

The world of the Nasuverse is a universe filled with endless wars of power-hungry people to achieve one's selfish dreams. Alexander Lampros, an infamous criminal was given a task by an omnipotent being to "save" this universe from an unknown demise. Let's follow his journey as he begins to explore this world and find his reason for existing along the way. [An: This is just an introduction to our MC. Please bear in mind that this will be my first time writing. So expect my writing style to be simple and repetitive. As for the cover and the characters are not mine and they are own by their respective owners. This is just something I want to do and if you are down with me on a journey then I will gladly welcome you. this novel will have an irregular update. So keep that in mind. Average chapters are 2000+ words.] Tags: (Calm Protagonist), (Handsome Male Lead), (Overpowered Protagonist), (Multiple Heroines), (Slow Romance), (Friendship), (Tragic Past), (Modern), (Strong to Stronger), (Time Travel), (Dragons), (Gods), (Aliens), (Fantasy world), (Heroes), (Mythologies), (Multiple POV), (Character Growth)

Mystery_18th · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

(5) First Battle

Using wind magic, Tamamo was able to remove the dust that covered the destroy furniture. Seating on the couch. Alexander takes a moment to close his eyes and rest for a while. A few seconds after, he felt a sudden movement from his left, knowing who it was, he left her be.

That could have been a mistake as he felt a sudden weight on his shoulder, opening his eyes, looking at the cause of the disturbance. Tamamo, her sakura-like hair, and yellowish golden eyes entered his vision, that golden-like eyes that captivated him. The virgin that he is, Alexander looks away, breaking their eye contact.

"What are you doing?" Alexander asked with slight annoyance.

"Nothing, just teasing my master~ hehe~"

"I admire your character to be so cheerful and happy in this situation and I don't know what to feel about it."

"Is that so?" Lowering her head in disappointment, she looks quite pitiful right now. Alexander, seeing her like this, felt sympathy. But not fooling for her tricks, he ignores her and closes his eyes in silence.

Seeing her master ignores her advances, she pouted and mumbled, "Meanie" she purposefully say it a little louder for her master to hear her, which he did.

Sighing, he continued to remain silent and let her do whatever she wants. Putting her head once again to his shoulder they stayed like this for a bit while ignoring their surroundings.

Mash and Ritsuka and Fou who are sitting on Ritsuka shoulder, sitting on the other side of the couch, felt a weird feeling in the atmosphere. They halt their conversation and looked at the source of the weird feeling.

Seeing the servant and master being lovey-dovey, made them freeze, not knowing what to do, the peaceful atmosphere between them became awkward... Not knowing what to say or do...

"Um, we have terrible weather today aren't we?"

"Y-yes, I-it would seem so, senpai..." And... Flat. Not only did his go-to conversation starter fail, but it also made the situation more awkward than it already is. Fou only stared at the two in silence. (An: can anyone relate to this?... No one? Only me? Ok...)

Alexander saw this entire situation, he could help but internally sigh, "So that what it looks like..."

A bit of history, Alexander was born and grows up in an abusive household, living his early days without a proper education which stunned his growth as a child.

He became socially awkward and was prone to bullying which made his entire social life miserable from an early age. He tried his best to communicate with his peers but this only result in an awkward situation like what he seeing right now or worst, bullying.

This made him anti-social. This became worst later on in his life...

This further develops into antisocial personality disorder that made him the serial killer he was known to in the past. He throws his anger within him to the corrupt politicians because his father is one.

Killing his victims gives him a sense of accomplishment from doing a bad thing while helping the world by removing its growing tumors.

But thanks to staying in Allan's domain for thousands of years, you could say that his soul was cleansed from some of the hatred and madness that accumulate over the years making his entire behavior and way of thinking different from his past life. He was grateful for that as no matter how much he seems to enjoy torturing people, that couldn't compare to the genuine happiness he recently experiencing.

Enough history, he slowly moves his body signaling to Tamamo to remove her head from his shoulder. Facing the two juniors, he saved them from the awkward atmosphere by mentioning something he forgot.

"Now that I think about it, we never fully introduced ourselves do we?" Although they know each other's names already, fully introducing one another is not a bad thing to do at the moment. Since they are relatively safe, might as well do it.

"I'll go start, Alexander Lampros, A demi-servant from the archer class and a Master."

"I'm Ritsuka Fujimaru, a master from Chaldea. And this is Fou as you already know."

"Fou Fou" Fou shouted while having his paw in the air.

'Cute...' Tamamo thought while also giving a wave to the little guy.

"I'm Mash Kyrielight, a demi-servant from Chaldea."

When it was Tamamo's turn, he looked at his master for permission to state her true name which he nodded. "I'm your most reliable fox girl, Caster, my true name is Tamamo-no-Mae, a servant, nice to meet you!"

"Nice to meet you too, Tamamo-san,"

"Alright, now that introduction is out of the way, let plan what should we do from now on. Do you guys have any idea what should we do?"

"I think we should find a way to communicate with Chaldea-" before Mash finishes her words, a familiar voice interrupted her.

"(Hello? Can you guys can hear me? Thank God, I was finally able to pull through.)"


"(Yes, it's me, I'm communicating through the Chaldea central command room. At the current moment, you guys are in a place known as a Singularity, anyway, why I am having a reading that there is a servant... And you Mash! What's with those clothes! I didn't realize you grow up to be so daring!)"

"I'll explain later Doctor, but now is the time to be serious!" She quickly scolded the poor guy to hide her embarrassment.

"That should be me, who am I talking to?" Knowing who he was referring to, Tamamo takes the initiative to ask for his identity first.

"(Ohh, where are my manners, I'm Romani Archaman the head of the medical facility, at your service.)"

"I see, I'm Caster, the servant of Alexander Lampros."

"(You were brought to the singularity too, Alexander? Wait, master? You can summon a servant-)"

"Seems like you in control of Chaldea, huh, Romani, where's the director?" Changing the subject, Alexander asked something that bothers him. Usually, in this situation, it's Olga who he should be talking to. But instead, it's Romani. Which is weird. Especially talking to the account of that woman's personality who loves taking charge of everything.

"(As the only highest member of staff at the moment, I'll act as the temporary director as for the director herself... Um, actually, that's what im worried about, the director disappears.)"

"She disappears? She didn't run away, did she?"

"(If that were the case, I wouldn't be so worried but she was in the central command room when the explosion happened... Fortunately or unfortunately, her body has not been discovered. Either she been rayshift along with you guys or her...)"

"I see... Then what should we do to solve this singularity?"

"(Find the anomalies and eliminate them... I think...)"

"Doctor! Please, can you be serious for once?"

"(I don't know, this is my first time doing this you know...)"

"So you're telling us that you quite useless then?"

"(Of course not I could... eto, ah! I could check your condition by... W-whoa, whoa, WHOA! what's up with this parameter?! Physical prowess, magical circuits, everything improves like a-)"

"Like a servant," Alexander interrupts.

"(Yes, like a servant...but how? I could understand why Mash's parameters are high but yours is way too high compare to an ordinary servant.)"

"So you already know that I'm a demi-servant? I don't remember telling anyone that..."

"(A-anyway, I'm receiving a signal that enemies are approaching where you. Getaway there as fast as you can.)" Dodging the topic, Romani warned them about multiple groups of skeletons approaching the house from all sides.

After resting for half an hour, Alexander and the others continue their search. Now with the help of Romani, they were able to avoid most of the skeletons. As for those that they can't avoid, a few flying swords is enough to decimate them to oblivion. This surprise Romani as he expected.

"You already have your Noble Phantasm?!"

Nodding, to his question, Romani continued his interrogation about his powers making Alexander slightly annoyed. Ritsuka, noticing this, changes the subject by asking the annoying doctor about the current situation in Chaldea.

With a saddened voice, Romani informed them of the current situation, "47 candidate masters were in critical condition and were put into cryofreeze in their coffins. Only twenty Chaldea staff members are still alive and active including me. We lost over... 60 workers in the accident."

Hearing his words, the two juniors were saddened.

"I don't want to ruin the mood, but now is not the time to be emotional. Do that later after we solve this singularity-"

"Kyaahh!" Hearing a feminine scream, the Chaldeans went in the direction only to found a silver-haired woman surrounded by enemies all around. Seeing the familiar figure, Alexander didn't hesitate to fire swords from the Gate of Babylon, destroying everything in its path.

The woman looked at her savior and sigh in relief.

"You three, what the hell is happening?" Olga Marie said with annoyance.

"Mash, you explain to her," leaving the job to Mash, Alexander asked Tamamo, who entered her spiritual form to scout the surroundings while he finds a place to temporarily rest. Seating on a rock, he waited for Mash to explain everything to Olga. Alexander watches Olga from a distance as her expression changes from indifference to shock, from shock to annoyance, and from annoyance to sadness.

"As much as I hate to do this, you will be in charge of Chaldea, Romani."

"(I will not let you down, Director)"

"You should be, anyway, I didn't expect for the experiment for the demi-servant to succeed, especially now of all time. And you, Ritsuka, for you to be a master is surprisingly convenient. And as for you..."

Looking at Alexander's direction with an unpleasant expression, "As demi servant and a master at the same time... We need your help the most, so please, help us save humanity," she then bow, which something very unexpected.

As a prideful woman, her bowing to Alexander which she has a bad relationship with gets shows how desperate she is in preserving humanity.

"There's no need to beg for help, the reason why I join Chaldea in the first place is to help all living things from harm. We have a similar goal, it's only natural to work together, don't you think?"

"Thank you, Alexander. But wait, you said all living things-"

"Master! An enemy servant is approaching, please be ready for combat," The voice of Tamamo who materialized beside Alexander, said. Alerting the whole group.

"Servants!? How many?" Ritsuka asked with urgency.

"(Two servants, I'm not sure which class.)" Romani answered.

Although things got a little troublesome, with the combination of a shielder, a front liner, an archer, and a caster, two back liners. Combine with his Charisma skill(If you forgot, it's a skill that temporarily boosts its users' ally), things will get a bit easier.

"I see, Mash, if you don't mind, can you be our front-liner once again?" Asking gently, Alexander asked the poor junior to be their meat shield. Mash looked in Ritsuka's direction to which he nodded. Nodding in return, Mash held her shield tightly.

Tamamo casts a magic field that momentarily slows the movement of enemies while boosting her ally's speed. Alexander's passive skills also boost everyone's parameters by quite a bit.

As the group readied for battle, the enemy servants appear on top of a building, with his superior eyesight, Alexander saw one of the servants shrouded by a black mist holding a bow. Stretching its bowstrings, he aims in their direction... Seeing this, he notified his allies and summon a golden portal to counter...

The enemy archer let the bowstring go making the arrow flew at great speed aiming in the direction of Ritsuka, Alexander counter with his swords causing an explosion mid-air. Smoke temporarily blinds them from keeping an eye out on their enemies.

Lancer takes the opportunity to charge and force Alexander and the others to a close combat where his class specializes in.

Seeing Lancer charging at them, Mash then readied her shield. Tamamo fired three sharp icicles forcing Lancer to temporarily stop to counter by blocking using his spear. Mash follows up by swinging her shield hitting Lancer in his left shoulder. Taking a few steps back, Lancer strike to which Mash deflects. This back and forth exchange happens and they entered a stalemate...

On Alexander's side, he and Archer fire arrows and swords at one another which meets in mid-air causing explosions. Although it seems they are in a stalemate, Alexander has an advantage. With his Gate of Babylon, he could potentially fire an infinite amount of swords with his C+ mana, so he thought, but fortunately for him, while his enemy may also have unlimited arrows, but because each arrow takes a lot more mana to manifest and fire compare to Alexander, he would run out of mana and lose in a few minutes if he let this continues.

Noticing his shortcomings, instead of countering, Lancer dodges the incoming swords and retreats. Alexander tried his best to prevent this but ultimately, failed. He could only watch as his enemy disappears from a burning building.

Seeing his ally retreat, he tried to makes a run for it...

Not letting another enemy escaped, Alexander fired a golden spear behind Lancer at the speed of Mach 2, his current limit. By instinct, Lancer defends himself by holding both ends of his spear tightly and letting the attack hit the middle of his spear, this endeavor proves futile as the sword hits the spear, it causes a big explosion engulfing the servant. Mash already retreated a little while ago so she was relatively safe, as, for the others, they were also fine...

As the smoke scatters by the wind, what it left behind was a crater a few meters deep. In the middle of the crater lies their enemy, or left of it. They watch as he slowly disappears from this singularity ending his life as a servant and returning to the throne of heroes...

"Is it over?" Ritsuka asked. "Yes, temporarily, at least."

"Let's also retreat, staying here won't do us any good," the whole group agreed and they return to the direction of their base...

[An: Did I do good writing the battles? This is my first time describing battles. If you have any suggestions. Let me know.]