
Fate/Dragon Ball Wars

A god was playing with some 'beads' when he had an idea. Why don't we start a Holy Grail War, but instead of the Holy Grail, the Servants and Masters have to compete for Dragon Balls? BOOM! Fuyuki City, 1994. The stage is set, and each Master receives one Dragon Ball and summons a random Servant. Saber: Yeah, it’s the usual cute King Arthur. Archer: It's the same usual arrogant prick wearing golden armor. But who the hell are these other Servants who don’t appear in human history?! Lancer: This Lancer is a 14-year-old magical girl with red hair. Rider: He is a certain prince of the Holy Britannian Empire who is extremely intelligent and rides a giant Gundam. Caster: He is a blond teenager who wants to duel with cards and has extremely high luck. Assassin: With a cross scar and red hair, he is the man-slayer. Berserker: No one can understand his origin since he could be in any class. He doesn’t speak, but his strength is no joke. --- English isn’t my first language, and I don’t own this story. If you have any complaints, please reach out in the comments or provide a review. I will be providing the necessary information since this fic includes many anime mixes. Anime so far: Fate franchise, Rurouni Kenshin, Code Geass, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Final Fantasy Read advance chapters here: www.patreon.com/OberonLA

OberonLA · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 9: Eye of the Dragon

"The battle outside is so intense, are you sure Sakura's alright with all this?"

Kariya Matou stood in the courtyard, watching Sakura skip ahead with a joyful grin. He addressed the question to the "person" beside him.

Clad in dark armor, the figure wore a helmet with twin horns that completely obscured his face. It was impossible to discern his identity – no kingdom's insignia, no hint of a legendary hero.

In fact, he exuded a villainous aura straight out of a storybook. Just his presence exerted an invisible pressure so immense that Kariya barely dared raise his voice.


Silence. No answer came from the Servant, leaving Kariya to interpret his indifference as either disdain or the influence of his "Mad Enhancement" that might render him incapable of speech. All Berserker could do was nod in agreement.

Ever since Zouken's capture and brutal death at the hands of this very Servant, Kariya had harbored no regrets. Now, his sole concern was Sakura's safety amidst the ongoing war.

He wouldn't hesitate to become a "sacrifice" himself if it meant keeping her safe.

While things seemed manageable during peaceful times, the involvement of a powerful Servant like Berserker made it abundantly clear that Sakura couldn't fully control them.

The immense magical energy consumption was a constant worry, and Kariya had volunteered to be a secondary magical supply, given his own half-hearted status as a magus.

But Berserker didn't seem to mind. Though Kariya hadn't received a response before, it appeared the other party possessed a unique ability to manage the energy drain.

At least Sakura hadn't shown any signs of discomfort during their daily interactions.

"Berserker! Look! I found one!"

Sakura skipped over, beaming, a beautiful flower clutched in her hand as she addressed the imposing figure who could easily be mistaken for a 'demon king'.

Silence once more. Then, a rough hand, surprisingly gentle in its touch, reached out from the gauntlet and stroked the little girl's head. Kariya watched from the side, a strange mix of emotions swirling within him.

"Over there?"

Berserker pointed in a specific direction with a single hand. Sakura, ever the happy child, turned and skipped off in that direction.

"That's good. Now we can talk more-"

Kariya murmured, relief washing over him as he watched Sakura run carefree. But then, he noticed Berserker's gaze fixate intently in another direction. Before Kariya could react, the Servant vanished completely.



The realization struck Kariya – Berserker had deliberately distracted Sakura. He instantly switched to a state of high alert since an enemy was nearby.


"To detect my presence so quickly? You're no ordinary opponent yourself"

Kenshin's voice boomed, his hand gripping his katana's hilt. He had barely approached when this figure sensed him – an awareness far exceeding even a Saber's.

The scent of blood. Berserker, though unable to speak, could understand the nature of the swordsman before him.

He was an executioner, a reaper stained crimson by countless lives.

Even without a hint of killing intent, the aura of bloodshed clinging to Kenshin resonated with Berserker's heightened senses. Through his grim perspective, he saw echoes of the past.

A flicker of surprise crossed Kenshin's face as he noticed the opponent stiffen momentarily. But he held back his urge to attack.

Despite his imposing appearance, this wasn't a friendly face.

Even without clashing blades, a primal instinct, honed by his past as a killer, warned him that this opponent was a worthy adversary, rivaling even Saber.


Kenshin Himura.

The executioner with a heart for the people.

Berserker's ability transcended mere "True Name Revelation" or "Clairvoyance." It was an inherent power – Transcendent Power – that allowed him to glimpse the past of those he encountered. Hiding from him was futile.

A walking paradox. As Berserker assessed the killer before him, a massive sword materialized out of thin air, eliciting a gasp from Kenshin.

"This... malevolence?"

A terrifying aura erupted as Kenshin laid eyes on the sword, its very essence pulsating with resentment. A dark energy clung to the blade, and faintly, dragon eyes seemed to take shape. Leaving aside its origin, the effortless one-handed swing that summoned it demanded caution.

Instinctually drawing his own blade, Kenshin harbored a desire to test the waters. Though it violated his Master's orders, a Servant's duty inevitably led to confrontation.

Gauging the situation now could prove invaluable. He could always retreat if necessary; his confidence in disengaging was unwavering.

But his confidence was shattered in a heartbeat. Despite Berserker's imposing physique, his agility belied it, surpassing even the Saber he faced earlier.

In the blink of an eye, Berserker was upon him.

"What the—!"

A horrifying glow emanated from the massive sword as Berserker lunged.

Eye of the Dragon!

Forged from the malevolent dragon Nidhogg slain by Berserker, the sword itself harbored immense resentment, which Berserker could readily channel.

Kenshin's movements faltered, his mind under sudden assault. The Malevolent Dragon Sword arced down in a deadly arc.



"Sakura, please wait a moment. Berserker just went to get something for you."



Kariya faltered, his brow furrowing. The coldness in her voice, so unlike her, sent shivers down his spine.

"I know. There are other unpleasant fellows coming."

Kariya's initial intention had been to casually stop Sakura from wandering off, but the shift in her demeanor left him unsettled. It wasn't just the words themselves, but the unfamiliarity he felt with the resolute tone and determined set of her jaw.

"But if it's Berserker, then surely there's no problem. No matter who he faces, he will win."

She pressed, clutching the white flower tighter in her hand.

The unwavering confidence in her statement sent another wave of unease flowing over Kariya. This wasn't the innocent Sakura he knew.

Guilt mocked Karia, a bitter counterpoint to his fierce protectiveness for the young girl. He pushed the unsettling feeling aside, focusing on the immediate situation.

As if on cue, the dark figure of Berserker materialized beside them. He stood impassively, devoid of any explanation – not that Kariya expected him to speak anyway.


"Hah... My Flying Heaven Govern Sword-Style is utterly useless against him. Who the hell is he really...?"

Kenshin leaned heavily against a tree, his breaths ragged. Never before had he encountered such a terrifying opponent. It was like facing his master, Seijurou Hiko, but this fighter was even stronger.

'No, he's far stronger than master.'

He looked down at his sword, now snapped into two pieces, a surge of conflicting emotions washing over him. Ignoring the stinging scrape across his chest, he recalled how his strikes had only managed to spark harmlessly off the opponent's heavy armor.

The man hadn't even needed to defend or block. Just a few brutal blows, and Kenshin's prized weapon was shattered.

Despite the imposing armor, the opponent's speed belied his appearance.

He was as fast, if not faster, than Saber, the formidable warrior Kenshin had faced before. And this Berserker's fighting style was unlike anything he had ever witnessed.

Perhaps, Kenshin conceded with a heavy heart, this opponent was simply beyond his current capabilities.

"Is this what they mean by 'there's always someone better, something greater'?"

He muttered, using the broken halves of his sword for support.

Entering this conflict, Kenshin had been driven by a different ideology. But in this war, it seemed the enemy grew stronger with each encounter.

As an executioner, his skills seemed woefully inadequate in the face of direct confrontation. These opponents were far more powerful than even the Tokugawa elite.

Compared to such formidable foes, Kenshin realized with a bitter pang, he still had much to learn.

The attached image of the Warrior of Light, with his imposing armor and relentless fighting style, certainly bore a striking resemblance to the monstrous "Berserker" Kenshin had just faced.

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