Alexander calmly explained. But his outer appearance contradicts what he truly feels at the moment, ecstasy.

"That's my belov- *ehem* I mean that's my master!" Hearing her almost slip, he couldn't help but sweat a little...

"Amazing... Is this the true power hold by a demi-servant? But why do I feel so inferior..." Mash mumble quietly, but as a demi-servant himself, he was able to hear it. But not only him, even Ritsuka, weirdly enough, heard her.

Placing his hand on top of her shoulder, "It's okay, Mash, you have just awakened your power as a demi-servant, just take your time, and maybe you will able to be strong like Alexander-san," Ritsuka comfort the poor girl. Fou also comfort her.

"Hm, your right master, I'm sorry for being down all the time, I promise you that I will become strong to protect from all danger," Ritsuka blush when she heard her declaration.

As for Alexander, he gave the two a deadpanned look that made them even more embarrassed. Unconsciously, however, he glances at Tamamo to which she noticed and give him a bright smile. Getting caught, he quickly looked away making the fox woman giggle...

"Cough, anyway, let's move before we've surrounded again, Caster, tell us which direction should we heading."

"Got it, master, ~"

Running for a few minutes they arrived in an abandoned house that is 70% destroyed. Although it's was a bit shabby, comparing it to the surrounding buildings, this made it seems like a brand-new house.

"You did a great job finding this, Caster." Patting her on the head to which she enjoys greatly.

"You two, seem pretty close," Ritsuka remarks.

"Of course, I and master have the best relationship that a servant and master could have, right~?"

"...Yes, yes, let's just enter the building and take a rest, we have to investigate this place later, to do that, gets as much rest as you can," his three companions nodded and they entered the house, carefully. Seeing there's no threat, they could finally relaxed, even if it's temporary. His goal, for now, is to set a boundary field to conceal their presence from the hostile entities in this place, to do that he needs the help of his servant once again...

Turning his head in her direction... "Okay, master. I'll set up a field in no time," before Alexander could even open his, his beautiful fox servant beat him to it, making him speechless...

"You could read my mind?" He asked.

Shaking her head, "Called it a woman's intuition."

Alexander and Ritsuka, who were able to hear everything from the beginning, couldn't help but be a little afraid. 'Women are scary,' They both thought. Seeing their reaction, both girls giggled.

Moments like this made them closer to each other as dangerous as their situation is, they were able to make bonds with their companions as having a great ally you feel comfortable with within this situation is better than having a powerful stranger as an ally.

This made Alexander remember his past life where he has no friends, family, or allies. It doesn't bother him one bit, but now having people he could call at least an ally made him genuinely smile even just a tiny bit.